Chapter 2:


A small amused voice came out of my lips. I felt my body going light as I slowly walked forward. I felt my exhaustion slowly relinquishing.  I let my shoulders hang loose.

The stars embedded into the black night brings beauty to one another.  The comet moves like a savored dream over the sky, millions of blissful stars lifting the blackness into beauty. It's mesmerizing.

While still admiring the phenomenon in front of me, I prepared the picnic blanket, put down the pillow, and packed all the other stuff. I crouched down and hugged my knees.

My eyes reflecting the blaze of the stars passing by. My surroundings were quiet and peaceful, I'm the only one here. Instead of being scared, it was comforting.

Instantly, I understand why grandma fancies me to gaze at the meteors from the top. It's just astonishing. I crossed my legs and stared in awe.

I felt like I'm running with the stars. Unknowingly a smile emerged on my face. The cold wind brushed by me reminding me about the present moment, it rustles in the trees and sways with the grass. 

I like the breeze I have always thought of the wind as so free, uncontrolled, yet it too has its path. It is air with passion, it's an energy that powers onwards with every direction keeping it as an option.

The fog quietly crept along into the area. It was not that thick however it was still cold. The fog was like a blanket slowly drifting downwards the mountain.

I closed my eyes and breathe the fresh air that's passing strongly making my hair flutter. I took my time enjoying every moment.

"Remember to make a wish."

I thought back to my mom saying it to me. A wish? As I opened my eyes the stars above didn't let me down. Its beauty and beams never disappoint.

I opened my mouth but then again closed it tight. Wish? Psh what am I seven? Making a wish through a shooting star. It's not like it's going to come true.

But it won't hurt to make a wish, what'll hurt was to expect. Even so...

"I wish to have an adventure full of unforgettable experiences with people who I can consider my friends."

Even if I lost my memories, my personality of loving adventures and fun is still lingering in my heart. In fact, it has never left, it's always within me hoping to be active once again.

My nature of having fun with people I loved is still inside me. I couldn't consider my classmates as 'friends' since I have never really hung out with them that much. I don't know much about them as well as they don't know much about me. So we are just acquaintances at some point.

I can be with just myself but deep down I'm longing for true friends.

A sigh escaped my mouth and I once again perked up at the sky when I noticed something. I saw five stars shimmering brighter than the others, I squinted my eyes when it felt familiar. I observed it for a second and gasped.

It resembled the five stones connected to the transparent stone in the middle of the star on my necklace. I looked at my necklace and noticed that the transparent stone became white as snow.

What?! What happened?

The wind suddenly became strong but even so, it felt warm. The wind passed by me strongly I had to cover my eyes and my hair flew along with the wind harshly. I don't know why but the fog suddenly brushed by me in a flash as if a force suddenly occurred somewhere.

Later the wind calmed down and the meteor show has finished but numerous stars are still visible through the sky. Bewildered and dumbfounded, a sigh escaped my mouth.

"I must have been too drowsy to be overreacting," I mumbled to myself. But a part of me is asserting that there's more into it but I chose to ignore it as it felt bothersome for some reason.

I was debating with myself on what to do while eating the snacks I brought when all of a sudden footsteps in the distance can be heard.

"Someone's coming," I whispered under my breath. It appears that only one person is coming based on the noise of the grass. I prepared my emergence fireworks in my left hand just in case.

I sat straight and gawked behind waiting for that someone to walk up. I gulped as a figure and silhouette of a tall boy is slowly making an appearance starting from head to toe.

The fog was somehow going away from him, giving him a great entrance as if he was the hero on an anime entering on a battlefield. In an instant he came into view.

He's wearing a black combined with blue sleeveless hoodie revealing his pale skin and muscular arm paired with blue-black colored clean shoes.

His right hand is in his pocket. I looked over to his face, his hair was dark as a shadow, eyes like a ruby, sharp nose, and pinkish lips... His...

