Chapter 1:

"What do you want right now? What do you long for? What is the thing you wish for?"

The girl from the vlog asked. A sigh escaped my mouth as I eyed the video ad that suddenly popped out.

"Here at Lerish Mountain today, how about you make a wish or spend your time with astonishment? A meteor is said to happen here later so what are you waiting for? Today August 17th! Pack your things and get ready for a fantastic show, check-in in here at Kaline Cottage now!"

I turned my phone off as it initiated buzzing sounds signifying some unwanted notifications then threw it across the mattress and lied down with my back feeling heavy. I'm worn out, I've been busy recently.

While laying on the bed the heard news pierced my thoughts. I really like to go to different places, it heals me knowing that the earth has these kinds of remarkable views and places that alleviate us at least for a certain amount of time from the bad things about this world.

"A meteor, huh?" I mumbled in a low voice. Won't it be fun to go with someone? 

Don't even think about it, don't even dream about it. How would you go with someone when you don't even have friends? You narcissist. Wait, why am I even arguing with myself? That's because you have no friends!

My face automatically formed a pout. Well, it's not like it's wrong. I'm already 22 years old yet I'm still a single potato. Now, this is depressing.

"Agh! Who needs friends anyway?!"

I rolled my body to laid forward and shook my feet while burying my face onto my pillow. I'm so lonely, somebody befriends me!

I stopped moving as the exhaustion surrounds my body once again. Not only I'm alone, but I'm also tired! This is a great life, wow! 

Returning from school, I had to finish up my report and was ordered around by my professor for the whole afternoon. It sucks! College is a real challenge. I want to earn money but I'm freaking lazy. I want to graduate but I'm inactive.

I want money, not a job! But I can't earn money without a job so I need to study.

I just want to slack off and do nothing, enjoy life, and be wealthy without doing anything just breathing and existing. Like did I asked to be born? No, so at least give me money! Not that I hate my life, I love my family and I'm alive that is enough for me but just let me whine about life at least for now.

In order to achieve my prosperous life of course  I need to earn money so that I can purchase things I desire and not depend on my mother anymore.

Thinking about it is making me dread more. Geez, I wanted to rest not stress. I closed my eyes for a long time. I was feeling myself getting drowsy.

"Navi!" I heard my mom's voice before she knocked loudly as if the person inside is still 15 kilometers away. I groaned, my drowsiness slowly fading. I once again opened my eyes.

"Yes? I'm here."

"Get ready we're going to Lerish Mountain. Your grandma misses you."

"I don't want to," I whined while turning over again and staring at the ceiling. I heard my bedroom door open and it revealed my mom holding a broom.

"I didn't ask. Go pack some clothes and get ready. Stop being a lazy bum. You'll be attending your grandmother again this weekend. Now, sweetheart, we'll be setting off in 30 minutes," she went on lovingly with a killer smile as she closes the door after.

I didn't move for a fixed 5 minutes before deciding to pack my things into the blue cute kitten-themed bag that looks really expensive. To be precise, I don't know who gave me this bag, my mother stated it was a gift back then from a friend in high school.

Whenever I use this I felt strange. A sensation of longing and missing. I don't know why but I guess it's because I long for friends I can have adventures with.

Despite my laziness, I'm quite surprised at myself for being active in terms of competitiveness. I also like to help run errands around our neighborhood. I help shower the dogs of Mrs. Vengie, I also play with the kids on the playground so that their parents can rest assure on Saturdays, I buy the elderly couples medicine and help Mr. Polla fix his car, I also like to help Mrs. Kenjen to water her plants and many more.

I don't have friends but I know a lot of people, you could call me the social butterfly of the neighborhood. I even know some people outside the neighborhood especially the kids and nuns at the orphanage. Speaking of orphanages, I haven't visited them for a long time now.

My mother used to tell me that I was a lively-active kid who loves hiking and adventures. Oh, I hope I'm a forever kid because now that college has entered my life, my life became busy as a bee. Though I do admit that I'm having a hard time because of my rotten brain, I agree that I'm not that smart, I need others to explain complicated things to me at least three times before I get it.

I can't blame myself for forgetting things though for the reason that I had an accident, a car crash 2 years ago, my head was crushed and I got amnesia. Sadly, I can't remember my high school and childhood life.

I proceeded to prepare the things I need for the two days I will be away. Once I was done, I zipped and closed the zipper, I sat back down on my bed beside the bag and stared at it. My heart raced and the sentiment of someone missing in my life was felt again.

