A goblin's awakening

The sun illuminates a hill and at the bottom there is a black moss that tries to climb up and take it, but when it finds the sunlight, it burns and retreats, this happens constantly, and this is the current balance of my body.

On top of the hill there is a red cross and crucified is a child, however the place where there should be eyes, have only the most fearsome darkness, in his hands there are two circular shaped cuts, the child seems to have noticed me, then his mouth opens, but no sound is emitted.




From the wounds on the child's hand moss drips and joins with that on the ground, still ignoring the child I continue to see the hill, the shadow of the cross is white and branches off in three directions, however unlike the child these shadows have eyes and are staring at me. The boy's voice comes out of the shadow's mouth.

Behind the cross is a tree creating a shadow that protects the moss that falls from the boy's hands, the top of the tree is wide and completely gray in as the trunk is so wide that the entire center of the hill is dominated by it.




That voice, haven't I heard it before? That way of speaking, it was he who released the darkness when the light appeared in my body and that time in the dungeon. This boy... what is he trying to do?



"Brought me?"

The boy seems really bothered by my presence, but I really don't know who he is.


"I am"


The mouth is moving, but the sound seems to have been cut off at the last second, looking at the shadows once again, I see that one of them has his hands covering his mouth.

This is strange, but I don't have enough time for more riddles, I will have to come back another time, but now I have to focus on my goal, there has to be something here that will allow me to use magic, but what? It was at this moment that in the tree something shone and caught my attention.

It appears to be an apple, however, it has a red stripe and the top is white, while the base is black, I may not be sure, but I feel that this is what I am looking for.

At this point I approach the tree and pick the fruit with my hand, the fruit is a little bigger than I imagined, but still small enough to pick with one hand. I brought it close to my mouth, closed my eyes because of the uncertainty, and took a bite.

When I open my eyes again, I am back in the dungeon, the ant in front of me is still divided in two, but inside I feel a difference, an unknown energy is growing rampant in my body.

I feel it rising from the bottom of my stomach, passing through my lungs and touching my heart and still rising, following the flow it rises to the back of my neck and I feel a sting and then the energy disappears.

Everything around me becomes strangely still, silent, even the black ant that was next to me slowly and cautiously moves away, I look back and Pluto is no longer with his arms crossed, his mouth is slightly open, but he doesn't look at me.

His eyes focus on something above, below my head, with a simple movement I look up and stay the same way, for above my head is the figure of an angel with eight wings, white as snow and pure as a saint.

The angel has the appearance of a one year old child, he is naked and his naked body has the greatest beauty I have ever seen, his skin glows even in the dark and his long hair floats even without the flow of air.

He looks down and a beautiful smile crowns my eyes, he reaches up to my forehead and gives me a kiss, immediately I feel the energy coming back and coursing through my body once again, from the middle of my forehead to my little finger, but all at once, it's as if I can feel my blood veins pumping blood throughout my body.

In rebellion to this another energy awakens from the middle of my chest, its roots branch out to my back and abdomen and take hold of my spine, it goes up my neck and only stops when it pierces my eyes, I feel a throbbing pain all over my body.

From my chest I feel a hallucinating pain and when I look down I see a childish head, two small horns grow from his forehead and his red eyes are piercing, his smile is cruel and his teeth are like blades.

He pretends to release a kiss into the air and once again pain courses through my body, exactly in the same path as the light and both somehow merge and find balance and once again I feel an unknown energy coursing through my body.

Light or Darkness, I can't tell what it is, but I can tell for sure that it will not go to sleep as before, it is active and asking to be used, I look at the palms of my hands and somehow feel what I should do.

Once again I close my eyes and concentrate, everything around me is dark, but somehow I know what is happening, the energy around me is gathering around me and serving as a battery to charge my power, the dungeon is obeying me.

I open my eyes just to make sure, but one of my hands is white like the angel and the other black like the demon, this is my power, this is me so I say, come back to me Eurim, don't leave me alone.

"Live and together we will fulfill my vengeance"

The two energies merge in the space left by my hands and fall on the broken body and soon the magic shows itself, it begins to float and its two pieces come together into one, but it doesn't stop there.

The ant's entire shell changes color, its previous dark tone is replaced by a pure white tone, it is reflecting what I want, this ant is not evil so it deserves all my light, live and light my future.

A white ball condenses between the woman's breasts and releases lights to the top of the cave and illuminates the entire passage, everyone seems to have been blinded by the excess light, but not me, I can clearly see everything that is happening.

In the blinding light the ant changes shape, a cocoon of light forms in the air and protects it, the surrounding energy that has been channeled into my body completely pours into the cocoon and the colors green and red come out of nowhere.

The ant is being baptized by the life energy of the cave, this is unexpected, but at the same time it is good, because in this way it will become stronger.

The end of the resurrection is near and the light slowly fades, the cocoon is slowly lowered until it touches the ground and as soon as it comes into contact with the cave floor it cracks and breaks and from there she emerges.

I still see her silhouette but before I could actually see her, my vision begins to blur and little by little the world begins to slowly fade and I once again fall and darkness greets me.