The first class

"Since I already know that you don't know anything about the world, I will start by explaining you about the orders, the first thing to know is that the orders are places where there can be no conflicts, unless they are sanctioned by themselves"

"There are currently four active orders in the world. The Order of the Sun which aims to train the body and the mind, those who graduate from it can choose three different paths: the Valiant Warrior, user of a large sword and heavy armor, The Boxer who fights only with his fists and his courage and The Dawn Rider, mounted on a fierce horse and using a long spear, they are fearsome on the plains."

"The Order of the hunters train their dexterity and stealth, unlike the order of the sun, this order trains its students in all activities equally so all graduated student of it are fearsome, for, they always know how to shoot with bow and arrow, use dagger or short sword and learn to kill with silence, speed and sometimes with poison"

"It does not call itself an order, but rather The Great Cathedral, they train the soul and inner peace, they have a wide range of healing spells and buffs. Every pope that ever existed in the world came out of this place, as did every cleric, light knight or nun, so beware of teams that have a student from this place, for no doubt they will be able to increase the duration of battle with their spells."

"Next comes the less frequented order, as in the wizard order only those who have the money to pay for their studies or who have the innate talent with magic enter, trained always to be the elite, they have a sense of superiority."

"It is common for elemental mages, transformation mages or corrupt mages to come out of the wizard order. Magic users are always shrewd so never let your guard down, depending on the race there are limitations as to magic and it is known as Spell Limit"

"The spell limit works as follows, races with a lower life energy reserve cannot use many spells per day, an ordinary human can use only five spells per day, while an elf can use ten. Yes, each race has its limit imposed at birth, but of course there are always exceptions."

"The nobility for example always squander a high reserve of life energy, regardless of race, since their genes come from the primordials of their races or often who had political marriages for the sake of increasing their power"

"Maybe, I can't say for sure, but it is unlikely that commoners are born with an abnormal reserve, there are factors that can change like a chance encounter or even the luck of some god blessing them at the time of birth, but in general commoners are always common"

"Sure enough there was an order called The Order of the Moon, and it was because of it that the orders became a place without major conflicts, as it was destroyed by infighting driven by discrimination, after that a peace treaty was signed by all the races of the world and thus neutral places were born"

A teacher who can read your mind is indeed amazing, he changes his explanation based on what I am in doubt about, focuses on the parts I don't understand and answers any questions without me having to interrupt during his explanation.

"Yes I am magnificent, may we proceed?"

Although he knew the answer, this time he waited for me to nod before continuing with his explanation.

"We will begin with the basics of magic, there are five usable types of magic, and they are represented by their predominant colors and they are: Red the Fire, Blue the Water, Brown the Earth, Colorless the Wind and Yellow the Lightning."

"There are three more special elements that cannot be taught and only those born with affinity can use it and they are White, Black and Green which are Light, Darkness and Life Energy Control or just LEC"

"Yes, all those who use magic use life energy, but the difference is that ordinary mages use their own life energy to shape the element, while green element users use the energy of their surroundings to use their spells, which are usually healing and also the source of power of the cathedral students for the most part."

He stopped so that I could absorb all the information, since it is my first class, but somehow I managed to understand everything and I can even say that I am a user of the three special types, since I possess light, darkness and can control the energy of the dungeon.

"Since you have time for such boastful thoughts, we will continue. Every living being is born with an innate affinity for a specific element and are known as elemental mages."

"The following explanation will be simplified and I will use humans as a measure, but that applies to all races, even to those with above normal longevity. Every ten thousand humans a Superior Mage is born, a human capable of using two different elements."

"Every fifty thousand humans an Extraordinary Mage is born, a human capable of using three elements. Every hundred thousand humans a King Mage is born, a user of four elements and as you have asked there are only two people who use five elements and they are known as Holy Mages."

"They say that one of those is only born at the beginning of an Era so we are waiting for a new one, as the fourth era has recently begun."

An Extraordinary Mage, in this life I am one chosen out of fifty thousand, euphoric is what I am and before I could realize it I had stopped paying attention in class and began to imagine myself showing off my abilities to everyone who snubbed me in the past.

"I see you are ready for the questions, aren't you Greedy ? Have no fear, I have only two, answer me, why is this calculation wrong? I mean, why is it incorrect to measure mages according to the number of the population of a kingdom?"


"Because there are people who hide their innate talents."

Surprise, that is the expression he has at the moment, equally I have the same countenance, the woman I brought back to life appeared, I confess I even forgot her existence.

"To be exact, there are many races that are considered monstrous and do not come within the scope of this account, my master for example, to them, he would just be a stronger than ordinary monster and they would not even consider how glorious and beautiful his powers are".

"Yes you are correct, everyone in the world has life energy, therefore everyone can have the chance to be born a holy mage, however, only races that have signed the order treaty are counted, therefore their calculations are flawed and although they know they do not reveal that there are currently eight holy mages scattered around the world.

"Monster races are no different from ordinary races, for they have intelligence contrary to what they teach, they have their own culture and also gods they worship i.e. monsters can be born with one or more elements, all they have to do is awaken them."

We are not in the dungeon core room, so she can appear anytime she wants, but I thought she would stay away, just like all the ants who fear and worship Pluto.

Still on the spur of the moment she continued walking and stopped beside me, looking up with pleading eyes she knelt down.

"Give me a name, master"

Alternating my gaze between Pluto and her, I ask.


"Yes now"

By the time my eyes returned to Pluto he had lost interest in the class and was sitting watching the "show".

"Ok, do you have any preferences?"

"Anything you wish I wish, master"

To tell you the truth I've always wanted that, a beautiful woman telling me that she will do anything for me and do anything I tell her to, even call me master, but now that I've gotten that, all I feel is a little embarrassment.

"First of all, tell me who are you?"

"I am an absolute servant of Greedy, my life is his, as well as my body and soul, if one day he dies I will die too"

The white element really is terrifying, I have to ask Pluto how to make this decrease, but for now I judge that I will just do as she wishes.

"From today your name will be Ari"

That was the first name that came to my mind, but as soon as I uttered the words Immediately a blinding light appeared from her body and her skin became a little paler then some logs appeared in front of me.