A New Home

A/N: Pat-reon: HelloDarkness07

Almost ten times as much further away from the Sun as the Earth is, there's a planet called Saturn. Also known by Sauri, Shani, Rhea, and many other names, Saturn is the second largest planet within our Solar System.

The planet.. isn't important. Not really.

A single moon amongst the eighty two moons that revolve around the planet is what's important. A single moon that is so similar to Earth, although not completely the same, that there's a very high probability that it would have developed life on its own, even without any external interference.

Not anytime soon, no. Maybe in a few billion years, but it would have been ripe with Life just like Earth was half a billion years ago. When only plant life was rampant out of the waters.

Life could be the same as that on Earth, or it could be as different as it can be, but there would be life here.

By the time that happened, however, Earth would have been devoid of all signs of life, and Mercury would have already been swallowed by the Sun, with Venus not that far behind. And I don't have that long.

Floating above the moon, I sigh, finding the sight too beautiful. This unnamed moon.. this moon was going to be our new home. Hopefully, the being I've asked actually agrees to help me.

Suddenly, there is a flash of orange light besides me as an intense wave of heat emits from the spot right next to me and I'm pushed back by a force unlike anything I've ever felt before. Raising my hand to block the bright light from my eyes, I gaze through the visor of my helmet, which starts dimming the light down for me, and stop.

As the light dies completely, I am graced with the beautiful visage of a flaming bird that is almost as big as the entire moon I was floating in front of. The bird was looking at me, with wings spread away from its body, and I just gape at it.

A single tendril of Psionic Energy poking at my head snaps me out of my shock.

Allowing the tendril entrance into my mind, I just bow to the burning bird and say, "Lady Phoenix."

Phoenix nods her head, and slowly, she starts shrinking, becoming smaller and smaller with every moment. Soon, she floats before me as a bird as tall as me, with her tail flowing back even more. The flames stop burning me even through my armour, as Phoenix stops shrinking.

But even if she's gotten smaller in size, I could tell that she's still the large Powerful being that I just saw.

She turns away from me and towards the moon, and says, "So, this is the moon you want to occupy. Yes, I can see it. The potential for Life."

Her voice was melodious, far from the calm voice that I was used to from her Rowena Avatar. The voice itself made me feel as if I was finally at peace. As if I could stay just like this, talking to her, without a single worry in my life.

Sighing, I shake off the side effects of being in the presence of someone as majestic as her, and say, "You've seen my memories, Lady Phoenix. Of what's to come for my kind. For all of Magic. Please.. help me with this. I know what I have to do but I cannot do it alone. I am not strong enough for that. But you are."

"Flattery will not help you convince me, child." Phoenix says, almost in a scolding tone. But I wasn't sucking up to her, no. I was being honest.

I am strong, probably the strongest being on Earth currently bar just a few others, but I am still not strong enough for this.

Phoenix turns towards me and slowly floats forward. As she reaches me, she says, "Worry not, descendant of mine. I have seen your Mind and I have seen more. I know that there are just two paths ahead of you if you don't do this. War against the non-magicals, and complete takeover of the entire world. And neither is something I, as the Life Incarnate, can see happening. I cannot see such a needless death happening. Neither to your kind, nor because of them."

"So you will help me?" I ask, hopefully looking up.

Phoenix nods, and says, "I will. But in return, you will do something for me. You may be descended from me, but I cannot step out of my way to do this without a bargain. Equivalent exchange, that is the Cosmic Law."

I nod, having expected it. Phoenix is a Cosmic Being, not just a God. A Cosmic Being, with capital letters. While her duty is cleansing planets and bringing them back to life, she only does so when the time comes. She won't burn Earth if it is not the Time for Earth to die. And just like that, she won't burn this moon just like that because this is not the time for it.

"If it is in my power, Lady Phoenix, I will try to fulfill my end of the bargain." I say, hoping that she doesn't refuse now.

Smiling, while I wonder how the bird just smiled, Phoenix says, "Worry not, child. I will not ask of you what I myself would not do. I will only ask you to do something that I cannot do without breaking the Laws governing me. Of that you can be sure. So tell me, do you accept it?"

That's.. not reassuring. The fact that she's not specifying what she wants from me is even more so. Hoping that it will be something I can actually do, I nod and say, "I accept."

