Is he really a nice guy?

Judgment? Could a monster create a mind intelligent enough to understand the concept of justice and punishments due to inappropriate acts before the community?

The silence is palpable, the ant queen looks me in the eye, she seems to be thinking, perhaps creating a fair judgment for my situation.


Damn I was expecting too much from an ant or maybe I am underestimating my actions too much, if it was a human city I would be being compared to a homicidal madman.

Upon hearing the sentence from my side a murderous intent arises that makes me sweat but is soon dispersed, that black ant sure wants to kill me.

"Mom, you can't kill him"

This voice, the ant that healed me is defending me? Wait, how am I understanding her? That time she healed me, could she have an ability like the black ant's? No, that would be too convenient.

"Eurim, don't interrupt mother"

"Don't talk to me, Eaco.

The two are not even looking at each other and somehow it seems like they are prepared to rip each other's heads off, now I know both of their names, but that feeling, reminds me of when my sister and I used to fight.


With just one word all hostility vanished from the room, surely this mother doesn't take questioning.

"Eurim, explain"

With a triumphant air she stood up and stopped in front of me, lifted my head and once again our eyes met, she moved closer and for a split second our lips met.

"For I have chosen him as my king"

Immediately the whole room went cold, the black ant stood up, his anger and killing intent was at its peak, with a piercing gaze he stared at me.

"How dare you"

Clenching his four fists he shouted and approached me full of rage.


His fist comes towards me, so fast that my vision can't even keep up, the movie in my mind shows that my head will be pierced through, but despite this I felt no fear, for, I felt him coming.

I have become so used to the energy he transmits that somehow I can sense when he is going to appear.

The queen screamed as if she had seen a ghost.


And in front of me is an ant twice Eaco's size, his shell is deep blue, his four arms are long like spears and the claws on his hands look like swords and his jaws are so imposing they seem to be glowing.

"Greedy you only cause me trouble"


The silence that has arisen is different from the homicidal silence from before, they seem to be revering him, even the queen seems to submit to the presence that Pluto is exuding.

"My king, you have returned"

My king? The queen is referring to Pluto as king, but before I could conclude my thoughts, two voices sounded in unison.


Father? Eurim and Eaco are kneeling on one knee and with their heads deeply bowed, I was not mistaken, they were actually revering his presence.

Completely ignoring everyone, he turns to speak to me, even crouches down to check if I am hurt anywhere.

"Is your trial over? Did they hurt you ?"

"No and I'm fine"

"Very well! Let's go".

One of his hands takes my head and lifts me up, my feet can't even get close to the ground, the two brothers are still kneeling and the queen despite having something against doesn't say anything, apparently they have a history.

He started to walk towards the exit, that's when someone stood in his way, it's Eurim, his arms are wide open.

"You can't take him away father

"Stop, you can't interfere with his decisions.

The queen has spoken up for the first time in a while, she appears to be afraid, it's fear I find in her voice, but, why would she be afraid of someone as nice as Pluto?

"Get out of the way ant"

"No, you can't take him"

"Ok, then I'll cross over"

It was all so fast, when I blink I was already on the other side, in front of the door, there is something warm on my cheek, when I touch it I feel the viscosity and the smell, and soon I realize what it is, it is blood, but whose blood?

"Come on Greedy, we will start your training immediately"

He put me on the ground and kept walking, looking back I see whose blood it is, Eurim's body is lying on the ground, her body is divided in two parts, Eaco is holding one of her hands, are those tears falling from her eyes?

Damn, this was not supposed to happen, not to her, going against what Pluto said I come back, immediately Eaco stands up, he seems to be threatening me, but I ignore him, my only focus is Eurim.

I kneel in front of her, that ability says I can control life and death, so maybe I can bring her back, only I don't know how to use it, it's the same principle as the gained abilities, I have to learn to use it from scratch.

"System, if you can, help me with this"

(Aid requested)

(Aid denied - Reason: It won't help the individual's evolution)

"If I learn to use magic it will make me stronger, soon I will improve"

(Aid requested)

(Aid denied - Reason: It won't help the individual's evolution)

Damn, looks like I'll have to do this myself, but where to start, magic is a very sensitive point for humans, so rumors are not admitted, the only way to learn is to enter the school of magic.

"Consider this your first lesson, every living thing has a reserve of life energy and to use magic you have to get it flowing through your body."

That voice, looking back, I see Pluto staring at me with his arms crossed.

"The surrounding energy makes up the dungeon, don't try to use it, because, it is practically impossible, focus inside you, find it, make it flow through your body and in the end focus on one point, for now focus on your hands"

That's very complicated, am I really going to be able to do that? Hesitation takes control of my mind, but Pluto keeps guiding me.

"I don't know what you want to do, but don't despair, believe in yourself and if you still don't feel confident, think or speak a word or two during the process, it should help"

Taking a deep breath I close my eyes and begin to focus inward and soon find a white sun somewhere in my mind and follow it.