
"So they belong to a place called, earth. There they don't use life energy but something called electricity? So everyone on that planet is a mage user of the yellow element?"

"No Greedy, they use a different force called technology, something similar to what ancient civilizations created, but much more developed."

All six monsters are now kneeling and with their heads lowered, the wolf and the goblin are groaning in pain in the corner, the black spear is gone, but the cut left by it has taken the same color as the spear and seems to be spreading to the rest of the body.

"Do you all have a system that allows you to evolve?"

Two of them looked me in the eye upon hearing my question, one was the spider and the other the human, it is worth noting that the spider is small and has the size of a mouse, while the human appears to be a young man of ten.

"Obviously we do"

"My system is telling me to kill you"

I put my hand against my chin and started thinking, I am the prototype of this project and I have been alive for a few days, days... really! The mission, system show me the mission to increase the level.

(Become strong, you piece of shit)

(Info: Fight desperately and become level 10, within 30 days)

(Reward: ??)

(Penalty if failed: Permanent loss of evolution system)

(Time to completion: 10 days)

Time really does pass quickly, but it makes sense, I've been down here all this time, so it's impossible to know when the days are up, so I've been alive for a month ? I also don't know how long I spent in that dungeon with Long Neck...

Remembering it brings back memories, are they doing well there with the Czar? If I don't remember wrong, he was wanting an army to participate in the event two years from now, I have to become strong soon and come back, wait for me my brothers.


A trio of goblins fight desperately against a group of men, the goblins are equipped with wooden weapons and a basic garment that barely covers their privates, while the humans wear metal armor and use rusty swords.

"Go, those goblins are nothing"

The leader of the humans appears to be a woman, she is mounted on a white horse and on her back the shimmering cape displays the symbol of a tree surrounded by three walls and on each wall is a sword.

Following the woman's order five knights run after the goblins, all with their swords in fists, however, their armor is missing some parts, their expressions show the fatigue they are feeling, but they faithfully follow their boss' orders.

"Run, they are running away"


"I'll bring them to us"

As they enter the forest a goblin throws himself from one of the trees, his massive body collides with the men and knocks them down, the goblin has such incredible muscles that he looks more like an orc, from his back jumps a smaller goblin with a bow and arrow and hits one of the knights in the eye.

The other survivors get up and go on guard, but they are already surrounded, five goblins surround them. Two of them look identical if you look at them quickly, the only thing that differs is the colors of their eyes.

The twin goblins seem slightly stronger than the others, which is why they attracted the knights' attention, both wear a silver visor and wield a rusty short sword.

The other three have features that stand out, but the men were too scared to stop and assess them well, the woman in the distance was facing a brown goblin, his stature is unusual as he looks like a teenager.

The goblin does not hide his lewdness and looks directly at the woman's breasts and licks his lips, lowering his head he stares at her thighs around the horse and only then does he look her in the eyes.

"You will be my wife, so I don't want to hurt you too much"

"The goblin who speaks the language of humans, you must be the king! If I kill you today, the goblins will stop their attacks on my scouts."

Slamming her heels into the horse she begins her attack, her drawn sword gleams in the sun and she brandishes it at her enemy but that is easily avoided, the horse continues to advance and when she turns to make a second attack the goblin has vanished.

Her confusion is short lived as she feels her enemy's hot breath on her neck and soon after feels his tongue touching her skin, in a panic she tries to hit him with her sword but it is too long and heavy so before she can even swing it she stops.

"Very well! Don't make me kill you."

She stopped as she felt the claws of such a creature on her back, the fear of death stopped her, then she was held by the neck like a slaughtered animal and thrown off the horse, the animal was not so lucky.

With his fangs he bites the animal's neck, the horse struggles and runs, but the lack of blood makes them lose energy and strength and finally fall dead on the spot, the goblin tasting the taste of his prey chews the part of the meat in his mouth.

"Take care of the horse, I will now savor my new beloved"

The goblin seems to be talking to himself, but from the shadows of the trees three goblin emerge, the same goblins that caught the team's attention, they knew their mission was to take care of the food due to their weak battle strength.

Turning his head the goblin looks at his next prey, blood drips from the corner of his mouth and a sadistic smile appears, he walks slowly and approaches the dizzy woman on the ground, he runs his claws through her legs and leaves shallow cuts.

The momentary numbness passes as she feels the pain, the woman looks at her attacker and sees how much he craves it, he continues to run his claws through the woman's body and tears her clothes off, and she hopelessly finds herself naked on the battlefield.

"Stop now monster and there will be redemption for your actions"

The monster stopped for only a second, there was no hesitation or doubt in his actions, he stopped only because his ears moved, in the distance he can hear the march of an army.

"It seems the Elves have begun their attack, amazon"

"Don't talk nonsense, creature"

Totally ignoring the woman, the goblin shouted to his soldiers.

"Fall back"

Leaving nothing behind, the eleven goblins leave that part of the forest behind, in the distance the army marches on without caring about those who look at it, their target, a human kingdom surrounded by a wall with a face on it.