His handsomeness is out of this fudging world! He walked facing the gleaming stars in front and stop aligned to my left about 5 meters away.

"Maybe he didn't see me yet?" I wondered myself but at the same time, his gaze shifted in my direction.

My heart beats loudly as his red-brown eyes met mine. I noticed his eyes, it was the eyes of someone who have been through so much, that tell bunches of untold stories.

His presence somehow felt... Familiar and comforting. Neither of us spoke, we were just there, staring at each other under the bright stars and the beautiful moon.

Wait, doesn't this feel romantic? I quickly avoided the gaze, I could feel my face burning from such thought.

"Hey," his husky voice called out.

Is he talking to me? Oh, of course, Navier you two are the only ones here! But what do I say? What do I do? I can't talk to handsome boys! Do I need to do something?!

While being flustered, I didn't see him momentarily walking towards me, "Are you okay?"

I clasped back from my thoughts, "Ah ye-yeah good, uh you?" I awkwardly said. He stopped in front of me and was taken aback by what I said judging from his eyes that have become wider from shock.

Did I come off a bit creepy? Did I say something wrong?

I bit my lower lip and lowered my head in embarrassment when suddenly I heard him chuckled and then laugh.

I glimpse at him as his right hand that was in his pocket just a second ago is now covering his mouth from laughing. I gave off a questioning look.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's just that, I didn't know you were the shy type." He removed his hand that was covering his lips revealing his smile.

Oh wow, I seem to have gotten lost in his smile. Is this the time for that meme 'Bye mom, I'm getting married'?

"May I sit beside you?"

"Uhm..." I examined him first for any weapon. You don't know if he'll suddenly attempt to attack or kidnap me. You can't trust people these days, even if they have the looks.

When I made sure he's defenseless I nodded my head. Once again he smiled and my fudging heart is pumping at full speed. What are you turbo? Stop beating, I mean don't I'll die if you stop beating.

He sat beside me, well not really since there is a basket between us. He suddenly looked through the basket and opened the sandwich I made.

I raised one of my eyebrows at him. If I recall I only approve of him sitting? Well, it's fine since I can't finish them anyway.

"Err... So what are you doing here? Are you also here to watch the meteor?" I asked. He looked at me and took a bite first before answering.

"Hmm probably?" He shrugged. "The meteor is over though..." I informed.

"Even so, the stars are still a beautiful sight aren't they?" He looked meaningfully at the stars. I once again observe his facial features, gosh he's attractive.

"Yeah, beautiful," I said unknowingly while comprehending his beauty. After accepting that he's more beautiful than me I stared at the stars with him.

"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?" He asked again.

"Yeah," I nodded in agreement. After that no one talked, the sound of the wind is the only noise that could be heard but instead of considering it as awkward, it was peaceful and strangely comforting.

"So..." He said and jerked his head to look at me.

"Your wish," he smirked. I gazed at him with a strange face as if it's asking how did he know I wished through a star. I mean I guess it's a bit known to wish through a shooting star but how could his voice sound so sure?

"Wish? My wish?" I asked, he once again smiled but this time it's not only my heart who responded, I also felt chills in my skin as my hair rose.

"Yeah, your wish is to have an adventure full of unforgettable experiences with people who you can consider friends, right?"

I hastily stood up from the shock as his eyes followed. "You, how did you-?" I couldn't speak.

I felt my face making an unusual expression but I couldn't care. How did he know?! He also stood up and I grabbed the emergency firework once again. He smirked, put his hands on his pocket, and walked up front, making his body directly facing the moon.

His face turned to look at me but his back was still facing me, I again noticed his red-brown eyes, it was shining bright as the stars above.

Screw that, it's not just his eyes his whole body is twinkling bright it's as if he's the star himself. He looks like a star in front of the big moon in his back. He's shining with the moon. I even needed to blink to gain my view again.

"Navier," he said. I didn't give him my name yet, right? How?

