Invulnerable Immortal Mummy!


Wayne swallowed a mouthful of saliva nervously at the sight.

It was already bad enough that the door was closed, locking them in the burial chamber.

Who would have thought that Aaron's corpse would revive at this moment?

What terrible luck!

But there was no use complaining about that now. The coffin shook, and a strange sound came out, sending chills down everyone's spines.

In the next instant, all of them watched in horror as Aaron slowly sat up.

Being locked up in a burial chamber already made their skin crawl.

At this moment, an ancient corpse actually sat up right before them.

No one could withstand such a horrifying sight.

It was only at this moment that they understood why the oil lamp had changed color.

It was a sign of the tomb owner's resurrection!

For a moment, everyone in the chamber felt as if their blood had frozen in their veins. They stared blankly as the corpse sat up from the coffin.

Meanwhile, the netizens watching the live broadcast also felt their skin crawl.

"Can someone explain what's going on?!"

"Oh my god, how can someone who died thousands of years ago move? And it even sat up!"

"Oh my god, the corpse has come alive! Aaron the God of Slaughter has come alive!"

The netizens were all pale with fright. However, there was no point in getting shocked at the situation now.

They were more concerned about how the people in the tomb would escape.

After all, the one they were facing was the unbeatable God of Slaughter from thousands of years ago!

The corpse was nearly two-meter-tall, clad in heavy armor. There was an imposing air around it.

When Aaron was alive, he was the enemy of tens of thousands of people. And now, after a few thousand years, he had revived from death and his body had now become invulnerable to any form of attack!

It had become a blood-thirsty demon!

At this moment, the netizens focused their attention on Wayne and the rest.

All of them stood rooted to the ground as if they had been scared out of their wits. They watched as Aaron's corpse slowly rose from the coffin.

Then, Aaron actually stepped out of the coffin.

It was at this moment that the exorcists finally felt the pressure from Aaron.

It was nearly two meters tall. Although its dried flesh was stuck to its bones, one could still tell at a glance that it was extremely powerful.

As it strode toward them, its armor clanked loudly.

Looking at this shocking scene, everyone, including the viewers watching the live stream, felt their skin crawl.


Leena shouted at her brother, but Wayne shook his head and said nothing.

It was true that they were exorcists who had been through many battles, and that they had undergone all kinds of harsh training since they were young.

But in the past century, the Scotts had never encountered anything as terrifying as Aaron's revived mummy.

Furthermore, they had miscalculated the time of Aaron's resurrection. They had thought that it would only happen hundreds of years later, but it actually took place today.

"No. It's the gravekeeper!"

"Yes, only the gravekeeper can do it!"

At that moment, something flashed through Wayne's mind, and it dawned on him.

Previously, the gravekeeper could even control fire ladybugs and sacred scarabs. Was he also behind this resurrection?

But this was too strange!

Did the gravekeeper really have the ability to cultivate Aaron the God of Slaughter into a high-level mummy?


At this moment, there was no time for them to think any further because Aaron was already walking toward them. The one closest to it was the cameraman who sat paralyzed on the ground.


"Please, I can't move anymore. Someone help me!"

The cameraman was completely paralyzed by fear.

But Wayne and his siblings didn't dare to rush forward so rashly to save him.

Stop joking around!

The one standing in front of them was Aaron the God of Slaughter!

They could only watch as Aaron came to the cameraman and lifted him up effortlessly.



The cameraman's face had turned pale long ago. His whole body was shivering and cold sweat dripped down his face continuously.

He struggled helplessly as his body was lifted into the air like a chick.

It was then when he finally saw Aaron's true face.

There was a soul-stirring coldness in its empty eye sockets. When it opened its mouth to reveal its sharp fangs, the cameraman felt an aura of evil surge toward him.


The next second, the mummy opened its mouth and bit the cameraman's throat.


The cameraman's eyes bulged as he moaned weakly.

Blood drained from his face and he stopped struggling within a few seconds.


Aaron threw the cameraman's body casually onto the ground.

"Oh my God! Murder! Murder!"

"What's going on? Why did it start killing people?!"

"That's a revived mummy, you fools! They woke it up. If it doesn't kill, what else do you expect it to do?!"

"But can someone explain why it was revived?!"

"You are spouting nonsense. It's been dead for more than a thousand years, and it's still plagued by resentment. It wasn't easy for Aaron to be buried here, yet those people still dug his body out for others to see. If you were the one who went through all those, you would also revive!"

"It's coming over!"

All the viewers felt their blood turn cold after witnessing the scene just now.

Meanwhile, the Scott siblings saw it even more clearly.

That kind of suffocating pressure was something the audience watching the live stream could not experience. Seeing Aaron walk toward them after throwing away the cameraman, the Scott siblings took a step back subconsciously.

What should they do now?

Facing Aaron who had transformed into a high-level mummy, they were at a loss as to what to do.

"Leena, use your unicorn blood!"

"Give it a try, see if it works!"


At that moment, a lot of comments suddenly popped up in the live stream. Their IDs showed that they were all from the Scott family.

Since this operation was very important to the Scotts, everyone in the Scott family was watching the live broadcast.

When they saw that the Scott siblings were in danger, they all began to make suggestions.

However, with the cameraman's death, the camera had fallen to the ground. The Scott siblings could not see their comments.

No matter how anxious they were, they could not help them at all.

Meanwhile, although Wayne's body was stiffened from fright, he stepped forward and blocked Aaron's path.

Behind him, Allen was trying his best to crack open the stone door. That was their only chance to escape.

Therefore, he must not let Aaron disturb him.

He watched as Aaron rushed toward him and reached for him with both hands. When it was about to grab him…


Right then, Wayne bit the tip of his tongue hard. The sharp pain cleared his mind immediately.

A dagger suddenly appeared in his hand. It pierced through the gap between Aaron's arms and stabbed into its chest.

The dagger was extremely sharp.

It sliced through Aaron's iron armor and the white linen around its chest. However, the blade could not penetrate its flesh.