Devil Flower and the Exorcists!


It took a while for Vincent to realize what was going on after the system notification sound. He was even more pleased.

According to the system, it was extremely difficult to cultivate an immortal mummy.

First of all, the person's resentment must not disperse after death. Then, they would need to be buried in a suitable burial ground. Lastly, their body must not decay for thousands of years. When all three conditions were met, their muscles would gradually turn golden.

At this point, the corpse would be invulnerable to any form of attack.

It would become an immortal mummy!

After this stage, it could be evolved continuously.

In the end, it would become an eternal mummy.

Vincent did not expect Aaron's body to have such potential. He could become an immortal mummy at the beginning!

As expected of the Pyramid of Giza!

Even those who were buried with Khufu were so brutal!

Now that everything was settled, he only needed to purchase the Golden Corpse Liquid to cultivate it into an immortal mummy.

At that time, even his own Sun God's bloodline would probably grow explosively.

"System, I want to buy the Golden Corpse Liquid!"


"Congratulations, Host, you have successfully purchased a bucket of High-Grade Golden Corpse Liquid with 13,000 merit points!"

Just as the system notification sounded, a bucket of pale golden liquid suddenly appeared in Vincent's hand.

Golden Corpse Liquids came in different standards, high grade or low grade.

If Vincent only had an ordinary mummy, there would be no need for him to buy a high-grade Golden Corpse Liquid.

However, it was entirely possible for High Priest Aaron to become an immortal mummy, so he chose the better one.


"System, I am ready."

Following that, Vincent slowly poured the golden liquid into the coffin according to the system's instructions, allowing Aaron's corpse to be immersed completely.

The benefit of doing so was that Aaron's corpse could absorb nutrients quickly.

With some patience, a brand new immortal mummy would be formed in no time.


"Host, please sire it with your blood as soon as possible. Aaron's corpse has begun to evolve."

"After it is sired, Aaron will transform into an Immortal Mummy. By then, your Sun God's bloodline will receive sufficient feedback."

Suddenly, the system notification sounded.

Hearing that, Vincent did not dare to delay. He quickly took out a dagger and slashed at his palm.



Blood trickled down from Vincent's palm and dripped into Aaron's throat.

Suddenly, Vincent felt a connection between himself and Aaron, who was lying in the coffin. It was as if he could control Aaron.

He could command Aaron to do anything he wanted.

This should be a type of blood bond.

The next step was to wait for Aaron's body to completely evolve into an immortal mummy.


"Dear Host, as the time needed for cultivating an Immortal Mummy is too long, you can purchase a Devil Flower."

"The Devil Flower is a specialty from Hell, and it's also an excellent tool for guarding tombs. It can nourish corpses and speed up their evolution. When it blooms, it creates illusions and confuses the mind."

Hearing the system notification, Vincent was pleasantly surprised.

Who would have thought that there was such a thing?

He had a similar idea before. He wanted to try if greater power would be released when different items from the system were combined together.


The Devil Flower actually had the effect of accelerating the cultivation of a mummy.

"System, I want to buy a Devil Flower."


"Congratulations, Host. You have successfully purchased a Devil Flower with 7,000 merit points."

"Host, please choose a planting site…"

"Just plant in the clear ground next to the coffin."

"Ding… Devil Flower planted successfully. Host, please wait patiently for the Devil Flower to bloom."

In that instant, the Devil Flower took root and sprouted, growing rapidly.

This Devil Flower grew until it was about three meters tall. Covered in all kinds of beautiful colors, there seemed to be streams of rainbow flowing on its leaves.

It looked like it would blossom anytime. Anyone would be able to guess how entrancing the flower would be when it bloomed.

Although it had yet to blossom, it seemed to be constantly absorbing everything around it.

Despite its beautiful appearance, it was deadly.

Vincent was confident in this. He believed that by the time the flower bloomed, all the nearby creatures would lose their minds.

"I'm almost done preparing."

"I shall now wait for those fellows to walk right into our trap."

Vincent looked at everything before him and nodded in satisfaction.

Early the next morning.

The Pyramid of Giza was already surrounded by huge crowds of people.

This was all thanks to the live stream last time, which had broadcast many shocking things.

Therefore, this time, after hearing about the official launch of the second exploration, a large number of netizens came over.

However, in order to ensure public safety, the government sent a large number of security officers to cordon off the Pyramid of Giza.

"I heard that the three exorcists from the Scott family are coming today?!"

"Yeah, that's why I'm here!"

"I really want to enter the Pyramid of Giza and explore with them. Although that's not possible, it's worth the trip to see the three exorcists with my own eyes!"

"I'm really looking forward to it. To be honest, I really want to see the battle between the gravekeeper and the exorcists. Just thinking about it makes me excited!"

"Coming! They are coming!"

"Over there, look!"

At this moment, a cry of surprise suddenly erupted from the crowd.

Everyone looked over. An off-road vehicle slowly drove into view from afar.

After the vehicle stopped, two men and a woman got out.

They were the Scott siblings.

Following them was a government official with a camera. They had to make sure that the entire adventure was captured throughout.

This way, the officials would be able to react in time no matter what kind of danger they encountered inside.

After all, even if the three of them were exorcists, they might not be able to explore every corner of the Pyramid of Giza safely.

After all, the terrifying monsters inside were not to be trifled with.

Seeing the Scott siblings walk over, the crowd outside the cordoned area burst into enthusiastic cheers.

"Wow, are they the legendary exorcists?!"

"What a feast for the eyes today!"

"However, I'm puzzled as to why the officials insisted on excavating the Pyramid of Giza. They even invited some exorcists!"

"Be careful with your words…"

"Am I the only one who doesn't approve of digging the Pyramid of Giza?"

Wayne Scott and his siblings frowned at the noise.

They didn't take the online discussions to heart.

They were only there to find a way to resolve the family curse.

"We can begin."

With that thought, Wayne turned to the staff and said.