
A/N: Pat-reon: HelloDarkness07

This, and the next couple chapters are going to be short time skips, after which there's a big time skip directly to his own time. So, brace yourself for speed!


10 AD:

"Wait for it.. wait for it.. wait for it.." Selene whispers, after repeatedly telling me to stay silent.

"I would gladly, but can you tell me what it is I'm waiting for?" I whisper back, while staring at the empty patch of land in front of me.

We were in China, or Tibet, somewhere near there, I can't tell the exact location. We've been here for 15 minutes, just talking amongst ourselves, when she suddenly shushed me and told me to wait for it. Anytime I ask her what it is she's waiting for..

"Shhh.." she did this.

Sighing, I look around, thinking back on my life since my rematch with Hela. Magic is safe, or as safe as it can be with Demons and Gods staying away. And my time was being spent finally reading through the bigass Repository that I have in my hands, that just keeps on expanding.

Sure, most of the books there are pretty much nonsensical, private journals of Philosophers or things like that. And it gave me ample entertainment when I was in the mood for it. But.. Some books were actually pretty good when it comes to imparting knowledge.

But, as it is with such area-wide spells, it lacks power. And so, while not many people can sense that my Knowledge Theft Ward is there and working, many others have already found ways to prevent their knowledge from being stolen.

Some of those who found such ways don't even know there is such a spell at work. They're just paranoid like that.

So, the last few years were spent just reading, practicing my Magic, and every once in a while, travelling the world with Selene. I did it without her too, but I cherish the moments I was spending with her. There was just.. something about her that made me treasure every moment I spend with her.

"There it is!" Selene excitedly whispers, making me smile as I come out of the memories.

Looking in the direction she was pointing at, I stop and stare. Where there was once nothing, just a small clearing within a forest, there was now an ornate gate, a Paifang, standing right in the middle of the clearing.

It was open, and showed the sight of a village through it, where people were busy living their own lives. Some would look in the direction of the gate, but left it alone mostly.

"What is that?" I whisper, looking at the Magical Gate with fascination.

It definitely came from nowhere, since I didn't even feel it coming. And I feel even the Bifrost opening up above me whenever it does.

Selene chuckles, and says, "That gate is one of Seven. Today, for one hour, Seven such gates open all around this Continent, leading to either an Outer Plane, or a hidden Island somewhere on this planet. This Gate leads to Tiger Island, which is protected by female Chi Warriors led by the Immortal Tiger's Beautiful Daughter."

"So.. it's a place like K'un Lun?" I ask, looking through the gate with amazement.

That's a place where Chi is practiced extensively, which not many places on Earth do. Sure, we have Sorcery, but not even many Sorcerers use Chi like the Chi Warriors.

Selene turns towards me, a bit surprised, and says, "I didn't know you knew about K'un Lun. But yes, it is similar. Where the Iron Fist of K'un Lun gets his strength from the immortal dragon, the Tiger's Beautiful Daughter does it through sheer willpower, and through meditation within nature. Similarly, other five villages gain their own powers through different methods, but they have one thing in common. They all practice Chi."

Nodding, I say, "I've been to K'un Lun, once. I needed the blood of a Chi Dragon, back in my own time, and there was only one I knew of. Shou Lao. I sneaked in using my Magic, thankfully the gateway was open then, and I managed to bargain for a small amount of blood."

It was.. embarrassingly easy to sneak into the temple, and into the caves. The Iron Fist was busy fighting against Nazi and Japanese invaders who were looking for the Village, and the other Chi Masters were too busy trying to stay vigilant to actually be vigilant.

"What did you have to give Shou Lao?" Selene asks, curious.

"He wanted a fucking tooth made of Magic Silver, to replace one an Iron Fist knocked out. Fucker was adamant that it had to be a Magical Tooth." I say, and then stop, seeing something approaching the gate from this side.

Tigers. Lots and lots of tigers. They were all moving towards the gate, and curiously enough, there were a few tigers coming here from that side too.

"It happens." Selene says, no doubt sensing my question. "The Island is named the Tiger Island, you know."

Chuckling, I just see the tigers travel through the gateway, and say, "What's so special anyway? About this gateway?"

She did bring me here, and almost all of our travels have been to important places. Lanka, Babylon, Athens, Alexandria, Norway, India, Japan. Almost all these places had something important happen at some point. Something.. Magical.

