Is The Gravekeeper Afraid? We've Finally Arrived At A Burial Chamber!

Meanwhile, the netizens watching the live stream were in a heated discussion because fire ladybugs had finally lost.

"I really didn't know that there were unicorns in this world!"

"As expected of exorcists! How eye-opening!"

"But I still feel that it's inappropriate. After all, this is the Pyramid of Giza, a treasure of the whole world. But they destroyed it just like that!"

"Agreed. I also don't think they should excavate the Pyramid of Giza. What a waste!"

"Shut up, both of you. I just want to watch the gravekeeper fight with the exorcists. Continue watching!"

"That's right. The game has only just begun!"

For a moment, there were all sorts of comments online.

Some people felt that it was inappropriate to let exorcists enter the Pyramid of Giza, but soon, those voices were suppressed by other netizens.

After all, most netizens were still looking forward to seeing what surprises the exorcists and the gravekeeper could bring them.

After Wayne and the others understood the situation, they continued forward.

The cameraman gulped and looked around. He felt that there was danger everywhere.

After all, the Pyramid of Giza was a treacherous place. The three exorcists were highly skilled, but the cameraman was not like them. He was just an ordinary person.

After a moment of silence, he couldn't help but ask, "Wayne, is the unicorn blood that magical? Can we enter burial chambers safely?"

Wayne nodded and said, "The unicorn blood was passed down from our ancestors. If nothing goes wrong, all the creatures in the tomb won't dare to come near."

"But we are in the Pyramid of Giza. No one knows what else is going on in there. We'd better be careful."

They walked forward as they spoke.

Leena led the way. As she continued to drip her blood onto the ground, all the fire ladybugs around them backed off.

Soon, they returned to the staircase.

When they were back to this familiar place, all of them kept their guard up and observed their surroundings.

No one knew what was hidden at the bottom of the stairs.

Anyone who had watched the video clips would know that there was a Hydra Tree below.

The gravekeeper was also guarding there last time.

Wayne reminded the rest. "We'd better be careful. The gravekeeper may appear down there at any moment."

The others nodded in acknowledgment.

Gravekeepers were very familiar with the various mechanisms in the tomb. They could even control poisonous bugs and ferocious beasts to kill any intruders.

When they thought about their imminent encounter with the gravekeeper, the greatest challenge of their adventure, their palms started to sweat even though they were mentally prepared and highly skilled.

Meanwhile, the audience watching the live stream also became excited.

"The gravekeeper should be down there. He was there when the archaeological team entered last time."

"This means that we're about to witness a clash between the strong!"

"Just thinking about it makes my blood boil."

"The archaeological team last time was too weak. They didn't manage to test the gravekeeper's true abilities. I wonder what other trump cards he has this time."

Unlike the excitement online, the atmosphere in the pyramid was extremely heavy.

The cameraman's legs were already trembling slightly. He really wanted to go back.

However, he had no choice but to follow these exorcists. If he walked back alone, he would probably die there very soon.

At this moment, he wished he could travel back in time and slap himself for taking on this job.

The group followed the stairs all the way down to the passageway that the archaeological team had entered before.

Leena, who was leading the way, squeezed the wound in her hand and her blood dripped onto the ground.

Wayne held a crystal ball in his hand. He had to stop to observe the crystal ball and calculate their next step with every step they took.

Slowly but steadily, they reached the turning point of the passageway.

Then they saw the Hydra Tree in front of them. It was the same Hydra Tree that the archaeological team had encountered before.

When the viewers saw this scene again, they still felt extremely shocked.


The branches were interweaving like pythons, and there were fire ladybugs attached to them. It looked beautiful but deadly, and there were many king scarabs there too.


Wayne and the others couldn't help but gulp at this terrifying sight.

"It seems like this tree is the nest of sacred scarabs and fire ladybugs."

After Wayne shared his theory, his siblings nodded in agreement.

They finally understood.

The gravekeeper planted the Hydra Tree for it to serve as the nest of sacred scarabs and fire ladybugs.

He did it so that the two bug species could coexist together.

The Hydra Tree had a scent that could attract living things, while sacred scarabs ate human flesh and laid eggs on the tree.

This scene sent chills down everyone's spine.

Wait a minute.

Where was the gravekeeper?

Suddenly Wayne sensed that something was wrong.

Based on the previous experience of the archaeological team, the gravekeeper should be right there.

It was not just them, the netizens were puzzled too.

"What's going on? Where's the gravekeeper?"

"No way. Don't tell me he's scared of the exorcists and went into hiding?"

"Shut up. The gravekeeper is the strongest!"

"What a pity, we can't see their duel!"

The netizens were all waiting for a spectacular showdown between the gravekeeper and the exorcists, but the gravekeeper did not even appear.

It was such a pity.

The cameraman swallowed his saliva nervously and said, "Since the gravekeeper isn't here, let's take this opportunity to hurry over."

But Wayne shook his head and analyzed the situation with a serious look on his face. "We've found the nest of sacred scarabs and fire ladybugs. This means that we are very close to the main chamber."

"There must be other dangers that we haven't noticed. The gravekeeper probably thinks that the other mechanisms are enough to kill us."

"We can't afford to let our guard down at this critical moment."

Allen and Leena both nodded in agreement.

Unlike ordinary people, experienced experts like them believed that there was something more dangerous waiting for them ahead.

The gravekeeper would never be so careless.

With this thought in mind, they circled around the Hydra Tree and continued forward.

Just as they had expected, about ten minutes later, a massive mountain appeared before them.

At the foot of the mountain was a huge stone door that was as tall as two people.

It seemed that this was where the burial chamber was located.