Chapter 3 - Murdock

My heart stopped and my breath hitched at his words as a smile started to spread across his face. I couldn't run, and he knew that. He knew that if I tried I would faint within five steps and he'd catch me within two. I had a slightly better chance if I were to shift into my wolf, but all she wanted to do was go to this man so I couldn't rely on her for any help.

My best bet would be to teleport away from him. However, to do that I'd have to drop my scent cloaking spell, which would give him an edge in finding me again. But because I would be teleporting and not just walking he wouldn't be able to track me to my destination, and I would have a chance to get away before he found where I had gone.This was my best possible option.

So that's what I did, I lowered the cloaking spell and quickly started to focus my energy on teleporting. The man caught me off guard by taking a wobbly step backwards as if he was... surprised? Then I saw a flicker in his eyes and he started to lunge for me. Then I was gone.

It was black, silent, a chance to rest, then all of my senses were flooded at once. My bottom smacked hard on what I knew to be a toilet seat. There was a dim light coming from above me, supplied by an old dirty lightbulb held by a thin string. The toilet stall walls were made of old wood that had at one point been painted white but without proper maintainence the paint began to fade and chip off. The floor underneath of me was made of old tile, but that had stayed sturdy and put together. Lucky for Murdock, because the blood dripping from my wound had left a large puddle on the floor.

I hastily took the bela clava off my face and ripped the fabric in half. I then placed the cloth right above the bite mark on my calf and tightly tied the tourniquet. I then mustered enough strength to stumble out of the stall and out of the bathroom.

As soon as I opened the door the sweet smell of ale and good food flooded my nose. My stomach growled and I hungrily licked my lips, not having previously realised how hungry I was. I sighed as the jubilant music and constant chatter of Murdock's Tavern filled my ears.

Murdock's Tavern was the place of fairytales. It looked like the place where noble knights would get their daring quest to save the princess. Or where thieves and pirates would come to plot their next target. At least it's where I got my targets.

I met Murdock soon after I became an assasin. While he never supported my lifestyle, he supported me. We bonded almost instantly and he gave me a place to stay, warm meals to eat, and became the closest thing I ever had to a father.

Murdock was a big jolly man. He had the appearance of a grizzly bear, towering over everyone at six and a half feet. He had a large, thick beard that came down to the middle of his chest and full checks that were always rosy as if he had just been outside during a winter storm. He was a wizard and it was always amusing to see his magic come out as light pink, although I guess it quite matched his sweet fatherly personality.

I glanced over to the bar and sure enough there was Murdock, laughing it up with one of the regulars. He had on a weathered leather apron that was once a light tan but had been worn to a medium brown. Underneath this he wore a marsh green knitted cotton shirt and full length khaki pants.

I snuck past him to my room and gathered a few necessary items. A few extra pairs of clothes, bandages, water, blankets, and feminine supplies since I was in the midst of my courses. I didn't want to leave Murdock and usually I wouldn't.

In the past if I'd gotten injured in a fight I would wait for them here, and when they came looking kill them on the spot. But this one was different, when I took the job I knew that I was most likely going to die and I cant let Murdock pay the price for my mistake. I will either finish the job within the next month or die trying.

I hoisted the bag I had stuffed all of my supplies into on my back and another wave of pain coursed through my leg at the added weight. I gritted my teeth, knowing that tonight's trek though the woods would be a long one.

After gathering up my belongings I went back out to the main tavern, trying not to limp to avoid bringing attention to myself. I went over to the bar and found Murdock cheerily polishing a glass while conversing with a customer. He could've easily cleaned the glass with magic, but preferred to do things by hand. I hopped on top of the counter using my good leg to provide momentum. Murdock noticed this and walked over towards me, a thud sounding with each step the giant man took.

"I bled on your bathroom floor." I started bluntly. Murdock cocked and eyebrow and looked me over until he found the injury. He then let out a deep sigh and shook his head.

"When have ya not lassie." He said with a slight chuckle as he grabbed a rag from the other end of the counter. Before I knew what he was doing he slapped the alcohol drenched rag onto my calf and I let out a sharp hiss.

"If I have to clean my bathroom again why not clean you up too?" He asked, a joking tone to his voice. Even though it wasn't all that funny i let out a small laugh. Murdock always brought out the best in me, and always knew how to make me smile. He peeled the rag off my calf, more carefully this time and discarded it into the laundry bin he kept behind the bar counter.

"So, I can see that yer leavin' me darlin'." He let out simply. I knew that he didn't want me to leave, but that he would let me as I needed to.

"Only for a little while," I sweetly replied, wanting him to know that I didn't want to leave him, I loved it here. Even if I would never admit it. I never felt comfortable expressing my emotions, with Murdock it was easier, but having suppressed them so long it was still a challenge.

"Aye? Weel ye might as well take somethin' to eat." Murdock said lightly, even though I could see the pain and fear in his eyes. He swished his hand toward the far wall and a loaf of bread surrounded in soft pink swirls of light floated towards us. He grabbed the bread and handed it to me, not letting me fully take the bread before I saw the warning look on his eyes.

"I'll be alright, I promise." I told him with all earnest. He handed over the bread and I gave him a peck on the check as he let out a deep sigh. I hopped off the counter and headed to the tavern entrance, only to give Murdock one last look of reassurance before I left.The door gave a thud and a click as it shut behind me. I felt the cool air on my skin once again and heard the light rustle of the trees.

Murdocks tavern was located deep in the forest so that no human could find it by mistake. It wasn't on any pack territory either, so rogues like me wouldn't be deterred. However that also meant that I had no means of transportation other than myself. I could try to teleport, but the closest safe place I knew was 20 miles away, while it wasn't outside the possibility of teleportation it could be dangerous in my already weak state. I could end up killing myself or passing out as soon as I arrived and risk being discovered.

All that I could do was continue to drag myself through the forest. My leg had become numb from the tourniquet but it was still bleeding and becoming weaker with each step. Seeing that it was still bleeding I cursed myself knowing that I had left a blood trail.

I looked back behind me and I could no longer see the lights of Murdocks tavern. Estimating that I had gotten at least a mile away I slumped against the nearest tree and started on the bread Murdock had given me. It was absolutely delicious, but I was also starving.

After I finished the bread I reached for my backpack that I had slung onto the leaves next to me. I sorted through the items until I found bandages and a small knife. Dragon skin is nearly impenetrable from the outside, however apparently not to Alpha's teeth. But from the inside it was much easier to rip through.

I slowly guided the knife up my pantleg, careful not to graze over the bite. I was confused as to why it hadn't healed yet. Werewolves had advanced healing so why was I still bleeding? The wolfsbane had probably infiltrated his system at that point causing his saliva to be poisonous. Remnants of the wolfsbane is what was probably keeping the wound open. The amount in the wound wouldn't be enough to hurt me so I decided to put off finding alcohol to rinse it with for later.

I got my knife up past the wound and I pointed it upwards blade out and heard a faint ripping sound. I then brought the knife around the entirety of the leg freeing it of the tight leather and dried blood that had been caked on. I decided it would be best to leave the tourniquet until I had bandaged the wound.

I picked up the gauze and tore off the packaging gently laying it in my skin. I hadn't realised until now that I was beginning to grow faint. How much blood had I lost? I wondered to myself as I started wrapping the bandage around my right calf.

My head started to sway and I hastily reached up to my neck trying to find a pulse. It was faint but there, I quickly tried to finish wrapping my leg but I had waited to long. My vision grew dark starting at the corners.

"Well fuck." I managed to breathily say before everything went dark.