The study continues

Completely ignoring the logs in front of me I go to check Ari who has fallen unconscious, there is no change in her exterior, at least not where I can see, moving closer I check her breathing and see that it is stable, with my keen hearing I can hear that her heartbeat is also normal.

"She is fine, finish what you have to do and let me continue my class"

Nodding my head I confirm and begin to see what has appeared in front of me.

(The individual Ari has been permanently added to his family tree)

(Individual Ari will now be able to receive the benefits of the main G system)

(The system will now refer to the host as the G main system)

(You have received a title: The Father)

(You received a level for completing an unprecedented achievement)

"Show me my status"

(Race: Blood Goblin - Mutant - Greedy)

(Level: 04)

(Exp: 05/10)

(Titles: 05)

(Skills: 11)

(Note: The Trash disappoints when it comes to doing the right thing)

Some things have changed, but overall it still remains the same, I'll go straight to my title then.

(Name: The father)

(Info: By successfully obtaining a subordinate you have achieved something unique)

(Effect: All those recognized in your lineage will inherit a trait of yours, be it a skill, title or??)

I see, so when Ari evolved during resurrection she gained an ability of mine by luck, or could it be an odd requirement? And you still have those question marks, the skill can evolve so I think something could be added.

"Your skill is very interesting Greedy"

Looking up I see Pluto in the corner of the room, he has an apple in his hand and eats slowly, his eyes look like two glowing gems as he looks at me, surely his curiosity has been piqued by something.

"Can you see the status screen?"

"No, most of the information you have on this "Screen" shows as empty spaces to me, which is strange since a prototype would not demand such security, for, an ability given by a god can only be protected by himself"

"In other words, the god who gave you this still keeps an eye on you and protects you, that's what's interesting."

That indeed is curious, there are still many unanswered questions and only one being in the universe can answer them, but he is inaccessible for various reasons, for the moment I will concentrate my mind on what I can answer.

"Yes, keep your head in my class and answer my last question"

As the apple finishes he turns his attention back to the class and I pay attention as well since this man is my only hope of acquiring power.

"In the beginning of time every living thing only possessed a single element, for, the gods were too selfish to share their unique powers with their brothers' children, after all each race was created with only one purpose: To decide who is the strongest god"

"Yes Greedy, the essence of a god is his base element, the god of fire gives the power of fire to his children, the god of water the power of water, the god of wind the power of wind and so on"

"My question to you is: if each god gave only his own element to his children, why then are there races that can use more than one element? For example, the water dragon? The master of magic who controls four elements? Or even me who currently controls all five elements?"

This is a thought I never had, for me it is only common that mages control any natural element, but this question in itself only breaks my thought, since gods are too selfish to share their power with their enemies.

But in that question there is something that caught my attention and it was the final part, his I don't remember wrong he said that he was already born knowing how to control the five elements.

"It was just an exaggeration if you want to know the truth, as a son of the god of wisdom who is also blessed by him, I learned to control the five elements a few centuries after I was born, but as a primordial with an elementless god I didn't know how to control any at the time I was born."

"Unlike the dragons who are born already spitting fire or the titans who know instinctively how to control the ground they step on, I studied and learned on my own merit, I am not like certain people who are born already with special powers and making difficult things look easy."

A shy smile appears on my face, since that was a hint to me, with my forefinger I pretend to scratch my cheek to disguise my embarrassment, but deep down I feel happy to be praised by someone, especially someone so amazing and powerful.

"Now stop winding up and answer me anything as long as it makes sense"

"That's all that came to my mind, just like you, did they learn by studying?"

"The answer is not wrong, but I will use myself as an example, my blessing that was an abnormal brain, that never forgets anything, that can understand anything, be it languages, texts or riddles, and yet it took me five hundred years to learn to control the five elements"

"Yes it may be considered fast by races that have a longevity equal to mine, but it is a completely impossible feat for any other being, the recommended thing is to train in one path and become a master in it, at least that is what my first master told me when I found her"

"Of course I had a master, it was only for three days, but it was she who taught me the basics that I am now teaching you, even the practice we will do in a moment I learned from her, unfortunately I was too big a fish for that small pond and soon I had to abandon it."

Pluto's countenance looks a little sad now, his callous manner only shows with the ants and invaders, there is still that mystery to solve before I leave.

"There is no mystery, your a distracted student and also you did not answer correctly, so you got it wrong the learning method only works with long-lived races, so humans who are born using any element does not fit your answer"

"The correct answer is reproduction, all living things have desires, that of reproduction is just one of the most prominent, over time the most powerful elemental gene is passed on, in the case of humans who possess no element, that gene didn't even exist so it could only receive"

"Over time it became more common for races that previously possessed nothing, to possess two or even three elements, due to their evolutionary reproduction, since to reproduce is to deposit the future of your race in your children"

"However, Greedy, you are forgetting common things and that disappoints me, tell me why commoners like you did not possess any power? Since potentially in your family tree, your tátaro grandfather could have been a dragon."

That really is a good question, but one that I unfortunately don't know how to answer.

"Frankly, not even an attempt? Ok, it's due to financial condition, many commoners don't know, but there is a very specific and expensive method to make your bloodline awaken, royal families all over the world use it, equally some nobles, well-informed adventurers or very lucky people."