Chapter 49 Moon Elf Elsa
A scream escaped out of Moon's lips the moment she entered the estate. She had first activated the sound proof enchantment.
Her head!...she was clutching it.
'The pain! Someone please! help me! Aaaaaaaaaa...'
She was rolling around on the ground. She had let the four women goddesses back to their universe.
'Why did it have to come now of all times! I even caused the people I truly wanted to befriend to hate me! Aaaaaaaaaa...'
Creases had appeared in her dress as she rolled around.
The pain was immense! Too much!
'Why did it choose meeeeeeeee...'
Even her thoughts were devolving into screams after a time.
It all started that one night, many moons ago.
"Elsa! Elsa! Wake up!"
A voice called out. It came from outside the room!
The room was cube shaped but had no roof.
Silver moonlight was sprinkling down on someone sleeping. It was a silver haired girl, whose hair was glittering in the moonlight. She was sleeping on her side and a long ear was poking out through her mass of hair.
She looked to be about sixteen, and judging by her even breathing, she hadn't heard the person outside.
"Elsa!" The voice, which by its tone indicated it being from a young girl called out again, but this time, it was closer.
The person opened the door, slipped in close and...
She shouted in the sleeping girl's ear so loud, that even the air vibrated.
"Aaaaaaa....!" A smaller scream was emitted from the sleeping girl's mouth as she abruptly woke up and held the side of her ear.
"Wha-wha-what?!? What are you shouting for?" Even though she had been startled, her sweet voice still came through.
"Elnaaaaaaaaa!? Am going to get you?" Elsa shouted as she jumped up and chased the one who had woken her around the room.
The one being chased was a young girl of around 10 years. She was dressed in a while long gown reaching her feet. She had the same signature silver hair as the one chasing her around.
The two girls, one old and one young, had silver rimmed pupils with a dark center.
Elna finally found a chance to slip out of the room, but Elsa was still hot on her heels.
"Hey! You two! Calm down!" The commotion prompted a voice which seemed to come from a mature woman to berate them.
They had just gone down the stairs and entered into another wider room with Elsa still hot on Elna's heels!
"Mom! mom! mom! Elsa is bullying me!" Elna raced into the arms of a woman.
Elsa, who had been chasing her stopped in front of the woman. She was spotting a cute pout while frowning at the complaining Elna.
"I already know it was your own fault! Your shouting must have been heard by all our neighbours!" The woman stretched Elena's cheeks as she berated her.
"It hurts! hurts! hurts! Mom! Ssshtoop it!" Elna had a few tears forming in her eyes as she pleaded.
The woman who was pinching Elena's cheeks was...simply breathtaking! She had the silver hair of her daughters, but her pupils had a black center with a golden rim around it. Just by being in the same room as her, Elsa felt a warmth from wasn't literal but more of a feeling she gave off. Every time Elsa looked at her, she could feel that warmth.
"Your crocodile tears won't work on me! Say sorry and I will stop!" The woman continued.
"Okay! Okay! Okay! Sowwwy Elshaa!" Her stretched cheeks made some of her speech slurry.
"How was your sleep Elsa?" The woman asked.
"It was good mother. But I wanted to sleep more!"
Elsa complained while looking at the woman.
"Don't act spoilt! Your sister is supposed to learn from you!" The woman berated.
"Okay, mom." She answered, but it was half hearted.
"You should go outside and pick the mooncrysts." The woman said.
Elna was enjoying the warmth of the woman. She had stopped pinching her cheeks.
Elsa could hear her sister purring in satisfaction. She wanted to also do the same, but she had grown up and her mother definitely wouldn't let her.
She went to the shelf, picked up a basket and went outside.
The house was located on a branch atop a tree.
The tree was so gigantic that the house only occupied a third of the width of the branch.
Ice had covered the entire tree to the point that it resembled a sculpture.
Elsa spread her hands and breathed in deeply. She felt her lungs refreshed.
Many more trees were surrounding the tree they lived in and various forms of construction could be seen on them.
They were others...her tribesmates. They all lived in this forest of Eternal ice.
Elsa and all the people here were a race of beings known as moon elves. They were all adapted to the cold temperatures here. You could even say that they were colder than even the ice here. They had lived here for a very long time.
Elsa, ever since she was born, hadnt had any thoughts of trying to find a way out of this forest like most of the elves here.
After that gulp of fresh air into her lungs, she jumped down.
She could feel the howling of the wind passing by her long ears due to friction.
Her heart was beating out of excitement and anticipation!
She was going to do the one other thing she liked apart from sleeping.
The frozen ground cracked as she landed causing shards of ice to fly away and hit the tree trunks.
No one was currently on the ground.
She picked a random direction and with basket in hand, she went away.
Her silver hair sparkled in the moonlight as a breeze caused it to sway. The strands were like diamond but flexible, a trait all the moon elves had.
"Mmm..mmm...mmm..." She hummed and danced as she went on her Journey. Wherever she passed...wherever her steps touched the frozen ice, a glow was released lighting up the place even though the moon was shining.
All the moon elves were born as one stringed beings, and the elemental string they were born with was water. It was like a genetic trait.
Elsa had asked her mother, but she had only said that they were the descendants of the Goddess of the moon, Mawu. Sometimes, they even went to the moon temple to worship her.
A flower...adorned with purple petals...releasing a purplish glow, was dancing in the wind.
Its stalk had stretched out into a beam of moonlight. It swayed along peacefully as it absorbed the moonlight.
Elsa was hiding behind a tree as she watched it.
It was a mooncryst! The ones her mother had instructed her to collect and also related to the other activity she loved doing.
She loved to hunt for them. They were intelligent plant lifeforms. They were one stringed elemental creatures like herself. They only cane out when their reserves of stored moon energy ran out, or for pollination.
They were collected for the moon worship ceremony of the moon goddess.
Her mother had asked her to collect them because it was about time!
She making sure to hide all her presence. She was trying to become like these ice crystal trees.
But her silver eyes never left the purplish flower! She was like a predator getting ready to spring at prey!
She was crouching and waiting for the best moment... Not exactly...she was mostly preparing herself to pluck it at the first opportunity. If it failed, it would become troublesome.
'May the mother goddess Mawu protect me!'
She silently offered a prayer before launching herself! Not straight towards the plant but sideways!
She slid along the icy ground and manipulated the ice under her feet for form a curved wall. She surfed the curve and headed to wards the flower.
All of this was instantaneous, with no hesitation! She had done this countless times! It was ingrained in her body!
Her right hand was outstretched towards the flower while the basket dangled on her left!
Her hair and dress were waving in the wind...the silver glow in her eyes was getting stronger with each inch she neared the flower!
Everything! Down to the smallest detail had been executed perfectly!
About an inch away from plucking the flower, the petals turned towards her!
Her heart jumped!
'Its going to attack!'
She tapped her foot causing the slippery ice to grow and envelop her ankles, sealing them. The instantaneous sealing, didn't stop her forward momentum!
She leaned forward due to her upper body still being in motion, causing her reach to extend...
The flower was plucked before the energy it was concentrating could be unleashed! The stalk it had been on, shrivelled up and died.
Elsa, who had bypassed the flower stalk, wiped off the transparent liquid on her forehead.
The liquid which ran in her blood vessels was super cold, so any intense exercise caused some of it to heat up a little and expand, thereby being ejected through her pores.
"That was close!" She mumbled as she placed the now normal flower into the basket.