The Legend's New Beginning

Ten years have passed since Yhwch and his army of Quincies were defeated by the soul reapers. Since then, many things have changed in this long period of peace. Kuroi and Orihime got married and had a son. Uryu became a doctor like his father. Chad has become a very skilled boxer. Ichigo and Rukia have gotten married and had a daughter. Currently, a car arrives in front of a large house. Three out of the four car doors open and step out Ichigo Kurosaki, second substitute soul reaper of Karakura Town, Rukia Kuchiki, his wife and lieutenant of Squad 13, and Renji Abarai, lieutenant of Squad 6.

"So, this is his new house? I thought that it would have been smaller," said Ichigo.

"He is a writer like his father and his books sell, so it makes sense," said Rukia.

"Hopefully it's good food in there. I haven't eaten all day," said Renji.

"What do you mean? You ate all of my snacks!" said Ichigo.

"They weren't fulfilling," said Renji.

"Are you trying to say that I don't have good tastes!" exclaimed Ichigo.

"Maybe," said Renji.

"You bastard!" exclaimed Ichigo.

Before the two friends can fight, Rukia grabs them by their ears and drags them up to the front door. Rukia lets them go and taps the doorbell. The door is opened a few seconds later by Kuroi's wife.

"You guys came? I thought that you didn't have time," said Orihime.

"We can move things. We can't skip over the chance of hanging out with friends as we watch Chad destroy some nobodies in a ring," said Ichigo.

"Well, you may not like everyone that's here," said Orihime.

"What do you mean?" asked Ichigo.

"Just come in," said Orihime.

The four friends walk deeper into the house until they reach the living room. Mizuiro, Tatsuki, Senna, and Keigo sit in the living room.

"So, this is everyone? I thought there would be more," said Rukia.

"So, are you bozos just going to ignore me?" asked Grimmjow.

The voice of the former Sexta Espada startles the three soul reapers.

"Why is he here?" asked Ichigo.

"I was invited, you damn ginger," said Grimmjow.

"But why?" asked Ichigo.

"He helped defeat that Askin guy. He landed the killing blow," said Orihime.

"Well hopefully he is the only Arrancar here," said Renji.

"So, they didn't have any cake, but I found cupcakes," said Ulquiorra.

The voice of the former Cuarto Espada startles the soul reapers even more.

"I kind of understand why Grimmjow is here, but why is this guy here? He killed me," said Ichigo.

"He's changed, right Ulquiorra?" asked Orihime.

Ulquiorra creepily smiles before he answers. The creepy smile sends shivers down the shinigamis' spines.

"I'm not like I was years ago. I've changed and I've become human," said Ulquiorra.

"Eh, whatever. Aizen somehow redeemed himself so I guess he could have as well. Even though it's odd," said Rukia.

"Ichigo!" exclaimed Nelliel.

Before Ichigo can move, he is grabbed and hugged tightly by the former Tercera Espada.

"It has been too long, Nel. How have you been?" said Ichigo.

"I've been good. I feel better now that you guys are here," said Nelliel.

"Yeah, I can feel it," said Ichigo.

"Ahhh! Rukia! A pleasure as always! Make yourself a home! Maybe next to me-," said Keigo.

Keigo is unable to speak when he is bopped in the mouth by Tatsuki.

"Don't be getting overly familiar with someone's wife!" exclaimed Tatsuki.

"Oww!" exclaimed Keigo.

"Where's Ichikia? I thought she was already here," said Ichigo.

"She isn't here. I thought that she was coming with you," said Orihime.

"She isn't here! Dammit. I knew that I shouldn't have listened to her," said Ichigo.

"Relax. She's probably with Shiroi. Don't worry. They're not doing anything weird," said Orihime.

"Where's Kuroi?" asked Ichigo.

"He had to go somewhere. He'll be back," said Orihime.

"I wonder where he had to go," said Renji.

On the other side of town, Dr. Ishida sits on the hospital's rooftop. He takes his phone out of his pocket. He clicks on an app and Chad appears on his screen.

"Welcome to the HBO World Heavyweight Championship! We will briefly go over our challenger, Yasutora's Sado's, fight history!" exclaimed the announcer.

"Why didn't you come to watch it at my house? My tv is way bigger than your phone," said Kuroi.

"I can't leave early while I'm on the clock, Kuroi," said Uryu.

"You're here 24/7. They would be fine if you visited your cousin during your break," said Kuroi.

"I save lives and heal people. I don't have time to hang out with family," said Uryu.

"I never asked you this, but did you know that we were family before I found out?" asked Kuroi.

"Yes," said Uryu.

"Why didn't you try to connect with me earlier?" asked Kuroi.

"You were a shinigami and I was a Quincy. Your mother married a shinigami and was disowned by the Ishida family. There's nothing that needs to be explained. I would have loved to meet my aunt, but I heard from my father that she was a good woman. That's all I need to know," said Uryu.

"She was. She would have been happy if her brother wanted to be in her life," said Kuroi.

"My brother didn't hate her. He wanted to be a brother to her, but her mother didn't allow it," said Uryu.

"Could he at least written a letter?" asked Kuroi.

"He did. Many. You should go and find them. They are interesting," said Uryu.

"I'll go find them later. Thanks for telling me," said Kuroi.

"You don't want to watch Chad's fight?" asked Uryu.

"I'll catch a replay of it. I have to go meet someone for tea," said Kuroi.

"Tell Shiroi that I said hi," said Uryu.

"I will," said Kuroi.

Back in the Hono residence, the son of the legendary shinigami sneakily walks through the second floor of the large house. He reaches his room and silently opens the door. He then quietly closes the door and hops on his bed.

"Phew. I thought that someone would have caught me. I hate having to talk to people," said Shiroi.

"So, you don't like talking to people too, huh? I'm like that as well," said a girl.

The brown-haired boy jumps as he hears the voice of a brown-haired girl in his room.

"Who are you and why are you in my room?" asked Shiroi.

"I'm Ichikia Kurosaki and I'm your cousin," said Ichikia.

"I have a cousin? That's weird. I didn't know that," said Kuroi.

"How did you not know that I existed! We live ten minutes away!" exclaimed Ichikia.

"Calm down. I don't want anyone to know that I'm in here," said Shiroi.

"Oh sorry. I'm a soul reaper. Are you a soul reaper too?" said Ichikia.

"Yeah, I guess. My dad would hate for me not to follow in his footsteps," said Shiroi.

"I understand what you're saying. My parents are kind of forcing me to become a soul reaper too, but I want to. Slaying Hollows sounds fun," said Ichikia.

"My dad always says that being a soul reaper isn't supposed to be fun. Balancing the worlds is a very important task," said Shiroi.

"Pssh. You're boring," said Ichikia.

"I'm not boring. I'm just stating facts," said Shiroi.

"Your father is very powerful, but he is boring too. I wonder what he is doing today," said Ichikia.

"Probably brooding in the Soul Society," said Shiroi.

Kuroi isn't brooding in the Soul Society. He is currently walking through a field of rice outside of the Rukon District. The evening sun shines bright on his face.

"I've always wanted to find you. I never did because dad said to let you rest in peace, but it has been too long. You have been relaxing in this realm for the last twenty years. I have a wife and a child and they want to see you. Hell, I want to see you. I hope that you want to see me," thought Kuroi.

Kuroi continues to walk until he sees a black-haired woman holding a basket and stops. She slowly turns around once she notices that someone is standing behind her.

"Kuroi?" asked Yumi.

"Hi, mom," said Kuroi.