Phoenix's eyes glow brighter, turning red, and she says, "A bargain has been struck. A deed for a deed. For my part, I will turn you into a Host, and you will do what needs to be done. I will not do anything to help you, but I won't be taking any steps to hinder you. My full Power should be enough to help you in what needs to be done."

"But be warned, descendant. You are not my fated host. Descendant you are, so you will not die by my being inside you, but you are unsuited to my full Power and so, you will be weakened beyond measure once I leave you. So.. best of luck to you, my child of rebirth."

With those ominous words, and before I can even say anything, Phoenix turns into pure Fire and slams into my armour.




I clench my fists as pure Power flows through me. Power more than I've ever felt, more than I've ever witnessed flows through me, energizing and healing every inch of my body. My Kavach retreats and I stare at my hands, pure flesh with a glow of Power to them.

There wasn't a need for my armour, I don't need Magic to breathe in space. I am Fire. I am Life.

I am Phoenix!

I could destroy the Earth within moments, eat the Sun in a few seconds at most, bring not just this moon, but the entire Solar System to life. I could make each and every planet and moon sufficient for life, no matter the distance of it from the Sun.

I am Power.

I.. need to focus on my task.

Turning my bright orange eyes towards the moon, I smile, understanding what Phoenix had said. This moon had Life inside it. Not developed yet, but in 2 Billion years at most, there will be Life on it. Or it would have been, if I wasn't here.

I could see it. I could see the moon lush with Life. Yes.. this will be it.

From the Nowhere, I summon a large green Rock and just stare at it, fascinated. Such a small thing with so much power. The Sands of Time, an anomaly created due to the clash between three of the same Infinity Stones.


And it is still nothing in front of me.

With my bare hands, I crush the sands of time causing the Sands imbued by the Power of the Time Stones to float around me. My Flames reach out to them, swallowing them within itself, and within a moment my flames themselves turn Green. The fire instead of retreating within myself once again keeps surrounding me, blowing with an unseen wind in the vacuum of space.

Slowly, I spread my arms and point my palms at the two poles of the Moon. It was slowly rotating around an axis, and I, as the Phoenix could see it.

Feeding my new Power now charged with the Time Energy, and my Magic, I use my green flames and conjure burning green Runes at the two poles on the opposite sides of the moon. The Runes split up, forming into four other Runes that turn into eight, and slowly, the entire moon is covered by burning Green Runes of immense power, visible only to beings higher than myself.

These Runes were charged with the energy of three Time Stones, and the Power of the Phoenix Force.

The Runic Spell that the Moon was covered by, powered by my Magic, powered by the Time Stone and by the Power of the Phoenix, already starts working, and for every second that passes, 1000 years pass for the moon.

But this is not enough.

The Life that this moon can support won't be the same as that on Earth. The atmosphere won't be the same. Not all Life is the same, and as Phoenix, I know that better than anyone else.

And so, the moon needs to be cleansed, transmuted into a replica of Earth as a whole so that it can be perfect for the Wizarding World.

My flames which had retreated within myself when I conjured the Runes appear once again, now back to their normal Orange colour. Wings sprout behind me, and within one moment and the next, I disappear from the spot in space, and crash into the moon.

As soon as I land on the moon with a tremor, I let the hold on my Phoenix Force go, sending it out into the Moon to fulfill its purpose.

The ground turns red, as it starts melting, and my fire starts spreading fast. Within a minute, the entire moon goes from a brown colour to burning red, as flames keep getting bigger and bigger.

My job done, I drop down on my knees with a smile on my face. I could see it, see the flames not just melting the moon, but changing it. I don't need to do anything else now, not yet. The flames know what needs to be done.

'You did well, descendant. Remember your promise. A deed for a deed.' Phoenix says, as my vision starts going black. I suddenly feel weak, and I understand that Phoenix wasn't inside me anymore. She was leaving.

"Thank… you.. Phoenix." I whisper, before the toll of hosting the Phoenix Force takes over me, and I drop on my back, unconscious.

When I wake up, I find myself once again covered by my armour, unable to see a thing. I try to lift my hand to my eyes, but find it stuck under a very heavy weight. So heavy, in fact, that I couldn't move even a little.

