The Light Ant

(You acquired the title: Conqueror of the impossible)

(You acquired the title: Surgeon of Death)


(The individual was successfully resurrected and is now eternally linked to the host due to light magic being predominant during the process)

(The individual is now under the honorary protection of the system)


(The nameless ant evolved during the process)

(The nameless ant requests that the Host name it)


(Due to the successful evolution the individual: "Greedy" evolved one level)

(Due to the successful evolution of the nameless individual and the honorary protection of the system, the individual received skills from the Host)


(During the process you created the skill named: Vivere)

(Due to the successful creation of the skill the individual: "Greedy" evolved one level)


(Someone looks at you amazed and with interest)

When I open my eyes I am presented with so many System Logs that it gave me a headache, but I will have to inspect them properly nonetheless, otherwise I will let something slip through like last time with the "mark of the immortal", so I will start with the titles.

(Titles: 04)

(He who came back from the dead)

(Conquered the impossible)

(Master of the impossible)

(Surgeon of Death)


(Title: Master of the impossible)

(Info: The individual named Greedy achieved the impossible by correctly using the opposing energies of light and darkness)

(Effect: None)

A bonus just to boost my ego ? I haven't seen this system praising me in a while, although this title just seems like a modified version of the other, lazy system.

(Title: Surgeon of Death)

(Info: By using forbidden spells he managed to bring a creature back to life)

(Effect: None)

Two titles with no effects ? Interesting, it seems that I am being recognized by the system, even if I still doubt its intentions... This leads me to the next Log, the light magic has some hidden effects in ? Due to my selfish and aesthetic desire I acquired a slave, is that it ?

(Race: Blood Goblin - Mutant - Greedy)

(Level: 03)

(Exp: 03/10)

(Titles: 04)

(Skills: 11)

(Note: The garbage took a complicated path)

Okay, I quickly inspected my status screen, but there's nothing too different or unfamiliar, so I went straight into the skills which is what really interests me.

(Current skill:11)


(Blessed eyes)

(Sharp hearing)

(Mental toughness)



(Body baptized by blood)

(Higher elemental affinity - Light/Darkness)


(Animal attraction)


Yes, this skill I bought, but that horse terrified me too much when it appeared, I even forgot about its existence.

(Name: Animal Attraction)

(Rank: A)

(Effect: Animals are attracted to you and will follow you more easily)

It's an interesting ability, not one that I would choose if I had the opportunity, but that's it, one more thing that I will have to test to see its full utility.

(Name: Vivere)

(Rank: F)

(Effect: Through light a dead person can be brought back to life, however due to the user's basic understanding the ability is incomplete)

(Effect 2: The ability will grow according to the user's understanding of death and light)

This ability was created because of my overuse of light, so if I do the opposite and use darkness I will create a new one? Would I gain another level? Too many probabilities and to close this confusion in my head, I feel this stranger looking at me from somewhere.

Sneaky and a little shy, but I feel it and it annoys me, for I believe it might be some idiot god with nothing to do.

With everything checked I took a deep breath and for the first time I worried about my surroundings, even though I was sure that Pluto wouldn't let me die, I still feel afraid of that ant named Eaco.

I get up and see brown walls, still inside the cave around me are colored stones, they serve to illuminate the dark cave, it looks like a room, I am located where the bed could be, although it is still the floor.

Once again there is no one, so I use the sonar and around me I find more than ten individuals, this place is being watched, as soon as I use the sonar someone seems to notice because they come straight into the room.

Who appears is a tall woman with long legs and a curvaceous body, her waist is like that of a guitar, her breasts are modest and are being held by a white sash, from her hips to near her knees a simple skirt covers the important parts.

On her neck is a necklace made of some random line, her chin is thin as well as her face, her ears are pointed and her nose is small, below it her lips rule with a cherry pink.

Her eyes are round and bright, the color blue with a red center hypnotize you, on her forehead there is a symbol of three prisms and her hair is long and white with green tips.

As our eyes meet she shows me a smile so beautiful that I believe I have fallen into some kind of hypnosis, she runs towards me and hugs me tightly, my head is between her breasts and I smell her sweet scent.

Her skin is soft to the touch and her hands are a little moist, she lifts my head holding it with her hands and gives me a passionate kiss and as soon as our lips touch I feel her tongue invading my mouth and I pull her away due to the fright.

She understands I think and so she takes a few steps back and sits in front of me, her hands are on her knees and her eyes are fixed on me.

"Master give me a name"

Unexpectedly she speaks my language, is this the ant I brought back to life? That's impossible, it looks so much like a human that I can't even tell the difference.

System knows what to do.

(Race: Gluttonous Light Ant - ...)

(Level: 00)

(Exp: 00/10)

(Titles: 02)

(Skills: 5)

(Note: Too good for someone like you)

It's like I'm looking at my own status window.