A/N: Pat-reon: HelloDarkness07

Second one!


Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests.

Usually, Wizards(and Witches, and everyone else that counts as Magical Humans), have to study 7 years after they turn 11, or two years after they have completed their OWLs, before they're allowed to sit the NEWTs.

Not me though. Fucking Wizards.

Some teacher out there, probably Dumbledore, saw me having an easy time at school, and said, "Fuck you, in particular. You'll leave all your friends behind, study two years worth of Magic in a single year, give some hard exams, pass them, and do it again the next year. And you'll be forced to thank us for it!"

And so, here I was, giving my NEWT exams, while others of my age, were giving their OWLs, skipping two whole years in the curriculum.

Not that I was having a hard time of it, no. On the contrary, I was having as easy as a time as ever. I didn't need to study for hours and hours, to remember the Theory. I already practiced a minimum of 3 hours daily, not counting the classes, so I already had the Practicals in hand.

What did that leave? Nothing. That was all.

Charms, Transfiguration, DADA were already over, with me probably getting O's in all of them, and so was Arithmancy. For Runes, I had to show off a project I did within a month of the Exam, along with cast any spell they give me, completely with Runes.

For the project, I created a ring to be worn, since they were the easiest to find in the Room of Hidden Things, that could summon either a Magical shield spell, or conjure a physical shield, depending on the spell coming at you. You just had to bend your arm upwards, like you're holding an imaginary shield, and voila! The shield will appear parallel to your forearm.

The magical shield is as powerful as the Protego spell, while the physical metallic shield was another Runic artefact made by me, that could stop any physical object in its track. If Healing doesn't work out for me, I was going into Artefact creation, and Enchantment. It was fun, and I'm glad I entered this field.

Herbology was also kinda easy, but not that much. I just didn't click with the plants, magical or otherwise. I hadn't taken Astronomy, History, or Alchemy for my NEWTs, since I preferred studying those subjects alone. Less chances to be taught coloured opinions in History and Alchemy, that way.

Potions NEWT was the easiest. I had to brew 3 potions, one after the other, for the practical. I brewed the Wiggenweld Potion, the Draught of Living Death, and the Org-grow Potion. Each of those potions took 1 hour minimum, so you can tell that I was aiming to impress.

The Org-grow was my own invention, and I am damn proud of it. As the name suggests, the Potion helps in the regrowth of small organs. Nothing major, no. Eyes, tongue, ears, muscles and tissues, a few fingers or toes, internal organs like liver, kidney, lungs, etc. Although, it has to be taken along with the Skelegrow whenever bones are also involved.

For smaller stuff, like a single finger, eyes, tongue, ears, muscles and tissues, just one small dose of 10 ml has to be drunk before sleeping, and it will work overnight. And while the potion doesn't hurt much while working, it doesn't let you sleep peacefully either. There's a constant itching burn in the place where it is working.

For the bigger stuff, however, the 10 ml dose needs to be repeated every 6 hours, until the organ is fully grown. Once again, the itching burn will persist as long as the potion is working.

However, my potion doesn't work on anything major. So, no replacing amputated limbs, or heart. It just doesn't work. Same for anyone who wants to regrow a chopped d.. yeah, it won't work, despite it being just flesh and muscles. It counts as a higher value, magically.

Slughorn had already sent it to the ICW for patent registration, and I know he'll probably call favours or something like that later. Opportunistic bastard he might be, but at least his connections are useful.

Patents in the Wizarding World are really weird, you know. You apply, and if they accept your patent, then you get a lump sum of money every year, till your death. The recipe for your potion, meanwhile, is made public. Not that the Potioneers can sell the Potion, no. They need to ask for my permission, even if they have the Recipe, and offer a percentage of their profits to me.

So, anyone can make the potion, if they're capable enough, but I still make money. The ICW makes money by charging the Apothecaries monthly taxes, some of which they pay us Patent holders. Our descendants don't have any claim on the patent, however. Once we die, the patent is completely public.

I didn't mind much, since my Patent royalty was expected to be about 10,000 Galleons by Professor Slughorn himself. It usually ranged between 2000 and 15000G, so my payment was good enough for me.

The highest royalty ever paid was to Fleamont Potter, the inventor of the Skelegrow potion, at 23,000 Galleons. My Potion was a bit similar in effect to his, so I'll probably be in the higher range.

