
A/N: Pat-reon: HelloDarkness07

A bit of an infodump, and a speedy chapter.


July, 56 BC: Three Months after Arrival:

Goblin's Silver, a Magical metal used only by the Goblins for their weapons, armours, and even cutlery. They sell it to Wizards too, at a very high price, with a simple condition of always getting it back, when the buyer dies.

For so long I, and probably every other Wizard alive, had thought that the metal was an invention of the Goblins, something they created from magically altering normal Silver.

And now, I find that it's not actually the truth. Goblin's Silver is actually found in nature, an isotope of normal Silver, I'm guessing. But it's not just that. This Silver can only be found deep within the ground, in areas where Magic is highly saturated, which is probably how the Goblins found it. They're diggers.

The Silver.. Magical Silver, absorbs the Magic from the ground, from the surroundings, and feeds it back, creating a cycle of give and take of Magic, continuously. The cycles are too slow for me to track as is, but I can probably figure something out within a few years using either the information I already have in my mind, from literal years of reading through the Room of Knowledge, or the Magical Library.

The fact that even Rowena believed the metal to belong to Goblins, must mean that soon, before 7th Century AD in fact, Goblins must have hoarded all the Magical Silver they could find, and created a monopoly of it. And no Wizard ever found it, since Wizards don't just dig, let alone dig this deep.

And I'm guessing they found that the Magical Silver is not infinite, they must have believed they had all the Magical Silver in the world in their possession, which is why they began selling it with the peculiar return policy.

I also realised why the metal called to me yesterday, and it wasn't at all hard to figure out. The tree which is my match for Staff wood had fed the Metal with its Magic, and then fed from it in turn, for the decades that it has been alive. And hence, the metal and the wood were connected, deeply. 

Before the tree existed, another tree must've stood in its place, and it would have been connected to the Silver in turn. Really simple.

Well, currently the branch and root I had cut off were sitting in the Nowhere, together with the lump of Magical Silver ore, under enchantments to keep them preserved. And since preservation Enchantments don't stick, I have 5 years before I need to use the wood, or cast another Enchantment.

Which reminds me to try and improve the Nowhere Dimension. 

I have a lot of stuff in the Nowhere, that can get bad with time, like the guns I'd stolen from Hydra, the many potions I have, clothes, and now, the branch and root of a Mopane tree. I definitely need to work on making the Dimension timeless.

Meanwhile, I was currently alone in the Metalworking Wing of the Library of Alexandria, which was free to use for any student, as long as some teacher is with them. I didn't have the need to hide my activities here, since the Statute of Secrecy was not even a dream yet, but I just didn't want to gain people's curiosity over what I'm creating.

And I want to keep this a secret for as long as possible.

Holding my right hand up, I gesture with a finger, causing the melted Magical Silver to rise up into the air. I had used my sword, Galadmagol, to cut a Magical Silver dagger into two parts, and melted one of them.

I keep my hand pointed at it, and Telekinetically form an invisible cast for the metal, in the shape of a ring. Sometimes, even my terrible control over my Telekinesis feels a bit OP to me. Limited only by my imagination, as they say. 

While the ring shaped metal is still hot, and somewhat cooling down, I point my left hand at it, and once again Telekinetically start writing Runes on the Ring's surface, both inside and out. Once done, I float the now Rune carved ring away, to let it cool, and bring the second piece of the dagger out, throwing it into the crucible.

Pointing my left hand at the metal, from above, I shoot white hot flames out of my fist, to heat the silver more. It was an Egyptian spell, which was.. not exactly a spell.

Magic usage in Egypt, since thousands of years, has always been based more around Intent, than words. The only time Words are used, is when you want to invoke some being, like Sorcery, or if the effect you're hoping for is particularly deadly.

The same translates over to the use of Staffs, which don't have Wand Motions, Incantations, for spells. You just have Intent, and your Magic. Everything depends on your Need for Magic, and your Strength in Magic. And these white flames were something I imagined forming, by imagining my Kasha's flames, without the Darkness that they have.

