Chapter 9:

Before I could turn towards the owner of the voice, my vision went blurry. Both of our bodies glitched as the surrounding became different as if we were being teleported.

I closed my eyes to prevent nauseousness and in just a second his grip has freed my arms.

"We're here."

I opened my eyes and the great scenery of the blue sky can be seen, it was a bright and sunny day. White, fluffy clouds drifted across the sky and a strong gust of wind blew against my face.

I was almost about to daydream with the comfortable atmosphere of nature when the person who brought me here spoke.

"What were you doing?" He said with a complicated frowning face.

He's beside me like a giant pillar, gazing at the sky, his side-view face was enough to confirm that he's as handsome as Aniel and Wade. 

But I still love Wade's face the best.

He's about 187cm tall while I was 167cm, I felt inferior somehow. 

My eyes observed his clothes... I could already tell that he's the rebel one. His aura was also a bit dark, it's like the 'if you move closer to me I'll kill you' type of aura.

He has silver-white hair. His fine hair began to flutter in the wind. His eyes are crystal brown in color. He has a pale face and a sharp nose with his lips slightly trembling as he frowns.

 "I asked, what were you two doing?" he asked again still not looking at me.

"Why are you asking? Who are you?" I confusedly asked too setting aside his question. His face frowned even more.

"Tsk," he clicked his tongue.

"Sanz, his name is Sanz, right? What were the two of you doing? Why are you hugging?" He asks once more with seriousness in his tone as if he's saying that I should answer it before he gets mad.

Why is he so mad? Who is he?  Since he could use shenanigans it's given that he is also a star spirit.

I blankly stared at him with a hint of confusion. He didn't speak, he's waiting for my words. He's looking away but I know he's eager to listen.

I sighed and also looked far away.

"Yeah, his name is Sanz. I was comforting him, he's having a hard time. His girlfriend passed away and I wanted to help him even a bit."

"He confides in me and I wanted to encourage him. He was in pain, I couldn't just ignore that," I explained genuinely.

In the side of my vision, I could see him flinch. He let out a laugh-like groan.

"If I see a person's face in pain in person my heart just shatters. I want to be at least of a little help, I want to take away their pain and instead see their smiling faces. I'm aware that the world is cruel but when the time comes that the world was cruel to them I want to be that little light."

I moved my head to look at him.

"Don't you want people to smile more and fewer tears? I know it's impossible but sometimes I think like that." I shifted my gaze at him and our eyes met. I now could see a smiling face in front of me.

"I have heard what I wanted to hear as expected," a burst of sigh-like laughter escaped his mouth as he nods his head, agreeing with himself. 

"I'm sorry for ever doubting you Navi, of course, who am I kidding you would never do such a thing to Wade," he finally smiled or smirk.

Confused, my head automatically tilted. What is he talking about?

"Nevermind, My name's Zheon, I'll call you Navi from now on."

"Uh, sure. Nice to meet you, Zheon," I slightly nodded and gave out my hand for a handshake. He looked at my hand frowning.

"You just touched things with those hands right? Did you wash your hand? Did you sanitize? There are germs, no thank you," He continuously babbled which made me speechless.

"What?" I let out an unbelievable-sigh like as he gave me a 'really?' look.

"Having a nice conversation?"

"PAH!" Reflexively, I threw a punch from behind instinctively, where the voice came from.

An inch away from his face his hands blocked my punch as if it was just a fruit he needed to catch. It seems that he was used to this.

"Wah, that scared me," I blurted as I gave him a shocked face.

"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry. Just where did you come from?" I apologized. I didn't even feel nor heard him coming.

"From the sky... I just got here... On the part when you guys introduced each other," he said with his cute expressionless face.

At that moment a dazzling yellow light slowly ascended from the sky, I had to squint my eyes since it was too bright. Now I miss Wade, he used to cover my eyes whenever Arien's light emitted last night.