If it wasn't for my armour, my Kavach, I doubt I would have survived at all, healing factor and super strength or not, I am most definitely too far underground. And I could feel it, the weight was increasing somehow.

Sending my magic into the ground I transfigure it to water, creating a lake that's at least meters wide in all directions away from me. Now unrestrained, I disapparate from the lake, and appear far above the moon I was buried in, in the same spot I assume, that I had waited for Phoenix in.

With a pop I appear in space, some of the water that I had pulled in with me into the Apparition tunnel immediately evaporates and turns to gas, which then starts revolving around the spinning moon.

Now once again able to see, I stare at the moon and keep staring. It was.. changing. Like literally, it was changing in front of my very eyes.

The planet was covered almost 70% in water. The water was stable, nothing was wrong or odd there. But the land.. it kept on rippling, shifting, changing. Ground was being raised every few seconds, and cracks would form in one place or another every second.

It takes a single look at the constantly erupting volcanoes for me to realize that the moon isn't changing too fast. Time was moving too fast.

My own spell was making it so that for every second that passed for me, a thousand years passed for the moon. The water wasn't stable, it was just moving in waves too fast for me to make anything out.

Shaking my head, I sigh, satisfied that my spells had worked. The moon's land and Atmosphere was transmuted to be similar to that of Earth.

Thankfully, I guess, Phoenix was the one to actually cast that spell, because the air is not at all similar to what the air on Earth is now. But I assume that it is similar to what the Atmosphere on Earth was, around a billion and a half years ago.

The moon doesn't even have a single tree yet, as far as I could see, but I could feel it.


Not as clearly as when I was the Phoenix host, but I could feel it. The Moon.. and I should really name it something else.. had life within the waters. Aquatic life, but Life. I assume that it will still take a while for the trees to come into existence here.

I was unconscious for.. 7 hours. Which means the planet has been in a constant state of flux for around 25 million years. Okay, good enough. By this rate, this place would be ready to be occupied in around two weeks.

Alas, the work for me is not done yet.

Turning around, I start flying back home, not in any hurry. I had a lot of things on my mind, not the least of which was the Power boost I could feel within myself. Phoenix was gone, she wasn't inside me anymore. But she had left a.. gift.

A fraction of her power rested inside me, and I could tell that it wasn't out of any generosity, but because it would help me in fulfilling my end of the bargain. Even so, I am thankful for it.

Tilda smiles, having seen him coming a few years ago, and turning towards her aide, she says, "Master Athreos will be coming soon, show him to my office."

Bowing down, her aide mutely walks out the door. A moment later, he returns with Master Athreos in tow.

He has an amused look on his face, and he asks, "You already know, don't you?"

Tilda just smiles, and asks, "Tea?"

Sighing, Athreos nods, and sits down, as her aide leaves her alone with the man. As she starts pouring an already prepared traditional ginger tea, made from Assamese tea leaves, just the way Athreos likes, she sees him stare at the retreating aide, and says, "You think the man looks familiar, don't you?"

Athreos nods, and says, "Vaguely, yes."

Nodding, Tilda pushes the cup towards him, and says, "Wong's family has been Sorcerers of Kamar Taj for almost nine centuries now. At least one member of their family, most of the time the eldest, works here, helping us defend the Realm. Funnily enough, your Wizarding World seems to think Wong is a reclusive Noble Wizarding family despite not one of them being of Wizarding descent."

"Ah, I remember now. I've met a few of his ancestors, and I've seen his grandson in one of my visions, working with your successor." Athreos says, making her freeze for a moment.

Keeping the cup down, she says, "I was unaware you could see past 1973."

She was curious, because not even she with the Time Stone could see through that Time. Not for a few centuries now. And her past talks with Athreos had made her believe that he couldn't do it either. But she did find herself a bit curious about her successor.

She had seen him once, a man with an ego as vast as his skills in magic. But whether it will still be him, or no, she doesn't know.

Shaking his head, Athreos says, "I saw it a long time ago. Long before even my Adventures to the past. But that isn't why I'm here now, is it Tilda?"

Raising her eyebrow, Tilda nods and says, "I suppose it doesn't matter. Whatever you saw back then is highly unlikely to come true. And yes, now that we're at the crux of the matter. You need the book."

