Chapter 8 Meeting of Four
Damien and Silver who were currently at loggerheads, were startled when golden flames started to rise from the step which had been in their midst. Damien had been on a higher step while Silver on a lower step with one in the middle.
"Do all of you currently crave to be roasted?? HUH?!?!" A voice came from behind Damien upon which Silver's eyes widened.
He quickly turned around and saw the golden haired girl above the steps. His blood quickened and veins popped out in his head.
The sword in his right hand kit up in blood red flames as he vanished to leave a red colored trail.
"You little girl!!! Give me back my beautiful haiiiiiiiiiiir!!!" His piercing rage filled voice could be heard in the air.
Phoenix, who had been enraged, was startled upon seeing a mere demigod daring to challenge her.
'Even though my heart skips a beat when I see you, daring to attack me is foolish. Maybe I should let him live with his baldness forever.'
She was still lost in her thoughts, when a blood colored sword edge burning with blood red flames appeared a mere inch away from her beautiful face. Blood red light was reflected in her slitted golden ones.
The blood colored sword never hit its mark as it and its owner had become frozen.
Damien felt as if he was trapped in amber as his blood red eyes stared into the golden ones.
"I have frozen the space around you. It's one of the perks of being a god queen. It really is a good perk to be able to make people take in my endless beauty. I should use it more often." Phoenix explained to the trapped Damien.
"Now, should keep you like this so that you can gaze upon my beauty as a sculpture beside my throne or release you after apologising to me?" She thoughtfully asked whike batting her golden eyelashes at him with her hand placed on beneath her chin.
'It seems I can't kill her. I can at least try to take on normal gods but she is on a completely different level.' Damien, who was trapped thought as he sensed that everything in his body, even the blood red flames outside had frozen. Blood didn't flow and his cells down to the strings had froze. He was barely keeping conscious as space couldn't freeze consciousness, only time could.
She snapped her fingers upon which Damien, released from his imprisonment and his consciousness still muddled continued on with the attack as it was like bowstring, once drawn, it must be released.
But the attack fell onto an invisible barrier upon which it was nullified. If you looked closely, space in front of Phoenix had solidified and acted like s shield. The blood red flames which had scattered from the attack had also not managed to penetrate through and only spread sideways.
The shockwave, hurled Damien into the air upon which his body passed over Silver who was on the lower steps and crashed on the paved ground creating sparks as his suit had hardened in defense.
The paved ground didn't so much as crater when he crashed into it but instead his red suit had to absorb all the impact and some had transmitted to his body waking him from his muddled state.
Silver, who had looked up when Damien's form flew over her, lowered her eyes and sped up, turning into a silver streak which appeared on the last step before the temple floor near the god queen.
"Your majesty, I am sorry but I don't think I can get along with that trash." She said as she lowered her head towards the god queen.
Phoenix placed her right palm over her forehead as she sensed a headache coming on.
"I don't care. From now on, he is going to work as a manager for this entire palatial residence. Don't ever say that to me again or you will never work here again." Phoenix said as she lowered the palm from her forehead.
A black figure appeared from inside the temple and walked to the edge of the temple floor. It was Dark Phoenix who had only arrived after calming her rage. Her black beautiful eyes were focussed on the blood red figure beneath the steps. She totally ignored Silver and Phoenix.
Damien had currently stood up and was at a loss on what to do.
'I can't attack her as she might kill me. What's a perfect gentleman like me going to do with a bald head. Should I just weave myself a wig from my strings?' He pondered while he dazedly gazed at that golden figure atop the stairs.
"Hey, you!!! Come here." Damien heard a voice upon which his dazed gaze refocused and saw the golden haired little girl gesturing for him to go to her.
"Don't you want your hair back?" She asked as Damien was still wondering whether to go.
"At your service miss, the name's Damien Okoye." The moment he heard 'hair', he appeared in front if her instantly and put on the most dazzling smile he could as he introduced himself.
The three women at the top were taken back upon his change if attitude.
Silver, who was standing at his left, had her mouth opened wide as she wondered if he was the guy she had been about fight against.
Dark phoenix who had been fixing her attention towards Damien all along placed her hand to her mouth and giggled causing the massive peaks at her chest to dance.
"Oh!!!... You attitude changes fast!" Said a still surprised Phoenix.
"A perfect gentleman must always adapt to the times. Currently you being stronger than me is the trend. People who can't adapt lose lives." He said as he laughed awkwardly while his gaze wondered.
"Oh!! Hi beauty. We meet again." He greeted loudly as his wondering eyes finally managed to catch sight of Dark Phoenix who had been gazing at him.
Dark Phoenix once again giggled as she saw him waving his hand towards her. She was about ten meters away from them.
"My name is Dark Phoenix handsome Damien Okoye." She introduced herself as she walked over completely ignoring the rage filled eyes of Phoenix.
"Finally, someone sees my perfection unlike some warlike people." He said as his eyes shifted between Silver, who was glaring at him and Phoenix, who was glaring at Dark Phoenix.
"Let's go inside and chat." Phoenix said as she led the others inside the temple.
Dark Phoenix, took the initiative to walk side by side with Damien as Silver brought up the rear.
"I do know that am currently handsome even with this shiny head but why do you keep staring at me?" Damien asked abruptly upon catching Dark Phoenix sneaking sideway peaks at hid face.
Dark Phoenix turned her head away as she his her face which had flushed crimson upon being caught.
'Did I fall in love at first sigh??? I must be crazy. Heart stop beating so fast.' Thought Dark Phoenix as she patted her chest.
Her mounds compressed and decompressed as she patted her chest mesmerising Damien.
'If we were alone, I wouldn't hesitate to devour this woman. She's just too alluring.' Damien thought as he swallowed his saliva.
Silver, who was behind them didn't notice their interactions as she was deep in thought while Phoenix, who was walking in front noticed them but she couldn't reprimand Dark Phoenix in front of other people. So she silently had to endure her dissatisfaction. Her little face was scrounged up in anger and she was gritting her teeth.
Damien, in order to distract himself from the alluring body of the lady next to him, took a look around his surrounding as they walked deeper into the palace.
Light from the ten suns down below, had somehow been bent to reach the entire platform. The reddish orange light gave the illusion like it was the sun rising or setting. It seemed like the creator of the city had set it like that which made the golden structures to become orange gold.
"By the way, diamond woman, you currently look very beautiful." Damien complimented as his wandering vision had somehow managed to settle at her as he turned around and walked backwards. His face was currently adorned with a bright smile. His red eyes could be seen as his glasses were resting on the left chest pocket of his red blazer.
Silver, who was lost in thought was caught off guard by the comment that her face failed to register any expression. She stopped in place as her beautiful silver eyes simply gazed at him. Her silver hair, waving in the wind, glittered with the light of multiple colors as the light shined on it.
Dark Phoenix was also mesmerised as she stared as Silver. Currently, she was like a diamond, her innocent beauty had managed to move Dark Phoenix.
'That idiot. Did he have to also have such a sweet mouth? Why can't he compliment me too. Huh!!! How can I crave compliments from a mere demigod???' Thought Phoenix in front as she vigorously shook her head to try and get rid of the thoughts.