
Twenty minutes have passed since Kuroi learned that his father was being investigated. He walks up to his house and opens the door. He enters the two-story house and starts to walk around it, looking for his father.

"Dad, are you here!" exclaimed Kuroi.

The boy hears no response and just walks up to his room. He enters it and sees that nothing has changed. He throws his bag on his bed and takes a seat on it.

"What could that Ginjo guy be looking for? What could Dad be hiding? This will probably just roll over in a couple days. I hope it will," thought Kuroi.

"Kuroi!" exclaimed Orihime.

Kuroi hears his voice being called and walks over to his window. He looks down and sees Orihime holding a basket full of bread.

"Orihime, why are you here?" asked Kuroi.

"I got some bread and I'll give it to you for free!" exclaimed Orihime.

"I'm not a fan of bread, but come on up. We need to talk," said Kuroi.

Five minutes pass. Kuroi walks up the stairs with a tray with two cups of coffee on it. He enters his room and sees Orihime fidgeting on the floor.

"I brought us some coffee and why are you fidgeting so much?" asked Kuroi.

"I never thought that you would bring me up to your room," said Orihime.

"This isn't your first time up here. There's no need to be nervous," said Kuroi.

"I know. It's just weird being up here alone," said Orihime.

"It's not like anything's going to happen," said Kuroi.

"I know," said Orihime disappointingly.

"How did you get so much bread? Does your boss just give you discarded bread?" asked Kuroi.

"It wasn't discarded. It's unsold," said Orihime.

"Same thing," said Kuroi.

"Nu-uh. The feeling is different," said Orihime.

"Tastes the same to me," said Kuroi.

"Kuroi, did something happen recently?" asked Orihime.

"Why do you ask?" asked Kuroi.

"Well, you started to hang out with us less and you stopped taking on Hollows. Are you ok?" said Orihime.

"I'm fine. I'm just a little bored," said Kuroi.

"That's good. I thought that it was something else," said Orihime.

"Orihime, you're jealous of Senna, aren't you?" asked Kuroi.

"Me jealous of Senna! That's ridiculous. We're all friends here," said Orihime.

"There's no need to lie, Orihime. Senna and I are just friends. There's nothing to worry about," said Kuroi.

"I wasn't worried in the first place," said Orihime embarrassingly.

"I like it when you're frazzled," said Kuroi.

Before the two friends can continue to talk, Kuroi's phone rings. He pulls his phone out of his pocket and sees that it's an unknown number. He answers the call and hears an unknown voice.

"Are you, Kuroi Hono?" asked the man.

"Yeah and who are you?" asked Kuroi.

"I'm Uryu Ishida's father. He needs you," said Uryu's father.

"Why does he need me?" asked Kuroi.

"He was attacked on his way home. Someone found him and brought him to the hospital. He's in stable condition, but he just wants to talk to a friend,' said Uryu's father.

"I'll be there in a few minutes," said Kuroi.

"Thank you," said Uryu's father.

"Don't mention it," said Kuroi.

Kuroi hangs up and places his phone in his pocket.

"Who was that?" asked Orihime.

"Uryu was attacked. His father wants us to talk to him in his hospital room. Let's go," said Kuroi.

"Who attacked him?" asked Orihime.

"I don't know, but we'll find out," said Kuroi.

Thirty minutes pass. Kuroi and Orihime enter the Quincy's hospital room. They look around and see Ichigo sitting on the only chair in the room.

"Ichigo, how is he doing?" asked Kuroi.

"He's doing fine. He feels more annoyed that we're here than that he's injured," said Ichigo.

"Did Chad or Tatsuki come by?" asked Kuroi.

"I haven't seen them," said Ichigo.

"I was hoping that they would show up," said Kuroi.

"You even called Kuroi. Honestly, you're always taking things so far," said Uryu.

"At least your mouth still works," said Uryu's father.

Uryu's father enters the room after hiding in the shadows for a few minutes.

"Kids who get slashed and nearly die shouldn't tell their doctor what they should or should not do," said Uryu's father.