"I need the book." Athreos says, admitting the fact.

Tilda looks at him, and asks, "You understand why I'm reluctant to just hand it over to you?"

Nodding, Athreos says, "And if she doesn't want me using her book, then she will either say so, or she will kill me. But we both know that it won't happen."

"So confident in your abilities? Do you truly believe you can defend against her in her own realm, even with the new Power boost you have received from Fire?"

Smiling, Athreos says, "No, I am just confident that She will see my goal has merit."

Well, Tilda couldn't deny that. The Being has already lost one race of her descendants to humanity. She won't want to see another one face the same fate.

Sighing, Tilda summons the book in question, and handing it to Athreos, she says, "Be careful with it. Do not let it get stolen, because if it does, only Death awaits all of us."

It was the only copy in existence within the entire Multiverse, in fact. Only the Sorcerer Supreme knows where the book is kept, and she had taken this just for this very reason.

Athreos nods, not even trying to seem as insulted as he actually is, and says, "I will bring it back once I'm done, Sorcerer Supreme."

Smiling, Tilda says, "At Least you used my correct title for once."

As she watches her old friend leave, she sighs, and whispers, "May the Vishanti be with ye, Master Athreos."

With the Light Book of the Vishanti floating in front of me, back on top of my moon, I turn the pages one after another, searching for a particular spell. The Gorgerell Transportation Spell.

It can be used to Teleport oneself to any Magical Realm, as long as you know the correct name for it. Luckily for me, I know the correct names for almost all the Magical Realms we have come into contact with. It was using the spell that's the problem.

You actually need the book in front of you, even if you'd memorized the spell.

Finding the spell in question, I raise my hands to the sides, and sending my Magic into the Book of the Vishanti, I chant, "Domini Vishanti! Accipe me ad hoc regnum!"

I am momentarily blinded by a bright flash of white light. When sight returns to my eyes, I am faced with three enormous floating heads in front of me. One of a man, as normal as I am, that looks surprisingly similar to Dr Strange. Another is a Tiger, with some human-like features.

And lastly, is the person I've come here to meet. A woman as beautiful and graceful as they come. One of the only Elder Gods within this Universe to not be corrupted into a Demon.

And I, an insignificant ant, floated in front of them, not feeling fear but happy to see them in person.

Keeping my eyes on the person I've come here for, I say, "Lady Oshtur, Mother Magic. I've come to bargain."

Let's just hope she doesn't ask for too steep a price.

The ICW was meeting once again, as they do multiple times a year. Albus Dumbledore sat in his place, listening to the Asian and American representatives argue over the currently ongoing muggle war.

"Your people are invading our countries, Mr Smith! How can this not be under your purview?!" The Vietnamese man yells, pointing an accusing finger at the American, looking suspiciously close to physically jumping at him.

Albus sighs, wondering what possessed him to accept this position of Diplomat. While the man Atharva Joshi was doing God knows what, these diplomats were arguing about nonsensical issues.

Yes the Vietnam War was bad, a travesty even, but unlike the World War, it was not a large enough issue for the ICW to concern itself with. And Mr Dương, as an official Diplomat, should realize that.

Mr Smith however scowls, and yells back, "Like I told you a dozen times before, what muggles do is none of my concern, or the President's. He had advised the Muggle President against going through with the War, but as you can see, the muggle didn't agree. And it is against MACUSA Policy to interfere in muggle affairs."

Before the shouting match can continue, a flash of light in the center of the room catches their attention. Just like what happened all those months ago, Atharva Joshi stood in the center of the ICW chambers, staring at them all.

Unlike last time, however, the ICW was ready.

Albus nods at the Unspeakable hiding in the corner, who nods back. Immediately, thousands of Runic symbols light up on the floor, and Albus brings out his wand followed by the other ICW representatives, as they all begin casting a multitude of spells, each aimed towards binding someone completely.

The Runic Spell on the ground, meanwhile, was something Wizards of old used to fight Dragons and Demons. A spell to make the Magical resistance of any being inside it nonexistent. A very lucky find by the unspeakables, but one appreciated nonetheless.