Smiling widely, Selene says, "The speciality about this specific gate, is that I created it when I lived amongst them."


I snap my head towards Selene, who continues, "It happened thousands of years ago, I think it was right around the time of the Convergence. I discovered a crack in space that led me to Tiger Island. I lived amongst them, learned their art, and when I faked my death and left, I left this gateway as my gift to them."

"Huh." I say, not having seen this coming at all. I knew she was a good fighter, her body screamed that. And the fact that she managed to kill and absorb multiple Godly souls within herself also proved that. But her being taught in one of the Seven Immortal Heavens? That I didn't expect. "Do you want to go there?"

Selene smiles at me, offers me her hand, and says, "Maybe some other time. I have no reason to interfere in the lives of my descendants as of now."

Okay, so she definitely has descendants in there.

Taking the offered hand, I allow Selene to pull me up. Now standing up, I ask, "Shall we take leave of this place, then?"

Selene looks at the gate one last time, and then nods. She says, "Yes, I am curious what place you have in mind today, dear Athreos."

Smiling, I simply hold her hand, and then apparate us to the Ho-Lo Shan mountains in Eastern China. 

This is how our travels have been, for these years. We didn't always travel, no. We mostly travelled once every year or something, spending the rest of the days doing our own tasks, or just visiting one another. But when we did travel, each of us would choose one place to show the other. 

Selene showed me the Tiger Island gateway today. And I, in return, am showing her something just as Magical.

We were right at the base of the Ho-Lo Shan mountains, in a small forest. As I look around, I see nothing special about this place except for the calm Nature, and the peace this place gives out. But just one glance above told me that I was in the right place.

Offering my hand to Selene, I say, "Come on, we need to fly just at the top of that mountain."

Selene raises her eyebrows at that, but holds my hand as both of us rise up into the air. Both of us, using our Telekinesis, we fly towards the mountain I had pointed at, and within a minute, we reach the place.

Dropping down gently on the flat land, I look towards the lake I could make out a small distance away, with green and red trees bordering it. Meanwhile, Selene was busy gaping at the different birds flying over our heads.

From the bottom of the mountain, they looked similar to eagles, or some other birds. But now that we were both high up on top of the mountain, we could tell what kinds of birds they were.

"Are those.. Phoenixes?" Selene whispers, sounding nervous.

Nodding, I say, "They're Fenghuang, an offshoot of the Phoenixes." I then point towards another bird, and say, "And that's a Thunderbird. A long way from home, that one."

I then gently pull Selene by her hand, as I start taking her towards the lake. Selene looks around as we walk, and I see her eyes glancing nervously towards the lake where she could see I was leading her.

She says, "I don't think this is a good idea. I'm not Light, Athreos. Phoenixes don't like me."

I smile at her in reassurance, and say, "Phoenixes don't care about Light and Dark Magic, Selene. They're creatures of Magic, of Balance. They only care about what your intentions towards them are. If I wanted to kill them, or harm them, or steal for them, then they will not hesitate to harm me, Guardian of Magic or not."

And they will feel your intentions. If there's one Bird you can never lie to, it's a Phoenix. Doesn't matter what you try, Phoenixes cannot be tricked or manipulated. At least, the birds. God knows the Phoenix Force hosts have been tricked multiple times.

It's why they're said to be judges of good character. Because nothing is hidden from them.

"But.." Selene begins.

Stopping in our walk, I look Selene in her eyes, and say, "Hey. You trust me, don't you?" Selene nods, so I smile and say, "You will not be harmed by them as long as you don't try anything against them. Keep your thoughts away from how you can use them, and they will keep their fire away from you. And besides, I am with you. I won't let anyone harm you."

Selene looks amused, and says, "It's cute that you think I need your help defending myself if need be." As I look abashed, she adds, "I'm more worried about their fear of me. I've noticed that some Magical Creatures can sense the crimes I've committed against Magic, and they try to stay as far away from me as they can."

Oh, yeah. There's that.

Shrugging, I say, "Well, you're not planning on committing any crimes here now, are you? Then you're fine. Come."

