
A/N: Pat-reon: HelloDarkness07

(A/N: Since a lot of fanfics spend a lot of words on the plot that we already know from reading many other fanfics and from the movies, I've decided to skip as much of the common plot that I can. Like the Iridium discussion from the movie, etc. Hope this works, but I just want to write as much of this story as I can, and not the MCU canon.)

As Steve walked out of the Interrogation room and towards the Bridge, a lot of questions start going through his mind. Many of them focused around Mason's Magic, his life until now, and the surprising reveal that he had just given them all.

He had a wife. A wife that was just like him and the woman named Candra, a Mage, and so, still young despite her age being at least 80 years. Mason had told Steve that he had married her in 1945 itself, while the War was still being fought, but he just hadn't told anyone.

'Good for him. At least he found some happiness.' Steve thinks, smiling a bit. Though he did wonder when Mason had the time to find a dame, fall in love, and marry, he assumed the answer was related to Magic.

When he had learned of his other friend's families, their own marriages, he was happy. Even Peggy's marriage had brought a smile to his face(not before his heart had felt a pang of lost opportunity) since at least she found happiness after him. 

Howard's marriage was the most surprising, since Steve hadn't expected the man to settle down, but he was happy for him, no matter what Howard's son was like.

But Mason.. after learning that Mason was still alive, he had first thought that Mason wouldn't marry, not willing to see a loved one die, but with all he knew now, he was glad Mason found someone.

Or at least he was, before he learned that said wife was missing, and has been missing since 1985.

Steve had offered his help, and of Shield's, to look for her, but Mason had just laughed it off, saying, "If I can't find her, Shield most definitely can't, Steve, but thank you for offering. Don't worry too much, my wife is a tough person to harm even a little, so I know that she'll be back in my life, sooner or later."

Despite that statement, however, Steve knew that her disappearance had hurt Mason a lot. It told Steve about the love Mason had for his wife, whose name he hadn't even mentioned yet.

Sighing, Steve shakes his head as he enters the Bridge, and immediately goes towards the table the group had been provided. Avengers, he reminds himself, the name of the group he was supposed to lead.

Fury nods at him, and says, "Good work, Rogers."

Steve just scoffs internally, and says, "We didn't learn anything he didn't want us to know."

And it was something that bothered as well as amused Steve; that Mason gave them some information, despite the fact that he could have just disappeared once again, without any of them ever finding him. He could do it, Steve knew that. But he only gave as much information as he wanted to give.

Fury nods, and says, "But we know he's not against us. I'm not sure he's with us either, but let's just be satisfied with what we have. He was just there at the right place at the right time. I even doubt that he would have interfered with Loki if you weren't there, we all know his friend Candra didn't."

Steve nods, although internally, he disagreed. Mason wouldn't let someone powerful bully the masses like that. Not the Mason he knows anyway.

Steve looks around, not seeing any of the others, and asks, "Is there anything else I can do?"

He frowns, when he sees a soldier playing some sort of game on the computer he was provided, finally realizing what Stark had said before. No doubt Fury knew about it too, but Steve guessed that since there wasn't any work for the man to do, it was being allowed for now. Steve just hoped the soldier wasn't as lax when he was actually needed.

Fury shakes his head, as he returns to looking at the screens in front of him and says, "No, you are free to have a look around or do whatever you want. Until Stark and Banner figure out where the Cube is, we're running blind here. Let's just hope they prove themselves half as competent as Stark believes himself to be."

Steve nods, and turning away, starts looking for Banner. From what Coulson had said, Banner was the only one alive who had managed to be (debatably) successful in replicating Erskine's Serum. The same one that had made the tiny kid from Brooklyn into the first Super Soldier.

Steve wanted to know a few things from Banner.

Why did the Government want the Serum to be replicated? What war was America thinking of dominating then, in 2005? Because as far as he knows, the Afghan war that began with 9/11 wasn't as.. unwinnable, as the Hydra one was all these years ago. There wasn't an actual NEED for Super Soldiers, since Stark's weapons were proving sufficient enough by themselves. So yes, he had questions for Banner, questions that he couldn't ask Shield, because it would feel too similar to insubordination.

All those questions, however, are thrown right out of his mind when he enters Banner's lab, only to see Stark poke the man with something.

"HEY!" Steve yells on instinct when Banner jumps in his place, startled. For a second, Steve found his mind going back to his old army days when he had to scold a few younger soldiers for not taking the War seriously enough. "Are you nuts?"

