Chapter 93: The End of Greyback (1)

After finishing the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, the young students for the first time left with smiles on their faces, happy and excited about what was coming in the future. Everyone knew they wanted to engage in duels, but with the current school rules, it was practically impossible. However, things changed with the announcement of the dueling club, even if it was Gilderoy Lockhart who proposed it.

William calmly left the classroom, walking towards the common room, when a certain girl quickened her pace to approach him.

"What are you planning?" she asked, looking at the white-haired boy.

"Why do you think I'm planning something?" William looked at Hermione, who was staring at him intently.

"You're not the kind of person who gives out so many compliments to others, much less to Professor Lockhart. You previously expressed your discontent with him in front of everyone."

"My goal was the dueling club, I think it should be obvious by now," William admitted calmly.

"I thought so too, but I don't think it's your only objective." She remained silent for a moment as they walked down the long corridor. She glanced at William several times before speaking again: "Does your goal have something to do with the Chamber of Secrets?"

For a moment, William was surprised. Everyone knew of Hermione's intelligence; it was an undeniable fact. Even in the original story, if she hadn't been on the team, Harry Potter probably wouldn't have reached the end of the story.

"Why do you think that?"

"It was just intuition, although I have nothing to justify it. But your behavior has become stranger since we saw the message on the wall."

"The message on the wall was disturbing, you can't deny that. There is still no explanation for Mrs. Norris's condition. Even if it was just a prank, no student at Hogwarts has that capability. Maybe I'm just being a bit paranoid."

Hermione stopped for a moment to look at William's back. Perhaps she herself was overthinking things.

Then a figure appeared from the other end of the corridor.

"Rosier," called Professor McGonagall, gaining the duo's attention.

"Professor," William approached her.

"The headmaster wants you to go to his office right now," she looked at him intently. "The time has come."

It was a signal. The rest of the Hogwarts students might not know, but Hermione was not like everyone else. She knew what they were referring to: the long-awaited trial of the werewolf Greyback had arrived.

William nodded and followed the professor, leaving Hermione alone in the corridor as she watched them walk away.

As they walked through the corridors, William let out a long sigh. The memories of that battle came back to his mind: the adrenaline of the moment, the tension he was in, the expressions of his comrades-in-arms, even his mentor's battle that night.

But he could also remember the sensation and feelings he poured into his wand when he cast that unnamed curse that practically destroyed half of Greyback's body.

Although he didn't want to admit it in front of others, at that moment he felt somewhat strange, as if he were a dark wizard. The power to face such a strong enemy was perhaps the trigger for his true nature to come to light.

"You don't have to worry more than necessary," Professor McGonagall's voice brought him back to reality, far from that night.

William's serious and dark face disappeared in a blink. A smile appeared on his face, once again enhancing those features that made him look handsome.

"There's no need to worry, Professor. I just remembered something unpleasant."

Professor McGonagall nodded. "For your age, it's an event that could leave long-term scars. Don't hesitate to seek help to manage possible traumas. Even the best Aurors had moments of terror against that beast. You should consider yourself lucky to be here right now."

It was true, and William knew it better than anyone. Many wizards suffered because of Greyback. Even if he himself hadn't been there at that moment, it's possible his friends at Castelobruxo would have suffered a different fate.

"You're right, Professor," William's mindset had returned by then. Now, standing in front of Dumbledore's office entrance, it was the first step before Greyback's trial. He just had to answer questions and testify, but with all the charges the werewolf had on his back, it was impossible for him to gain freedom.

Professor McGonagall spoke the words, and the statue turned, revealing the passage to the office. Inside, just like before when he was on his way to Castelobruxo, the headmaster of Hogwarts was waiting for his arrival.

"William Rosier," he said his full name. Then he felt the gazes of the other headmasters in the office's portraits on him. It was obvious that the former headmasters were curious about William, the young hero who faced the threat, although they said nothing.

"Headmaster," William greeted elegantly. "Professor McGonagall has already informed me of what will happen."

"If everything is ready, then we should leave as soon as possible. We don't want to be late for this event."

With just a wave of his wand, the office fireplace changed shape. Both entered the fireplace, leaving Professor McGonagall behind. The green flames consumed them, and then they were at the Ministry of Magic, just like during the holidays.

William looked around and indeed couldn't see Headmaster Dumbledore anywhere. He sighed and scratched his head. Anyone else would be scared at this point, but it was just a minor matter.

He had to ask one of the guards, reveal his identity, explain the reason for his visit. Then, upon knowing his important business and after his wand was checked, he finally arrived at the place where the trial would take place. Just by scanning the room with his eyes, he could recognize some familiar faces, such as those from the Daily Prophet. But now, the important thing was the person who would be on the stand.