And then, as we get right next to the lake, a beautiful musical melody reaches my ears, and I smile. Looking up, I see the mountain wall behind the lake filled with trees growing out of it, and on top of those trees, were dozens of Fenghuang, Phoenixes. 

Orange, blue, red, black, white, they were made of as many colours as there are flames, each denoting what colour fire they wield. And each one of them was looking at Selene and I, the former staying behind me to avoid her Magic getting sensed.

Smiling, I pull Selene to my side, and say, "First advice, don't try to hide from them. Second, show them respect, not fear, nor scorn. So, bow."

And with that, I bow low, facing towards the Phoenixes that were looking upon us, judging. I feel Selene doing the same beside me, as I feel her hand clench mine tighter. She wasn't feeling threatened by them, but she was afraid of rejection. I could feel it.

Which is why, even when a Phoenix lands right in front of us, and keeps staring at Selene, I don't let go of her hand.

After a while of just silently staring, the Phoenix in front of us trills softly, and suddenly, there's a cacophony of trills sounding from all around us. I smile, the Phoenix song making my heart light up.

As I turn towards Selene, I see her staring wide eyed at the birds, her hand on her chest. As a tear leaks out of her eyes, she whispers, "It's.. it's so beautiful. I can't believe I was missing this.. this feeling of completion."

Nodding, I pull Selene into a sideways hug, and say, "Yeah, they do that. And these many Phoenixes in a single place? They have a magnifying effect."

There were many Phoenixes here, around 50 or something. Some were flying in the skies above us, while some were resting on trees. This place, the Ho-Lo Shan Mountains, was where the Fenghuang are all based. This is where their Magic is strongest, and so.. this is probably the most peaceful place in China.

There are other such places, where Phoenixes have made their home, but those places are very few. I know of just around 10 such places on the entire planet, that's how rare such places are. And each one of them is the most magical place around.

Looking at Selene smiling at me, despite her inclination towards Dark Magic, I can't help but smile myself, thankful that I brought her here. The honest, wide smile on her face makes me feel as if I should have brought her here ages ago.

And I know, looking at the peace on her face. Everyone should visit this place at least once, just to understand what true peace is.


19 AD: Sanctuary

Rubbing coriander seeds in between my palms, I gently drop them into the Potion bubbling in front of me, and stir just once. A rabbit's foot, another stir, and then the skin of a live acromantula.

I wait a moment, and when nothing happens, sigh in relief.

I take the potion off the burner, and take it outside. As I walk out of my Castle, I see the shadows underneath the trees gather together, convulsing, and smile on instinct. The shadows return to their place, leaving a smiling Selene standing where they had just gathered.

"What are you doing?" She asks, looking at me holding a medium sized cauldron and walking out of the Castle.

Lifting it up, I say, "Just an experiment I'm really hoping succeeds."

"Isn't that true for all experiments?" Selene asks, as she joins me in my walk away from the Castle.

Chuckling, I say, "True. But this experiment might be something that would really really help me."

Within half a minute, we reach the spot I was leading her towards, an Alphonso mango tree, one I had.. shamelessly imported(stolen) from Maharashtra. The tree, however, wasn't suitable to be planted in this location, in this weather, on this type of ground.

Sure, I could have figured out spells that would do it, make the plant adapt to this new land and conditions, but it would have resulted in a change in taste. Which.. also would have happened had the plant adapted naturally.

Which it didn't. The mango tree had died.

So, I created this Potion.

Without hesitation, I pour the potion on the base of the tree, and taking a step back summon my staff to my hands. Tapping it once, I focus on sending my Magic towards the tree, and chant, "Accommodare Fructus Crescere!"

The potion which had soaked the ground wet lights up, and then settles down. I keep feeding my Magic into my spell, which causes the Potion to move towards the tree, towards the roots, and through them into the tree. Slowly, bit by bit, life returns to the tree as leaves start covering it once again.

Nodding in satisfaction, I send the empty cauldron back to Nowhere, and clean my hands with a spell. I then offer Selene my elbow, and as we start walking back towards the Castle, I ask, "So, what can I do for you, my Lady?"

The spell and Potion had made the tree native to these lands, to the different climate, without changing anything about it. I healed the tree myself, of course, but the potion did help.

Selene giggles, making me smile once again, and says, "Well, it has been a couple months since I last saw you, and I wanted to see how you were doing."