The conversation with Stark and Banner heavy on his mind, Steve goes to the one person who he knows will have some advice for him.

"Mason." Steve says, opening the door and nodding at the man in question.

Mason raises an eyebrow, and asks, "You came back earlier than I expected."

"You expected me to come back?" Steve asks, wondering if he's really that predictable.

Mason nods, and says, "Of course. You have more questions than I answered before, so it was natural that you would come back to me. Plus, my.. depressive revelation had shut our last conversation off, so I knew you would come back to continue it."

Steve nods, realizing that yes, he would have come back to Mason sooner or later. Sighing, he says, "I think I'll put off the questions for now. I just.. need to rant, I guess."

Mason chuckles, and as he leans back, he says, "Well don't do it standing, now. Have a seat, and rant away. I have nothing else to do."

Steve takes the offered seat at the opposite side of the interrogation table, and asks, "What happened to the book you were reading?"

Mason waves his hand, dismissing it, and says, "It was the Lord of the Rings. I've already read the entire series, multiple times."

"Series?" Steve asks, frowning, once again lamenting that he had a lot to catch up to.

Mason nods, and says, "Remember Bucky's favourite book? The Hobbit?"

Of course he remembers, Bucky had bought it way before the War began earnestly. Steve had read it too, having borrowed it from him.

Mason smiles, and says, "Well, the author published a few more books after the war in a series. Making a total or four books. There are movies too, so you might want to check them out."

Steve widens his eyes, confirming in his mind that yes, he had missed out on a lot.

"I have a lot to catch up to." He voices his thoughts out, shaking his head in disbelief.

Mason chuckles at him, and says, "You have time now, after this Tesseract debacle is over."


"How do you know about the Tesseract? From what I know Shield has been keeping a very tight lid on it until Loki showed up." Steve says, not completely accusing Mason of anything, but wondering just the same.

Mason raises an eyebrow, and asks, "I've been hidden from every Government in the world for 67 years, Steve. You think I wouldn't find the dirty secrets said governments try to hide?"

"Dirty secrets? What's dirty about the Tesseract?" Steve asks, getting distracted, wondering if there's some veracity to Stark's claims that Fury is hiding something. Although, he does realize that it's likely that Mason tried to find every secret of the government just to have something of a leverage if he was ever found.

Mason chuckles, and says, "Everything, my friend. Everything. I visited Stark that day, you know. Howard, I mean. When he fished the Tesseract out of the ocean, I visited him, told him he should get rid of it as soon as he can, and put it back in the ocean because it brings nothing but problems, but the stubborn idiot didn't listen. He handed it off to the Government after studying it for a decade or two. And what did they do? They tried to do the same thing that Hydra did. Extract its energy and use it for their own purposes."

Every word from Mason makes Steve realize that the Times have changed a lot. Or maybe, they never did, and he just was blind to all this before. The Brass never cared about the small man, never. Why should they care about them now that they have the key to infinite energy in their hands?

"Before he handed it off, however, Stark had to study it. He had to poke it with anything he could find." Mason says, and Steve snorts, because of course he did. "You know the Arc Reactor that Tony's so fond of? The bigger one was created after Howard studied the Tesseract and its energy. A lot. It's basically the same energy, although a lot weaker. And it was bloody brilliant. He didn't use the Tesseract or its energy, no. He simply studied it, and figured out how he can mimic said energy on a far weaker scale using his technique."

Stark. Of course he did something so impressive.

Speaking of Stark, "What do you think about Tony? It seems like you kept in touch with his.. life." Steve asks, changing the subject for a second.

Mason smiles, and says, "Be gentle with the man, Steve. He hasn't had the best of lives."

Steve scoffs, and says, "He's basically been fed by a silver spoon."

Mason chuckles, and says, "Steve, one thing even you need to learn about people, money doesn't always mean a happy life. Sure, it helps things a lot, but sometimes all you need is Love. Tony.. he didn't have a happy childhood. Howard wasn't a good father to him."

Steve opens his mouth to argue, but Mason waves his hand and continues, "Whom you and I remember as Howard Stark is very different from the Howard Stark that Tony remembers. Howard.. changed, a lot. He cared for Tony, loved him even, but he didn't ever let Tony know that. Harsh love, he used to say. Thankfully, Tony had his mother Maria to love him, so he wasn't completely loveless. And he also had Jarvis, the Butler Howard had hired, who became a Father figure to him. But yes, Howard made Tony's life harsher than it needed to be."

