Chapter: 107

Thank you to my P4tr0ns: Morpheaus, and RTB!

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My twin sister and I moved so fast that, just by touching the two weaker adventurers who discovered the place of the summoning, we ended up breaking a few of their bones. But we had no choice, but to remove them from that area: in a fraction of a second, thousands of tons of flesh poured through the tight portal, forcing this last one to expand, while crushing everything on its way to dust.

"[Rule Bender]", while crossing the skies, running away from the ever-expanding mass that was being brought up into that dungeon, carrying one of the weaker adventurers with me, the muscular axe wielder, I conjured an entire army of defeated [Gods] whose [level] were all over 5.000; and they all shot castle sized energy balls, dragon-shaped laser beams, or hundreds of thousands of smaller magical projectiles against the enemy.

"[Phantom Pain]", my twin sister, who was carrying the four-armed adventurer, used one of the [skills] she acquired during our time locked down inside Tezmont's pocket dimension, and instantaneously made millions of translucent projections of her weapons appear already craved into… whatever was the thing that intended to end the world.

But it was all for nothing:

[Name: ᖽᐸᒪSᕲᖴᑘᕼᓰSᘻᗩ The Unborn Star, species: God

Level: 541.841.877

HP: 1.907.100.112.871.557/1.907.891.274.871.557]

All of that barely scratched the [Health Points] of that absurdly strong, to comical point, creature. In fact, the damage not only was regenerated in an instant, but, as if the time was being winded back, the attacks all returned to their original starting point, destroying all of my summons in the process; Hunah's magical projections of her weapons simply disappeared.

This all happened in the blink of an eye.

"Shit…! What happened?! Where are we?! What's that?!", the adventurer I saved asked in a quick sequence, as I laid him beside Incute; he couldn't even have seen all the blows we exchanged with the outer-space deity that was invading the dungeon.

"So that… is the end of all things", the four-armed woman whispered, beside Hunah, nearby.

As the bubbling mass of meat pulsed and expanded without a defined form; thick veins covering the exposed piles of muscles, senseless bones of all shapes and forms piercing here and there, thousands of eyes, teeth, fingers, hands, torsos, feet, and everything organic fused in a single thing; I heard truth in the weaker adventurer's words.

"…I can't even read the number of [Health Points]…", I said frowning.

"See how it has 10 numbers?", Hunah asked, and once I nodded, she explained: "It means the number represents a lot."

"Now is not time for joking! The thing is coming this way!", the axe wielder shouted, pointing at the already mountain-sized monster, who was still growing, moving like a disgusting serpent to where we were standing, at the top of the huge tree.

"Ank! Hunah!", Incute called, still touching her core, drenched in sweat, but now the thing didn't look corrupted anymore. "That thing wants to reach the core, so it can leave this place… We can't let this happen! Your heard Kon's explanation... If it gets to the real world, it will immediately start attacking the planet we live in, this one will wake up, the War of the True Gods will start again, and if things get to this point, it doesn't matter who win at the end, we will all be dead!", she pointed at the mountain-range-sized being whose body kept getting bigger as more and more of it kept crawling out of the portal. "I will throw it into another pocket dimension!"

"Seal it away for good hu?", Hunah asked.

"No, that thing is too strong to be locked away for too long. After all, you know how this [Dungeon]/pocket dimension thing work right?", she pointed, serious.

"The only thing in common between all the [Dungeons], is that they need an accessible entry… and exit, and that they showed their unique specifications at the entrance", I whispered a thought I had years ago. "I see, even if you throw that thing into another pocket dimension, it'll easily break out of it."

"Yes", Incute replied. Seriously, she added: "That's why we need you, Ank, Hunah. You're the only ones who have a chance of defeating that thing!"

At that point, the outer-space god was about to reach the tree at the center of that artificial world; a being of thousands of kilometers long, of hundreds of millions of tons of mutations and amorphous mass, with [Level: 1.841.877]. And it didn't even seem to be complete yet.

"…Yeah, the same chance that an ant have of killing Kon", Hunah said.

"No. The same chance that a pair of idiotic twins have of killing all of the [Gods] on this planet", the yellow girl replied, forcing a smile.

"…Hu", I laughed, stepping forward, to the edge of the hole in the tree canopy, through which we stared at the last enemy. "And I think this one is also a [God] in the end, right?"

"Right", Hunah agreed, stopping by my side. "No one shall be forgiven, but Kon, his sister, and Taffy!", frowning, pensive, she added: "…And Kon's father, if he wants this?"

Shrugging, I concluded:

"Incute! Send the three of us to the last battleground!", I jumped through the hole again, followed by my twin sister.

As we fell towards the incomparably powerful creature, the portal through which the thing was pouring through exploded, expanding thousands of times, and finally revealing the true form of the deity from the edges of space: the long winding thing that was crawling towards us was but one of thirteen fingers of an absurdly big hand, the real body ending shortly after the "writs" from which dozens of long, spiky bones grew from, as if the entire creature was but a broken off limb from a greater terror.

The fingers all moved with incredible speed for their size, dragging the empire-sized hand forward, they wrapped around the tree that, at this point, was almost completely on fire because of our kick from before, and…!


Hunah, and I, the enemy and the giant burning tree, we were all forever falling in a dark blue empty space.

[System message: To leave this Dungeon space, one party needs to defeat the other.]