Evidence in the History of Humanity

-I'm a businessman. Even in the Holy Bible of Christians there is evidence that insects such as locusts were already a source of food. They were served to the Israelites when guided by Moses. And not just that...

Elisabeth nodded, taking a deep breath.

-Aristotle already taught in ancient Greece that cicadas were already highly valued, despite the taste of females with eggs being tastier than males.- She said firmly.

- Ant pupae were the favorites of Chinese nobles.

Ray knew he was moving on delicate ground to gain more authorizations to release new research expanding a promising and lucrative new food industry.

-Insect breeding would have a great and fantastic positive impact for everyone, supplying a population that lacks food. It makes a lot of difference commercial breeding than gathering in the wild. The raising of animals for consumption and even pets.... Believe me. This will significantly increase the demand for water and arable land, which will threaten forested land.

And there are more interesting details for a dedicated history student. The very history of the colonization of the Americas. The New World, its people and customs were a surprise to the Europeans who arrived. For them who came from far away, it was another world where natives ate insects and invertebrate animals.

And the importance of insects doesn't stop there. They are essential in the manufacture of honey, jam and wax. Since the dawn of civilization, Indians have eaten both insects and honey. Larvae and pupae were already eaten roasted with comb along with manioc marine.

Araweté Indians appreciated the consumption of wasps and already knew about 45 different types. And other indigenous tribes. They knew if it was edible by the smell. By size, aggressiveness, color, nesting habit, they knew if it could be used as a food source. Insects were roasted and kept for consumption for several months. Cicadas after being grilled were also used. What was left over was dried and stored to be consumed later on pure or accompanying. They are grilled to burn legs and wings and then crushed. Termites were added to food for their salty taste.

Ants are considered to be the largest insect population. They could bring great disasters on plantations or serve as food. As early as the 19th century, outsiders were scandalized when they saw them being sold in das alongside traditional foods like biscuits. The Tanajura ant had been consumed by indigenous people raw, roasted or immersed in hot water since before the arrival of Europeans in the Americas.

There are several reasons for hunger in the world. Social inequalities, wars, conflicts and economic crises.

-To end hunger? A triple challenge is needed: producing and consuming in a more sustainable way, it is necessary to reduce inequalities in access to resources and reduce the volatility of food prices. Elisabeth was firm in the defense.- She knew I kept studies and research on the subject.- she concluded, amazed.

Ray shrugged his shoulders in agreement. Brilliant minds. Never hire an already trained professional, let him grow alongside you and profit together. Religious fanaticism promotes real wars with the discussion of which is the real one. Which religion is after all right? Lack of common sense and respect cause real chaos.

Elisabeth laughed. It was easy to talk about it in theory. She could speak memorized articles in class.

-The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights[1] prohibits, in its article 2, first paragraph, discrimination on grounds of religion. Further on, art. 18, provides: "ARTICLE 181. Every person shall have the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. This right shall imply freedom to have or adopt a religion or belief of his choice and freedom to profess his religion or belief, individually or collectively, both publicly and privately, through worship, celebration of rites, practices and teaching.2 No one may be subjected to coercive measures that may restrict their freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of their choice.3. The freedom to manifest one's religion or belief will be subject only to limitations provided for by law and that are necessary to protect public safety, order, health or morals or the rights and freedoms of other persons. Covenant undertake to respect the freedom of countries and, where appropriate, of legal guardians to ensure the religious and moral education of their children by their own convictions. tions." https://www.mprj.mp.br/documents/20184/86589/combate_a_intolerancia_religiosa_e_defesa_do_estado_laico.pdf