"And besides, neither Tony nor Banner are soldiers. They're not someone you can, or should, expect to put their life on the line for the cause of winning this War."

As Mason finishes it, however, Steve feels uncomfortable. He doesn't want to believe that Howard would be a bad father. He can, but he doesn't want to. It was just easier to blame Tony, who's not only older than Steve is right now, but also alive.

Shaking his head, he says, "Before we changed the subject," Mason raises an eyebrow, which Steve ignores, and continues, "you were saying about the Tesseract?"

Mason smirks, and asks, "Still doubtful about your Team, are you? I was telling you about Stark's Arc Reactor. See, after Stark succeeded with using the Tesseract to create his Reactor, the Governments.. they got hope. They wanted to use the Reactor to build weapons, but Stark refused."

Steve smiles, because of course Stark refused something that dangerous and still didn't face any repercussions. There was just something about Howard Stark that made one wary about making him an enemy. 

And as much as he didn't like to admit it, the same was true for Tony.

"So they got together to try and figure it out themselves. The Government, Shield, NASA. And they succeeded, not in what they wanted but succeeded nonetheless. They created a Ship engine capable of Light Speed travels. In 1989. That was huge, Steve. Even now we cannot do it. Forget us, there are aliens, beings with technology far far older and advanced than our planet that cannot do it, not without using shortcuts."

"Aliens? There are actual aliens, and you know about them?" Steve asks, fascinated by Mason's tales, but weirded out by the last statement.

Mason looks at him incredulously, and asks, "You're currently sitting in an interrogation room with a Wizard while two Gods are on the Flying ship that you're on, along with a Scepter that can control minds and shoot energy beams highly reminiscent of the Hydra weapons. Let's not forget the jolly green giant and the Flying suit of armour that is barely bigger than a man. And you're asking about Aliens?" 

Okay, now when he puts it like that.

Steve sighs, and asks, "How do you know they exist? Gods, Aliens? How do you know anything at all, Mason, if you've been hiding all this time?"

Mason winks at Steve, and says, "That's the secret, Cap. I was never truly hiding. I was in public, but as I said before, no one simply recognised me. As for how I know Aliens and Gods exist, well, this isn't the first time I'm encountering them, you know."

"It's not?" Steve was surprised. Nothing in the data package he got did Steve learn about any other Alien visits.

Mason nods, and says, "Loki.. he came to Earth at least once before, as far as I know. He hijacked a plane, ransomed a shit ton of money out of the American Government, and then took off back to Asgard. He wasn't hurting anyone, and it just felt like a good prank at the time. Why would he even need money, I asked myself then. I only knew him as Loki, the God of Mischief, you know. Not Loki, the evil bastard who wants to take over the planet. So, I didn't interfere then. I had a good laugh, actually, when people began scratching their heads, trying to find the so-called D B Cooper."

As Mason chuckles, Steve can't help but frown. Mason had.. changed. He was never serious, but at least he would never have allowed a robbery to take place, least of all from someone who he believed to be a God.

"And Aliens, well you won't believe me Steve. But Aliens have come here at least thrice before." Mason says, bringing a stop to Steve's thoughts.

Steve looks at Mason in disbelief, and asks, "Thrice?" Just to confirm.

Mason nods, and says, "Yes. Thrice. And not the same kind of aliens either. Different races. The first time they came here, a kid from Missouri got taken to space. He was gone before I could rescue him, I'm afraid, and I hope he's still out there somewhere, alive. And the next two times, it was related to the Light Speed engine I mentioned before, and it almost led to the Earth's destruction. If it wasn't for a single defender standing in the way of the attackers, Earth would have been destroyed in 1995 itself."

How did he even know all of this, Steve wondered.

Steve smiles, and asks, "You've saved Earth from aliens before? God, I never expected to say that sentence out loud."

Mason chuckles, and shaking his head, he says, "Not me, someone else. Someone.. physically a lot stronger than me. Maybe she might even be as strong as our large green friend up there."

Steve raises an eyebrow, not believing it. A woman as strong as Hulk? Not that he didn't believe it because she was a woman, but because he just didn't think anyone could get as strong as Hulk. Irrespective of gender.

But then he realizes something. He asks, "The Government knows, don't they? About the almost destruction of Earth? About the.. Aliens that came before?"

Mason smiles, and asks, "What do you think, buddy? Can a bunch of Alien War ships try to attack Earth without anyone in the Government knowing?"