"And? What's your conclusion?" I ask, looking at her.

Selene smiles, and says, "Loneliness is definitely having an effect on your psych."

I put a hand on my heart, and say, "It hurt. Right here."

Selene shakes her head, and says, "You are settling into the life of an Immortal pretty well, all things considered. But, you were already used to a longer life so that is to be expected. But do remember, Athreos, that you can't just spend every moment in seclusion. I did that, and you know some of what I have done."

Smiling softly, touched at the concern she's showing, I say, "Don't worry, I am not alone. Athra visits me every once in a while, and so does Ayesha. And even still, I am not always here, you know. I visit other places, villages, towns, kingdoms. Just last week I was dealing with another Deviant attack in the Mahameghavahana Dynasty. I even stayed back to heal the people this time."

I was originally there to buy some rice, which I had a need of, along with some spices. Coincidentally enough, the village I was in was attacked by a flying Griffin-like Deviant, that I had to fight off and destroy. The Eternals never showed up, but I suppose they were dealing with some other Deviant somewhere else. 

"Oh? And how was it, becoming a Healer once again?" Selene asks, as we reach the kitchen.

As I start laying out some tea and cookies, I smile, and say, "Like I was an idiot for not doing it before."

My respect for Master Potter… for Aunt Mia had kept me from destroying the Bond she put on me, preventing me from Healing anyone without their permission each time. My punishment wasn't just my inability to heal those who can't say it, my punishment was to witness the deaths I could have prevented had I not broken my Oath.

Harsh, and cruel, but perfect for someone who actually wants to Heal others.

But when I actually removed it, when I went back to healing people like a Healer does, joining in the efforts after the Deviant attack.. I felt as if I had found some part of myself that I had lost a long time ago.

Selene chuckles, and says, "I am glad. Honestly, when I first found that Bond on your Soul I thought whoever did it to you had cursed you. That it was an enemy."

Shaking her head, she says, "Well, come on. We have places to visit, people to see. Hopefully you get to practice your Healing Arts some more."


Cairo, Egypt:

Walking through the market of Egypt, I look around, curious at where Selene was taking me. For a while, we just walk, with me buying some dates to snack on along the way. The people here.. they're poor. I can see that in the way they dress.

But they're also defeated, not having enough drive to even fight for anything they might want. I've seen this when I was in Alexandria, but in Cairo it is just too pronounced.

Shaking my head, I sigh when I see another group of Roman soldiers pushing the normal people around.

"They're funny, aren't they?" Selene says, looking at the retreating backs of the soldiers. "Mortals, believe themselves to be the greatest gift to the world while simultaneously breaking almost all of the laws of nature."

I chuckle, a bit sadly at how accurately she put it, and say, "Yeah, I used to wonder if the world even needed humanity. If the world would have been better if it was just animals ruling it, just the laws of nature taking hold."

"And you don't now?"

Smiling, I say, "Not anymore. I know that every being has its place in the world. Even the Demons, even Gods, even those in between like you or I. If the World saw fit for these mortals to be born, to be as numerous as they are now, then who am I to argue? After all, in front of the Goddess who gave rise to us, I am still as mortal as these people are."

Selene smiles, and says, "That is a good answer."

"And what about you?" I ask, as we continue walking.

Selene shrugs, and says, "I have no opinion on mortals. There was once a time when I conquered a Kingdom, ruled it for a few centuries. There was once a time when I created a country full of just Mutantur like me by eradicating all mortal life within it. But I got bored of all of them. Right now, I don't care if they exist, and I won't care if they suddenly disappeared. Does that make sense?"

I nod, although a bit weirded out. To be fair, Selene was never a normal girl. Not even when she was born was she afforded that option. Her own father Cursed her to this life, and I don't blame her for working with whatever cards she was dealt. At least, now she's neutral about the options.

I suddenly pause, feeling someone's intense sight on me. Looking around, I find myself staring into white eyes belonging to a middle aged man. By white, I mean completely white. I could feel that it wasn't the man's sight that I was feeling, but someone else's. Something else.

Selene notices me looking at the man, and says, "Oh, I've finally found you, brother."


The white eyed man looks at Selene, nods once and says, "We meet once again, Selene." His voice was echoing a bit with something else behind it. "And who is this?"