A Kasha does have some Demonic background, you know.

I had already enchanted the Crucible to not melt, but still conduct the heat, so I wasn't worried about that. I remember when it had happened during my first days of forging, in the Chamber Forge.

Ah, I really regret not keeping everything I own in Nowhere now. Shaking my head, I get back to the present, or more appropriately, the past, and keep hearing the Silver.

Within a few seconds, the entire second half of the dagger melts, and I keep the heat going, turning towards the Ring, which had by now cooled. Biting my left index finger, I cut into the skin, and touch the bleeding finger on a single Rune on the Ring, activating the enchantments.

Immediately, the Runes on the ring glow with a dull orange light, and the Atlantic Runic symbols intrinsically connect to the Ring, making the enchantments stick. Without any delay, I dip the now enchanted Ring into the melted Magical Silver, making sure to dip it completely, and bring it back up, but still inside the crucible.

Waving my hand, I quickly spin the ring around to get rid of the excess Silver, and then finally bring it up, turning the furnace off.

As the remaining Silver starts rising up, forming into a block thanks to my Telekinesis, I look at the Ring with a huge smile on my face. I finally had it, another Sling Ring. 

The only obstacle to me finding a core for my staff, or even the Sands of Time, was distance, my apparition being limited to 1000 kilometres. But with a Sling Ring, which I know I made perfectly, distance is no longer an issue. 

The Sling Rings connect to two points in space, only limited by the Sorcerer's knowledge, experience, and imagination. Where apparition took time, which is spent inside whatever Dimension we travel through, Sorcery Portals are instantaneous.

Slowly floating the ring towards myself, I cast a simple Aguamenti to cool it off, and put it on my left index finger. I immediately smile, recognising the familiar Magic of Portals already within the Ring. Still, an artefact such as this needs trials, and what better place to go to, than Hogwarts.

Storing the remaining Magical Silver in the Nowhere, I clean the Forging station of any signs of use. With a wave of my hand, I take the Privacy Wards that I had set up, along with the Muggle Repellents, to make sure I remain undisturbed.

Then, I raise my right hand up, and focusing on the destination, slap it towards the empty air in front of me.

The amazing thing about the Sling Ring, is that you just need to wear it, and focus on the location. The rest of the body movements are not entirely necessary, if you practice enough. And I.. have a lot of practice.

Immediately, a hole forms in the air, with orange sparks of Universal Magic surrounding it. At the end of it, stood a dark green forest, that I recognise as the Forbidden forest. I enter through the portal, and smile, seeing it close before my very eyes. Welp, the Ring definitely works.

I was in the space, that I believe will one day hold the Gamekeeper's hut, bordering on the Forbidden Forest. Seeing a couple Unicorns peeking from behind the treeline, I bow towards them, still feeling ecstatic, and turn around. 

Just as I had expected, the entire area was empty, with just grass everywhere. Well, I was in the Scottish Highlands. The Castle wasn't even built yet, which I already expected. 

I knew this from reading some of Rowena's journals. The Four Founders, instead of taking their own Castles and turning it into a school, had decided (or will decide) to build their own Castle, from scratch. Thanks to Magic, and the large number of Dwarves, it was an easy enough task.

Waving my arm up, I summon another portal back to Egypt, and immediately go towards the Magical Library. One problem is solved, the Sling Ring. Now, I need to find a way to freeze my Dimension, Nowhere, in time, without actually messing with Time. Which, I can't even do with no Time Sand in my hands.

I already have the entire compilation of Magical Runic Languages in my head, from the Room of Knowledge. And now, I'm going to add Egyptian Hieroglyphs to that, this time learning without the guesses and translations that the Room of Knowledge had.

Smiling at Master Onuris, who never leaves the Library grounds, I immediately move towards the Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs, and start reading.