Steve frowns, and standing up, he starts pacing around. He says, "Fury.. he knows. That's why he's banking on us, isn't he? He's seen one woman stand up to this alien army that came to destroy Earth, and send them packing, so he believes that individual strength might be the key to Saving the Earth once again. But.. he's not telling any of us. Why?"

"Compartmentalization. He's a Spy, he's just.. used to it. He doesn't believe you need to know, and so, he won't tell you. Or maybe, he has other skeletons in that particular closet he doesn't want to let out." Mason promptly answers, and Steve realizes that Mason is trying to paint Fury in a not so good light, but he doesn't really care right now.

He understands what Fury was planning to do with the Tesseract, what secrets he's hiding. He now knows what Stark is looking for.

Steve stops pacing, and says, "Thank you for talking with me, Mason. I just.. I need to clear my head."

'And I need to dig up whatever secret Fury's hiding in his closet. What weapons he's planning on creating.'

The next few hours after Steve leaves for the second time I sit on my chair, idly leaning back and putting my feet on the table. An Agent had come in before to bring me some food and water, since I wasn't actually a prisoner.

Although the quality of the food had me definitely believing that I was a prisoner in some jail. It wasn't gross, but it just doesn't compare to my own home's food that I cook for myself, or what Mia, Selene, Ana, or even Lily Potter might cook.

After eating the food, I had returned to resting with my eyes closed, leaning back in my chair. It wasn't a surprise to me that I found myself drifting off to sleep.

Before long, however, I am forcefully brought back to the Realm of wakefulness when my chair falls back, as the entire ship shudders with tremendous movement, and the temperature within the room rises rapidly.

I fell down on the ground, my butt still on the metallic chair they had given me, and just lay there for a second, still with my eyes closed.

'Couldn't have given me a few more minutes of sleep?' I complain to myself, as I sigh in annoyance.

Opening my eyes, I stand up, and whisper, "Time to join the boy band, I suppose. Hopefully Selene shows up when she sees me fighting with the bloody Avengers."

Selene.. her disappearance had hit me hard, and even now I can't say that I've recovered fully. It happened in 1985, as I told Steve. One day she was home, we were home, happy as ever having just had tea with the Potters- Mia, James, Lily, and little one year old Harry, and the next, she was just gone.

There wasn't a single clue about where she might have gone, or why she might have disappeared. No one saw her go anywhere, and no one had ever seen her after I saw her the night before. I couldn't even see her using the Time Stone, since she had done something to hide herself.

(If I wasn't annoyed and worried, I would have been impressed by the efforts she put forth to hide.)

Hell, I couldn't even see any possible futures where she might return to me, every future I saw was one where I'm alone, all the way till I die.

But she would return, some day. I know that. Either I'd find her, and help with whatever she's struggling with, or she'll return, and tell me all about it.

And I know this much, she wasn't kidnapped, nor was she dead. I could feel it, I don't know how. This feeling was something far, far different from the External connection I have with her(which had proven lacking when trying to find her). 

And so, I had spent the last 27 years looking for her, fruitlessly. I had even asked Tilda, Candra, the DOM, and even the bloody MIS for help. Some of the MIS agents were mutants, and one of them, a woman named Irene Adler, was a Precog. Even she couldn't see Selene, not even when she specifically tried to look for Selene.

I had thought that she'd be there, in Germany, since an alternate version of her daughter would be there in the form of Loki, but no. She never showed.

Shaking my head, I distract myself from her disappearance, needing to focus on this matter for now. I'm hoping that my presence with the first Avengers line-up would get her attention. That it might make her want to come back, or at least meet and explain her actions. But well, I can't do that if they don't trust me, and to make them trust me, I need to help them.

Granted, I would have helped Steve on my own. He's a friend, a very good friend at that. Others.. not so much.

Shaking my head once again, I conjure my swords out of Nowhere, and walk towards the door. One stab into the place where the controls are is all it takes to disable the system running it, and it opens wide.

Closing my eyes, I expand my senses just once before I get Steve's scent, and start following it while walking leisurely, the swords in my hand.

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" A panicked agent calls as alarms blare all around us, and a few sparks spew from the wires, which had blasted open due to the explosion. I could hear the sounds of people running around a bit away from my prison cell, and I could also hear the sound of fire cackling just one floor above me.

I open my eyes to see him pointing an assault rifle at me, looking fearful, but resolute.

I keep walking towards him, or rather towards Steve which this man was coincidentally in the way of, and I say, "Unless you're one of the people attacking the ship, I suggest putting the gun down, kid."

