High Priest Aaron and Excited Harry Scott!


At this moment, Wayne and the others couldn't help but gasp when they saw the scene before them.

Looking in that direction, they saw that the mountain ahead was huge. It was about 30 meters in length, width, and height, extending all the way to the end of the entire passage.

What was even more astonishing was that there was a stone gate installed at the foot of the enormous mountain.

Seeing this, Wayne and the others were shocked. The ancient Egyptians must have emptied the interior of the mountain to build a burial chamber inside.

In all the tombs they'd seen in their lives, this burial chamber was the largest they'd encountered, even if it did not belong to Khufu himself.

Perhaps this time, they could finally find a way to lift their family curse.

But even so, they did not let their guard down. Instead, they stopped and carefully observed their surroundings.

There would definitely be a large number of treasures inside the burial chamber. Therefore, there would be traps and mechanisms or even more dangerous things inside and outside the chamber.

Now that they had found the burial chamber, the dangerous journey had just begun.

At that moment, the netizens watching the broadcast were boiling with excitement. They had never seen such a thrilling scene before.

Even the archaeological team last time did not make it this far.

"Impressive. The archaeological team last time was defeated before even reaching there. The exorcists are really powerful!"

"This one should be the main chamber, right?"

"As expected of professional explorers. It's all thanks to them that I can see a burial chamber inside the Pyramid of Giza!"

"Stop dawdling outside. Hurry up and go in. I want to see what it looks like inside!"

Seeing this, the netizens grew impatient, but the Scotts still didn't move.

They were carefully examining the nearby tomb paths.

After confirming that there were no other dangers, they slowly walked toward the stone door.

"Wayne, look over there!"

Allen pointed at something on the door and shouted.

The rest looked over and saw a few lines of words carved on the door. But the lines were almost illegible after thousands of years.

If it hadn't been for Allen's sharp eyes, they would probably have overlooked the words.

"What's written on it?"

The cameraman couldn't help but ask.

At that moment, he was confused about why the exorcists seemed to be in no rush to enter the chamber. Instead, they kept pacing outside the door.

Wayne took a closer look and frowned. "I don't think this is the main chamber of the Pyramid of Giza. It belonged to someone else."

Someone else?

Hearing that, the cameraman and the netizens were a little puzzled.

After going through so many difficulties, they finally found a burial chamber. Yet it was not actually the main chamber.

At this moment, Wayne said with certainty, "Confirmed. We can be sure that this is not Khufu's chamber. If it is, there should be Khufu's biography carved on the door."

"However, the words on the stone door were clearly written in Khufu's tone as he offered a noble title to the chamber owner."

These carvings looked like ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics.

Wayne frowned, trying to read the hieroglyphs.

"It says… In the reign of Pharaoh Khufu, the High Priest of that time was brought in here to be buried with Khufu before he died."

Hold on!

Wayne suddenly paused.

The others looked at him in confusion.

He seemed to have discovered something.

That's right!

Wayne read the words again carefully and frowned. "The one buried in this chamber is High Priest Aaron!"


Who was Aaron?

The netizens were all puzzled. After thinking for a moment, a sudden realization struck them and they exclaimed.

"No way! Is it Aaron the God of Slaughter?!"

"You mean the man who commanded an army, conquered several countries around Egypt, and killed 200,000 enemy soldiers who had surrendered?"

"Is it him? He's truly the Ultimate God of Slaughter!"

"I don't think it's appropriate for you to say that. Although everyone says that he's the God of Slaughter, he only did it to unify Egypt!"

"I agree. Although he killed many people, he was held in high regard for generations after him. That's because it was him who unified the country. Otherwise, the war would have continued for hundreds of years and more people would have died!"

"I did some research and found that although Aaron killed countless people, the Egyptians worshiped him. He killed for the people of his country, and the Egyptians treated him as the God of War!"

"That's not right. Why would Aaron's tomb appear here? He's not from the same era as Khufu!"

At this moment, some of the netizens realized this suspicious point.

Leena was also puzzled.

During explorations, it was crucial for one to have good knowledge of themselves and their enemies. Understanding the chamber owner's previous life would help the explorers with making subsequent decisions.

At this moment, Wayne said, "Correct. According to historical records, Aaron fell sick when he was sent to quell a rebellion army. His sickness delayed their military agenda, which resulted in the previous Pharaoh mistaking him as a rebel and sentencing him to death."

Everyone finally understood.

From the looks of it, Aaron died an unfair death.

According to historical records, although Aaron was sentenced to death by his Pharaoh, the Egyptians regarded him as a god.

In that case, it was reasonable for Khufu to do justice to him after he became a Pharaoh and buried Aaron in the Pyramid of Giza.

After understanding the whole situation, another round of discussion broke out in the live stream.

"How unexpected! This chamber really belonged to High Priest Aaron!"

"He did live up to his name as the God of Slaughter!"

"But I don't think it's a good idea to enter Aaron's tomb."

"I think so too. It's already sad enough that he died of a false charge, and now his tomb is going to be dug up. That's a little too unfair!"

It had to be said that the Egyptians held High Priest Aaron in very high regard, treating him like a god.

After all, he had put so many burdens on himself for the unification of Egyptian lands, and he had made a significant contribution to the country.

However, no one knew that after confirming the chamber owner's identity, the people inside an ancient castle in London were more excited than anyone else.

What other reason could it be?

If they could confirm that the chamber owner was indeed Aaron, then the curse that had plagued the Scott family for so many centuries could probably be removed!