September ,56 BC: 5 Months after Arrival:

I exit out of the portal, and glance in all directions. All around me, for miles and miles, there was only ice, with no other being near me. Still, can't take the risk. Closing my eyes, I widen the scope of my Telepathy, and sense for minds, both human and animal alike.

Thankfully, the only beings around are animals, and those too are a mile away from me at the closest. Well, this is the bloody North Pole, not everyone, or everything can tolerate a temperature this low.

Even I was not completely immune to it, and had to rely on my Telekinesis to not keep shivering. But, I'm going to need my complete focus in a minute, and hence, I'm going to have to take my Temperature protection off.

Slamming the side of my fists together, I cross my arms in front of my chest, and jump up, spinning around myself. As soon as I land on the ground, arms spread, an orange hemisphere of a barrier, made out of complex geometric shapes forms in the air, surrounding all area within 20 meters of me, that starts increase the temperature within itself, melting the water.

As the melted water begins flowing out of the barrier, nothing stopping it from freezing once outside, I focus within myself, and start taking everything out of the Nowhere.

I was going to change the Nowhere, make it so whenever I put anything inside, it remains as is, as long as I don't bring it out. So, if I put freshly made tea inside, and remove it centuries later, it should still remain as fresh, as hot as it was when I had put it in storage.

A completely Timeless Dimension, that is what I'm aiming to turn my Nowhere into.

The only thing I had to make sure of, is avoiding Paradoxes. In a completely Timeless Dimension, an Item is either always there, or it was never there. If I keep a book inside a Timeless Nowhere, then it should have already been there before I even kept it, since Time doesn't exist inside.

It was.. very complex, and I had to spend a few weeks going over the calculations.

Now staring at all the items once within my Pocket Dimension, I blink, a little bit confused, and mostly astonished. I had no idea I had so much stuff in there. There's no catalogue of items I store there, only my admittedly impressive memory.

Now, laying on the dry land in front of me, were things I didn't even remember storing in there. I mean, I must've been distracted, or I must have stored these things in a rush, or in a bunch. Or my memory is not as Eidetic as I believed it to be, I do probably forget some useless stuff.

Huh, this needs some meditation, before I can make a conclusion.

Shaking my head, I begin going over the stuff before I can begin with changing the Nowhere. There were.. about a hundred pistols, 37 Energy Rifles, 13 Assault Riffles, and a single Panzer, all powered by the Batteries created out of Tesseract's energy. I.. don't even know how the Panzer got here, I don't have any recollection of putting the Hydra Panzer into the Nowhere. But this probably happened during the mission to rescue Bucky.

Then there were the dozen batteries, some big, some small, all containing the energy of the Tesseract. After that, was the corpse of the Basilisk, still completely intact even through the passage of these years, except for the few missing fangs, and some chunks of flesh which Sly had eaten. And lets not forget the eyes, tongue, and the Venom sack, which were all stored separately inside crystal jars, which were now sitting innocently near the dead Basilisk.

Then came my two swords, Durmagol and Galadmagol, including their scabbards, along with three dozen remaining Magical Silver daggers, all of them made exactly the same way, and a few normal steel daggers. Next came the Elder Wand, which I had still not used to cast spells.

Unfortunately, the Resurrection Stone was kept in the Chamber Forge, so it wasn't here with me, and neither was Rowena's Diadem. That.. was in Aves Manor.

Then there were the dozens of books which I had stored to read later, and promptly forgotten about, amounting to a total number of 79. Most of them were fictional novels, or biographies, or even journals of my ancestors. Then came the two remaining Graphorn Golden horns, which I had gotten from Newt Scamander, and a single Unicorn Horn, which I had taken from the Slytherin Vault just in case.

There were also 3.5 bottles of Skele-gro, a single, larger glass bottle of Org-grow, 6 vials of Pepper-Up, four of Healing Elixer, two bottles of Essence of Dittany, 7 glass bottles of Murtlap essence, and just 3 bottles of Ogden's Finest Firewhiskey. I should probably find a place to brew Potions, which means I need a place to build a home, and a few greenhouses, while I'm at it.