"You got slashed? Who did it, Uryu?" asked Kuroi.

"It's none of your business," said Uryu.

"The hell it isn't! You got your ass kicked by somebody! If he beat you, you're going to need help to defeat this shadowy menace!" exclaimed Kuroi.

Uryu doesn't respond.

"Answer me, dammit!" exclaimed Kuroi.

"It's important to share information. Are you going to waste the kindness that I have shown you?" said Uryu's father.

"You shut the hell up!" exclaimed Uryu.

"Calm down. If you raise your voice another five hertz, you will rip your stitches," said Uryu's father.

"Uryu," said Orihime.

"I'm sorry, Orihime. I can't tell you anything right now. Could you please go home?" said Uryu.

"If you want to tell us anything, I'll do some detective work by myself. Dr. Ishida, can you drive her home. I don't want her to be attacked," said Kuroi.

"I was already going to do that," said Uryu's father.

"Thank you," said Kuroi.

Kuroi exits the hospital room and walks out of the hospital. He walks down the street and then walks into an alley. He pulls out his phone and the folded piece of paper that Ginjo gave him. He puts the number in and his phone starts to buzz. Ginjo's voice is heard on the other side of the call.

"This number isn't registered. Are you a new member?" said Ginjo.

"Ginjo, it's me," said Kuroi.

"Kuroi, have you found anything out?" asked Ginjo.

"My friend was attacked. Could the ambush of my friend be connected to your investigation?" said Kuroi.

"Maybe. You should come by," said Ginjo.

"I don't know where you live," said Kuroi.

"What's the largest apartment building in Karakura Town?" asked Ginjo.

"I don't know. What's with the trivia question?" said Kuroi.

"Come to Apartment number 603. It's in the apartment building near the pier. You should be able to find it," said Ginjo.

"So, there's nothing special that I need to do?" asked Kuroi.

"I'll tell you if there is," said Ginjo.

"I'll be there in like an hour," said Kuroi.

"I'll be waiting," said Ginjo.

An hour passes. Kuroi walks on a sidewalk in the dark of night. He reaches the large apartment building and prepares to enter, but he stops once he hears someone walking behind him.

"I thought that you were going to meet me inside, Ginjo," said Kuroi.

"How did you know I was here?" asked Ginjo.

"Your footsteps are loud," said Kuroi.

"You're just on time. Usually, people don't arrive right on time when they're meeting someone at night," said Ginjo.

"This is important. My friend nearly got killed by someone and I need to know who. You've been around here for a long time, so can you give me a hand?" said Kuroi.

"I thought that you didn't trust me," said Ginjo.

"I don't, but you're not a normal human. You know stuff about my family that you shouldn't," said Kuroi.

"You haven't finished my first request, but I'll let it slide for now. Follow me. We'll help you," said Ginjo.

"We?" asked Kuroi.

"You'll find out when we get inside," said Ginjo.

Ginjo and Kuroi enter the apartment building. They enter the elevator and Ginjo taps the button for the sixth floor. The elevator slowly ascends and it reaches the sixth floor in a minute. Ginjo and Kuroi walk out of the elevator and walk up to a door. Ginjo opens the door and reveals a large apartment.

"Why is your apartment so big?" asked Kuroi.

"Some of our members have money," said Ginjo.

"Members? Are you guys like a detective agency?" asked Kuroi.

"Something like that. Welcome to Xcution's base of operations," said Ginjo.

"Xcution? That's an edgy name," said Kuroi.

"It's not edgy. It's cool," said Ginjo.

"I've been in gangs before. You guys aren't just human detectives, are you?" said Kuroi.

"We are, but we aren't. Sit down. I'll tell you everything," said Ginjo.

Ginjo and Kuroi take a seat in the living room.

"Want something to drink?" asked Ginjo.

"Bourbon," said Kuroi.

"So, you're a rebel, too. When I was your age, I participated in underage drinking as well. Even though I shouldn't give a kid like yourself alcohol, you should be able to handle it. Kutsuzawa, get this boy a Bourbon," said Ginjo.

