Chapter 2 - Run Darling

The cold wind rushed past me stinging my cheeks, which were most likely red at this point. However my clothing didn't let the wind get to my body. I wore a thin but sturdy layer of black dragon leather that clung tightly to my body but allowed for free movement.

Dragons aren't what you think. They used to be these gigantic beasts that ruled the land and pillaged for gold. In fact most "dinosaur" fossils that humans find today are remnants of the mighty beasts. However their wing "bones" are in fact made up of cartilage, extremely powerful cartilage, but cartilage nonetheless. Which is why you never find wings, only the body remains.

But, dragons today are about the size of your average dog. Due to the increasing population of humans they had to adapt to survive. They got smaller, craftier, more elusive. But of cousre they are still powerful and breathe fire. Which makes dragon leather cost quite a pretty penny, though it's worth every cent.

It's fire resistant, flexible, silent, and holds up well against both magic and any sort of weapon. Making it essential to this specific task.

I had my hair tied back into a braid, a bela clava brought over my nose my hair tucked neatly into it. My favorite bow was slung across my back along with a quiver full of silver arrows that had been soaked in wolfsbane. A gun would've been much easier and quicker, however it was too noisy. The shot would've been heard by any other pack members in the area. And the target would've heard me cock the gun before I got the chance to shoot him.

My silencing spells have come a long way but trying to maintain both a silencing spell and a scent cloaking spell would be too much. While mild versions of a scent cloaking smell were easy to maintain the type required to hide from a werewolf was difficult. I had only spent about 30 minutes in the woods and sweat was beginning to gather at my temples.

I crept through the forest for about another 15 minutes before I found an ideal spot. My employer showed me a map of the nightly patrol the target ran, I memorised it and had visited the forest two weeks prior to pick out my perch.

It was atop a tall tree so that I wouldn't be spotted. Yes, a wolf on patrol will always be cautious, especially an alpha. But their most common threat usually comes from the ground, so they won't be too focused as to what's going on at the very top of the forest. And with my scent cloaking spell on top of my dark clothing the target should have no idea that I'm even here.

It's easier for me not to refer to my targets by names or pronouns. I don't like killing people, I do it to get by, but from what I've heard about this man maybe killing him won't be such a bad thing.

I readied my bow with an arrow, careful not to make too much noise as I settled into place. My back braced against the trunk of the tree, I could feel the rough bark through my clothing but it caused no irritation, another perk of dragon leather.

I steadied my breathing, taking the smallest quietest breathes I could in order to sound like just another creature of the forest. I heard the quick thudding of something hitting the ground repeatedly. I pulled the bow string all the way back to my ear having previously readied the arrow.

This would hurt like a bitch. Wolfsbane was poisonous to werewolves and knowing so I hadn't personally prepared the arrows. I had however accidentally cut myself attaching the silver tips though. The incident left a deep scar down the side of my thumb which was still tender.

I regained focus on my task and noticed a figure fast approaching. It was a pitch black blob and if it hadn't been for the moonlight that peppered the ground, barely showing through the thick trees, I would've never seen him coming.

I set my arrow to the center of the path where he would run next, I took in a sharp breath, readied myself, and released.

I heard a pained, high pitched yelp come from below me. Relieved I exhaled and opened my eyes. Only to find that my target was still moving. I had missed! The arrow was lodged deep into the wolves thigh and not his spine or lung as I had intended.

"What the fucking hell!" I exclaimed in an exasperated whisper yell. Which was obviously a mistake because the wolf looked up directly to where I was perched in the trees. We locked eyes and the wolf snarled at me. Well, now I had to go finish him off.

If I hadn't said anything I might've gotten away unnoticed but I had and now it was time to earn my early retirement, or an early grave. Either one worked for me so I jumped off the branch I had perched myself upon and my boots thudded on the ground sending a slight shock up my body.

I was taken aback at first. The beast was as nearly as tall as I was and pitch black. I could feel its heavy labored breaths hot against my skin even though it was 3 feet away from me. I wasn't tall, being only 5' 4". But the wolf's eyes were locked with mine. The eyes were a rich hazel, which was expected of an Alpha werewolf. But his has specks of green and gold throughout, giving his eyes more dimension and beauty.

"Yes." Came a voice from the back of my mind. I was surprised to find it was my wolf. She usually went away during my missions, she reflected my true personality so she did not approve of this persona I had created for myself. Thus retreating into the back of my mind whenever I was making a business deal or on the hunt.

But now she suddenly appeared and was urging me to, embrace the beast? Why? I came here to kill him, to set up a comfortable life for both me and her, and she was telling me to risk it all for what? A hug?

I heard a snap of a twig and realised the wolf had taken a step forward. I swiftly grabbed the long hunting knife that I had hidden in my boot and held it, blade out, the end of the handle aligned with the outside of my palm.

"Let's finish this quickly shall we?" I taunted the wolf. The blade was silver, and it was dangerous to fight with such a blade knowing it could be used against me. But I was trained, had been since I could walk, I was confident that I wouldn't get hurt in this fight. I would either win or get caught and be hung for trying to kill him. Either one worked, but why not make it fun?

The beast and I circled each other warily, occasionally taking a step forward to test the other. I was the first to swing, growing impatient at my wolf's incessant whining.

I lunged for the neck hoping to end the fight in one swift movement, but as expected he quickly dodged out of the way. His body flew past me, but not before I could grab the arrow and plunged it farther into his thigh.

I felt a sharp sting and heard the skin burning on my hand, blisters and burns forming where I had touched the arrow. Seconds later I felt something puncture my lower calf, but surprisingly enough it didn't hurt. It felt warm, and tingly.

I looked back as my body fell to the ground and noticed that the wolf had my leg in between its sharp teeth. We both started at each other out of shock, his eyes transforming from hazel to almost black as the blood dripped out of my leg and into his mouth.

I used the opportunity to kick his jaw with my free foot and release his grasp on my right leg. As soon as his grip loosened I immediately felt the pain surge through my leg, originating from where he had bit me.

I started to see spots and I felt lightheaded. I stood back up desperate to defend myself, but my leg almost gave out and white light flashed my vision from the pain. But I snapped back to reality when I heard the cracking of bones.

I looked over to where the wolf had been to see a man... in all of his naked glory. My wolf started to go wild at the sight and I had the sudden urge to take him on the spot.

He was very muscular, but only to the extent where it had been done for training not the aesthetic. He strong forearms and thick but not fat hands where you could see the vains that lay over the bone. His shoulders were wide with a very defined collar bone and neck that led up to a chiseled jaw line.

I dared not to look lower than his chest, but I took note of the arrow that was still embedded into his thigh. At the sight of the arrow I felt a sudden twang of regret.

"Look at me." Came a low, collected voice from above me. It was deep but not annoyingly, and smooth like warm milk and honey. I was on the ground now barely able to keep myself awake from the pain let alone stand. I slowly looked up to meet the gaze of my target, only ever meeting his eyes.

They were dark, but not as dark as when my blood was in this mouth, and beautiful. I knew how dangerous my situation was, and I knew that meeting the eyes of an Alpha was a mistake, but I couldn't look away.

My eyes flickered to his lips as he uttered his next words.

"Run darling." He said, his voice full of mischief and dangerous intent. And my heart stopped.