The guinea pig that became the protagonist

The world of Gaia is huge and is home to a myriad of races, and with each passing year the number increases, how old the planet is is impossible to know, but three eras have been counted since the beginning of time.

The first Era does not have a name, but many refer to it as the "Age of Origin", for it was during this period that the ten primordial gods and the world of Gaia were born, how long it lasted is uncertain, as the only ones present in it never spoke to mortals.

The second Era is called "The Primordial Age", it was in this period that the first sentient race appeared, completely unknown and said to serve no God, it was also marked by the creation of the ten primordial races.

Its duration is around nine centuries, some oracles say even a millennium.

The third Era was named "The Dark Age", marked by the death and fall of several civilizations. This Era is marked by the first generation of monsters and the appearance of dungeons all over the world.

It lasted a millennium and ended with the tenth generation of monsters.

The Fourth Era has just begun, but is considered by those who predicted it to promise to be the most chaotic, "The Age of Invaders" is so fearsome that the world itself refuses to obey the laws of its creators and so created its first child with a single mission.


Gaia's emissary knew even less than a child, he was generated in this place with only one mission "Save the world", a perfect being that does not know selfishness, anger or discrimination, common things in the world.

Easily he discovers his senses like his touch which he discovered by touching the grass, and with his sense of smell he smells the flowers, with his hearing he hears the sound of birds singing and with his sight he finds the most wonderful sight he will ever witness.

A lake so clean that he could see the fish swimming and in the reflection he finds his appearance, first of all he faces himself and is confused, several questions go through his head, information that he doesn't even know how to pronounce or process.

His eyes have no definite color and periodically change color, his nose is thin and pointed, even a little snubbed, his mouth is small and his teeth equally minimal, he sticks out his tongue and finds his last sense, taste.

Placing his finger against it, he tastes bitter and somewhat salty, he discovers his own sweat, but there is still something that catches his attention, and that is the hair he has on his head, it is smooth and silky to the touch and has a deep and vivid green color.

The person without identity continues his search for information, groping his body and discovering new sensations, pains, stimuli, he spent several minutes just on this, from his chest to his groin and from his groin to the soles of his feet, different and very pleasant sensations.

The breeze touches his body and the hair spread over his body stands up and so he discovers the cold, touching the water with his fingers he gains new information about his mother's creation.

Standing up he moves on, notions like modesty or shame are unknown to this being, so he manages to walk naked and still hold his head high, with large steps he enters the forest.


"Hey Greedy quiet that mind of yours, I'll answer any questions you have, but calm down"

After we got back from that crazy excursion, I couldn't contain myself, there were so many questions that I couldn't even hide my doubts starting with those kids in the dungeon.

"They are the Greedy invaders, but before you start your training, I have something to do"

Still in child form he clapped his hands, and as if the whole dungeon obeyed him we were moved to a different room, unlike everything else here the floor is paved with stones and there are torches on both sides of the wall.

We moved a little further and stopped at the deepest part of the dungeon, exactly in the dark room that I was able to break into easily, but unlike before the appearance of this place has changed completely.

The ceiling and the left wall seem to be an aquarium, as it shows the river we are submerged in, fish of all shapes and sizes swim and appear slowly, the sunlight makes everything very well lit, despite the depth.

In the center of the room there is a small orb floating and emitting light constantly, the orb has nothing on it, it is completely smooth and seems to be transparent since I can see the other side when I stare.

Not far away there is a golden throne with red upholstery, on the handles there are lions heads and on the top two small bird wings, the feet of the throne are also shaped like the paws of some animal I don't know.

"Welcome to the most important room in this dungeon, the dungeon core room"

He floats to the front of the core and places his hand on it, but does not touch it and immediately a screen opens up and covers the entire space above the room, the edges are round and the screen is completely blue with black lettering.

"Let's see, the number of monsters seems Ok, the species too, however, we have nine anomalies that don't fit, it must be them"

He snaps his fingers and the sound reverberates echoing throughout the place, in response the walls shake and the fish move away, shortly after with nine beams of light six different monsters appear in front of me and the three babies.

In front of me there is a goblin, a slime, a skeleton, a wolf, a spider and a human, they all look pretty ordinary, but before I even blinked a notification sound crossed my mind and a screen appeared in front of me.

(Emergency quest created)

(Devour and evolve)

(Info: The invaders appeared in front of you, take advantage of your moment of weakness and devour them)

(Reward: ??)

First of all, let's look at their status screen so I can confirm my suspicions and reaffirm my will.





I can't? This is ridiculous, even a primordial Pluto can't stop the system from creating a status screen for it, but these weak monsters can? If you stop to think about it there is only one reason for this, is it because they are from another world?

"Why can't I see the status of that goblin, this is ridiculous.

He spoke, the skeleton spoke in my language, damn I don't understand anything, did he talk about status? Does he have a system like I do? This is ridiculous, this power is mine, there can be no others with god given power, unless...

"When you appeared to me, it was at my lowest moment, the urge to die had already taken over my mind, but curiosity took over, what would the gods be up to? Why were the dead restless, and unfortunately I have my answer.

My mind went blank upon hearing this, my eyes lost focus and once again I go into despair, Pluto's words, am I a guinea pig for some experiment? That would be impossible, right?

"Yes Greedy, I had my suspicions before, but now I am sure, you were a guinea pig for the birth of the fourth Age"

With total perplexity I look at Pluto, guinea pig? Damn, so that damned god just used me? How many more of me are out there? How many Greedy 's have been reborn only for the purpose of serving as a rat collecting data?

"Hey calm down, unfortunately this is what the gods do kid, you have been blessed with a second chance focus on that, remember your sister, regardless of the reason you are still alive and can get revenge, focus on that, your power is yours and no one can change that"

Pluto's next words ignited in my chest the spark that for a second I forgot, my life is mine and belongs only to me.

"Remember, you wanted to die, but now you have a purpose again, you have reaffirmed your existence, you have been reborn and now you can't wait for the time to train and become stronger, it is because of you Greedy that I have not died yet, Thank you"

And when I reaffirmed my existence a movie plays in my head, the wolf moves and bites my leg, then the goblin will move forward and try to stab me, but will be hit by a skeleton attack.

This vision made me certain, the spark that was lit by Pluto has burned brightly and once again I hold my head high, I am not a guinea pig, regardless of the circumstances I am alive and that is what matters.

As soon as the wolf moved, rage took over my mind and body, and when he grabbed my leg, the top of his muzzle was pierced by a long, pointed bone, blood flew, but he didn't die.

The goblin hesitated, but did not escape my fury, the darkness contained in my chest explodes and a black spear takes shape above my head and pierces his thigh, his cry of pain startles the skeleton who completely stops his movements, but it is already too late.

I had already started to run and my fist loaded with light hits his face, his jaw breaks and he falls sitting on the ground, even though he is a skeleton I can see the surprise and fear in his eyes, the others around me move a few steps away, but when I pass my bloodthirsty gaze over them, they lock in place.

"Alright! I saw the wolf move, but I thought you would handle it my pupil, now that we have introduced ourselves, let's start the question game, answer truthfully and believe me when I say I know when you are lying."

They are still scared of me, but as they feel the bloodlust emitted by Pluto, their eyes change shape, and their fear becomes dread and desperation as they notice that that child is even stronger than me.

"Look at that, I got your attention, now tell me which world you belong to?"