I touched the bag and examined it for a minute before my head suddenly started hurting.

"Ugh!" I groaned and reached my head with both my hands as I shut my eyes tight. Strange noises are currently buzzing in my head.

"Navi! Are you done?" I heard my mother yelled from downstairs at the same time my head became clear and the aching gradually decreased. 

"Uh- yeah, just a second!"

"Come down if you're ready!" She responded back.

I got up and was weirded out by what happened but decided to ignore it since it has been happening lately.

I groped to the pen near my bed and hung the tip of it in my inner pocket. I have a pencil case that's full of pens and pencil with different colors and somehow every time I'm going somewhere my hand just automatically search for the case to bring at least one pen with me.

A pen or sometimes the whole pencil case has always been with me everywhere, anywhere. It may be a side effect of the pills I'm taking to recover.

I took a deep breath and stood up to get my hoodie. I wore it and gazed into the mirror, this hoodie brings comfort to me. My mother told me that this was a hoodie from someone special to me who sadly isn't in this world anymore.

I once guessed it was from my father but my mother shook her head at that time, she looked disappointed, she even snickered and sighed. Even though I'm grateful for whoever that person is, even if my memory can't remember you my heart does as it always beats like it's calming me whenever I wear this hoodie.

The guitar in my room was also from that someone special, it helps me with everything I'm dealing from. It has a name engraved in it, 'Wade'.

"Navi! Let's go!" I was taken back to reality because of my mothers' shout. I directly went towards my bookshelf and searched the shelves and eventually saw my favorite manga, I need this so I won't get bored when we arrive at Mount Lerish since the connection there is the worse.

I ran downstairs with the bag hanging on my left shoulder. Before going to the car I stopped by the kitchen to take some food from the fridge for some road snacks, after that I went directly inside the car. I waited for my mom who was still fixing her foundation.

Once she entered the car, we soon took off. It was a normal car ride, my mom singing and playing music on the stereo while I engaged in the scenery outside imagining a handsome human jumping and flying through the signs and buildings for me.

Whenever the nanny who is always taking care of my grandmother is absent or on vacation, It has always been me who accompany and care for grandma in her place. The two of us love each other's company.

She is a very sweet, gentle, and soft lady. She often tells me stories, they were always interesting and engaging, it was not boring at all. Occasionally she would ask me life questions and educate me about things that bring inspiration. One time we both talked about the importance of our existence and not giving up on life.

She is very good with words and I admire her so much.

My mom also inherited her gentle and soft side but sometimes mom can be too overprotective. I can't condemn her though, I heard I've subsisted to many accidents and deals with much harm when I was a kid. I indeed was adventurous and active in my past, and don't forget I was also involved in a large accident resulting in memory loss.

I was 9 years old when my father passed away and our other relatives are out of the country so we're quite distant and unreachable from them. That is why I'm the only child here.

Maybe because of loneliness I yearn so much for friends, I've been living normally my whole life. Common school, family, life, I'm also just ordinary and to be sincere I'm already contented with that.

Though maybe a little fun is lacking, still I'm fine with the way it is now. I certainly want some fun but it's not like I can just make a wish and ask for an extraordinary experience or adventure with maybe some friends to be there by my side. But as I said and there's nothing wrong with the way I'm living.

I rested my left elbow on the side of the window and skimmed my chin. I enjoyed the things outside and felt the cold winds that are brushing through my skin.

I positively like car rides, especially on midnights with the windows down.

After an hour or so, we finally arrived at the house. The first thing I did was greet my grandmother before going to my room to unpack. There isn't much to empty since I'll be only here for two days anyways.

After unpacking I sat at my study table. To pass the time I decided to read the manga I carried. Since we're on top of the mountain, the signal is a bit slow, chaotic, and not to mention frustrating.

I was incredibly fond of this manga, no matter how several times I read it, it's still the best. I was about to flip the page when the wind blew hard making the manga flipped a bunch of pages.

I shifted my gaze to my open window where the wind was blowing. I stood up and shut it. It was already dark outside, the winds were cold too.

I went back to my table and to the manga I was reading. I frowned a little as the pages were flipped and I don't know what chapter I was on or the page I was reading.

The words on the page fascinated me, I sat back down and read the first phrases.

It was different. This time it's different.

In nature, and in this world, there is a story, a reason behind every existence.

In this world, I want to be at least a part of the reason for your existence. I want to be with you and never leave your side. I want to be a character in your story that has a role and significance.

