Chapter: 108

Thank you to my P4tr0ns: Morpheaus, and RTB!

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It was time to get serious.

With no one around, and the thing before me being probably (hopefuly) the strongest enemy Hunahd and I would ever face, there was no point in saving our aces for the end. Or should I say, we couldn't save them for the end:

"[More Than Perfect Summon Embodiment: Allord, Creator of the Natural World!]", I took the form of the strongest ever deity I had defeated, and doubled its strength before adding it to my own with the empowered version of [Perfect Summon Embodiment]; four black wings sprouted from my back, my two eyes and arms, all became four, and four curved horns grew from my head, and my entire skin became glowing hot charcoal.

"[Holiest Blood Metal Set, Apocalypse Sword!]", Hunah equipped the strongest set of items she had, in exchange for thousands and thousands of divine items; innumerable body parts of killed [Gods] came forth from her [Inventory], and were instantly shredded to until they became pure blood-red liquid, and from this gory pool, shinning red iron dust from the blood of the destroyed deities corpses was extracted and moved by itself, covering my twin sister's entire body with a complete set of red metal armor, so spiky no details could be seen from beneath all the thousands of needle-like protrusions. And the sword she brandished was just as cruel: hundreds of gods' bones compressed into a ten meters long spiky thing that only vaguely remembered a sword, with many still beating hearts embedded all along its width.

And that was not all:

"[Make Myth!]", I used in myself the evolved version of [Make Legend], which itself was the evolved version of [Make Immortal], which was the evolved version of [Make Emperor], the next step for [Make King]; the [Spell] multiplying my power in 10000%. As a result, even my physical form changed: not only my body grew in size, as I became half as big as one of the fingers of the enemy, my four arms, wings, horns and eyes became eight, and a giant 2000 meters wide halo of burning fire shone over my demonically draconian head.

"[Banishment Wish!]", Hunah screamed, and her entire equipment was involved in a storm of red lightning, as the efficiency of every item she was using increased by also 10000%.

Effectively, our [Levels] had been temporarily raised to around 10.000.000, and all of this happened in a fraction of a second; our movements so fast, they resulted in the combustion of the air around, our figures then standing in the center of massive explosions that failed to even scratch us.

I couldn't know what kinds of buffs the creature used itself, but we barely could react to the ocean-sized wave of attacks the outer space creature [God] conjured while we were preparing ourselves:

"[ [̲̅├][̲̅↓][̲̅○][̲̅ï][̲̅#][̲̅|][̲̅[][̲̅{][̲̅§][̲̅*][̲̅☺][̲̅▓][̲̅┌][̲̅`][̲̅×] ]", a million million weird and bizarre mouths screamed from all over the enormous surface of the enemy, and in an instant, the infinitely empty space we were falling through was filled up.

From a thousand portals, giant snow-white human statues came fourth, hands extended in our direction, while even more lasers of all shapes and colors shot forward, from eyes, mouths, and fingers sprouting from the enemy's body, and even more explosions and weird constructs; spikes, or vacuums, or meteors; simply appeared close to us.

"[RAAAGH!]", I roared, summoning all those elemental resistances I started gathering since I first used [Dissection] on that [proto-human] mage that attacked us with lightning; and the lasers and explosions and projectiles dissipated against my skin, and Hunah's skin.

"[Void Slash]", my twin sister brandished her sword once, and all the creatures and things that the enemy created were instantly slashed into molecules-sized pieces.

The Unborn Star quickly realized that, though we were ants compared to it, its cheapest attacks wouldn't do it; if the deity from the dark edges of outer space wanted us dead, it would need to do it itself.

And so it did: its five "fingers" moved around the enormous falling burning tree between us, and at the tip of the mountain range sized members, enormous mouths with millions of teeth opened, each one tens of meters long, and covered in acid-like saliva.

"[LIVING-TOUCH]", I extended my eight monstrous hands forward, and from each palm shot a pillar of white light. "[DEMON BREATH!]", I said, and spout a jet of blood-red flames from my mouth. Except these attacks weren't simply energy emissions, but in reality, a compressed jet of hundreds of millions of elemental summons; if someone looked closely, these glowing beams were covered in claws, teeth, talons, and summoned weapons, and every single one of the beings I evoked attacked simultaneously.

The attacks went straight to the gaping mouths at the tip of the incoming fingers, blowing hundreds of thousands of tons of meat and bones from the constantly morphing creature. But even that was but a fraction of all the damage that it would take to defeat that being: the destroyed tips of the fingers immediately started to reform, then in the shape of proportionally huge bone blades.

"[KILLING INTENT SHAPE]", Hunah flew forward, kicking the air so fast, her form was involved in a sphere of fire, and slashed against the thousands of times bigger blades of the Unborn Star. And just an instant before contact, her sword took a size to match her enemy's. "[PEACE AT LAST!]", she added, and the 'blade' of her weapon started spinning so fast, it became a blur, those innumerable huge spikes tearing apart the claws of the enemy.

