The dawn of a new era

"Greedy quick, we don't have time"

His tone is urgent, he seems really anxious about something, and that makes my heart quicken, and likewise my steps, and soon I am right in front of him, at my feet are the unknown objects, looking at them I find faces and shapes, they are babies.

"Don't mind them, give me your hand, I have a place to go and I don't trust these ants"

"Calm down, I have things to ask"

Without listening he grabbed my hand and in the blink of an eye I appeared in a different place, as far as I can see I find ruins, the grass is tall enough to touch my belly, where are we?

"Come, and don't let go of my hand"

It is a bit embarrassing, but I listen to what he says and soon we start walking, he pulls me to the center of the ruins and in front of us are five other people, all covered by robes which make them look suspicious.

"Another one, I didn't know there were that many of the primordials who knew this place"

Primordials ? no kidding, looking at Pluto I confirm my suspicions due to the seriousness of his ant face, soon his form changes and he becomes a child about my size, gray hair, short arms and a common garment.

"Who would have thought we would meet again Hagar, the first son of the mountains"

"ZIZIZIZIZIZIZI, Pluto the formless king"

Hagar? Let me think about that for a moment... No, that would be the first titan to be born? The famous mad titan who goes to the depths of the sea only to challenge the last Marine? But the legends say that he is as big as a mountain, his fists should be the size of hills.

Hagar removes his tunic and his size begins to grow rampant, and only stops when his head touches a cloud, his body is brown, and his muscles seem to have been sculpted so amazingly, his clothing is just a skirt that barely reaches his knees.

On his biceps there are rings circling, on his chest a necklace made of teeth, but the shape of each tooth is so different from the other that it indicates that they are not the teeth of the same creature.

His face is virile to the extreme, his chin is square and his eyebrows are thick, his beard is badly done and his eyes emit the green of a precious stone, his hair black as night is loose and looks more like a cape, for, it covers his broad shoulders and reaches the lower part of his back.

"Let's fight Pluto, since you blew my cover, this request is the least possible"

"Shut up brute, there are no disguises that can cover our energy, surely everyone already knew the identities of the others, they just kept a low profile out of courtesy"

A female voice echoes across the plain and makes my sensitive ears hurt, she removes her tunic and her body lights up the whole place, about the size of an adult's fist, pointed and transparent wings, equally arrow-shaped ears and her body covered by a white flower with pink spots.

Because of the light I cannot see her face or features, but in my imagination she is as beautiful as an elf.

"You filthy fairy, stay away"

"Even you are here Kalmia the flower calamity"

Pluto speaks her name and I am struck by yet another legendary person, blamed for poisoning the black river, she is judged for killing over a dozen villages and leaving sequels throughout the demon realm, she is the greatest enemy of all species.

"I see that hiding will be useless in the face of such legends"

One more threw her tunic away and showed her face to the audience and to my surprise it is a child, she wears a traditional outfit, white on top and red on the bottom, she has long orange hair divided into two braids and a pair of fox ears on top of her head.

On her back nine tails swing from side to side and in her left hand is a golden staff that emits a rattling sound as it moves, on her cheeks are three dashes and the color of her eyes are equally orange.

"Mistress Miko, how long, are you no longer wearing the glasses I gifted you?"

"Pluto, don't play innocent, I know your intentions, you won't be able to get into my mind that easily"

The scarlet fox, Miko? Moonlight slayer, chaos shaman, sorceress of the deep, mother of beasts... There are so many titles I don't even dare to pronounce, this woman is on a different level compared to everyone I've seen so far.

"Why are you scared little ant? Don't you trust that Pluto will protect you?"

With me, she spoke to me? Before I could answer another person spoke to me.

"I smell shit coming from you, tell me, why do I hate you?"

The tunic of his body was thrown up and ripped, thus revealing his body, two horns as big as my arms grow on his forehead, the eyes below them are black and hostile, his fangs come out of his mouth and he has a triangular symbol on his chin.

He wears a black suit with a red tie, his body is slender and seems to have no muscles, he appears to have the stature of an average adult human, and the claws of his hands are red.

"The stench of shit comes from that stinking mouth of yours, Edwin"

"I didn't know you were so fond of bugs Pluto, I the great Edwin can provide you with several scoria if you get down on your knees and lick my shoes"

I don't know who he is, but to be present to these amazing people he must be strong, with that only one person is still in his tunic, she is on her back and seems to be looking at a pillar in the center of the ruins.

"Quiet, it's time for it to happen"

The person with her back spoke and immediately a beam of light fell from the sky to the pillar she is standing near, the pillar lit up in green and a transparent screen appeared in the air and the following words were written on it.

[A new generation has been born and thus the tenth cycle begins and ends, the world now enters a new era, "The great era of the invaders"]

"So the fourth era is marked by invaders? Beings from another world just as predicted, those crazy gods, but it has no difference, the beast kingdom will remain strong."

"Damn, the trouble it took to keep the world stable at the beginning of the third era, with all those monsters coming out of the depths of the earth and now this plus this, unknown invaders"

"Shit, I'll have to go now and inform my queen, the fairies need to know of the danger"

"I curse you damned people watching us, Edwin is no good to be a supporting player"

Only Pluto and the person in the robe remained silent, they seem to be thinking about something, but really the birth of a new age is complicated and completely random, since ages only start when the gods are bored.

"I see, the taking of Eden must occur as soon as possible, otherwise the humans will take even more of a lead in this fight"

The person in the robe spoke to herself and then the earth began to shake and plants began to appear around her and soon a tree appeared to her left, she touched the tree and finally her robe fell off revealing a woman with deep green hair.

She is not wearing any clothes, so I can see her naked body, her skin is light green, and on her back there is a tattoo of a tree and the roots form a pair of wings, she turns her face and our eyes meet for a fraction of a second and then she disappears with the tree.

"Let's go too"

Pluto squeezes my hand and we start walking to the corner we came from, but in our way a titan appeared, his smile shows his inflexibility, but Pluto ignores him and once again we disappear and appear in the dungeon.

"He will find me soon, but we still have time, let's start your training Greedy"