"Yes, sir," said Kutsuzawa.

"So, we are humans, but we aren't normal. We are humans who were born with a special innate ability. I'll show you," said Ginjo.

Kutsuzawa places the glass of bourbon on the brown table. Ginjo places his hand over the glass and the Bourbon starts to move out of the glass and towards his hand.

"What I did was draw out the soul of the Bourbon. We can utilize the soul that resides in all matter. We enhance things by boosting them with our souls. If we have an affinity with an object or tool and are used to using it, we can change its very shape. In my case, there's this necklace. I will show you my ability," said Ginjo.

Ginjo grabs the x on his necklace and it transforms into a giant broadsword.

"Cool sword," said Kuroi.

"Thanks. This ability is called Fullbring," said Ginjo.

"I'm back!" exclaimed the girl.

Kuroi looks up and sees a red-haired girl in a maid outfit.

"You're back sooner than I thought. Did you find them?" said Ginjo.

"Yeah, I found them! Do you think I'm useless or something!" exclaimed the girl.

"You said that. Not me," said Ginjo.

"Why I outta!" exclaimed the girl.

"Who is the annoying girl?" asked Kuroi.

"Riruka Dokugamine. She's one of us," said Ginjo.

"Who the hell are you calling annoying! Who even are you!" exclaimed Riruka.

"I'll introduce you to him later. Just bring them in," said Ginjo.

"Fine! Get in here!" exclaimed Riruka.

Two people walk through the door. Two people that Kuroi knows too well.

"Tatsuki, Chad," said Kuroi.

"Kuroi," said the Fullbringers.

"So, this is where you've been this entire time. Why haven't you guys gone to school?" said Kuroi.

"Don't bombard them with questions. Let's just sit down and talk. Katsuzawa, get Chad and Tatsuki something to drink as well," said Ginjo.

"Yes, sir," said Katsuzawa.

"To have the ability to acquire a Fullbring, your parent or parents have to have survived a Hollow attack. Did any of your parents encounter Hollows?" said Ginjo.

"What kind of stupid question is that? Of course, they have," said Kuroi.

"You're right. I don't know why I even asked. We find this power troublesome. You have Hollow powers, so you have to understand our struggles," said Ginjo.

"What do you want from me?" asked Kuroi.

"We would like you to eliminate these troublesome powers that we have. We have found allies that wanted to help eliminate our powers, but they were too weak. You took down Aizen. You have the strength to take away this curse we were born with," said Ginjo.

"How do I do that?" asked Kuroi.

"You're a soul reaper and a human. You have the power and the heritage to do it, so you could do it right now, but you want to get stronger, don't you?" said Ginjo.

"I see what you're trying to do. You'll help me acquire my Fullbring and in exchange, I'll take away your Fullbrings. Before I accept this deal, I need to know one more thing," said Kuroi.

"What is it?" asked Ginjo.

"How convenient is it that I just randomly ran into the leader of a gang of Fullbringers. How convenient is it that my friends are conveniently part of the same gang? How convenient is it that you want to investigate my father? How convenient is it that I am the only person that can take away your Fullbrings? I don't know if you're good or evil, Ginjo, but I don't trust you at all. One slip up and I'm out. Do you understand?" said Kuroi.

"You're a smart kid. If you're in, I won't do anything suspicious. I promise," said Ginjo.

"Fine. I'm in," said Kuroi.

"I guess that settles it. Welcome to-," said Ginjo.

"Wait one minute! Can we trust a guy we just met! I will figure it out if we can trust this guy!" exclaimed Riruka.

Riruka shines her flashlight on Kuroi's face and is shocked by Kuroi's attractiveness.

"Is there something wrong?" asked Kuroi.

"Nothing at all. We can trust him," said Riruka.

"Good. Now we can all welcome you to Xcution, Kuroi," said Ginjo.

"I'm glad to be here," said Kuroi sarcastically.