The rest of the stuff, contained a few knick-knacks, watches that don't work anymore, the lump of melted Magic Silver, a single bar of Gold, Silver, and a dozen or so gemstones, all of which I had found in the Room of Hidden things.

Yeah, I had a looot of stuff, it seems. But very few things will be of use to me here, in this time period. Well, the Basilisk will definitely be useful when I begin building a house, but I don't have a good enough location for that yet. 

So, yeah, useless.

Once the Nowhere Dimension is empty, I close my eyes and sit down on the ground, my hands held together, to begin changing it. Runic Symbols start floating out of my connected hands, and start covering my body with it.  One by one, my entire face is covered by Golden Runic sumbols, and my body follows soon after. All the while, I kept my focus on conjuring those Runes over myself.

I have to literally make it so Time as a concept doesn't exist in Nowhere anymore, remove the flow of Time completely. This.. is not easy.

As a matter of fact, this is going to be a long process.


October, 56 BC:

A few weeks after re-creating the Nowhere as I wanted it, which by itself took me 3 whole days, I fly over the forests in Southern Africa, to look for Dragons, dead or alive.

Magical Dragons, no matter the species, are found either in very hot places, or in mountain caves. So deserts, Volcanoes, or mountains. And in all these days of flying over Africa, I was yet to find a single Dragon, Magical or otherwise.

I wasn't just flying here, however. I still spent many hours a day in the Library of Alexandria, either working, or reading in the Magical Library under Master Onuris's watchful eyes. He knew I was looking for dragons during night times, because he had caught me reading about them one night, but by God, he did not offer a single advice.

Master Onuris is many things, but a teacher, he is not.

Currently, I was in the eastern coast of South Africa, flying between two mountains while looking everywhere, to see if I can find something interesting. My enhanced eyesight was now good enough, that despite being a few hundred meters above the ground, I could still see most things very clearly. My ears were actually better than my eyes, and I could hear things before I see them.

And so, as soon as I hear a sound that is a mixture of a pained screech, and an anger filled roar, I stop and look at the ground, where the sound came from. It takes a while, thanks to the dense forest, but then I see it. A giant cat, with three spears sticking out of its thick hide, was standing in front of another cat of similar size, and five other cats very much smaller than it.

The cat had leathery hide, with thorn like spikes all over its body. The head was practically covered in those spikes, making it look like a very dark lion's mane. And when the creature howled, both in pain, and anger, its throat.. swelled up, like a pufferfish.

A family of Nundus, with five small cubs barely half a year old.

Frowning, since I know that a Nundu is extremely dangerous, I approach the location, to see who dared to harm a pair of Nundus, and their cubs. As I stop a few dozen meters above the Nundus, I see another spear speed towards the male Nundu, and hit it on his shoulder, the speed with which it was thrown leaving the Nundu no time to dodge.

I scowl, really not liking this. Nundus are majestic creatures, one of the oldest breeds of Cats, magical or otherwise. And these.. people, these morons, were trying to kill it?

I immediately drop down on the ground in front of the Nundus, catching the next thrown spear in my hands, and send it flying back towards the attacker full force. The man, surprisingly enough, catches the spear in his own hands, and raises his hand to stop anyone else from attacking.

I look at the obvious leader of this tribe of African people, and ask, "What.. do you think you're doing?"

Meanwhile, the Nundu sees that I am keeping its attackers distracted, and immediately starts running, taking his mate, and the cubs with him. I'll find him later, I will need to heal his wounds.

The man scowls, seeing his prey run away, and ignoring my question, he says, "Who are you, stranger, and what are you doing in our lands?"

I had spoken in the Egyptian language, which, thankfully for me, was understood, and returned by the weird man wearing a Panther coat on his head, and panther fangs around his neck.