Within five seconds, all the spells are done casting, and there's a thick layer of Magic separating the ICW members from the man in their midst, who was frozen with his hands folded in front of his chest.

Albus smiles, seeing the plan of the ICW succeed. He might not have agreed with it, knowing through his contacts inside the Department of Mysteries that the Vision Atharva Joshi spoke about, muggles hunting Wizards once again, might indeed come true.

But in the end, he was a member of the ICW, and not to be humble, but Albus was one of the strongest Wizards alive right next to Mason Aves. There was a reason no-one defeated Grindelwald before that day in 1945.

"People of the Wizarding World!" He suddenly hears, and just like that, Atharva Joshi is moving once again, none of the Binding spells, or even the Runic spell bothering him.

As Albus gapes, Atharva says, "I am here not to make you fear me, but to give you a warning. To those who don't know, my name is Atharva Joshi. No, I am not actually in front of you, don't bother trying to touch me."

It is then that Albus notices it. Atharva was looking around the room, but he wasn't looking at any one of them.

Albus waves his wand, and with a crack, all those spells they had put up just shatter. The ICW members yell in protest, but ignoring them all, Albus walks towards the man in the middle, who keeps speaking, still ignoring them all. As he reaches Atharva, Albus waves his hand towards the man, until it is about to touch him.

And then his hand passes right through the man.

An illusion. Or a spell used to send a message, Albus realizes.

He turns around, and sure enough, the others have made the horrifying realization too.

Atharva Joshi wasn't here, and their trap was useless.

"In two weeks time," Atharva continues speaking, "your world will be changed. I am going to move you to a different place, a Home just for your own. Where the Wizarding World can flourish without having to hide from muggles, where there will be just Magicals, and none of those without magic."

"Albus!" The British Minister for Magic Ignatius Tuft says, panicking. Putting the Mirror of communication down, he says, "This message! It's being played inside the Ministry atrium! And Diagon Alley, Knockturn Alley, and- and, even Hogsmeade! What do we do?"

What can we do, Albus wants to ask, but he keeps on listening to the message, ignoring the Minister.

"You may ask, what the reason for this move is, and who I am to decide this. For the first, the reason for this move is the fact that our world is in danger. Soon, the Statute of Secrecy will be void, and muggles will learn of us. And when that happens there will be War. There is no preventing it as long as you stay here.

"As for who I am, as of two hours ago, I am your Saviour. Named so by the two Goddesses that are responsible for Magic being the way it is. Mother Magic, and Mother Gaea have both decided to name me your Saviour on top of me being your Guardian for the last two thousand years.

"I had told this to your Leaders almost a year ago. So that they could prepare for the eventual move. But as I've just realized, your leaders, the members of the ICW not only didn't plan for your eventual move to a new home, they planned to capture me, have me killed so that I don't cause a panic within the public."

For a moment, the illusion turns his eyes towards Albus, leaving no doubt to him that despite not being here, he could see and hear everything happening here.

"To those on the verge of panicking, and those who want War with the muggle world now, I have just one word to say. Don't. Panicking will get you nowhere except in the prisons of either the muggle world, or your own world. As for fighting, you will not win. And despite me being a Wizard, I will not be helping you if you seek War against the muggles for the crimes they 'may' commit against your kind.

"To those who want to hide, who don't want to leave, you may try. But on the fifteenth day from now, you will be taken to your new home. You can try to run, you can try to hide, but on the 16th day, there won't be a single Witch, Wizard, Goblin, Dwarf, or any magical Creature remaining on Earth. You will all be in your new home. You, your lands, your homes, and your schools. They will all be there with you, so do not worry.

"There will be things you'll need to learn, things like how to farm, how to weave, something that you relied on the muggles for. But I have trust in you, as Mothers Magic do, that you will adapt to your new living situation soon. Goodbye, people of the Wizarding World. See you all in fifteen days."

And then, the illusion disappears.

As the ICW Chamber hall returns to a cacophony of noise, Albus stands up, having not known when he sat down, and leaves the room. He had a school full of children to console, since some of them will be forced to leave everything they've known behind.

Muggleborns, in fact, would be forced to leave their families behind, if this succeeds.

Thankfully, the Christmas break would be beginning right before the eventual 15th day, which was on 22nd of December. That should allow them to enjoy their last few days on Earth.

