Chapter 05: The Feeling of Realism

William did not return to his room but went straight to the family library, he had been there before to look for the method of awakening magic but now there was a different motive, now he aimed to learn how to be a wizard.

The family library was immense, William knew this all too well after all he got lost a few times inside, with a family so many years old he couldn't wait to find what he needed.

-Compendium of basic curses and how to combat them.

-The Heir of Slytherin

-Protecting Your Mind Charm: A Practical Guide to Countering Legeremancy

-Defensive and Deterrent Enchantments

-Extreme Enchantments

-Enchantments and ancient spells fallen into oblivion

-Stimulating enchantments

-Confronting the undefinable

Famous fire-eater

-The Secrets of the Darkest Arts

Among other herbology and magizoology oriented books, he basically took everything he could and piled it up in his room with Verona's help.

If he had the opportunity to take books from the library then he had to do it now, in the future the opportunity may not show itself again.

By the next morning William was out of bed first thing, from Vorona's words he knew that his grandfather was a temperamental person and didn't like crowds so he preferred to shop first thing when most of the wizards were not yet ready to show up in the alley.

"I'm here" said William happily walking down the stairs as he adjusted his suit.

Lord Rosier was waiting for William in the main hall where they were both dressed elegantly, Lord Rosier's robes clearly demonstrated his political value as a great aristocrat.

To get all the way to Diagon Alley use the apparition, there was no way they were going to use the visitor's door let alone the flu powder, lord Rosier was reluctant to soil his suit.

"Hold on tight William, I'd hate to have to restore any part of your body" said lord Rosie with a chilling smile making William feel mild discomfort.

The moment the apparition started William could feel a strong pressure all over his body, as if he was being crushed from all angles or else as if he was going through a very narrow tunnel at a great speed, he could even feel as if his lungs were running out of air and when he noticed it again the air came back as well as the feeling of freedom.

"Are you complete?" asked Lord Rosier looking at William from all sides "I was expecting to have to restore a hand or a leg, pitiful" he took steps forward without looking back

William couldn't say anything he was still recovering from his first interaction with the apparition, in the books they described it but in the movie it just seemed to be a feeling of disorientation, clearly things are different in reality.

"well here I go" William said looking around in awe, he was finally in the real Diagon Alley, he was on the doorstep of his life as a wizard.

William walked quickly to catch up with his grandfather and not get left behind "where do we start?" asked the boy curiously.

"Shall we begin?" lord Rosier looked at his grandson with a cold expression "No no no no, you have to look for your school supplies I have business to attend to, think of this as an adventure, you will have many at Hogwarts after all" laughed the old man coldly to take out a small bag and deliver it in William's hands "don't buy anything used, I don't want my family to look like the ridiculous Weasleys do you understand?"

William just nodded his head, he knew what he had to do, it was a priority not to make his grandfather angry and on the other hand he understood the discrimination to the family of redheads, practically all pureblood wizards belonging to the holy twenty-eight, wizards hated purebloods hate muggle and therefore hate mixed bloods, a ridiculousness but it is something that exists and William could not change it, he would not try either.

Lord Rosier said goodbye to William and walked down one of the many alleyways bordering the great Diagon Alley, William could follow him but it was better not to get involved in family problems, meeting other Mortifagi would be like playing with fire.

The first address was Madame Malkin's store, robes for all occasions, it wasn't hard to get what he needed after all his measurements were nothing special.

Fate led William to buy the different items needed and finally he stopped at Flourish and Blotts for his school texts, obviously he bought more than he needed but it was for a good cause, he had to hide most of the books he took out of the family library for obvious reasons, if Lord Rosier found out that he took out so many books on dark magic then he would be in a lot of trouble.

When Will left Flourish and Blotts it had been a long time, Diagon Alley was crowded with people making him only sigh tired now he had to pass between people with all the things, of course many others like books were ordered with owl dispatch.

Finally Will stopped at his last goal and of course the most important of all, Ollivanders wand store, he couldn't buy a wand anywhere else even if they asked him to, this store is famous among the followers of the saga and now he had the opportunity to enter, how many people would wish to have that opportunity?