An Eye for an Eye. Prepare to Raise Mummies!

That's right!

What was trending on the Internet right now was definitely the news about the gravekeeper of the Pyramid of Giza. Just as everyone was discussing it in the comments section, the officials suddenly made an announcement.

Templar Warrior successors return. The three current successors of the Scott family wish to excavate the Pyramid of Giza with government officials.

As soon as this piece of news was released, there was immediately a large number of posts praising the three descendants of the Scott family.

The netizens were generous with their compliments as if the three exorcists were the saviors of humanity.

It was as if they would be able to resolve all the problems in the dangerous Pyramid of Giza.

Any smart person could see that this was an attempt by the government officials to save their reputation. They wanted to let the public know that they had the right to authorize others to excavate the pyramid.

They spoke highly of the Scotts. As a result, more and more people learned of this news. Surprisingly, many netizens had already become the Scott family's fans.

"Oh my god! I didn't know exorcists actually exist!"

"I've just done some research. It seems like Templar Warriors really existed in the Middle Ages, and they had supernatural powers. But then they somehow disappeared."

"I've also done some research. This Scott family is very mysterious. It's said that they have a good relationship with many nobles. So that's why!"

"So that's how it is. Us commoners definitely won't be able to come into contact with those big shots!"

"To be fair, they look quite professional!"

"If that's the case, I'm really looking forward to what's gonna happen next! Once these three exorcists enter the Pyramid of Giza, won't they have to face the gravekeeper?!"

At this moment, everyone realized that the gravekeeper was probably the reason that the exorcists wanted to enter the pyramid.

The netizens were extremely excited because there was going to be a big show soon.

When they found out about this, there was another round of debate online.

"They have to live broadcast it. I can't wait."

"It's so exciting just thinking about it. I wonder who will win, the gravekeeper or the exorcists?!"

"Wow, is there going to be a supernatural battle? It will be a feast for the eyes. After all, both sides have heavenly powers!"

"I think the official channels will definitely broadcast it live. After all, they suffered such a huge defeat previously. They probably want to save their reputation this time!"

"I think so too. Fingers crossed that they will do it. This way, we can watch the duel!"

"Hmph, what exorcists? It's Khufu's tomb, and they are not welcome there. Do you even have a heart? Why do you want to dig up an ancient grave?!"

"Get lost, the previous poster. I've already packed my luggage overnight and I'm on my way to meet the Scotts. I want to be their apprentice. Everyone, salute the founder of the Scott family!"

All of a sudden, all the netizens were very excited.

They were all looking forward to this battle of the century, hoping to see a fight between the gravekeeper and the exorcists.

This was a collision between two supernatural powers.

Moreover, the fight would take place at a unique place, right inside the world's largest pyramid!

Just the thought of it was extremely exciting!

Hence, the debate on the Internet gradually became more intense. In the end, they completely split into two parties, with each side trying to convince the other.

One side supported the gravekeeper and opposed tomb raiding, while the other supported exorcists.

Meanwhile, Vincent was completely oblivious to the impending battle.

In the tomb passage of the Pyramid of Giza.

Under the Hydra Tree.

After such a long period of undisturbed peace, the number of sacred scarabs and fire ladybugs had increased exponentially. In fact, their total population was several times larger than that before the archaeological team came in.

To Vincent's pleasant surprise, some scarabs had evolved into king scarabs again.

At this moment, Vincent was refining his own bloodline under the Hydra Tree.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes.


He slowly exhaled.

Then, he clicked open his profile page.

Host: Vincent

Age: 25

Strength: 23 (Normal human limit: 10)

Speed: 25 (Normal human limit: 10)

Endurance: 30 (Normal human limit: 10)

Recovery Speed: 45 (Normal human limit: 10)

Bloodline: Sun God's Bloodline (Evolution possible)

Vincent was very happy with his statistics.

The Sun God's bloodline was indeed a powerful one. Vincent had just started to refine himself, yet he had already transformed into such a strong being. Furthermore, he could continue to evolve.

If he could keep breaking his limits, he would become a superhuman sooner or later.

However, Vincent still felt that his bloodline was evolving too slowly, even though the process had been accelerated by the Hydra Tree.

Thinking about that, Vincent stood up. He wanted to test his strength and see how strong he was now.

He could feel the surging energy within his body, and he was extremely agile.


He punched forward. His fist compressed the air before him and created an explosion.

If this punch were to land on someone, the victim's body would probably be shattered even if his muscles were made of steel.

Sensing the power in his body, Vincent nodded in satisfaction.

Given his current physical fitness, he was more than ten times stronger than the strongest man in the world.

Even the best MMA fighter or the strongest soldier was probably no match for him.


"New information about the Pyramid of Giza has been found on the Internet. Host, you can check it yourself."

At this moment, Vincent heard a notification sound.

That's right.

His system was connected to the Internet. Therefore, even though he stayed in an isolated ancient tomb, he could still receive information from the outside world.

Previously, the system had never prompted him to check the news.

So why did the system do it this time?

Puzzled, Vincent opened the system page, and all kinds of online news from the outside world immediately popped up.

After he browsed through the trending news, Vincent understood.

"Successors of the Templar Warriors?"

"Exorcists from the Scott family?"

Vincent was surprised as he read about the mysterious Scott family. He didn't expect that there would be supernatural powers in the outside world.

But most importantly…

The government was actually collaborating with the three successors of the Scott family to excavate the Pyramid of Giza together.

"It looks like what I did previously upset the officials."

"Even the descendants of the Templar Warriors were lured out."

Vincent could not help but look forward to it. He had hoped for more people to enter the Pyramid of Giza.

The stronger the intruders were, the better the reward given by the system.

Given the fact that the Scott exorcists were personally invited by government officials, they were no small fries.

In that case, he had to show them what he'd got. Nevertheless, he still had to make early preparations.

"What should I buy?"

"System, do you have any suggestions?"


"Dear Host, you can purchase the Golden Corpse Liquid in the Level 2 Merchant Shop. It can be used to refine the Millennium Mummies in the pyramid!"