Chapter 52: Yellow Town (3)

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After abruptly being awakened by the loud noises in the surrounding, Myah asked in confusion,

"Grandma... are we at the town yet?"

"Oh? You woke up already." Mu Suyin smiled and wiped away the drool on his face, "We have just reached the Southern gate of the town and are currently waiting in line. Myah, are you hungry?"

"Um!" Myah nodded vigorously.

Although the long road is somewhat bumpy, he did get a good sleep and is full of energy at the moment. Besides, just the thought of going into the town makes him feel excited, and all the drowsiness disappears.

By then, they could go to the Adventure Association's branch and register him as an adventurer!

The little guy very much looked forward to it, and his body wiggled in excitement.

"Easy now.

"We will be able to go inside shortly.

"Though it's quite late already, you have slept for most of the day. We can stay at an Inn tonight, and you can eat all you want there." Mu Suyin spoke casually, trying to keep his enthusiasm in check.


As the light of day slowly faded, more and more people gathered in line to get into the town to rest.

There are the Adventurers who just come back from their missions, many with carts filled with giant Spirit Beast's carcasses.

Then, there are also the merchants with carriages and an extended group of wagons to the farmers with hoe resting on their shoulders.

A constant surge of chatters and gossips wafted the atmosphere!

"There are many new faces here waiting in line than yesterday. Hahaha, it sure is lively."

"Of course. It's a good thing. With more people coming, the businesses in the town also increase by a large margin."

"Guess what? The brothels are all packed to the brim, and I couldn't even go inside. It's not easy for me to sneak away from my wife. Sigh..."

While looking at the tattered group of Adventurers, an elderly man in linen clothing casually commented,

"Those guys, tsk tsk, so many get injured.

"For what? I heard that the number of Adventurer parties getting wiped out had increased significantly in the past week.

"Accompanied with their systematic slaughter of countless Spirit Beasts within the Eflo Woodland, it brings such an uneasy feeling.

"Even though Spirit Beasts' meat was getting cheaper these days with the sudden increase in quantities, it brings such a bad taste in my mouth that I couldn't even enjoy them."

The elderly man heaved a sigh as he lamented before sincerely praying to a wood-carved emblem of the Sacred Tree.

"Just enjoy the benefits, old man. What do you know!"

A young man snorted with haughtiness as the current of endless chatters continued to flow.

Like a droplet seeped into an ocean, not many people paid any heed to his casual talks as the clamors of the smelly masses quickly drowned it away.



As the horse cart moved closer and closer to the gate, it was finally Myah and his grandma's turn.

While steadily drawing the horse cart forward, Bumpkin and Caramel curiously look around. They are equally curious like Myah as it was their first time seeing so many hooman and War Souls in one place.

It was somewhat overwhelming!

In front of them, there was a group of knights in light armor casually leaning against the stone wall. They were talking and oversaw the situation while the regular guards were keeping the order around the gate.

Just before the guards set their spear out to block the way, Mu Suyin gradually took out something from her pocket and spoke. "Here are ten silver coins."

Once he received the handful of silver coins, the guard nodded and cleared out of the way.

"Well, you are clear to go in." After briefly looking at little Myah and the lone streak of green light twirling around Bumpkin, the guard announced and dully moved on to the following person waiting in line.


The entrance fee for every grown-up is five silver coins.

As for a War Soul that is not stored away in a beast storage device will cost another five silver coins. At the same time, all children under ten years old will be free of charge.

Many more people were waiting in line, and the guard didn't make it difficult for Mu Suyin and Myah.

Besides, someone with a C-grade talent wasn't so commonly seen in the town.

Those who have such talent are usually top-notch Adventurers or children considered geniuses with the potential to become a Master in the future.

It wouldn't be worth the trouble.


"Grandma, what do we do now?" After they entered the gate of Yellow Town, Myah quickly asked as he squeezed Caramel harshly. "I...I feel uncomfortable..."

The surrounding atmosphere has changed as it has become even more lively than outside of the gate.

The little guy could sense it.

Clamorous noises are coming from all directions.

The waves of laughter of the townspeople, the bellow of numerous War Souls, the advertisements of the street vendors, and the waves of hurried footsteps...

For Myah, who has trained and heavily relied on his other senses, such as hearing, the noises were so overwhelming that it made him feel weak and dizzy.

The initial excitement he felt a moment ago has already died down.

For a short time, it wasn't easy for him to adjust to the sudden change in the environment.

Noticing the change in Myah's expression, Mu Suyin immediately explained,

"Hang in there for a while.

"The atmosphere in the town is different from our village. To become an adventurer mean that you will have to come here often in the future, so you will have to adapt to this bustling atmosphere."

"But don't worry, when we get to an Inn, it will be much better. Until then..." Suddenly, Mu Suyin lifted her eyebrows and stopped speaking.

Unable to finish her word, she becomes silent and is speechless.


Because Myah actually stretched out Caramel's slime and covered his ears! That was unexpected.

For a moment, she didn't even know what else to say.

"Hehehe, I'm okay now!" With a cheeky smile, the little guy exclaimed and nudged against her arm. "Grandma, did you say something?"


"No, nothing..."