And now, after sitting my final NEWT exam, I was sitting in the Great Hall, to celebrate the end of exams.

"Speak about yourself, we still have two OWLs to get through." Darla says, groaning after taking a long swig from the butterbeer in her hands like it's actual alcohol.

Ana rests her head on Darla's head, both of them not even trying to be discreet about their relationship now. But, for some reason, other than a few observant girls, no one had managed to figure out that the girls are dating. Not even Dorea.

And say what you will, about Witches, they have each other's back. Not one of those girls had even thought about outing my girls as gay, which is really good for them.

Shaking my head, I say, "Your History OWL is useless, because practically no one even takes it for their NEWT levels, and Astronomy is a piece of cake."

Darla throws a piece of chicken at me, and says, "Oh, piss off. Not all of us have perfect memories, Mason. We need to actually study before vomiting facts on parchment."

I simply eat the thrown chicken, take a sip of my own butterbeer, and say, "Excuses, excusses, Darla darling. And please don't oversell the drunk act, Butterbeer isn't nearly as alcoholic as you'd want."

Darla pouts exaggeratingly, and asks, "Enough talk about exams, what are your plans now that you're finally free?"

Dorea, who was sitting beside me, leans forward, and asks, "He has that Apprenticeship, doesn't he? At Mungo's?"

Nodding, I say, "I'm meeting the Head Healer of St Mungo's on the 15th of September, so a month and 20 days or so after my results come in. They'll decide who I apprentice under, and under what capacity."

Ana says, "So you have a couple months of just.. nothing? Oh you poor boy."

I snort, and shake my head. Ana had gotten it in her head, that I like to be busy. Busy with studies, exams, reading, practicing, etc. Well, I kinda did, but not like she thinks.

My goal is to one day rest. I'm not the kind of guy to work 9-5, everyday, for years and years to come. I'd rather just open up a farm, where I can handle my own needs from. And I'll have the Patent royalty coming in for years and years! So I can now realistically do that, hopefully not too soon though.

But, it wouldn't happen unless I'm strong enough to handle anything the world can throw at me, and come out on top. So.. I'm grinding until that happens, and probably even then.

I say, "Not exactly. I have something in mind for the summer. Something exciting, super useful, and very difficult."

"Oh? Does the Great Lord Mason have another highly difficult subject for us to learn on top of our usual school?" Ana asks, leaning forward, resting her arms on the table.

I shrug, because I didn't say anything about them learning it. I say, "You can join me, if you want. You did see the benefits of learning Occlumency, didn't you?"

I had given them a book that I wrote, combining elements from the Mind Arts Compilation book from the Room of Knowledge, and my own experience in using Telepathy. That wouldn't give them too high of an advantage, but some advantage is still better than none.

They're still learning, since it's only been a couple months since they began, but they've already noticed their brains becoming a bit sharper, faster to react. Other benefits will come with time, but only if they keep at it.

Ana and Darla share a look, shrug to each other, and then they ask, "What's the subject?"

I raise my eyebrow, looking at them, judging to see if they actually want to do it. Then, I turn to Dorea and she raises her own eyebrow in question.

Sighing, she says, "Fine, I'll join you too. Bloody wankers, the lot of you. Can't even let me have lunch in peace."

Smiling wide, I hug the girl from the side, and say, "We all know you still love us the same."

Releasing the now blushing Dorea, I cast a few Privacy charms around us, each to hide just our conversation, and not us, and say, "What do you guys think of becoming Animagi?"


~~Why are we here again?~~ Sly asks, annoyingly poking his head out of my collar, while Ash silently stays around my shoulder.

Sighing, I force Sly out of my coat, and drop him on the ground, ignoring his complaints. I'd already cast a Notice-me-not, along with using Telepathy to make everyone around me ignore us.

~~HEY! HEY! WHAT IS THE WRONG WITH YOU? Can't even cuddle in peace these days!~~ Sly yells, and then says, as he starts curling up on my leg.

Annoyed, I magically flick him away, and say, ~~You've gotten fat, just eating the Basilisk meat and sleeping around. You need exercise, and we're here to meet with someone.~~

Ash barely even raises his head at the noise, since he was getting old. I'm hoping to also find a new home for Ash, since being with me is not good for him, and he doesn't even stay in the Bush anymore.

