Chapter 20: Bumpkin is too fat!

With Old Fei ending the teaching session, the children shouted and cheered happily.

It was already midday.

After listening to the old chief telling stories for the whole morning, they are all hungry. Wasting no time, the children began rushing back to their respective homes for lunch with their stomachs growling.

"Myah, do you need my help?" The chubby boy named Pickle walked over toward Myah and asked with a toothy laugh. His chunky hand is still holding onto the half-munching dried fish.

A while ago, when Old Fei was so engrossed in telling stories, he has sneakily slipped away and just returned after successfully stealing a dried fish from the old chief's house.

It was Pickle's daily routine.

"Uh-uh, Bumpkin will take me back." Myah smiled and awkwardly felt the saddle on Bumpkin's back with his tiny hand. "Thank you, Pickle. You should go back first."

After getting a good grip, Myah slowly climbs on its back. The leather saddle was installed by his grandma, which has made things much more manageable.

Moreover, Bumpkin was still a young Grass Horse, and its current size was comparable to a pony; hence he could get on with just a bit of effort.

In the Eflo Woodland, Grass Horse was a common species of horse-type spirit beasts and could be seen in many other places. They have a nice brown colored coat and love to eat quality spirit grasses, especially sour berries.

However, don't think for a second that they are docile because of the name Grass Horse. One can't underestimate them as they are rather energetic and aggressive, especially one that is not domesticated.

Although Bumpkin is still young, it's is still an Early-stage Rank 1 spirit beast and is much stronger than a normal animal. And could carry Myah with no problem.


"E-he he...Then I will see you later. My mum is still waiting for me at home." Pickle laughed sheepishly before dashing away. He is also starving. "Be careful on your way back!"

"Okay..." Myah whispered in a faint voice. The looks on his face were rather sad. "Let's go, Bumpkin, take me back; I'm hungwy too."


Then, following a muffled noise. Bumpkin started trotting on the snow with its buttocks shaking left and right, leaving a long and deep trail of hooves print behind them.


Dandelion Village was a small village of about 30 abode houses and is built near a large stream of water flowing out from inside the Eflo Woodland.

Although it was wintertime, some of the vigorous green leaves stubbornly hung onto the few thick trees adorned around the village.

It was lunchtime.

The delicious aroma of freshly made meat stew wafted out from the many chimneys. It swirled along with the wintry breezes, embracing the whole village in a warm atmosphere and welcoming back the hunters who risked their lives going into the mountains to hunt for food.

A few minutes later.

Bumpkin stopped in front of a three-room sizable wooden house on the Northside of the Dandelion Village.

After walking back and forth, its eyes start scanning about, wanting to make sure that it was at the right place before strolling toward the closed door.

"Huff-huff!*" (Bumpkin)

"Grandma, I'm back!" Myah called out.

Even from afar, he could still perceive the fragrance of the congee lingering in the air.

"One second." From inside the house, a soft-spoken voice resounded.

Then, with the creaking racket of a door opening, an exceptional figure of a mature woman dressed in a simple brown robe stepped outside of the house. It was none other than Mu Suyin, Myah's newly adopted grandmother.

"You are back so early today." With one hand, Mu Suyin effortlessly plucked Myah up from Bumpkin's back. "Did something happen?"

Although she has already lost her right arm, she still manages to brush the snow off Myah's fuzzy lamb wool jacket while carrying him at the same time.

"No." Myah shakes his head. "But today, I learned a lot of new things from grandpa chief, and... and... I also know the realms!"

"Oh? That's great; Myah has become smarter." With Myah in her arm, Mu Suyin smile as she walked inside the house.


Shaking off the snow on its body, Bumpkin followed them inside. Just because it was a little overweight doesn't mean it wants to be out in the cold.

However, the house's front entrance was a little too small for its big tummy; thus, Bumpkin was stuck between the narrow wooden door, exposing its buttock to the cold wind outside.

There is a dumbfounded expression on its face.

"..." ( ̄~ ̄)

'Ah! not like this!'

'This will not be my fate!'

'I shall go against the will of heaven!'

'Just a tiny bit more, I just need to... wiggle, wiggles.' (Bumpkin)


The interior of the wooden house wasn't large, but it wasn't small either.

The space inside could easily accommodate a family of four or five.

There are a total of three rooms with only two beds and some simple furniture. After all, Myah was blind, and Suyin didn't want the place to be too cramped in case he hurt himself.

In the back of the house was a separate shack that serves as a kitchen and bathroom.

'Ahh... how time flies...A month has already passed since then...' Mu Suyin felt nostalgia.

Although she has lived for hundreds of years, this one month was something else entirely. It was something she has never experienced before.

In the beginning, Mu Suyin was somewhat hesitant regarding Myah and wanted to leave him in the care of the villagers, but in the end, she couldn't bring herself to do it and eventually chose to adopt him as her grandson.

As a former powerhouse from a prestigious sect from the inner region, Mu Suyin's sense was extremely sharp despite her declining strength. She could feel that there is a faint connection between them, which she believes is fate.

'Fate... it was a mysterious thing.'

Ironically, little Myah didn't acknowledge her as a grandma and kept throwing tantrums for days, wanting his mother.

Then, upon realizing that he couldn't see his mother again and blinded, Myah breaks down and stops talking entirely, appearing dull and lifeless.

However, Mu Suyin was very patient with him because she could understand what the boy was going through.

Myah was, in the end, only a six-year-old child.

Fortunately, it wasn't until a few days ago, when she found little Myah lost in a dark pit with Bumpkin, that he changed his mind and finally opened his heart and accepted her.

"Grandma, you cook Myah's favorite congee today?" Myah asked, feeling happy as his mood greatly improved. "It smells so delicious!"

"Of course, grandma has prepared it especially for you." Mu Suyin removed his coat and sat him on a chair. "Sit tight and be careful, or you might fall and hurt yourself."


"I will go and fetch your favorite Rainbow Fish Congee." Saying so, Mu Suyin walked to the kitchen.