Torches, Holy Spirit Stones, and Professional Explorers!

After that, a staff member turned around and said to the Scott siblings, "The tunnel in front is the path we're going to take this time. This is also the passageway that the archaeological team used to enter the pyramid last time."

After saying that, he pointed to the entrance of the tomb.

However, Wayne's younger siblings ignored him. They turned to look at their older brother, Wayne Scott.

Wayne didn't say anything either. He took out a crystal ball from his pocket.

He raised it in front of his chest and aimed it at the entrance of the tomb while chanting.

After a while, a yellow gas in the crystal ball changed its form following Wayne's words.

Seeing the changes in the crystal ball, Wayne nodded and said, "By crystal ball divination, it can be confirmed that is the path the tomb owner took when he was buried."

"However, entering from there is extremely dangerous. This tomb has another entrance, which is the Life Gate. But we have come here in search of a cure to our family curse, so we can only enter through the Death Gate."

The so-called Life Gate and Death Gate were two entrances of the tomb.

The Death Gate referred to the path taken by the tomb owner when he was buried. There were many traps and mechanisms along the way, making it extremely dangerous.

And the Life Gate was constructed by the builders of the pyramid so that they would not be buried alive with the Pharaoh.

The explorers would definitely pick the Life Gate.

But now, in order to remove their family curse, they had no choice but to enter via the Death Gate, prepared to face more dangers and traps.

With that thought in mind, the three of them walked to the pyramid.

They looked at the entrance of the tomb and took a deep breath before walking in.

Behind them was a cameraman assigned by government officials.

The live stream started the moment they walked into the pyramid. The officials were allowed to watch the broadcast first, followed by the other netizens.

However, when the netizens saw that the trio did not use flashlights or wear gas masks like the previous archaeologists, they were all puzzled.

"Why do they look so unprofessional?"

"Are they really exorcists? Why didn't they bring anything?!"

"What? We are in the 21st century. Why do they have to use torches? There are flashlights!"

"What do you know? They're the experts here. What's wrong with using torches?"

"Shut up, all of you. So what if they are experts? They only have one life too!"

At this moment, the Scott siblings had no idea what was going on in the live stream comments section. However, when the official behind them saw what the netizens were saying, he became anxious.

After all, he was just an ordinary person. He was different from the other three people. He was well aware that he might not make it out of the pyramid alive.

Therefore, he had to do everything he could to ensure his own safety.

Then, he couldn't help but ask, "Mr. Scott, why do we use torches instead of flashlights? We don't have gas masks either."

Wayne frowned.

After all, danger lurked around every corner in this ancient tomb, so he had to pay full attention to his surroundings. It was best not to have too much conversation.

However, if he did not give him an explanation, the man would probably only get more uneasy in the journey ahead.

At the thought of this, Wayne had no choice but to explain, "It's very common to have poisonous gases in ancient tombs, and some places may have different oxygen levels."

"We can judge the quality and thinness of air by the color of the flames. If we use torchlights, its range of illumination may disturb something in the tomb."

"For example, bats are easily scared by flashlights. When that happens, they'll probably attack us, and we will get rabies."

After hearing Wayne's explanation, the staff member finally heaved a sigh of relief.

Meanwhile, the netizens watching the broadcast room also suddenly understood.

But before they got far, Wayne suddenly stopped. Everyone looked over in confusion and saw a human skeleton on the ground.


It was the skeleton of a human, and it looked like it had died not long ago. However, its flesh had been eaten clean and its blood sucked dry.

Seeing this, Leena Scott said, "This person was probably one of the explorers who entered the tomb before the archaeological team did."

Allen Scott nodded and said, "Judging from the bite marks, there are indeed sacred scarabs in here. They ate the corpse."

When they heard this, the netizens started to panic.

"So it's the sacred scarabs!"

"How terrifying! It's only been a few days, yet the sacred scarabs have already eaten all the flesh!"

"I'm actually looking forward to what these exorcists will do when they encounter sacred scarabs."

At this moment, the netizens watching the live stream were both frightened and worried. This was because there were not only sacred scarabs inside the Pyramid of Giza, but also other terrifying things.

Furthermore, no one had seen these exorcists display any abilities before.


Wayne suddenly spoke. Then, everyone saw Allen Scott reach into his pocket and pull out four dark, pebble-like objects.

The Scott siblings took one each and put it in their mouths.

Then, Allen handed the last pebble to the cameraman and said, "Just put it in your mouth."

"This is a Holy Spirit Stone, a secret stone passed down from our ancestors, who were also exorcists. It can neutralize poisonous gases in the air when held in one's mouth and it's effective against more than eighty types of poisonous gases."

After Allen finished speaking, the cameraman quickly stuffed the Holy Spirit Stone into his mouth.

The netizens who saw this scene were stunned at first, then immediately exclaimed.

"I see. So this is the reason for using torches!"

"I didn't know such antidote stones existed. I think it's much more powerful than a gas mask!"

"Impressive. I did some research. Even a gas mask can't protect you from everything. It can only filter off a very limited number of deadly poisonous gases."

"Look! They are the real professionals!"

"It's no wonder that the archaeological team couldn't make it last time. They are far inferior compared to these exorcists. They can't even compare to explorers!"

"Of course. Explorers are much more professional than archaeologists in terms of surviving in ancient tombs."

"Isn't that obvious? Archaeological digging is part of an archaeologist's job, but explorers have to risk their lives. It's not surprising that explorers are better at staying safe in a pyramid!"

It wasn't until the netizens in the live stream started exclaiming that they realized that those professional-looking archaeologists were actually far inferior to explorers.

A lot of people started pondering.

Facing against such a professional team of exorcists, the gravekeeper might be at the end of his rope.

Was the gravekeeper going to lose this time?

With that thought in mind, the netizens continued to watch the Scott siblings walk forward. However, they didn't go far before they stopped again.

This was where the second tomb raider had died.

They weren't in a hurry to move forward. Leena pulled a bottle of white powder-like substance from her backpack and scattered it around every corner of the grave tunnel.

They didn't move forward until she was done.