We were currently standing outside a small restaurant, waiting for my guest to come. This guest was going to, hopefully, give me an ingredient that is highly rare.

You see, I'd found an old method of Animagus Transformation, that was leagues better than the current method.

Right now, if you want to become an Animagus, you have to keep a Mandrake leaf stuck to the roof of your mouth, brew a Potion, keep it in a dark place until a thunderstorm, and then drink it. There were more instructions, mostly guidelines over when you should carry each step out, etc, but it was all annoying.

The method I found was lost in the 12th century itself, with the Wizard's Council slowly destroying every copy of the method, and forcing the Wizards to start using new methods.

It was similar, in that you still need to hold a Mandrake leaf in your mouth for a month, and you need a Potion. But, where the new method needs a thunderstorm, the old one needs a Lunar Eclipse.

The old method also wasn't as rigid as the new one, and you can get good results even with the small errors that are normal. And it was also more of a ritual than the new method. There are runes involved, along with the burning of Cannabis. Wizards really love Cannabis, don't they?

The best part, was the the old method gave you not one, but two Animagus forms. Which is why the Wizard's Council destroyed almost every hint of it.

The first one was the normal, completely non-magical animal, while the second one was the magical relative of the first one. This is the one that's I'm doing, since the Wizards of old did this.

Merlin himself was known to have two forms, one an owl, and the other a Phoenix, both of them from the Aves Class, while Godric Gryffindor was known to be a Gryffin and a Lion. The others either weren't Animagi, or they didn't make their forms famous.


But there was one problem that I encountered. The Potion that I have to make requires Graphorn Golden Horn. And I know of only one person, who can provide me with that.

Newt Scamander.

But, I don't know if he will grant me that. Unless, I have a rare Animal I can bribe him with. And boy, am I lucky enough to have two such rare animals with me.

Ashwinders are born, when a magical fire, any kind, is left unattended. The snake then come out of those flames, and lays eggs in a dark place in the same dwelling they were born in. But, usually, Ashwinders die soon after laying eggs.

Meaning Ashwinders have a lifespan of one hour. And their eggs do not give rise to more Ashwinders, they give rise to more magical fire, which then if left unattended, give rise to another Ashwinder, and the cycle goes on and on.

But Ash, while now getting old, was definitely at least 10-12 years old. Not that old for snakes, but definitely old for Ashwinders. Which means, he was a cross breed. An illegal one, since cross-breeding of magical animals wasn't allowed.

So, I had written a letter to Scamander a few days ago, detailing what I wanted, what I can give in return, wanting to meet with him today. I had also met with Ash in these two days, wanting to see if he'll agree to help me. He agreed, as I was a Speaker, and his human owner was the breeder. I agreed to take him down, and rescue all the other animals trapped there.

Hopefully Newt comes today like he said he would. So, I was waiting in London, like I said I would, in a restaurant that I had mentioned in the letter.

At sharp 2:00 PM, I see Newt Scamander, looking just like I remember him looking during the movies, walking towards the restaurant I was waiting outside of. Great. He brought his American Auror Girlfriend.

I wave my hand at him, calling the two towards me, and say, "Mr Scamander, it's wonderful to finally meet you! I particularly love your passage in your book about Diricrawls and Thunderbirds. And Auror Goldstein. Nice to meet you."

Newt shakes my hand, and says, "It's always nice to meet a fan of my book."

"How do you know me?" Goldstein asks, looking a bit confused.

I snort, and say, "Your debacle in the colonies is quite famous in our school, Ms Goldstein. Please, sit down. Would you like some tea?"

By now, we had walked inside the restaurant and taken our seats. A waiter was standing near us, waiting for our orders.

"Coffee. Black. No sugar." Goldstein orders at the waiter who just came, while Newt simply shakes his hand, and says, "No thanks."

I smile at the waiter, and say, "A tea, please. Milk, two sugars."

Once the muggle waiter leaves, I say, "Can you do the Privacy charms? I'm out of school, and not allowed to use magic, you see."

Newt nods, and immediately casts the a few spells, while Goldstein looks vigilant. She was probably the security in case I attack.

"So, you want the Golden Horn. You contacted me, so you should know why I'm reluctant to just give it to you." Newt says, beginning the meeting. Man he's a twitchy person.

