
Rex Vs Keith 1

"Rex is up against your brother," Vorus said to Ace. 

The Aegis was seated at the bleachers to spectate the final match of the day. 

Zod had taken Kira to the medical sections to get her wounds treated as they'd be having guests later in the day. 

"Do you think Sir Zod would want to watch this match?" Conroy asks.

"Knowing him, he'll be looking after Kira." 

"By the way doesn't she remind you of someone with the same name?" Kaz's words made the Aegises ponder for a while.


"That's it!" Maggie snapped her fingers. 

"Rada Khan's right hand, that woman Kira." 

The Aegises except for Lela gasped. 

"That's right," Ace said. "They even share a striking resemblance, except this Kira has long hair." 

"Are you forgetting that this Kira's a loose screw?" Kaz intervenes.

"Yeah, she's not well up there," Conroy adds.