And there are always more alarming data. Things can always get worse. Imagen a nuclear bomb: insects, pesticides, viruses and hormones. Speaking of pesticides...
Let's remember that not all pesticides are pesticides. Pests, pesticides can be used. But viruses... 40% of the world's insect population is in danger of extinction. We are fans of the great villains. semiochemicals. They are substances that alter the metabolism of pests. And even ants can be considered pests when not properly controlled.
-Can you remember the case of Bayer, which inherited the legal dispute with the acquisition of Monsanto, in 2018, the company that created the Roundup herbicide?
Elisabeth pressed her aching temples.
-Glyphosate can control more than 150 species of weeds in different crops. Biological control is controlling agricultural pests and disease-transmitting insects using their natural enemies. The horn fly is considered a serious economic problem in livestock. Control ... associating chemical control with biological control, using exotic coprophagous beetles It was a good option to control the situation.
-Everything works like a chain. We need greater strength in the use of defensives.- Rau countered.
Think counterattack. Using other beings that will help maintain pest populations at acceptable levels for agricultural production. Also think about biological agents that can be mainly predatory insects and mites, parasitoid insects and pathological microorganisms. Science has been developing new products and making available to the rural producer an increasing variety of biological alternatives.
And pesticides kill thousands of insects. Since October 2020, following the determination of the Ministry of Agriculture, Anvisa has allowed the use of substances that have already been banned in other countries.
Inhibit the proliferation of insects, mites, weeds, fungi and other types of animal life. So it also affects edible insects.
And there is no need to talk about the imbalance of the ecosystem. They harm species important to the balance of biodiversities such as bees and many others. The release of pesticides won records in 2021. They are also regulated by Anvisa. Before, the agency suspended tests on food to assess the presence of pesticides in 2020, citing a pandemic as a justification.
The health risk is decided and evaluated by a health inspection and surveillance agency. For a pesticide to be approved, it must go through the Ministry of Agriculture. You need to know about defensive efficiency. from Anvisa. You need IBAMA and the Map.
There is a bill. Talks about new rules for the registration of pesticides. Decides on a minimum period for registration, which varies from 30 days to 2 years, depending on the type of analysis that needs to be carried out.
The release of 118 pesticides during the Covid pandemic was considered an essential service. And let's not even talk about the suspected cases of cancer that caused a hole in Bayer's pockets. And the whole thing got worse. The staff perked up. Companies producing pesticides asked the Ministry of Agriculture to release 216 more products.
The Ministry of Agriculture followed the poison march. Fipronil is a killer of over 500 million bees.
And it was banned in much of the European Union. We're talking about 40% of insects raised in French apiaries turning up dead.
The Chlorothalonil fungicide? It's on top of the damage to human DNA, and huge risk impacts to amphibians, fish and bees.
27 companies received 76 permits. China was the second country that received marketing permission in the Brazilian market, behind only Brazil itself.
And in less than four years, 1,682 new pesticides were released. In Brazil by Anvisa and the Ministry of the Environment.
Would the release of pesticides be the responsibility of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply? Or would it be absurd to consider withdrawing from Anvisa?