The earpiece on him cackles softly, too soft for any normal man to hear, and I hear a voice order him, "Shoot him. We have other things to worry about."

The man hesitates for barely a moment, before the order takes precedence in his mind, and he presses the trigger, shooting multiple bullets at me in a rapid fire.

I let the bullets hit me, and watch as the man brings the gun down, seeing his target get hit. Before his very eyes, however, the bullets get pushed out of my body, and fall down on the metallic floor with a clink, as my wounds heal on their own. Not even a single drop of blood had dropped down on the ground with the bullets.

I start walking once again, and the agent remains frozen in his place. As I pass him, I pause for a moment, and say, "Tell your superiors that I'm on their side, why don't you?"

Leaving the terrified agent, who was most likely new at this, I walk towards Steve's scent once again. Hearing the sound of a roar, one I immediately recognise, I change my mind and decide to take a detour.

Natasha was terrified, more than she had ever been in her entire life. Not when she had been taken by the Red Room, not when she had decided to defect, and not when she faced Barton in Budapest then, was she ever this afraid.

She was with Banner, as they had been thrown on a lower floor. She had freed herself from the debris well enough, but Banner.. he had begun to grow green. She had tried to use her beauty, hoping that it might calm Banner down, but his previous anger at Shield got in the way.

And so, Banner had.. Hulked out. And he had immediately seen her as an enemy.

She could not see anything about Banner in the giant Hulk that was rushing towards her. Not when she tried speaking to him, not when she kept dodging his attempts at grabbing hold on to her, and not even when he had just slapped her to the side.


And now, she could see her death walking towards her, faster than any being that heavy had a right to run.

Right before Banner could reach her, as Natasha accepts her death, however, something appears in between them, and hits Hulk on the head with something. Natasha sees Hulk widen his eyes for barely a moment before he is thrown back with a tremendous force, sending him flying through two metallic walls filled with cables and wires, before he stops in the Lower hangar that was two floors from being at the top of the Helicarrier.

Natasha blinks, seeing the man turn towards her, and blinks once again, not believing it to be just a man, and not the Asgardian God she had expected. "Aves?" She asks, confused. Seeing the thing he had hit Hulk with, she asks, "Is that a Staff? Made out of Gold?"

Mason Aves, Captain Avalon, and a recently outed Wizard shrugs, and says, "It's actually wood covered with an alloy of metals that includes Gold, but sure. Yes, it is a Staff, and yes, I am Aves."

Natasha blinks once again, but then shrugs, and as she starts standing up, she says, "I've seen weirder. You think you can handle him before Thor gets here?"

"ROAAAR!" The enraged Hulk yells, making both of them turn towards the holes in the walls.

They both see Hulk start standing up once again, looking around in anger, as Aves says, "Sure, it could be fun."

Looking at all the scared people in Lower Hangar start running in panic, and at Hulk looking around for someone to fight, Natasha thinks that Aves has a death wish. She didn't think even someone like him could survive against Hulk for long. But since Thor was on his way anyway, as Hill had just said in her ears, she just had to trust Aves to survive for that long. She has to trust that the super soldiers of old were actually that super.

As Aves starts running towards Hulk, his honest to God Magic Staff in his hands, Natasha just sits down, resting a bit.

Hulk.. is not an enemy. Neither is Bruce Banner. I don't want to kill any of the two, and so, I was not using my swords. 

Eh, they already know I'm a Wizard anyway, thanks to my own revelation. I don't mind showing them I use a Staff.

Running towards Hulk after having sent him to this Hangar, I can't help but feel.. ecstatic. It has been a long time since I've fought physically. The last time I fought an enemy as dangerous as the Hulk was when I fought Hela. So, yeah. I am a bit excited.

As I run towards Hulk, he turns towards me with a snarl on his face. His eyes were red, anger clouding his mind, and I could tell that it was the Scepter at work. Unfortunately, for someone like Hulk, just cognitive recalibration won't work on fixing it.

Or it would, but I'll have to hit him a lot harder than I possibly can, and even then I'll have to hope he turns back to Banner to have a.. sort of reboot of his mind.

Watching me run towards him, Hulk stomps forward, and slaps his hand, aiming for my midsection. I flip over his forearm and as he leans forward a bit, I hit him on the back of his knee with my staff head.

Hulk drops down on one knee, but even before I can take advantage, Hulk's heavy elbow lands on the back of my head and my back, sending me flying forward like a bullet. I slam into a metallic wall, a lot of my blood painting the walls red, while my neck snaps completely.