I smile at him, and argue, "I'm buying it, but yes. I know why. There're only what, 3-4 Graphorns left in the whole world? The Trolls killed the rest off."

"If you know that much, then why did you ask for the Horn?" Newt asks, honestly confused.

Sipping my tea, I say, "Mr Scamander, you misunderstand. I don't want the whole horn. If possible, I would like it if you shave a bit of the horn, and then sell it to me. Graphorns can heal from that within a few weeks at most. But still, I don't expect you to do it for free. So, I'm going to give you some information, and a surprise. If you agree that is."

Newt keeps staring at me, so I go inside his mind, obviously undetected, and see that he's still hesitant.

I offer, "We can sign contracts, stating, that I won't use the horn in anything nefarious, and I won't tell anyone where I got the horn from."

"The contract. Now. And then I'll give you the horn. But, I want to know what you're going to use it for." Newt says, while Goldstein stays watching us talk.

"I agree with the first part, but not the second. The use I have for the horn is not something I can tell you." I say, shaking my head firmly.

Newt stands up, ready to leave, when I say, "Aren't you going to ask what information I'm going to give you in return first? Would be a terrible thing if a magical breeding ring gets off undetected." All the while calmly sipping my tea which the waiter had silently delivered while we were talking.

Newt clenches his hand, and sits down. He says, "Fine then. Keep your secrets. I will have the contract now. Let's get on with it." Newt says.

Goldstein interrupts, and says, "Whoa there, Newt. Think about it first. You don't know what contract he's having us sign. I'm not getting into a contractual agreement, without knowing the exact wordings."

"I understand. My side, will only include that you won't reveal to anyone, with not even hints, that I was the one who informed you of the breeding ring, and that you won't reveal any of my secrets I reveal during this day, to anyone, again, not even hinting at it. Is that agreeable, Ms Goldstein?" I ask, sliding a contract forward.

Goblin contracts are very easy to get. Pay G10, get a contract, and sign it. You don't need a blood quill, or even your wand for that. You simply need to write down conditions from both sides, and then sign at the bottom. Once signed, the contract cannot be changed in any way, shape, or form.

I had already written my condition, as I stated above, and now, it was only time for Newt to write his. Then, all of us read it, and sign it. If we all agree with the conditions written, only then can the contract be considered valid.

If anyone breaks it, the other party will get all possessions of the contract breaker. Even clothes.


Newt reads my conditions, see's that they are as I just said, verbatim, and sees the forfeit clause. Scrunching his eyes, he writes down his conditions, and passes the contract to Goldstein. She reads it, nods, makes a correction, and then passes it to me.

I read the contract aloud, so all three of us can confirm.

Basically, I will have to tell them where the breeding ring is based, and vow that I will never use the Golden Horn I get from Newt, in a malicious manner.

In return, Newt and Tina will keep any secret of mine that they learn today, to themselves, and not even hint, tell, or even write down, my secrets, or the fact that I was the snitch that sold the Breeding ring.

All of us agreeing, we sign the contract, and watch as it burns to ashes, going to the Goblin's for safekeeping. They will keep one copy in my Trust Vault, one in Newt's, one will go to America for the American Goblins to store in Goldstein's Vault, and one will stay with the Goblins.

"Pleasure doing business with you. How soon can you get the Horn out of that suitcase of yours?" I ask, watching Newt stumble as I mention that suitcase.

That was something I wanted to replicate, but it'll take time. The enchantments on it were phenomenal.

"An- an hour? I'll have to talk to the Graphorns." Newt answers, looking at Goldstein in confirmation.

She nods, and says, "We'll stay at the Leaky Cauldron. I'll keep an eye on the kid, while you can go get the horn. You have everything you need on you?"

She asks the last question to me, so I say, "Yes. I can agree with you on that. I'll come to the Leaky. I have to go visit Gringott's either way."

"Good. Come on." Goldstein orders and starts walking.

I drop a fiver on the table, and walk after her, while Newt stays with me.

He asks, "What is the secret you don't want us to mention anyone?"

Smiling at him, I say, "Later, Mr Scamander. You'll like it though, I'm sure."

We all walk towards the Leaky in silence. Once we get a room, while I made sure no one noticed me using telepathy and disillusionment charm, Newt opens the suitcase and walks in.

