

The location was a room within Barbaros's castle. 

Jester was shouting in agony. A strong pulse of energy was being emitted from him.

He was panting heavily, sweating bullets as he stopped screaming in pain. 

"Huff. Huff." He breaks into laughter. "Hahahahahahah! It's done. With this, my dead fingers will be revived." 

Jester sat on the floor with his legs crossed.

"Relic Awakening... This power will be useful for when I see that Aegis of a bastard that knocked me out in the elder's sanctuary!" He said in a venomous tone.

"Well," He got up and turned around. "Let's go check on my new playthings." 


"Ladies and gentlemen, with this conclude the last battle of round 3!"

Keith stood over an unconscious woman. His miasma blades were drenched with blood.

Several cut wounds were visible on her back.

"In two days, we shall have our Quarter Finals!" The announcer declared. The crowds cheered!