I ignore his question, just the way he did mine, and enter his mind to get answers directly. A few images go through his mind, showing me glances of this man eating a purple bulb of a glowing flower, gaining a fraction of the strength of Bast, and the agility of a Panther. This man in front of me, was Bashenga, the King of Wakanda?

Then comes the image of his people encountering a Nundu corpse for the first time. This man got a vision from a giant Panther, telling him to use the bones of the Nundu in their weapons. So, Bashenga crushed the bones into fine powder, and mixed it with liquid Isipho, their so called Divine Metal.

Their Rhinos and Panthers also liked the flesh of a Nundu, which was just an additional benefit for them. And thus began a series of using the now enhanced Isipho weapons to hunt Nundus, to use their bones in creating more weapons and tools.

It seems Nundu bones causes the Isipho weapons to become sharper, more durable, and give it a stability when it comes to Magic.

Bashenga. Wakanda. Isipho. Vibranium. 

Surprising, but not completely unexpected. I just didn't expect to meet the First King of Wakanda. Hell, I didn't even know when Wakanda was actually formed as a country.

For some reason, which I'm guessing is related to the Goddess Bast's blessings, I cannot read all his memories, I only get glances from him. Well, I have other methods of gaining information. Using my Telepathy, I knock them all out, causing them to fall down as if their strings were cut, and approach the King Bashenga now.

Holding my hand on his head, I force my way into his mind, through the admittedly good defences his Goddess had given him, and copy all his memories. I do take a moment to see everything related to Vibranium, or as they call it, Isipho.

Right before I can get out of his mind, I get a glimpse of a growling Panther running towards me, and I immediately break the connection between our minds. Yup, don't want to mess with actual Gods, their champions, sure. But not actual Gods.

Waving my hand, I summon all of the weapons of my downed enemies towards me. A total of 13 Isipho weapons, spears and daggers, all of them made by mixing a little bit of Nundu bone dust into purified Isipho, float in front of me, all of which I send into the Nowhere.

Then, focusing on my Telepathy once again, I order, "You will go back to your Kingdom, and stop killing the Nundus."

This will probably only work for a short while, since an actual Goddess is at work here. I have no idea if the Goddess will be as strong as movie Thor and the like, or an actual Omnipotent Goddess. But, a few years is all I can ask right now.

As the people begin waking up, probably already confused about everything, I apparate away about 20 meters in front the still running Nundus. The Nundu, with four Isipho spears still sticking out of its hide, one in its shoulder, and three on his back, slids to a stop, his family right behind, and growls at me.

I raise my hand, sending telepathic waves of calm, peace, warmth towards the family of Nundus, and say, "Don't worry, I'm not here to harm you. I want to heal you."

I am still unable to use my telepathy on any animal or bird. I can sense their minds, yes, but I cannot enter the minds, let alone control them. Even now, my Reverse Empathy fails, as the Nundu just growls at me in warning.

Well, at least its not attacking me first.

Sighing, I focus within myself, and bend down on all fours. Slowly, my hands and legs turn into Tiger claws, and my nails get bigger than my feral mutation ever allowed. Slowly, I shift from my human form, to my Animagus form of a Kasha, with white flames replacing my skin and hair, and yellow and green heterochromatic eyes replacing my normal ones.

"GRRRRRRRR!" I say, seeing the Nundu start its run, causing it to immediately stop in its spot. Well, at least my Kasha form came to use some way. Kasha was right at the top of Feline hierarchy, along with a few other Demonic Cats, and Cat Gods.

As the two older cats bow down, their tails raised into the air, I approach them, this time, my telepathic message of me not harming them reaching their minds successfully.

I say, 'Do not be afraid, my human form will help you heal.'

The Nundu nods, a bit reluctant to trust me, but I get the feeling that he won't attack me immediately, not unless I harm him. Shifting myself back into my human form, I raise my hands, showing myself unarmed. Getting a snort from the Nundu in return, I smile, a bit reassured, and pull the Isipho spears out of his body.