Goldstein has a wand in her hand, as she keeps an eye on me. Rolling my eyes, I say, "Relax, Ms Goldstein. I'm a student still. I'm not going to ruin my chances to get the Healing Apprenticeship by attacking either of you."

"Healing Apprenticeship?" Goldstein asks, looking at me confused. It was understandable. I just blackmailed Newt by threatening to let an illegal cross breeding ring get by unpunished.

I nod, and smiling at her, explain, "My mother was a nurse in the Great War. She died right after my birth, so I never knew her. But, the tales my caretakers told me of her really had an impression on my mind. So, I've been preparing for learning Healing for.. a decade now. I've even read muggle books on the subject."

I chuckle, when Goldstein says, "Fascinating. And yet, you felt no shame when blackmailing us."

I smile widely, and say, "Oh, but Ms Goldstein, I never said I'm not going to tell you about the ring, I just said it would be a shame if it was never found out."

"So, you bluffed." Goldstein says, chuckling a bit.

"Yup." I state, nodding at her.

"You're good kid. Call me Tina." She says shoving her hand forward.

I shake it and smile, saying, "Mason."

And then, we wait in silence till Newt comes up from his suitcase. I do notice that Goldstein, Tina put her wand away.

About hour and a half after he went in, Newt comes out of the Suitcase, with four 3 inch long horns, and a couple scratches on his face.

"What the hell happened to you?" Tina asks, going forward to examine him.

"Nothing." Newt says, shaking out of her hold awkwardly. He later adds, "The Graphorns did not appreciate me asking for their Golden Horns at first."

He hands me the horns, which I examine, and keep them in my pouch, which immediately shrinks once I've done that.

"A mokeskin pouch!" Newt exclaims, looking at the vanishing pouch.

"Yup. Now, my turn. Remember, you can't share my secrets. Not even by hinting. To anyone, not even Dumbledore." I warn them.

"What's wrong with Dumbledore? He's a great man!" Newt exclaims, feeling second hand insult.

Both me and Tina roll our eyes, and I say, "Mr Scamander, I don't care if the Lord Almighty himself asks, you're not going to share my secrets. And, for your knowledge, not everyone trusts Dumbledore with their lives. Now, may I begin?"

Newt opens his mouth to argue, but Tina simply shakes her head, and says, "Yes. As the contract says, we won't tell anyone. We literally can't tell anyone."

Smiling at her in thanks, I say, "Very well. Say hello to my little friend, Ash."

As soon as I say that, the pair see the smoking Ashwinder coiled around my shoulders. And he was smoking. Meaning some of his scales were bright red, and would burn constantly.

Newt immediately comes close to examine the snake, as I put him down in front of us, while Tina takes a step back, pointing her wand at the suddenly visible snake.

"That's impossible!" Newt says. He looks between the snake and me, and adds, "Ashwinders can't live beyond the hour. And you've been with us for the last hour and a half. And you've been in the restaurant for who knows how long."

"15 minutes. But, this one's older than even that. I've known Ash for 9 years, give or take a few months. I just didn't know what he was until I read the 2nd edition of your book last year." I explain, partially lying.

I knew he was an Ashwinder, yes, but I did not know about the part where Ashwinder only live for an hour at the most.

"How is this possible?" Newt whispers, and picks it up for examining it.

I shrug, not knowing definitely, and say, "As far as I know, his owner crossed him with either one of the Horned serpents, or a Snallygaster. You can see the small horn there, but I'm not an expert in distinguishing between the two."

"Horned Serpent. The markings here are similar to them. And the horn is more like a jewel, than a simple horn." Newt whispers, already in his own world.

Despite me having a Horned Serpent of my own, Ash and Sly did not look similar at all. The Horns were different as far as I could see, but well, Newt is the expert here.

"That's all well and good, but how will this help us catch that breeder?" Tina asks, interrupting our conversation.

I simply hiss at Ash, ~~Can you take us to the owner's house? This will help you find a good place to rest in, I promise.~~

Ash nods, and slowly slithers over to me. As I help him up once again, he says, ~~Sure. But I can't smell it from here. I'll have to get to your dwelling first.~~

Looking at the shocked faces of Tina and Newt, both of whom looked awed too, I say, "He can lead us to the location. I'll have to come with, but unfortunately, I'll have to stay invisible. Don't want my name to get out, you see."