Selene points towards me, and says, "This is Atharva Joshi. You may have heard of him, he defeated the Goddess of Death in a single combat."

'Why are you using that name, Selene?' I think to myself, as I nod towards the possessed man, and the spirit that was doing it.

The white eyes turn towards me, and he says, "Yess.. I have heard of the Man who almost became a Godslayer. I hadn't realised you were one of us, but of course, who else could fight a God on equal footing?"

I shrug, and say, "A Mage, a Sorcerer. I didn't win because I am a Mutantur, I won because I am that, and more."

The man smiles, and asks, "And how did you fare against the Goddess when you weren't an External?"

"I lost, I died." I say, and then after a pause, I add, "I also wouldn't have won without my Magic, so don't try and dismiss that in favour of fanning your own External Ego."

The man chuckles, and says, "Yes, you are one of us. Your help will prove to be significant when the time comes."

I frown, and ask, "When the time comes?"

The man spreads his hands around himself, and says, "Look around, brother Atharva. Use your Mind to look for those like us. In this vast city, there are just 37 not counting us three. And of those, only 4 have awakened their gifts. Just like what happened to me 3000 years ago, taking over the world now will lead to us losing the loyalty people have to us. No, I am waiting for an opportune time, until at least quarter of the people around the world have gifts like us. And then, I will rise again. Apocalypse will reign once again."

"Is that why you're possessing this man? To check if the number of Mutantur is high enough?" I ask, things making sense now.

So that's how Essex had met with Apocalypse before he was officially out of his tomb. Or he will. En Sabah Nur keeps sending his Mind out, possessing people to sense how many mutants are present in Cairo. And when the time comes, he will wake fully to take over once again.

The question is.. do I want that? And would I help him?

Apocalypse just smiles widely, and says, "Until we meet again, brother. I hope you choose the right side."

And then, the white eyes retreat, showing the surprised brown eyes of the man he was possessing for barely a moment before he's knocked unconscious by the strain of the possession.

I put my hand on his head to check for side effects, and finding only tiredness, I cast a minor Healing Enchantment on his body and turn towards Selene. Without saying a word, Selene holds my hand and I apparate us back to Sanctuary, directly in my kitchen.

"Why did you take me to him?" I ask, a bit upset at her actions.

Selene sits down on the chair, and says, "I wanted to see what you make of him. I apologise, I should have warned you first."

I nod gruffly, and say, "You should have." Pausing, I ask, "Does he always talk this arrogantly or was today special?"

Selene chuckles, and says, "He always speaks like that. Well, not always. It is either arrogance, or a patronizing tone. He prefers to talk down to everyone, but when he is in front of me, he can't do that. He cannot call me a child when he knows I'm thousands of years older than him."

I shake my head, my heart still beating fast at having been around Apocalypse. The one man that made even Essex shiver with fear, and he didn't fear me even when I was killing him. His memories are still present in my mind, and some of that fear is leaking over.

I then ask, "Do you support his cause? Mutantur taking over the world and him ruling it as the High King?"

Selene raises an eyebrow, pauses a moment, and says, "No. As much as I have trust in our power, I know that there are many beings who wouldn't let this plan succeed. Sorcerers and Mages for one, Gods for another. I would just sit back, and enjoy watching Nur fail once again, just like he did the last time. What about you? Did his Self Righteous behaviour bother you?"

I sigh, as I stare at the window for a second. Thinking my answer over, I say, "It isn't his behaviour that bothered me.. much. He comes on too strong, that's for sure. What bothers me is that I sort of understand where he's coming from, even if I don't agree with him even a bit."

Selene nods, and says, "A man's motives and a man's methods, they're two vastly different things."

Ain't that the truth.

Nodding, I say, "Right. Being from the future, I know how much our Mutantur siblings will have to go through by the hands of the mundane. Just like how Mages will face their scorn for being able to do something the mundane cannot. But I still cannot agree to Apocalypse's goals, nor agree with his methods. They're too.. genocidal. And he won't just be making Mutantur the Apex race, he will be crippling Mages and Sorcerers alike, if he succeeds. That.. I just cannot agree." Pausing, I add, "And he's also an arrogant dick, so there's that."

Selene laughs loudly, and says, "That he is. You should have seen him when we first met, he was just begging to bed me, to create children together so that they can keep different parts of the world in line."

