The UNKnown

(Race: Goblin Named - Greedy)

(Level: 00)

(Exp: 00/10)

(Titles: 00)

(Skills: 04)

(Note: Lucky trash)


(Received emergency quest: Become strong, you shit)

(Info: Fight desperately and become level 10, within 30 days)

(Reward: ??)

(Penalty for failure: permanent loss of evolution system)

It was so much information that it confused me, I had to sit on the floor and think for a while before drawing a conclusion, and my conclusion was: "This system doesn't like me".

While I was immersed in my thoughts, a sudden chill made the hairs on my body stand on end, it was then that I realized, the whole room was as dark as the deepest night and that made me breathless, it seems I was swallowed by some ancestral beast.

"Γεια σου παιδί, βλέπω ότι δεν με καταλαβαίνεις."

The voice was coming from everywhere and at the same time from nowhere, immediately images flooded my head non-stop, but they were not the usual movies where it showed my death, this time I was seeing my whole life.

"Now do you understand me?"

Besides the voice I am hearing a sound that I can't understand, it seems to be moving, it's fast but at the same time slow, it seems to come from the front but also from the left, my mind has never felt so confused.

And just when my mind seemed to split in two, something appeared in front of me, it was so irregular and shapeless that I couldn't tell what it was, but long tentacles came out of its chin and its head seemed much bigger than its body.

The color green appears and disappears while black takes up all the space, three red balls were spinning and moving freely, I assume they are its eyes, its body didn't even touch the ground and floated above my head.

"Hello Erick"

It was only by hearing my name that I could tell, he is not speaking in my language, but still I could understand, it is almost as if he is in my head, manipulating what I would understand when he speaks.

"Yes, you are as smart as they said you would be"


"Hehehe all the spirits, they look at you expectantly, because the first to return carries the mark on his body"

Incomprehensible, does he mean that because I die the dead look at me? Stopping to think how does he know I'm dead? That should be impossible.

(Title unlocked: He who came back from the dead)

And you only come to me about the title because he spoke? Damn complicated system.

"Yes, we each have unique skills, because that's how our father created us"

The shapeless blob was slowly diminishing until it took a shape I knew, it seemed to be a mirror as it took my shape, the gray hair due to lack of nutrients, the frail thin body the unknown mark below the chin and the extreme thinness due to prolonged starvation, the black spots around the eyes from countless sleepless nights, the calluses on the hands, acquired at the age of six.

"That's you, in your past life, you seemed lost when you got here, something is troubling you deeply, isn't it?"

He began to walk around me as he spoke.

"That angel, that dragon, the goblin, all of it, but yet none of it, the uncertainty of who you are or what you might become"

Slowly my mind began to go into a trance and everything around me became blurred, but his words continued in the same frequency.

"A hero? A monster? A god? Tell me, who do you want to become!"


Gasping and sweating I wake up, looking around I recognize the place, it is my room, humble small and damp, looking at my hands I remember everything that happened, was it a dream? No, a nightmare, for sure a nightmare.

"Erick, come see the sunset"

That voice, is it true if all that was a nightmare then maybe... that scene too... Exasperated I get up and run out of the cabin, with each door I pass my heart tightens and speeds up until I step out and see a shadow on the horizon.

"That voice is, Moira!"

There she was, her brown hair divided into two braids, her smile purer than the crystal clear lake and brighter than the sun itself, her black eyes passed a depth greater than any ocean.

A slender healthier body, a thin and patched dress, barefoot only to feel the grass on her feet, her hands are behind her and she strikes a cute pose, if I could I would paint this on a picture and keep it forever.

The warmth of the sun makes this all seem even more beautiful, but in the sky I see the black dots approaching, again, this can't happen again, I force myself to run as fast as I can, but it still doesn't seem enough.

I feel a pain in my chest, my throat has become dry and my thighs burn, why... why even after running so far have I still not come any closer?

The shadows in the sky grow larger, and finally I see his expressionless face, he once again speaks in an unknown language and points his finger at her, she replies something I don't hear and her stomach is pierced by an arrow of light.

She falls, blood starts to paint the grass under her feet and only then I can reach her, my mind is blank, she was not dead yet, but I could do nothing to help her, all I could do was pray?

No, not like in the dream, I want revenge, immediate, not to be reborn as a goblin again and have to go through all that just to glimpse a fraction of power, not to feel imposing while others play with my life.


Immediately a laugh rises from deep within the earth and a black aura covers my body, and for the first time in my life I feel I can do anything, strength floods my being.


With the slightest impulse my body flies into the sky and my fist hits that perfect face, I punch and knock him down, I let out all my anger and sadness until my rage passes, and yet it seems to have no end, even without a target I continue to punch the blood on the floor just to appease my rage.

When I finally stop, I find myself in the dark room, with waterfalls of tears falling from my face and another me staring expressionlessly at myself.

"I understand, neither a hero, much less a monster or a god, there is no such ambition in this little body of yours, there is only a desire in your heart"

I listen motionlessly to the sound of his footsteps as I feel no desire to look at him again, but I still hear the word ringing through the room.
