
(The system successfully stabilized Greedy's body)

(Error found at the moment of evolution: Lack of available life energy)


(Emergency countermeasure being put in place)

(Local life energy absorption started)

From Greedy's body several tentacles emerged and attached themselves to the walls and thus began to suck in something colorless or formless, but as powerful as can be imagined.

Gradually around his body a cocoon emerges that protects and nourishes him with what he needs.

No one noticed, but on this day a goblin managed to do what many mages seek in their lifetime, but that only one living being managed to collect this energy efficiently.



As I open my eyes all I see is the purest dark, as I move my left arm I find a strange viscosity, as I try to move I find my body caught in something gooey.


My consciousness has completely returned and then I was able to judge how in trouble I am, just the fact that I passed out in the enemy camp has already guaranteed me an extremely complicated situation.

Using my bone control I make a small cut where my left hand is, with the hole made I tear it until I have the freedom of the whole arm and with that I finally free myself as a whole and can see where I am.

A chamber made of stone filled with the bodies of dead ants that I killed, looking back I see where I came out of, a gray cocoon made of some material I don't know, it doesn't smell, but it has an incredible adherence to the body.

Groped all over the place and found the exit, but it is blocked by a rock, I tried to push it, but apparently can't open it from inside, bored I remembered something.

"There was something about evolution before, show me my information, strange system"

(Race: Blood Goblin - Mutant - Greedy)

(Level: 01)

(Exp: 00/10)

(Titles: 02)

(Skills: 10)

(Note: The garbage went down a complicated path)

First of all, I evolved, but my race didn't change? Mutant, where have I heard that term before? And to top it off I've moved up a level...a lot of things I don't have an answer for confuse me, so let's focus on what I can get information on.

"Show me my titles"

(Titles: 02)

(He who came back from the dead)

(Conquered the impossible)

(Title: He Who Came Back from the Dead)

(Info: Not even death could stop your thirst for revenge, but when you came back you brought something with you)

(Effect: Mark of the Immortal)

Mark of the immortal? What the fuck is that? Why does it sound incredibly powerful, but still I don't feel anything different, strange.

(Title: Conquered the impossible)

(Info: The one who managed to bring eternal enemies together)

(Effect: Gives the user a unique ability)

"Show me the skills I have gained."

(Current Skills:10)


(Blessed eyes)

(Sharp hearing)

(Mental toughness)



(Body baptized by blood)

(Higher elemental affinity - Light/Darkness)


(Animal attraction)

"Evolution worked out then? I don't feel that different."

This thought lasted until I looked at my hands, the fingers of my left hand are white while those of my right hand are black, on the back of my hand there are red circles with connected lines on each finger, while on the palm there is a gray dot.

Looking down I see on my chest a gray spiral, on closer inspection I see that my muscles seem to be drawn with a line, they are defined and robust, there is an endless energy in my body.

I feel enormous anticipation to see my face, something I have never felt before, but I am interrupted as I hear the footsteps of someone approaching, I use the sonar to find the exact place from where he will appear and prepare myself.

In this room there is only one exit and one entrance, it is not very difficult to ambush, the stone that is covering the exit is moved and a grotesque creature enters, under two feet, larger than the orc I encountered before.

A black as night shell that appears to be impenetrable armor, its four arms have fearsome claws on what could be considered its fingers, its head is a bit small compared to its body, but this is compensated by the fearsome jaws in its mouth.

His yellow eyes seem to have seen the whole room in the same instant, as with just one look he found me, his two upper arms seem to be longer and stronger, and one of these comes toward me.

The movie in my head appears, the world slows down, but before I can see what is going to happen, he grabs my head, his palm touches my forehead, while his four claws touch the back of my neck.

Sweat breaks out from my body, I get so nervous I forget to breathe for a moment, he lifts me up and places me just inches from his own face, I can clearly see those claws moving slowly and his eyes seem to be examining my soul.

I close my eyes waiting for my end, that's when two thin things touch my face, in doubt I open my right eye and see that they are his two antennae, his mouth behind his jaws opens and closes and in a few minutes I hear his voice.

His voice sounds like a muffled drum, but unexpectedly I understand what he means, he lets go of me and I fall sitting up, he turns to leave and I see his silver wings and what should be the butt of an ant.


(Race: Gluttonous ant - ?)

(Note: Why aren't you like this?)


(Difficulty: 99/100)

(Power level: 1200)

(Chance of victory: 0000.1%)

Seeing this I realize how ridiculous my situation is, this ant is 4 times stronger than a batter ant, thinking now, I can't see my own power level, will it show up in the next system evolution?

After seeing that I refrain from using any skills and focus on following him, the tunnel seems quite long and my attention falls on something else, my new skills.

(Name: Blood Baptized Body)

(Rank: ??)

(Effect: You have complete control of the flesh and muscles of your body)

My mouth stayed open for a while until I recovered again, as a test I modified my hand, the flesh shook a lot, but nothing changed, unlike osteokinesis which already gave me full control, this skill requires training.

(Name: Higher Elemental Affinity - Light/Dark)

(Rank: A+)

(Effect: Your body has an affinity with this, elements, spells that use these elements will become easier to learn, control and create)

Since all my knowledge about magic is "Wow, how awesome", I decided to focus on another aspect of this screen, the "Rank", common abilities that the system gives have a rank, while abilities granted by a god breaks that limit and cannot be ranked, at least is my guess.


(Rank: ????)

(Effect: You control death and life, light and darkness)

As I read this all the world stopped, the ant stopped, my breathing stopped, time itself stopped, in the distance I can hear the neigh of a horse and then its gallop.