Then, suddenly:

"Gyuh?!", I gritted my teeth, as my body was pierced, slashed, and torn apart as the fragments from the enemy that I exploded shot back at me like a swarm of fist-sized flying mouths; in an instant, my limbs were removed, my skin entirely eaten, my organs turned in a bloody pulp, and even my brain showed hundreds of tunnels running through it. "Kah!", I coughed, and my limbs flew back to their rightful places, reattaching themselves to my body as the high regeneration triggered by the many points I invested in [Resistance] immediately started to close every wound, and re-make every lost part. "[External Elemental Resistance Emission!]", I emitted an explosion of every element in all directions, destroying the little creatures that had almost ended me.

Of, course, the unborn star had an even more extreme regeneration capacity.

Not only Hunah then also had to deal with the fragments from the pieces of the enemy she removed, this last one didn't seem to have sustained any real damage at all, and was already healing itself:

[Name: ᖽᐸᒪSᕲᖴᑘᕼᓰSᘻᗩ The Unborn Star, species: God

Level: 541.841.877

HP: 1.907.891.274.571.027/1.907.891.274.871.557]

"Shit...", I cursed, between pants.

"This is bad", Hunah whispered back, retreating to beside me.

Both of us had already given 100% of our strength, even if we were so centered on the fight that we didn't show it, our bodies would literally melt away in a few more instants because of all the power we were not supposed to have yet… And we barely represented a nuisance a little harder to kill than expected to the creature before us.

"It finally decided we're not something to be concerned about, hu?", desperately thinking of a way to win against that thing, I watched as it changed its attitude again.

Apparently having prodded us enough, and deciding that it should finish that at once, that we were no real threat, and caution was unnecessary, the Unborn Star retreated all of its "fingers", and started to turn its "palm" to us, and right in its middle, a slit. Then, disgustingly, the flesh suddenly came apart, and from the gap filled with teeth, a tongue dotted with thousands of eyes was extended. And, at its very tip, a familiar figure.

"Taffy?!", I gasped.

"No, a farce. It's simply trying to emulate her", Hunah pointed.

Fused at the waist with the disgusting tongue, a beautiful feminine figure who looked exactly like Taffy, if clearly glorified; it was involved in white clothes, wearing a translucent veil, that only slightly hid a placid and satisfied expression, and her hands were clasped, as if praying, a pair of white wings came out of her back, and halo of pure white floated above her head.

"Well, she's the strongest person in this universe, it's not a surprise that this power-hungry monster is trying to become her…", I agreed.

Then, one of my fingers simply fell down, rotten, melted away, unable to hold that power anymore. I could tell, I didn't have much time left in that form, I was almost empty inside already, corroded. Hunah coughed by my side, and spit something bloody away.

"So, what now? We can't stay like this for much longer, and even if we could, it's useless", my twin sister asked. And I looked at her.

Fuck. If I could, I would save her, take her away from that battle somehow. But there was no meaning to that, right? Escaping would result in destruction anyway. At last…

"…Look: it will try to destroy us in a single hit", I threw her a glance, and smiled: "Let's reply in kind."

"...Yes", she smiled back, accepting one last stand against the strongest of our enemies. And I fell in love with her for the thousandth time.

…At last, I had the luck of meeting her my life.

"[Summoner… Sacrifice]", I called my most powerful [spell], and as I saw my [Health Points] decreasing increasingly fast, all of my other stats were rising a thousand times faster. I was burning all of my life for a burst of power beyond comprehension; every single cell of my body was being destroyed and reconstructed, I was embodying every single summon I had, all of the hundreds of millions of them, becoming a vaguely humanoid shape of shadows and purple fire.

"[One's Blade]", my twin sister intoned, pulling a very common gray metal sword from her inventory… and digging it into her heart. Pulling the weapon off her own body, the blade covered in the blood of her heart, that didn't stop pouring from her wound, the weapon morphed into something similar to the form I had assumed, a black mist with sparks of purple flames, and I knew that the thing was carrying all of the power of her life also.

We, twins, dashed against our enemy, brandishing our most powerful attacks at once, exerting power to split continents, evaporate oceans, and kill half of the world in one move.

The monster finished its pray, and its halo shone brighter than the sun, but our darkness cut through the melting plasma as we two focused our attack on a single arrow point. I could feel all of my being burning away by the intense radiation, and by my last [spell], my [Health Points] approaching 0 even faster. But, just as I was about to give my last breath, I felt the resistance of flesh at the tip of my fingers: Hunah and I had reached the glorified copy of Taffy, and it looked at us with awe and despair as we touched its breasts.

"RRAAAAGHHHH!!", Hunah and I screamed in unison, and pierced the flesh of the creature, then its muscles and bones, and heart, and we continued moving forward , not stopping until we had not only split the glorified Taffy in half, but all of the deformed hand to which its waist was connected to.

Then our [HP] hit 0.