As it snaps back into place, and as my facial wounds start healing along with my multiple broken bones, I groan and say, "Fuck!"

Because that's exactly what I can sum this as.

Hulk moves faster than I expected, and he hits fucking hard. But I should have expected it, since he is literally 500kgs of pure muscle. And I.. am holding myself back to my.. non-external and non-ritually enhanced Strength. I'm around as strong as Victor Creed is right now, which is good, but not enough to survive against the Hulk for a long time.

For a moment, I wonder if I should drop this pretence and bring out my full strength, but then, my animalistic side takes over and says, 'Fuck it, I'm excited to fight the Hulk, to see how far I can take it!'

As the last bone snaps into place, barely five seconds after Hulk had slapped me away, I stood back up. Seeing his back turned to me, since he has no doubt believed me to have died with his backhanded slap, I yell, "Hey! Hulk!"

Hulk snaps his head back, and growls when he sees me, alive and well, completely healthy.

Spinning my staff, I grin and ask, "You think this is over? Bring it you dumb troll!"

Snarling once more, Hulk takes the initiative this time, and starts running towards me. Within moments he's right on top of me, arms raised to attack.

I can't let the attack hit the Helicarrier, not even on the floor, the entire boat will come crashing right down.

The Staff vanishes from my hands, and instead a circular shield appears from the Nowhere. The shield was dull gold in colour, and had the image of Matatabi, the Kasha Queen's face on top of it, right in the centre. I raise the shield over my head with both arms supporting it, just in time for both of the Hulk's fists to slam into them.

The Shield glows gold, as the Enchantments cast on it absorb as much of the force behind Hulk's hit as they can. I feel my arms and shoulder bones break into multiple pieces as I am forced down to one knee, Hulk's fists pushing me down.

For a few seconds, Hulk keeps pushing, but then he suddenly lifts his hands off my shield. Maybe to check on the damage he had caused, maybe to attack once again, I didn't care.

I tilt my shield down a little, making it so it faces Hulk's face, and press a simple rune on the inside of the shield.

The Rune activates another enchantment on my shield which sends out all the energy stored from Hulk's punch right at his face, in the form of a golden energy fist.

With a mighty boom, Hulk is thrown back by the force of his own punch, towards an expensive plane. Right before he can land on the plane, however, Thor appears with his hammer poised to attack, and hits Mjolnir on Hulk's head, sending him flying once again.

Only this time, Hulk is sent flying towards the open window, and then through it. And I just look on, seeing Thor just send Hulk crashing down to the Earth with one hit.

I run towards the window, which now has a large hole in the form of shattered glass, and lean down to see the slowly disappearing green form of Hulk. 

I feel a growl start rising in my throat, angry at not being given the opportunity to show my own strength off. To show myself that even limited, I was a match to those at the top. But.. I guess Thor was not at fault here. He just wanted to end the fight as soon as possible.

Joining me at the window, Thor sounds morose as he says, "Banner.. he was a good man, and a strong fighter after turning green. I would have loved to fight him again. Alas, a fight between the two of us would have destroyed the boat we are on."

Snorting, I say, "He's not dead, Thor Odinson. Just.. indisposed for now."

Thor smiles, relieved, and says, "Ah, that is good then. Mayhaps I will get a chance to fight him again. I would love to sit down and talk with you, Wizard, if you'll allow me. But I need to go and stop my brother from escaping."

Right, Loki.

Nodding, I say, "Fine by me. I need to go and help Steve."

Patting me on my shoulder once, Thor retreats, leaving me alone at the open window of the Helicarrier, which is flying almost ten kilometers above the Earth. Sighing once, hoping that Hulk doesn't kill anyone when he falls down, I turn away and start jogging towards Steve. 

I just got you in my life, Steve, don't you fucking dare die.

A/N: Mason's blood from when Hulk hit him cannot be used to make his clones, or do anything. It's basically dead blood that they cannot revive no matter what they try thanks to Mason's old Ritual.

Selene's disappearance has a motive, it's not just something to make MCs life miserable lol. As for Mason holding himself back, as I said, that's totally for my plot convenience. Having an External Mason fight these weaker threats is not only overkill, but it will show his hand too soon. And there are beings that have their eyes on Earth.

Tesseract and Arc Reactor connection is my own Headcanon, don't quote me on that. It's something I believe in so I can logically explain why the Mind Stone failed to take over Stark's mind.

Anyway, Thank you for your support! Tata