Cultivating Millennium Mummies!

Golden Corpse Liquid?

Vincent's eyes lit up. That's a good idea.

Initially, he wanted to buy water monkeys or prehistoric Giant Salamanders.

But all the man-made canals in the Pyramid of Giza were near the main chamber.

However, he could not allow explorers to go so deep into the pyramid. He had thought of buying some sphinxes, but they were too expensive.

Up until now, he only had a little more than 20,000 merit points.

Therefore, as of now, Vincent believed that the best way forward was to make use of the existing mechanisms inside the tomb while improving his own strength.

"System, what benefits will it bring to me if I cultivate the mummies inside the pyramid?"


"Honorable Host, almost all mummies in the Pyramid of Giza are several thousand years old due to your Sun God's bloodline."

"The older they are, the stronger the mummies after cultivation."

"In addition, ancient Egyptians had always believed in the Sun God."

"First of all, you have to sire them with your own blood. You will receive more benefits by cultivating stronger mummies."

Vincent's eyes suddenly lit up. The system's explanation was quite detailed and clear.

In the Pyramid of Giza, almost every ancient corpse had lived an extraordinary life before their death.

But then again, one had to be a priest or of an even higher status to be worthy of being buried with Khufu.

An ancient mummy of this level would definitely be extremely powerful once cultivated.

Of course, most importantly, every time Vincent cultivated an ancient corpse, he himself could obtain feedback from it as well. Besides increasing his strength, it could also accelerate the evolution progress of his Sun God's bloodline.

"In that case…"

"I think those exorcists are about to take action too."

After some consideration, Vincent decided to start cultivating mummies immediately.

Firstly, he had to find a suitable mummy. With that, Vincent got up and walked deeper into the pyramid.

After he was bound to the system, he had been acknowledged as the gravekeeper of the Great Pyramid of Giza.

Therefore, he knew everything inside the pyramid.

Vincent also knew very well whose body was buried in which chamber.

He walked along the natural tomb path without stopping until he arrived at a giant stone gate.


This was the first chamber for those buried with Khufu. Behind this chamber was the passageway to the main chamber.

Vincent's mind stirred, and a crack immediately opened in the middle of the stone door.

Thousands of years ago, Khufu gathered all the designers in Egypt to design this pyramid together. It took 100,000 people every year for 20 years to complete the construction of the pyramid.

As for the stone door before him…

This was the first door with airlocks in Egypt. There was a timer mechanism installed on the stone door. After a certain time, the airlocks would automatically close.

At the same time, there were ventilation holes on both sides of the door and above. These ventilation holes would quickly suck away the air in the chamber after the stone door closed.

As a result, the air in the chamber would become very thin.

Therefore, even if the explorers were not killed by the mechanism inside the chamber, they would die from suffocation due to insufficient oxygen.

This technology was still being used even in modern times.

After Vincent walked into the chamber, he came straight to a coffin.

After so many years, the wood used for the coffin was still very glossy. It was made from the best golden-silk wood.

Only a High Priest could use such high-quality wood for his coffin.

That's right.

According to the system, the one buried in this coffin was none other than High Priest Aaron!

Speaking of which, High Priest Aaron used to serve Pharaoh Khufu, but he had an affair with Khufu's favorite mistress, Anck-su-namun.

However, one day, Pharaoh Khufu discovered High Priest Aaron's affair with Anck-su-namun.

High Priest Aaron wanted to assassinate Pharaoh Khufu, but he was caught by the guards. The assassination failed, and Anck-su-namun committed suicide.

It was rumored that in order to resurrect his lover, High Priest Aaron violated the divine law and stole the Book of Amun-Ra from the Bible.

It was blasphemy.

In the end, High Priest Aaron failed and was captured by Pharaoh Khufu. He suffered the ultimate curse of the gods and was mummified alive. Due to the curse, he would not die instantly. Instead, he would only die after enduring thousands of years of pain.

As he thought about High Priest Aaron's stories, Vincent opened the coffin, and Aaron's body was revealed.


Vincent could not help but gasp at Aaron's body.

After thousands of years, Aaron's corpse did not rot at all.

Instead, his flesh and blood had shrunk and turned into a state like cured meat. His skin was black and stuck to his flesh, not rotting after thousands of years.

Due to the shrinking of his facial muscles, his teeth and gums were exposed.

A single glance was enough to send chills down one's spine.

"It's been thousands of years. So many years have passed."

"But there's not even a trace of decay on his corpse. How much hatred did he hold onto?!"

"But then again, anyone who has been tortured for thousands of years will hold lots of grudges."

Vincent couldn't help but sigh.

Speaking of which, Aaron was a man devoted to love.

All he did was for his love for Anck-su-namun.

Actually, Vincent was looking forward to seeing someone as resentful as High Priest Aaron.

How strong would he get in combat after some careful cultivation?


"High Priest Aaron's body has been detected. Since his death, his hatred has been lingering in the pyramid for thousands of years."

"According to system evaluation, High Priest Aaron's body has the potential to become an Immortal Mummy!"

"Host, please begin the cultivation process as soon as possible!"