If I can at least be with you and never leave then I'll be happy, if I can't then I'll find a way to come back to you. But please be prepared because I may come back... only to say goodbye... Forever.

"Navi dinner's ready!" The shout of my mother surprised me.

"Ah yes! I'll be right there!" I closed the manga and walked out of my room downstairs. When I got there I immediately helped prepare the table.

I sat in the middle, my mom is on the left, and my grandma was on the right. The dinner started with a prayer before eating. We were talking about multiple things, this has been my normal life. I then started to ask.

"The meteor is going to start at 9:30, are you going to watch it, mom?" I looked at her. She reckons for a bit and answers.

"I think not honey, I need to leave early tomorrow morning and I've seen countless meteor shows before. I'm sorry I can't go with you right now. I promise I'll make it up next time"

"No no no, It's okay I understand. Grandma?" I turned to her and smiled sweetly.

"My Navier, I can only watch through my window. I can't go to the top of the mountain anymore I'm too old to climb," She softly laughed.

"Then I'm going to watch with grandma in her bedroom," I was about to nod when she immediately declined.

"My Navier, I'd like you to watch it enjoyably, I want you to climb, it's more glorious and amusing that way."

"And here's an advice. Go to the top, when I meant the top I meant higher than the Kaline Cottage. There you can watch peacefully and you'll feel much closer to the stars," she said slowly with her usual soft voice and shining eyes. She said it with full of anticipation that I couldn't dare to refuse.

My mom looked at us both, she opened and closed her mouth as if she wanted to say something but in the end, chose not to.

"It's a great spot for you," Grandma ended.

"I guess so," mom also agreed and smiled at me but I felt like something's off with her smile. It was full of sorrow and happiness at the same time.

I decided not to think much about it. We changed to a new topic and continued eating.

Soon it was 9:20 and grandma is currently helping me pack some things in the basket a picnic blanket, a pillow, blanket, some snacks, and drinks.

"Be careful honey, remember to always sense your surroundings. If ever something happens quickly blow your whistle as hard as you can and let your little emergency fireworks loose," my mom peeked from the door.

Grandma left saying she needed to get something first that is why mom is the one who's helping me while still rambling about my safety.

"Yes mom, I know you've said it like a hundred times already," I said chuckling, she then approach me.

"It's better to truly know than to pretend to know, you should not fool yourself, sweetheart."

"I'll be alright."

She touched my cheeks and kissed my forehead. "I know, just be careful okay?"

"Okay," I finally reassured her. She patted my head, kissed my forehead once more, and smiled.

"Immediately return after the meteor show, oh and remember to make a wish."

"Mom, wish? Really? Pf-Alright mom, I'm going," I said and lifted the basket from my bed. She waved me goodbye as she cleaned the mattress and I went downstairs.

As I was about to open the door out, my grandmother appeared from behind. 

"My Navier, here I didn't get the chance to give you a gift last year right? So here is a present for my beloved granddaughter."

I looked back and moved closer to her. There comes to view a silver star-designed necklace. It has a big shaped star and in the middle of that star is a clear transparent stone that is connected to five different stones bound and attached to the five sides of the star.

"It isn't much but I hope you like it."

I stroke my hair back to my ears and smiled at her. "I love it, Grandmother, I will treasure it with all my heart."

I bent down so that my grandma can fix it on me. I could see my grandmother smiling from ear to ear as if she's happy that I have finally received her gift. I touched the necklace and stared at it for a while, it's really beautiful.

"Oh~ I'm about to tear up. My granddaughter is too beautiful." I raised my head after hearing my grandmother's voice slightly shaking, her tone was so proud. Eh? I only wore the necklace though? Did that make such a large difference?

She clasped both of her hands. "Ahem ahem," she let out some fake coughs.

"Alright my Navier, go. It should have started already."

"Ah right! Grandma thank you for the gift. I'm going now." I kissed her cheek and started to run outside.

I was halfway climbing my way up the mountain when I heard the people cheered in amusement, one thing for certain is that the meteor has already started.

I ran faster with both hands holding the basket. I sprinted faster to the top almost catching my breath.

While running I could see some portion of the meteors. "Freak! I'm late!"

I ran faster avoiding branches of trees and rocks. I was catching my breath, my legs were going numb but I'm almost there!

12 steps left, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5...

"Huff. Huff. Huff."

4, 3, 2, 1.

My face lit up with the bright lights as my eyes were astonished by the beautiful sight in front of me.


Thank you for reading! <3

Remember to drink some water today!