A young man in his underwear

"Hello Greedy, it's been thirty moons since we last saw each other, a lot has changed since then, starting with this place. We are no longer an invisible tribe, Czar's tactical mind is far greater than anticipated and his ambition goes hand in hand with his intelligence, that little tribe has grown to the point where it can be called a village now."

"We have a fragile wooden wall protecting us, children are born practically every day, goblins reproduce easily and take less than twenty moons to be born, ten moons later they can already be armed and sent out on searches for food and thus begin their training as a soldier"

"I am not doing so well, a few moons ago I injured my leg so I can no longer run and soon I was abandoned by the one who calls himself king, Red and Blue are doing well, they tried to find a stone like that to heal me but it was a search in vain"

"Apparently all the nearby dungeons have been completed and the wild monsters in the forests can't get enough life energy to condense a stone, I am being protected by them, but I don't know how much more I can take, I hope you come back soon, for you are my last and only hope."

Ass: Long Neck.

"Greedy it's been days, you should give your verdict soon"

Damn, Pluto expects me to kill those invaders, my system wants me to kill those invaders, but I am not sure, it has been three days since I asked to postpone the decision to kill them, but I am running out of arguments to postpone even more.

"Pluto, why don't you focus on getting my questions answered instead?"

I am now in the dungeon core room, everything is still the same except that these six monsters are captive in the corner and three babies are lying on a table, cutlery and forks are nearby, all that is missing now is for him to write a sign with very large words "EAT".

"Okay, as much as I can read your mind, I want to hear your words, I will interrupt when I think it is necessary and don't think I don't know what you are planning.

Since he has assumed this child form, he has not changed it, and I can even say that it is a little strange to see a child with his arms crossed on a throne, especially since he is now only wearing an outfit that the people from the other world said existed, it is called "Underpants", apparently everyone wears them to keep their private things in place.

"We will start with my evolution, there are several questions about it, first: when I searched for magic I saw within me a very unique scene, I believe you are seeing it since I am thinking about it now, can you tell me something about it?"

"I have never seen anything like it, the boy has no face to me, as for the rest it is common for mages to use mental images to learn magic, next"

"About my control..."

The boy looked quite impatient and stood up.

"Yes you are special, you control light and darkness, even the energy of the cave, I never knew about someone like you, you are genius and a fast learner, I would even say you can be classified as a prodigy of magic"

At the end of his words he floated under my head and pointed at the captives.

"Now that we're done, tell me what we're going to do with them, that skeleton has been bothering me for days now"

Although he said everything I wanted to hear, it wasn't as glamorous to me as I imagined it would be, a unique being as well as nightmares, great aptitude for magic and with a strange system, it all sounds so amazing, I can't believe this is my life.

"You keep having these derogatory thoughts Greedy, it annoys me"

There's no way I won't have it, in two rooms there's a wonderful woman willing to give me her life if I ask, my future looks so full of light and glory I can't even believe it. Only... what if all this is just a lie that I am imagining on my deathbed? What if when I blink I go back to my old life? I don't want that.

My body trembled involuntarily at the mere thought of having my old life back, the cold, the hunger and the poverty, none of it, I don't want any of it, as I was lost in my thoughts, I was hit by something.

Pluto who was flying above me throws himself in my direction, his two feet meet his target and I end up being thrown away, when I get up he is there looking at me with a fixed and furious gaze.

"Greedy you idiot, I don't want to hear those shitty thoughts of yours, let's just get it over with so I can start this damn training of yours"

Unusual, Pluto has never lost his temper, I've always had that kind of thinking since we met, but this is the first time he's lost his temper. What is different from before? Before I wanted to die, now I don't want that to be a lie, a lot has changed, but it still doesn't feel like a reason.

"Let's go soon, decide what to do with them, quick!"

What if it's not me, what if it's them? The variable here is them, since they appeared Pluto has been strange, sometimes nervous and sometimes anxious, are they causing this change?

"I hadn't realized that, is that how I've been acting these past few days?"

Damn mind reading, he didn't use it that often, so I forgot it existed.

"Yes, there is something wrong, I am not well, every time I look at them, it is as if I am feeling a strange need, an urge... or maybe an order.

I received a mission when I saw them, so it is safe to say that they received one too, with that thought I walk over to them, the six of them look at me, they have been three days without food, living only on the water I provide, so they are much weaker and submissive.

"Answer, what missions do you currently have?

Among all of them, the spider is the most cooperative, she answers between breaths, since she doesn't have enough energy to form sentences.

"Kill... Natives."

These crazy gods, do they really intend to start a war on a world scale? If all the natives have reactions as crazy as Pluto's at the sight of an invader then....

"Then there will be endless chaos and death."

Turning around I see Pluto, his form has changed, though not much, he is now a teenage version of that child.

"Just like the beginning of the third era, we will have dark years ahead Greedy, starting from now I will train you, I don't care about these such invaders, the god of wisdom will no longer boss me around"

The panty pluton teenager raised his fist in opposition to his god and uttered the following words.

"Fuck the orders of a sadistic god"