What's going on?

Gods have a unique sense of humor, where fear and death make them happy, so monsters are their favorite toys, but some gods found simple monsters boring, so they had an idea.

"Why not more than one god create a single monster?"

And with that idea in mind the 12 nightmares of Gaia were born, extremely powerful and often symbolic creatures, if you happen to encounter one of these figures flee immediately.

(Eden Kingdom bulletin board)


"When I heard that there was another one of us, I personally came to check, but..."

How can such a thing exist? In front of me stands a mythical creature, his smallest achievement is to have destroyed the first elven kingdom, while his greatest is to have fought the dragon king and to have stayed alive, coming out with only a scar on his chest.

The nightmare that bears the name Inarius the Damned, with his eight legs and two wings he considers himself the fastest being in the world, in place of a horse's head there is a human torso embedded with two long arms with three fingers each.

On the shoulders of the human torso is a long neck that moves like a serpent with a flaming mane that stretches across the creature's body and joins its tail, its face is covered by a smiling clown mask with eyes shaped like a waning moon.

Its voice enters directly into my head, could this be the magic called Telepathy? It doesn't matter, what really matters is why this creature has come after me.

"The others will giggle to hear this, but somehow I feel threatened by you, goblin tell me, which gods created you?"

His serpentine neck begins to circle my body and after two turns his mask is glued with my face, our eyes meet and as if repelled by something he is thrown backwards.


As he circled my body again the whole place shook and a familiar voice came up.

"Inarius, how are you? Coming to my house and you don't even greet me."

"KHE KHE KHE, Pluto, you old stinker, I thought you were dead already!"

In front of me appeared a black cloud full of blue lightning, was that Pluto?

"Get out, no nightmare is welcome in my residence"

"You know I can't leave, one of my little brothers was born after so many millennia, we have to get to know each other properly"

The neck began to shrink and became an ordinary human neck, now Inarius resembles the extinct race called centaurs, the horse men.

"I will say just one more time, get out of here, otherwise I will extinguish this pathetic race of yours once and for all."

The cloud opened and from it emerged the pluton I first saw, the white man, however, unlike before, he now has six arms and two heads, the ring is now complete and floats on his back, as he is in front of me I cannot see his features.

"It would be an interesting fight, just imagine the legends, Pluto the formless king against Inarius the damned, I am willing to fight"

The Eyes behind the mask glowed with a red hue like the sunset, with just a yellow slit that shines like gold.

They both stared at each other for a while, and when it looked like they were going to start the battle a sound caused the two to stop in place.


Looking down there was a mouse singing and dancing, as far as I can see it is a common mouse, gray, big ears, blind and with an eye in its stomach... Eye in its stomach? Completely ignoring my surprise the mouse spoke.

"Ah, ignore me, I will just watch this time, I came because I sensed someone interesting.

He turned around and faced me, or rather his stomach... Immediately I felt a shiver throughout my body, bizarre.

"Enough, get out of my dungeon now, this is not a dump, let's go Greedy"

"Kiyaaa, what a cute name, Greedy please come visit me later and don't forget to bring him"

The mouse is striking a "sexy" pose for some reason, even the eye on its stomach has curved in a seductive way, but I'd rather focus on its words, bring who? Were those words connected with that strange title? Or maybe with that unknown voice?

"Damn demon queen, Pluto, our fight will be for later then"

Inarius was the first to leave, the rat waved his hand at me before leaving and also disappeared, the only one left was Pluto, his two pairs of eyes staring at me in a questioning way, surely he wants answers.

As soon as I opened my mouth time started to flow again and the ant slowly turned around, he saw me completely sweaty and with an astonished expression, and for some reason I saw the corner of his mouth curl up.

Damn, this ant thinks I'm like this because of him? Damn arrogant bastard, the moment I got distracted Pluto disappeared, it surely won't be long until I find him again, for some reason I feel it.

With thoughts heavier than a pregnant cow, I keep following the ant and it takes a while, but we finally reach wherever he is taking me.

"Wait here"

In front of me there are two huge doors, bigger even than this ant, he pushes them open and the first thing that comes in front of me is a gigantic creature, second only to the dragon I saw in the sky.

The ant lifts me up by one arm and throws me at the feet of the thing, beside me it kneels, could this be the queen ant? Big, very big, it must be as wide as a city mansion and as tall as a sentry tower.

Its huge head is decorated with a golden crown, its long antennae are behind as if its hair had been brushed, its eyes are blue and look exactly like that of a scout ant, but with much more intelligence.

His stout torso has only two fat arms, on his neck there is a white coat, on his chest there is a deep green colored stone and his lower part is inside a hole in the ground, so I can't tell for sure what is there, but sticking out of his back I see a pair of wings.


That giggles, as I look back I see that female ant that healed me, she also stops next to me and kneels to the queen, but unlike the soldier next to me, she looks at me and gives a smile and winks her left eye.

The black ant flies up and touches its antennae to the queen's forehead and then comes down once more and kneels down.

"Now your judgment will begin"