Chapter 94: The End of Greyback (2)

William walked through the halls of the Ministry of Magic, his eyes fixed on the courtroom door. The echoes of his footsteps resonated in the wide space, and around him, witches and wizards whispered, some pointing at him with curiosity and respect. When he reached the door of the room, he took a deep breath and pushed it open.

The courtroom was imposing, with high ceilings and a solemn atmosphere that made anyone feel the importance of the moment. In the center, a raised platform dominated the room, and at the top, the Wizengamot watched everyone present attentively. William noticed the presence of several Aurors and Ministry officials, all with serious expressions. Barty Crouch Sr., known for his severity, presided over the court.

William was directed to his seat by one of the officials. From his position, he could clearly see where Fenrir Greyback would be brought to face his charges. The werewolf, with his imposing figure and fierce gaze, was already there, magically chained and closely guarded by two Aurors. The tension in the air was palpable, each breath heavy and every look intense.

He had not fully recovered from the battle; even with his regenerative abilities, it was not easy to counter the curse William cast that night.

Crouch banged his gavel to call for order. "We begin the trial against Fenrir Greyback for the crimes committed in Castelobruxo and other places. We will proceed with the presentation of evidence and the testimony of witnesses."

The first witness was an Auror who had been hunting Greyback for several years for his numerous crimes. He described the brutality of the werewolf and how he had repeatedly escaped from the authorities until finally being captured in Castelobruxo. William listened attentively, knowing that his turn would come soon. Each word from the Auror brought the memories of that night in Castelobruxo back with force, the images of the battle and the danger fresh in his mind.

Finally, it was William's turn. He rose from his seat and walked to the stand, feeling the gazes of everyone present on him. Taking his place, he breathed deeply and looked at Barty Crouch Sr.

"William Rosier," Crouch began firmly. "Please tell us your version of the events."

William recounted his experience with a clarity and detail that surprised many in the room. He described the confrontation with Greyback, the strategy they used to repel the attack, and finally the duel he had with the werewolf, where he managed to inflict a serious wound using an unknown curse. Every detail was like reliving the battle, and as he spoke, he felt the weight of every word.

"The battle was intense," William concluded. "But thanks to the cooperation and bravery of everyone, we managed to repel the threat. I am here to ensure that Greyback faces the consequences of his actions."

As he spoke, he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen, reminding him of the scars Greyback had left him. The pain was a constant, a reminder of the battle and the ferocity of his enemy. William gritted his teeth and continued, determined not to show weakness. He remembered how he felt the moment Greyback's claws tore through his skin, the heat of the blood, and the cold of fear.

Greyback's defense attorney tried to question William's testimony, suggesting that he might have exaggerated the events or that the curse used was not appropriate for a young wizard. "Mr. Rosier," the attorney began, "isn't it possible that, in the heat of the moment, you exaggerated the ferocity of the events? After all, you are just a young man."

William stood firm, defending every detail of his account with confidence. "With all due respect, sir," William responded firmly, "what we faced that night was real and brutal. Greyback is not just a werewolf; he is a ruthless beast. There is no exaggeration in what I say, only the truth of what occurred."

The court listened attentively, and in the end, it seemed clear that the evidence against Greyback was overwhelming. The whispers among the members of the Wizengamot were clear indications that his testimony had made a significant impression.

After hours of deliberation, Barty Crouch Sr. stood up. "After considering all the evidence and testimonies, the Wizengamot declares Fenrir Greyback guilty on all charges. He will be sentenced to life in Azkaban, without the possibility of parole."

A murmur ran through the room as Greyback was escorted out, his gaze full of hatred locked on William. Greyback's stare was intense, as if he were trying to convey all his hatred and resentment in that last look. Despite the sentence, William knew this was not the end. The threat of Greyback could be contained, but the scars of the past remained.

When the trial ended, William found himself alone in a corner of the Ministry, reflecting on everything that had happened. He felt a mix of relief and responsibility. The road ahead was full of challenges, but with the support of his friends and his determination, he knew he could face them. The intensity of the trial had drained his strength, but it had also reaffirmed his purpose.

The Ministry's fireplace returned him to Hogwarts, where Dumbledore was waiting. "You did well, William," said the headmaster with a smile. "Now, rest. The future is uncertain, but you are prepared."

"I just... wish he had received the Dementor's Kiss to end all this. I hate leaving loose ends." William did not look at the headmaster but toward the end of the corridor. "I don't want to think about the next time we meet."

William nodded, feeling the weight of the day gradually lift, but at the same time with the agony that the trial did not go in the desired direction; leaving Greyback alive was like letting a wounded tiger escape. As he walked toward the Gryffindor common room, a sense of hope and determination accompanied him. He had faced a monster and prevailed, and he was ready for whatever came next. The look in his eyes was firm, knowing that although the road ahead would be difficult, he was prepared to face it.