The elven princess

When he sees me the young man, the size of a ten year old child, stares at me, his face is delicate, his chin is thin and his skin is white, his eyelashes are long and his eyes are clear, his lips are small and hold the color of cherry.

His neck and limbs are thin, his waist is well accentuated and his baggy pants give off a sense of sloppiness, he is barefoot and I can see a ring on his big toe.

"Guarda cosa abbiamo qui, che bella"

Throwing the woman on his lap to the side he approaches while licking his lips, through the bars he stretches his arm and his thin long fingers come close to touching my abdomen, with his middle finger extended he moves it up and touches a grazed part of my belly.

"Fermo, mi piace"

Biting his lower lip he looks me in the eye, feeling shivers I take a step back, this elf wouldn't be thinking of... No, impossible.

"Czar who is he?"

The king seems to have given up, his head down and complete lack of will show this.

"Tell you what, if you tell me everything I want to know, I won't kill you."

With the possibility of staying alive he reacts instantly, his eyes met mine and I could be sure, he will tell me everything, but just to ensure that I will use that.

"I will use a skill to ensure the veracity of your information"

There are pre-requisites to using the skill, pact with the devil, the first of which is for me to announce the skill, meaning the target of the skill must know and agree to the use of it.

"You confirm to answer honestly all the questions I ask, without hiding anything or lying? And in return, I Greedy will not kill you or cause any physical, or mental harm to you."

I hold out my hand, since the second requirement is contact with the target, he grabs my hand and nods, and soon my ability begins to work.

A shadow comes out of the darkness of the prison, it has the appearance of a snake with no shape or color, just made of smoke, the snake coils itself between our hands and ties us like a rope, and immediately I feel a hand touch my shoulder.

When I look back I don't see anything, but yet I still feel a presence looking at us, I believe this is the demon that will assist me in fulfilling the pact, Czar seems to have noticed too, as he keeps looking back in fear.

"We will start here, first why were you attacking the humans?"

Running a hand over his head he answered sloppily.

"I wanted an army and the women left the tribe, so I had to go after replacements."

There are goblin women? What a surprise, I thought they didn't exist, no adventurer has ever told me stories about them....

"Yes, seeing your expression I can tell what you are questioning about, goblin women do exist, just as ugly as normal goblins, but with an inherent racial ability, if I got them I would have made my army, and my kingdom would not have fallen to some one like you"

So the protection of the ability made him return to his arrogant state, but that won't last that long since he will die before the day is over.

"What is this ability? How did they get the draconic children? What about this angel? How did a weakling like you manage to subdue such a powerful species?"

Seeing that his taunts failed he shrugged his shoulders and proceeded to tell me everything, goblin women have a racial ability called "birth" if it is a goblin impregnating her, the incubation time of the child is cut in half.

As for the others, he said he once attacked a human train, apparently it was a slave seller who was arriving with his new goods, he attacked and got several rare items including the angel, he was already in that situation, he said.

"We are almost done here Czar, I only have two more questions, what is your connection to the elves? And how do you speak the language spoken by humans?"

Completely relaxed and calm he sat down on the floor and leaned against the wall of this prison, with his fingernail he picks his teeth to show disinterest, but his heart is completely racing, to the point that I can tell he is afraid.

"That's... well, how can I explain... I speak the language of humans because I was once caught by them, and they did some experiments on me, I can't explain what it was about, but one day when I woke up I had the ability to speak like one of them."

"And then they released you like that?"

His heart quickened even more at my question, and in a disguised way I see him looking at the elf in the cell.

"There was a day that a riot happened, I and many others managed to escape, one of them was an elf, one of royalty and she was the one who helped me find this place"

"I suppose it is this little one here"

With my finger I point into the cell and he nods sharply.

"But he's a man, isn't he?"

At that moment the king's expression worsened and with total terror he looked in the direction of the cell, I followed his eyes and what I see is the elf, his breathing is labored and he looks at me with total murderous intent.

"You, I had even liked you, but I see you are just another brainless brute, my body does not make me a man, I am a woman, a beautiful and perfect elven princess"

I am a little embarrassed by what he speaks, for, I had heard of others like him, who despite being born male have the desire to be a woman, I duly apologize to the young man, but it will take me more time before I can get used to the idea.

"Don't get distracted now Greedy, he's been like this since I've known him, are your questions over? Then I'll be leaving."

"No I still have one last question, why is he in jail if he is clearly the leader of this circus?"

Hearing my question he stopped in place, his heart once again sped up, it seems I asked the right question, this bastard is more cunning than I thought, he would have left without telling me anything if I hadn't asked.

"I am the..."

Before he could answer with a lie, he dropped to one knee, his forehead dripping with sweat, that's the power of the skill, since I specified for him not to lie.

"Don't try to lie Czar, answer me, what do you plan to do? The elves don't know of his existence, I assume, and you've been attacking humans for over a month, but it's not completely random I'd say, I'm almost starting to believe you're looking for something!"