"GROWWWLL!!" The Nundu screeches in pain, once again, causing me to wince from the volume.

Then, I take the bottle of Essence of Dittany out of the Nowhere, and float it over the wounds. I slowly pour a single drop each on the wounds, and watch the wounds close right before my eyes.

Once again turning into my Kasha form, I telepathically say, 'The wound will still hurt for a while, so don't get into fights.'

It seems my Telepathy does work on animals when I'm in my Animagus form. Huh, didn't see that one coming, even if it should have been obvious.

The Nundu just glances at me, hesitantly nods, and starts running once again, his family right after it. 

Huh, they're nice, Nundus. He didn't attack me even when I came out of nowhere, even when I had my back turned to him. It seems even in 1945, there are some things not known about Nundus.

Note to self, Nundus only attack you if you attack them, or threaten their cubs. They like to avoid conflict whenever their cubs are in danger. Second point, they don't bloody breathe out Poisonous air all the time. Fucking Wizards, getting everything wrong.

Well, before the bloody Goddess comes out of wherever she's hiding, to come find me, I have two more tasks to accomplish.

Twisting around my feet, I apparate into Wakandan territory, near a location I got from Bashenga's mind, and smile, seeing two dead dragons, fallen beneath a mountain. 

These two dragons, both of them dark brown colour, were both around 45 meters long, snout to tail, with spikes along the spine, even on their heads, and their tails. That's.. longer than even Hungarian Horntails, the biggest breed of dragons in my time!

Fuck, Magical Dragons are bigger in the past, of course!

They had fought amongst each other, near the Kingdom of Wakanda, and the Wakandans had taken advantage of their distraction to kill them with their Isipho spears.

Normal Isipho is not capable of piercing Nundu hide, let alone Dragon hide, but the newer varient, one made by mixing Nundu bone, has enough sharpness and strength to pierce even the dragon's bones, to stab straight into the dragon's heart. These dragons died two days ago, and they were still intact.

The Wakandans had kept the dragons here itself, because of two reasons. First, they were going to allow their animals to feed on their flesh, to try and make the animals stronger, and second, they encountered the Nundus before they could start.

Placing my hand on the chest of the dragon, right over its heart, I inject it with my Magic, while chanting in Ancient Egyptian, "Resonance."

This is one of those Egyptian spells that needs a chant, if only a single word. This can also only be used when a Staff crafter is creating the staff for themselves.

Unfortunately, I feel nothing even after doing it for half a minute. Sighing, I place the Dragon in the Nowhere, thankful for the lack of Spatial Limitations within the Pocket Dimension. Turning towards the second Dragon, I place it inside Nowhere too, not finding it to be a match to me.

Well, if it was easy, every Wizard would have been a Staff/Wand crafter. 

Glancing up, I look at the cave systems in the mountains around me, smelling brimstone and smoke even from this far away. There's definitely more dragons up there, but they're alive. 

I'm not going to attack a Dragon just for their body parts. I don't rightly care if it takes time for me to Craft my staff, but purposefully killing Dragons is not something I will do.

I apparate away once more, this time inside a Wakandan cave. The cave was made completely out of Isipho, with the walls made entirely out of its ore. The ground was also saturated by Isipho's Energy, allowing it to grow.. this.

Looking at the hundreds of purple flowers in front of me, buried in ground irradiated by the Isipho ore, I smile. Picking 7 of the flowers, I take the mud from underneath it, and store both in the Nowhere. Taking my sword out, I cut a piece of the Isipho ore out of the cave walls, and put that into Nowhere too.

My sword can cut through Isipho ore, huh. Good for me!

And then, I apparate away, my job done. I really have skewed Morals, don't I? I don't mind stealing, at all, if it benefits me, but someone else trying to steal from me is a big no no.

Well, not my problem. I didn't steal everything anyway, just a little. I need to study this flower, to find out what makes it tick. And then, maybe, in the future, I can modify a Strength enhancement Ritual to include this Flower, this Heart Shaped Herb.