"Do I know you somehow? Have we met before?" I asked with troubled eyes. I noticed him hesitating for a while but his facial expression calmed down.

"Yes, we have," he said, and after he said that I felt my head hurting.

"Ack!" I groaned in pain. After a few seconds, the aching went away but when I turned to look at him he was gone.

"Where did he go?" I looked around but only saw the things I brought nothing, no one and nothing more.

"Who is he?" I questioned myself. He said we knew each other. Could he be a person whom I knew or have spent time with before I lost my memory?

I was in deep thought when...

"Are you okay?" A husky voice suddenly said from behind. I flinched and took a step back because of shock when I lost my balance.

While falling backward I could feel his hand reached out for my arm but he couldn't fully pull me as his right hand was occupied by something so instead of rescuing me, he was the one pulled down with me resulting in both of us on the ground.

"UGHK!" I lightly groaned as I lightly push myself upward. Though I didn't feel that much pain since he pulled me in his embrace. I opened my eyes to see his face close to mine.

"Ugh! Shit, I haven't felt pain in a long time," he mumbled as he grabbed my waist and place his other hand on his head.

Then I realized that we were in this kind of position. I was on top of him and I ain't gonna lie this has been the greatest accident I've experienced so far.

I could feel his tough abs. Wait-Eek! This is not the time for such thoughts.

I sat up while still on top of him and was about to rant and complain when I saw a rock rolled from behind his head that he was recently rubbing, the pain is still visible through his face.

"Ouch," he groaned silently.

I froze. I felt my entire body falling into a weak state and I felt my emotions suddenly pouring out.

"Ow! That fucking hurts, why is there a rock there. See this is why you should always stand on guard. If I wasn't here you could've h-" I could feel his body stiffened once he looked at me.

He lifted me and placed me beside him then immediately sat up.

"You-Navi, are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere? Are you hurt? Navi, hey! Navi talk to me!" His panicked voice reached my ears and his worried eyes continued to travel looking for bruises.

"You-" I bit my lower lip and was unable to say a word. I felt weak. Somehow I...

"Navi, tell me are you hurt?" He somehow calmed down and softened his voice as his right hand caressed my cheeks that wiped the tears flowing out from my eyes.

Somehow I was crying, I felt sensitive. I felt like if he got hurt one more time I wouldn't be able to handle it. Why? Why am I feeling this way?

"Why did you do that, you shouldn't have done that. You should've let me fall on my own. Now you got hurt!" I ranted while wiping my tears.

"You fool!" I shouted angrily at him but in fact, I felt anger at myself since I was too clumsy.

"I-" He was about to say something when I started hitting him and he struggled to calm me down.

"Why did you do that! Don't die on me please!" I cried. Why am I feeling this? I'm confused, so confused.

He frowned, "I'm already- No I'm fine really. See?" He stood up and even stretch and whirl to prove his alright.

I stared at him and he stopped. He squatted down to reach my level. I froze when his face moved closer to mine.

"I guess you're tired, am I right?" He caressed my face and I looked at his face full of fatigue.

I'm tired. I'm confused. I don't even know what's happening. On who he is, how he knows about my wish. How he suddenly appeared, there's a lot I wanted to ask him.

"Judging from your face you seem to have lots of questions. To be honest, I can't tell you that much," he said continuously caressing my cheeks.

"But to at least clear your mind a little, the truth is..." He moved nearer.

"I heard your wish and I'm here to help you," he whispered to my ear. He touched my forehead with his pointing finger and suddenly I felt sleepy.

He leaned my head on his shoulders.

"It's late, time for you to rest, Navi my-..."

I couldn't hear and see properly anymore as my consciousness is fading. The last thing I saw was 4 stars shining brighter than the others.

Not long my eyes closed and I fell asleep.


I'm proud of you! Keep giving up!

(Lol! So I came back to look for mistakes and saw this funny mistype, I meant to say 'Keep fighting don't give up' but I'm just gonna keep this at it is.)