Grand Battle! Gravekeeper vs Exorcists!

The young man raised his arm and quickly slashed down his hand.

Everyone only saw a flash of yellow light.


They looked over.

A triangular piece of wood fell to the man's feet.

The table corner in front of him was missing.


The officials couldn't help but gulp.


"What is this? Can a normal person do it?!"

"Is that what exorcists can do?!"

Everyone present was stunned by what they saw. When they looked at the young man's left hand, they saw a faint golden glow around his hand, which somehow looked sharp.

An elderly man, who was also an archaeologist, could not help but widen his eyes. His voice trembled as he exclaimed, "I-Is that… the Holy Golden Hand?!"


All the other people were stunned, unable to comprehend what he meant.

After a while, the senior archaeologist explained, "The Holy Golden Hand is an ancient ability that can be traced back to the Middle Ages. It is a subset under the Holy Golden Body, a cultivation technique practiced by the Knights Templar. The complete technique is called the Holy Golden Body, which can be used to refine the entire body."

"When you complete the cultivation process, your physical body will be as hard as metal. Moreover, you can attack even harder than normal weapons. This is the reason why the Templar Warriors were unbeatable in the Middle Ages. Together with the Expeller Prayer of the Monasteries and the Combined Offense of the King's Guards, they were the Three Ultimate Techniques at that time."

"However, this cultivation technique was extremely hard to practice, and it required rare resources. Coupled with other factors such as changes of the times, the Holy Golden Body was gradually simplified such that the cultivators only focused on refining their hands. The technique was then renamed the Holy Golden Hand. When one masters it completely, they can easily tear a lion apart, and it is also very effective in suppressing evil spirits."

"Even so, there were very few people who managed to master it. You can say that this technique has almost gone extinct."

"I didn't expect to see it in my lifetime."

This old man had dedicated his entire life to archaeology.

He was the oldest among them. Although his academic ability was not the strongest, he had encountered many strange things about ancient tombs.

He had even heard about the period of time during the Middle Ages when mummies joined forces with resurrected evil spirits, and the intense battle with the Templar Warriors that followed.

He also knew about the Templar Warriors' secret technique, the Holy Golden Body, and the origin of the Holy Golden Hand.

"But I've always thought that the Templar Warriors disappeared long ago!"

"How did you master the Holy Gold Hand?"

"Incredible. This is absolutely impressive!"

At this point, the old man looked at the young man in disbelief. Only then did the other officials in the meeting room realize what was happening.

This young man's hands were indeed different from normal people's. Upon closer inspection, his hands had a faint golden hue, which looked very mysterious.

All the officials were stunned.

The descendants of one of the three major forces of the Middle Ages were right in front of them, and they had even inherited their ancestors' secret technique!

Although the officials were relatively young, they were more or less familiar with the supernatural events in history since they had been involved in several archaeological projects.

However, weren't the three great forces long gone?

How could a contemporary person master the Holy Golden Hand?

Just as everyone was still confused, Wayne smiled and said, "That's because one of our ancestors was a Templar Warrior. Since then, the Templar Warriors' legacies have been passed down through generations in our family."

"However, there's no need for Templar Warriors in the current era. Nowadays, evil creatures like mummies and evil spirits have almost died out. Only a small number of places still have remaining supernatural powers. Therefore, we became exorcists to continue the legacy."

Then, he stopped and turned to point at the young man beside him. "I haven't introduced him. This is my younger brother. He has been practicing the Holy Golden Hand since he was young."

"I believe that given his mastery of the Holy Golden Hand, he should be able to deal with any normal mechanisms and secret traps in the Pyramid of Giza."


The officials were stunned.

Initially, when they heard that the chairman had found someone specialized in supernatural events, they thought that they were merely liars. They did not expect to meet someone with exceptional abilities and ancient legacies.

But before anyone could ask, Wayne and the other two Scotts took off their necklaces.

Then, they showed them to everyone.

The others looked up and saw that the three necklaces were made from silver. The connecting parts seemed to be made of animal bones.

"This is…"

The 80-year-old archaeologist who spoke up earlier shouted excitedly when he saw the three necklaces.

"Are they… the legendary Evil Bone Talismans?!"

"Legend has it that to create an Evil Bone Talisman, one has to kill many evil spirits. Then, the evil aura left behind has to be sealed by a secret trick for ten years. After that, the aura will condense into a bone!"

"It weighs 50 grams, black in color with a faint golden hue within!"

"It's said that it's extremely difficult to make an Evil Bone Talisman. There were seven of them in total, and four of them were destroyed during the Battle of Evil Spirits. So are those the only three left?!"

After hearing the senior archaeologist's excited explanation, everyone in the conference room was even more shocked.

Wayne was very surprised. He looked at the old man and said, "Sir, you are truly knowledgeable. You are right, what I'm holding is indeed the Evil Bone Talisman. The three of us are the successors of our family."

"When the successors gather together, we can unleash our full power. You have all witnessed the power of my brother's Holy Golden Hand just now. He is a formidable fighter. As for me, I'm good at tracking and locating. I can be useful in finding the main chamber."

"And this is my younger sister, Leena Scott. We can't show her abilities here, but all you need to know is that she will play a crucial role in excavating and exploring the Great Pyramid of Giza."


All of a sudden, everyone in the conference room gulped.

They had not expected that these people would have true abilities. They thought that they might know some martial arts moves at best. However, they turned out to be the true successors of the Templar Warriors.

As expected, they had to rely on professionals like them to deal with supernatural events.

With that thought in mind, the officials started to look at the Scott siblings differently.

Their attitude toward them changed from contempt, to shock, and then to respect.

At this moment, the chairman looked at them and nodded. "Looks like we'll have to count on you to explore the Pyramid of Giza."

He didn't say it explicitly, but he implied that he was going to prepare firearms for them.

The Scott siblings nodded in satisfaction.

As of now, the two parties had officially reached an agreement. The Scotts would enter the Pyramid of Giza first. Once they had resolved the dangers inside, the official archaeological teams would enter again.

Meanwhile, the government officials made a public announcement that they had invited the Scott family to explore the Pyramid of Giza together.

Before long, the news had become a hit again.