The Czar's Lair

After I finished everything with Long Neck I came here, but this Eater is a real monster, after I evolved he also evolved and because of this he received a skill from me, and to my surprise it was the skill I got from Lupus.

At birth he got the black element, plus some skill for evolving before he met me, he became a complete monster, but fortunately he is still weaker than me, so he is there on the ground now and not standing here.

"Eater, did you disobey me?"

Seeing my dissatisfaction he quickly deactivated his armor and knelt in front of me, his loyalty is assured by the white element, but I can't rest a bit with these invaders.

"I apologize for my subordinate's loss of reason, in return I will heal all of you"

One by one I healed them with the green element, the last one was Czar himself he was half dead due to Eater's successive punches, but I arrived in time to save him.

"Who are you? Soldiers of the humans?"

I completely forgot, this king speaks my native tongue, it's normal to confuse us with envoys of theirs.

"No, I am one of your guards, don't you remember? I looked at that elf on the first day."

It took a while, but he remembered in the end and at the same instant he was healed he turned away from me, disbelieving and surprised he started running.

"Eater, go get the others, I believe they have finished the missions I gave them"


"And that's an order, don't attack anyone who doesn't attack you first"

A little sheepishly he leaves the hall and I follow Czar. There are many questions to be asked, I calmly enter the next room and immediately the smell of fish irritates my nose, the light is dim, but that does not prevent me from seeing what was in this room.

Women, countless naked and dirty women, the smell that I smell comes directly from them, I feel a little nauseous, but I follow my path, many of these women don't even have the gleam of life in their eyes, because they have given up trying to live.

I count quickly as I walk and am surprised, for, the number of women in this room is thirty-nine, the elf is not here, they are all plebeian human women and soldiers.

Passing through the door on the other side there is another room, the smell here is sour, but even less disgusting than the previous room, here the women are still struggling and are tied up in various ways, just looking into their eyes I can feel their hatred.

Those tied up still seem to be awake, however, some are tied to machines that I cannot even imagine what they are for, all I know is that the women in these machines are bleeding and unconscious.

Fifteen, the number of women here is fifteen, and not just human, in the left corner there are two women with beast ears, how he got his hands on beast woman, I can't even imagine.

"All of you, listen carefully, you will be given the chance for revenge, just wait"

The women were surprised at me, speaking such dialect, but I didn't mind, before I pass through the door I release one woman, as I wave to her, she begins to move and release the others from the torture machines.

With my body hair standing on end I proceed to the next room, here the torches are lit so visibility is good, there are five cells and the Czar is on his knees while talking to someone in the last one.

Still slowly I continue walking towards them, the first cell is empty, however, there is some dried blood on the walls, in the second one there is a woman with her arms handcuffed to the wall.

"Another goblin?"

She looks at me but seems in doubt so she asks, I shake my head and with my fingertip I shoot a small beam of light that cuts through the intersection of the chains and she is free, with surprise she stands up and throws herself against the bars of the cell.

"Open this cell and I will kill that king without a crown myself"

Ignoring her I keep walking, the third cell has two children, both have green skin and a reptile tail, they are dragon men, a subspecies of the dragons, incredibly rare as they are only born in a dragon's domain.

They are not tied up, but they are still trembling in the corner with fear, I open the cell slowly, but I don't enter, I just leave it like this, ajar and follow. Czar is a few steps away from me, but I freeze when I see the fourth cell.

Yes, in it is an angel, his wings are cut off, one of his arms is missing and he has a scar that runs from his eyebrow to his navel, but I can say with total certainty, he is an angel.

And not just any angel, they all look the same, for they share countless traits in common, however, this one here I can say with total certainty, this was the angel who stood in my way the day I fell into the river and met Pluto.

"Was glotzt du so, du kleiner Scheißer?"

Yes it is she, that damned one who almost killed me, involuntarily I approach the cell, but I regain my sanity before I do anything crazy, for, now I can hear Czar and he is speaking in a language I have heard before.

"Per favore aiutatemi, ho fatto tutto quello che mi avete detto finora"

He is speaking the language of the elves, as I stand next to him I discover why, inside the cell there is a small elf, his hair is short, his ears are long, longer than normal, his clothes are baggy and he is shirtless.

In his hand is the elf I saw on my first day of life, his head is open and he is screwing some things, there is no blood or brain, just a hollow to which I can see his eyes from the inside out.

"Sparisci, ora sono occupato"