'Huh. 22nd of December. The Winter Solstice. Is it a coincidence, or a prerequisite for the move?' Albus thinks, taking a Portkey to Hogwarts. Judging by the whispering conversations the students were having, even the impressive Wards around Hogwarts didn't protect it from being the recipient of the message from Atharva Joshi.

Albus sighs, having hoped that the students would have been spared the message, so that they can enjoy their innocence some more.

Alas, he can't do anything but support them all in these trying times now. If only he was strong enough to fight Joshi.

Smiling, I gaze upon the beautiful green forest, with a crisp blue sky above us, and a larger than logical Sun shining above us. Time had returned to normal once again, and I had two days before I was to move the entire Wizarding World here.

Nicholas and Perenelle Flamel, together with the one year old baby Alain Flamel, Mia and tiny James Potter, Darla and Ana Greengrass with their own baby Luca Greengrass, and lastly Dorea Black, who all were invited here by me, gape at the forest around us.

Spells around the planet allowed me to not only return Time back to normal, but also make it so the Day and Night cycles are similar to what we experienced on Earth. The Sun looked the same, and even the heat it gave out was almost the same.

Seeing the surprised faces of my companions, whom I had just explained my adventures through time before bringing them here, I can't help but feel giddy. Oh this is something so much different than what the movies showed.

I wonder how the Wizarding World will develop when they're not forced to hide their talents. Hopefully there won't be any wars, but one can only hope.

Pulling Selene towards me, I kiss her on her head, and ask, "How does it feel?"

Selene hums in content, and says, "Like I've travelled back in time thousands of years. The Magic is so.. pure. Untainted. No.. Unrestrained."

I smile, understanding how she feels.

She then asks, "Is that sustainable? Forcefully pulling in enough sunlight to mimic the Earth's atmosphere?"

I look up at the Sun brightly shining above us, and say, "Yes. Despite me not approaching her, Gaea helped me make this moon as similar to Earth as possible on top of my deeds as the short term Phoenix host. The enchantments I've cast around the moon are completely reliant on the Magic of the moon, and they will remain so for at least a billion years more."

Gaea, she came when I was talking with The Vishanti. And it was good that she came herself, because Oshtur doesn't have any authority over any of the magical Creatures other than Wizards. Her appearance meant that I got the blessings to move Magical creatures, and magical plants to this moon without any issues, while Oshtur's blessings would allow me to do the same for Wizards.

Alas, Gaea's help came with consequences.

My Sanctuary became a sort of buffer between this moon and the Earth, to allow both Gaea and Oshtur to come and go as they please. Which means that basically, my Sanctuary exists on both this Moon, and on Earth simultaneously.

Well, we can't have everything, I suppose.

Turning towards the others, I say, "Nicholas, Perenelle, Mia, Darla, Ana, and Dorea. This.. is going to be our new Home. This.. is Avalon! The Home of the Magical World."

Avalon, our new home. I can't help but say it again and again. Our new home.

A/N: And that's it. The next chapter will deal with the aftereffects of the moving, which probably won't happen on screen. After which, either the next chapter or the one after it, will start directly with the MCU Avengers movie.

Just an FYI, the MCU movies will almost entirely happen in third person from someone else's POV, with only some instances of Mason's POV. That's to prevent Mason pretending too much openly, and to prevent his plans being known to all of us.

So basically, Mason used a large chunk of his Sands of Time to speed Time for the entire planet, powered by the Phoenix force, and then used her flames to force the planet through a rebirth. And then, he transmuted the planet to be even more similar to Earth so that it supports Earth life just like it supports Earth Magic.

His first 8 month long test was for Magic, not life, btw.

He went to Oshtur using the Book of the Vishanti, and while bargaining with her, Gaea appeared to him. I didn't write it because I didn't want to stretch it too far. Both the Elder Goddesses agreed to help him, but in return they named him the Saviour of Magic like Gaea named him Guardian.

That basically gave him the right to do all this shit but also made his Sanctuary a gateway between the two planets, connecting them so they can come and go whenever they want.

Basically, this new planet Avalon is a copy of Earth.

Anyway, ask if you have any questions and I'll do my best to answer them.

Thank you for your support! Tata!