"You're a Parselmouth! That's amazing! Have you had many conversations with snakes? What do they say?" Newt begins rambling, excited at meeting a Parselmouth, who's actually pleasant to talk with.

"Let me stop you right there. First, I don't want anyone to know I'm a Parselmouth. And if I didn't need the Graphorn Golden horn, I wouldn't have told you this. Secondly, snakes either talk about food, boast about their power, or they gossip about their owners." I say, stopping him from asking any more questions.

"But.. why? You could become an amazing healer! Ilvermorny has books left for us by Headmistress Sayre!" Tina says, getting a bit hurt at not being able to share this knowledge.

While Newt answers her, "The Gaunts. That's why you don't want to let anyone know, isn't it?"

I nod, while Tina turns to Newt, and asks, "The who? Who're the Gaunts?"

I answer this time, saying, "Gaunts are the last remaining family with the Blood of Salazar Slytherin in their veins. Do you know what happened to the rest? Sayres are extinct, the Evanshades are extinct, and even the Slytherins themselves, are extinct. Each of those families died off in the same Century. Now, what does that tell you, Tina?"

Tina stays silent for a while, really thinking it over, but then she nods grimly, and answers, "You're of Slytherin's blood, and you don't want the Gaunts to know. And Gaunts killed the rest of the families with ties to Salazar Slytherin, so they can remain the only family with the claim."

I nod, not bothering with lies, as they can't share it anyway. Not even Legilimency, or Veritaserum would break that contract unless done willingly, and if they do, all of their assets will become mine.

I say, "One of the last two remaining male Gaunts, or at least I think it's two, is my father. I don't know which. I'm a bastard of the Gaunt line, and if they find out that I'm of their blood, they will have me adopted, and mind controlled to be their slave, and with their morals before the day is up. Not that they'll succeed, but still. It'll be annoying."

The atmosphere becomes a bit morose at that point, since they realise just what secret they hold in their hands. Not that the Gaunts will ever pose a threat to me, but still. That has potential to become an annoyance of the Highest degree.

"I understand. I give you my word that I won't even try getting out of the Contract. And Newt here won't tell Dumbledore." Tina says, answering for both of them.

Newt begins, arguing to defend Dumbledore again, and says, "But.."

"No. You might trust Dumbledore, but I don't." Surprisingly, Tina said that. She says, "I know you said he's trying to break the blood pact, but MACUSA thinks he isn't trying as hard as he could. I'm not asking you to stop trusting the bastard, I'm asking you to stay loyal to your word. You signed a contract, you know the rules."

Newt nods, and says, "Fine. I won't tell anyone. I won't even mention your name."

"Calling you had another goal behind it, Mr Scamander. I want Ash here to find a good home for himself. He is old, and getting a bit frail. Can you do that?" I ask, while scratching Ash on his head softly.

~~Why does he get to be up there, and I have to be down here.~~ Sly hisses in frustration, his giant tummy hitting Newt's leg as he crawls in.

Newt jumps, but seeing another snake, he looks at me. I just nod and say, "Ignore him, he's been eating and sleeping for years now. He's gotten lazy."

Newt and Tina look at Sly, and me, for a few times, and then shaking his head, Newt says, "I can't promise a perfect home for.. Ash?.. But I can promise to try. My trunk already has enough space in it, that I can enchant something for him."

"Appreciate it, Mr Scamander." I say, and then translate it for Ash's sake.

"No worries." Newt says, looking at Ash with a lot of fascination, and concern at the same time. Still looking at Ash, he says, "Giving creatures like Ash here a home is what I aim to make a life in. I already have a group of Occamies in there, so it's not like I can't help him."

"Good. That's what I wanted to hear. Now let's catch those bastards." I say, turning invisible with a thought.

"How are you doing that? I didn't even see you move your hand, let alone your wand." Tina says, looking, or trying to look, at the spot I'm in.

Smirking to myself, I say, "Now, that's one more secret I'm not telling. A warning. You should probably avoid telling Dumbledore about this raid. He looks in your eyes, and he knows you're lying immediately."

And that brings another round of questions, that I just wave my hand to. While he's not a bad guy, he's tried to manipulate me a few times, and that pissed me off. If this burns a fire under his arse, I'll only be happier.

At least I got the horns, and more than I needed! Now, let's go see about a breeding ring.