And besides, I left them with some of the Nundu bones that they had already left stored away, yet to use them. I still have no idea why a Cat Goddess, Bast, condones the killing of Panthers and Nundus, and hopefully, I'll never find out.

Smiling, I continue flying, only this time, towards the ocean. Time to look for a base of operations that I can ward till Kingdom come.


"Well, this was easy." I say, looking at the island below me with a critical eye.

The Island was placed around two thousand kilometres to the east of Madagascar islands, somewhere south of India and Sri Lanka. I don't remember seeing it in any of the maps, which means I'll probably succeed in my goals.

Or I'll fail so spectacularly, that the Island is erased out of existence.

It was also perfect for me, since there are very few animals on there, and no human presence at all. There were trees aplenty, but even if the island was barren, I wouldn't have minded.

I can just ward the areas to have whatever ecosystem I wanted. Which is exactly what I'm going to do once I'm done Warding.

The island was big, but not too big. I've seen the island of Sri Lanka before, from high up in the air. I was still in the testing phases of the new Sling Ring, sue me. This island was.. about a tenth of the size. Or more like a twelfth. 

Well, lets find out exactly how much area it has, shall we. I point both my palms at the Island, still floating a few miles above it with my Telekinesis provided flight. I'm really enjoying flying on my own, if you can't tell.

Circular Tao Mandalas appear in front of my palms, as a single band of Universal Magic is formed on my forearm, which spins slowly around my wrists. Pulling my right hand backwards, I extend just the index and middle fingers, and touch the band on my left wrist, connecting to it.

As I push my right hand towards the island, the band goes with it, and flies towards the island. As the band goes beyond my sight, I wait, knowing the spell is already working.

At first, a single line forms right along the centre of the Island, glowing orange from the Universal Magic. Even I, from a few miles above the ground, can see it clearly. Then, another line forms on its left, keeping a very small distance of exactly one kilometre, if the spell worked right.

Which it did.

A third line forms on the right of the first one, once again keeping a distance of one kilometre. On and on it goes, until the entire Island is covered in giant parallel lines, each covering a distance of just one kilometre.

It is just an illusion, however, visible only to me, so that I can see that the spell is working.

Then, a new line forms perpendicular to all the other ones, dividing the central line into two equal parts. Once again the process starts, this time with the new line, as a new set of Parallel lines emergy, these ones all perpendicular to the first set.

When the process ends, all of five minutes after I began, I see a grid of squares, 1 sq km each, covering the entirety of the Island. Putting my two fingers, this time of the left hand, on the band on my right hand, I push that band towards the island.

This band speeds towards the island, and hits the grid like structure, immediately causing it to shatter into Universal Magic once again. And then, the band comes back, and stops in front of me.

Only this time, it has imprints on top of it, showing the numbers 4729.73. Which is the area of the Island in square kilometres. 

I really find it odd that Sorcery has a spell for getting the area of any piece of land, but it doesn't have a spell to tell the time of the day. 

Shaking my head, I dispell the Tao Mandalas around my hand, and slowly drop down towards the island that I was going to turn into my Base of Operations, my lair, so to speak. But to do that, I will need to Ward the Island completely, so that.. colonisers don't find it. 

Gods, I'm a coloniser right now, aren't I? Fucking hell.


A/N: What an elaborate yet unnecessary way to find the area of a surface, am I right? Well, Magic works in mysterious ways, and sometimes, it works by actually counting the 1kmsq squares lol.

Anyway, I've already planned out what I'm hoping for in this arc, so don't worry about me losing my vision. I might get distracted, however, by some unexpected plotline or something.

You've probably seen it happen in my stories.

Quick question, are there any questions you want to ask regarding the story? Any doubts to clear, or any clarifications? Feel free to comment on this chapter. I'll either reply to those comments, or I'll write an explanation in the Author Notes next chapter.

Anyway, thank you for your support! 
