Even Unicorn Blood Is Useless Against the Immortal Mummy!


The next moment, Aaron punched him on the back.

Wayne groaned and was sent flying off to the right as if he'd been hit by a speeding car.

He landed hard on the ground. Blood gushed out from his throat once he opened his mouth.

For a moment, his entire body felt like it was falling apart. His vision blurred and he almost fainted from the pain.


Leena shouted worriedly.

Wayne supported himself with his hands and forced himself to stand up. But before he could even stand properly, he stumbled and fell to the ground.




Aaron walked toward Wayne step by step. Heavily armed, its large body produced a series of loud footsteps.

His footsteps were like a drumbeat knocking on everyone's hearts.

"Oh my God, is Aaron that scary?!"

"That exorcist couldn't even block a strike. Are they going to die there?!"

"Don't waste any more time! Let's call the police! They are going to die!"

"Shut your mouth. What's the use of calling the police? No one can enter now!"

The netizens were all very worried. Although they didn't approve of the exorcists' decision to dig up Aaron's grave, they didn't want to watch them die.

However, they had no choice but to watch helplessly.

As Aaron approached him, Wayne knew better than to sit back and wait for his death.

However, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't control his body, let alone standing up.

His back was burning with pain, and his mouth tasted like blood. To make matters worse, he could no longer feel his spine.

Clearly, Aaron's earlier attack had injured his internal organs.

"Cough cough!"

He couldn't help but cough, and his vision was getting darker and darker, making him feel sleepy.


He suddenly heard Leena's voice behind him.

She sliced her hand with a dagger and went behind Aaron.

The wound was so deep that her bones could be seen, and a large amount of blood splattered out.

Leena pointed her palm at Aaron.



The next second, Leena clenched her fist and let her blood flow onto the ground. To everyone's surprise, Aaron stopped in his tracks.

Dead silence filled the room.

The netizens could clearly see that Aaron suddenly stopped moving as if someone had pressed the pause button.

"Wh-What on earth is going on?!"

"Wh-Why did he suddenly stop? Can someone tell me what happened?!"

"I remember now. It's her unicorn blood. Her unicorn blood drove away sacred scarabs and fire ladybugs, and it seems it's also effective on mummies!"

"Amazing! Her unicorn blood can even freeze Aaron's revived mummy!"

The netizens watching this scene were all in shock.

All of them felt stirred.

Why was her bloodline so powerful?!

She could subdue anything!

"Wayne! Move! Now!"

Seeing that her unicorn blood was working, Leena was pleasantly surprised and hurriedly urged Wayne to move away from Aaron.

At the same time, she slowly pulled out a dagger with her other hand.

She wanted to kill Aaron once and for all.

However, she did not have much confidence, but this opportunity was indeed hard to come by. After all, she did not know how long her unicorn blood could affect Aaron.


At this critical moment, Aaron slowly turned around and lowered its head before Leena.

Aaron, who was nearly two meters tall, looked down at Leena.

The netizens watching the live stream thought that Aaron was going to submit to her.

But at this moment…


Leena's eyes widened as she looked at Aaron's chest, where Wayne had attacked with his dagger.

When she saw what was under the armor, she was stunned and felt a chill shooting up toward the top of her head.

Underneath the torn bandage, there was no dark, shrunken flesh, but scales with specks of gold. There was no mistaking what she saw.

Aaron the God of Slaughter.

It turned out that it was not just a normal resurrection, nor had it become a high-level mummy that they thought it was.

Instead, it had become an eternal mummy.

An invulnerable eternal mummy, immune to all forms of attack.

She knew that it was bad news, but before she could say anything, the viewers watching the live stream saw a horrifying scene.

Aaron's mummy suddenly moved and aimed its huge palm at her head.

Leena dodged instinctively, but because she was in a hurry, Aaron still hit her shoulder.

The force sent her flying horizontally for a few meters before falling to the ground.


Wayne widened his eyes in horror and shouted at the top of his lungs. Then, Leena spat out a mouthful of blood, and one of her shoulders drooped. Apparently, her shoulder broke.

The netizens immediately cried out in alarm.

"What on earth is going on?!"

"Her unicorn blood was clearly still effective just now, but how did it suddenly become like this?!"

"Who knows? But it's the revived corpse of Aaron the God of Slaughter that we are talking about. He was a God of War. It's understandable even if the unicorn blood is useless against his mummy!"

"This is driving me crazy! It's over now, they are all going to die!"

"The Pyramid of Giza is too terrifying. No one can come out of it alive!"

At this moment, the netizens were in a dilemma. They didn't know whom to side with.

Meanwhile, in an ancient castle in London, all the Scott family members were staring anxiously at the computer screen in front of them with bloodshot eyes. The situation inside the pyramid kept them on tenterhooks.

"Family leader, what is going on?!"

"Why can't Leena's unicorn blood suppress Aaron's mummy?"

"Family leader, please quickly think of a way!"

At this moment, everyone in the Scott family was extremely agitated, but they didn't know why things had become like this.

They did not want to see Leena and her siblings die miserably. After all, they were the hope of the entire family.