I raise my eyebrow in question, asking without asking, 'What did you do?'

Selene grins, and says, "I beat him within an inch of his life, of course. What do you think I am? A Damsel?"

"No, I was just curious over how you reacted." I say, smiling at her.

Glad to know Selene won't be expecting me to join Apocalypse and his plans of World Domination. It would have put a damper on our relationship.. whatever our relationship is. Discarding the many Ethical opinions I have about a total takeover by Mutants, Apocalypse is definitely not the right man to rule the world.

He's arrogant, powerful, and will kill anyone if it helps in his goal. Innocents, and other mutants too. No. To answer my previous question, I won't be joining him.

But, I don't have to worry about him yet. He's back to sleep, I'm guessing. When he wakes, in his own body, with all of his powers, whenever it happens, I will be there to oppose him. I just hope this doesn't make me an enemy of the Externals as a whole.

One External I can fight, all of them? Probably not. Well, I'll deal with it whenever it happens.

Selene shakes her head, and as she starts walking around the table, she says, "Do not worry, Athreos. Even if I change my mind about his goals, I will not do anything to harm you, or this place. You have my word."

I hold her hand, as she stops in front of me, and as I stand up in front of her, I say, "I am glad to hear it, but I never doubted your word, Selene." And then, leaning forward, I kiss Selene on her lips, softly.



Disclaimer: Don't take this as a disrespect to Christianity when you start reading it. Read till the end and then judge it.


Jerusalem, 30 AD:

My hand on Selene's hip, we stare out at the town from on top of a house. Looking down at the multiple religious men preaching their own religions, Selene says, "I don't get it. What you said doesn't make sense. From whatever sense I use, the man looks completely normal, completely mundane."

Frustrated myself, I say, "I know! He smells like a man, he looks like a man, his mind feels like a man. I have no idea how he's so.. so.. normal! I at least expected a trace of Divine Magic on him, but even that's not present."

"Are you sure that's the man? What did you call him, Jesus of Nazareth?" Selene asks, as both of us try to use our Magic to try and sense if there's something odd about him.

Hell, he wasn't even a Mutant! No mutation, no Magic, no Divinity, no Demonic essence, no nothing! For all intents and purposes, Jesus Christ was a completely normal man.

"Yeah.." I say, disheartened a bit. I had thought that I would have felt something. Alas, Jesus is a normal man. "Let's just go. I don't think we will see any proof beyond his normality anytime soon."

And then, we leave to go back to the Sanctuary.


Meanwhile, an old man giggles to Himself as He turns around. He looks at His child preaching His Religion, and says, "Ah, it always feels good to mess with the mortals."

And then, he too disappears with a bright flash of light that goes unnoticed in the bright day. Although some people do look around, curious at where the Hymns just sounded from.


A/N: The Omake was just because people wanted Mason to look for Jesus. I thought long and hard, over how I wanted to accomplish that without offending anyone. And the best idea was this. They saw him, but they didn't feel anything but a normal man from him because Yahweh (The Christian God) was there and messing with their perceptions without them knowing.

Apocalypse, now that's a hot topic. Mason knows why Apocalypse wants Mutants to rule, he has seen the effects of what Mundane people can do out of greed, and he remembers the X-Men movies from his own timeline. 

But, he also doesn't want Apocalypse to become the King of Earth because he knows that Apocalypse will be a terrible king, a dictator more like, who kills anyone that disagrees with him. 

A man that kills mutants and takes over their bodies is not one that can be trusted to rule over them.

Will Mason fight Apocalypse when the time comes? Probably, yes. I haven't decided when it's going to happen yet, but Mason will fight.

What Apocalypse does, is use his telepathy to take over a mind every once in a while, to cure his boredom and to check if the number of Mutants is high enough. Essex met him one of those times, and even at limited strength, Apocalypse scared Essex. A lot.

When the number of Mutants gets high enough, he'll begin his conquest. A bloody conquest, literally.

Selene.. She's neutral. She is content with watching the children fight over who gets to rule. Will she help Mason, probably, depending on how close she feels with Mason. But if Mason didn't exist, then she wouldn't take a single step towards helping fight Apocalypse. She might have even helped Apocalypse.

Thank you for your support! Tata!