The light was now gone and a cute little angel... Arien, I mean, can be now seen. She ran straight towards me with a worried expression.

"Navi! Is Navi okay?!" She asked anxiously.


"Brother! Brother shouldn't scare Navi like that," Arien glared at her twin.

Wait, Aren't I the one who almost punch him in the face?

"Ah yes, sorry," Aniel said innocently as he bowed his head a bit to me.

"Well, I..."

"I actually was the one who should apologize." I dumbfoundedly said.

"No no no," They both said in sync but with different tones, Aniel's tone was a bit emotionless while Arien's tone was desperate as if her idol was offended by someone.

"Tsk," Zheon shaking his head sidewards.

"Ah right, it seems like Zheon were a bit distracted from what he was supposed to do," Arien smiled... somehow scarily at Zheon.

Zheon flinched a little as he looked away, "Sorry Ma'am."

"Ohoho she just called you by name," Aniel smirked teasingly. Zheon glared at him and looked back at Arien again with a different expression.

"Yes, I'm sorry. So stop calling me by my name you're scaring me." He said and hugged Arien from behind. 

I gave them a shock-happy expression. What the? Why am I feeling excited all of a sudden? I feel like I'm fangirling, it's like my ship is finally sailing.

They were bickering with each other when I suddenly excitedly shriek making them surprised, "EEEKK!"

"What the?!"

"What the fuck?"

"Zheon should watch his mouth..."

They looked at me, startled by my unexpected shout.

"Yiiieee HAHAHAHA!" Oh! My! Gosh! I'm too happy... Why am I happy, it's not even my love life. I look crazy right now...

"You guys are hopeless," Aniel interrupted. He sighs before looking at me then back to the two love birds.

"You two go back to Star Skyland and check on Wade. I'll do the introducing part," he ordered.

"Check on Wade? Did something happen?" I asked. The three of them flinched and Aniel froze after realizing what he just said. 

They looked at me as I gazed back at them with a worried expression.

Zheon and Arien glared intensely at Aniel as he gulped. He as usual has an expressionless face but I could see his eyes shaking.

"Brother's an idiot!" Arien kicked and attacked her brother. I was surprised by that action while Zheon was clapping his hands while smirking.

"You see that? That's my girl." He pointed at Arien who's drop-kicking his brother as he elbowed me as a smile appeared on my face. They then started fighting.

I heard him snap his finger as popcorn appeared in the air.

"Ohh, movie snacks," I immediately snatch it from the air and started eating as we both watch the siblings fight each other. So this is how siblings fight... Why are they trying to hurt each other?

"Hey, that hurts! Stop!" Aniel said frowning. Ohh an expression, finally!

Lights are emitting from both of them, Arien was releasing yellow while Aniel was emitting gold as their speed increases. Woah! 

I couldn't see them anymore, I could only see lights bumping into each other, the other one was attacking while the other was blocking.

"Shouldn't you stop them?" I asked the star spirit from beside me.

"Nah," he shrugged while he snapped his finger once again and four Collis appeared. The two float down to the ground while the other two float towards me and Zheon.

"Oh right! What happened to Wade?" I almost forgot. He looks back at me and sighed.

"It's not that severe, don't worry. He just suffered energy loss and lost consciousness."

"WHAT?!" What he said alarmed me. He gazes at me.

"Calm down. Let me explain." He said with a firm voice so I had no choice but to listen.


"Before we came here, we went on a difficult test. After we pass that test we can now go to Star Skyland and fulfill our roles as Star Spirits, to make our wish come true. Before we could come back to this world we had to sign a contract and that said contract has rules called limitations."


"Limitations keep us from spilling secrets, seals some of our skills especially the powerful ones, limits our strength and powers, and many more. Limitations are rules we need to follow or else... can't say. We can't also say our wishes out loud."

"Wade broke the rule?"

"Hmm... On the contract, one of the rules is that we can't use our skills on humans, it's only allowed if they have the approval of the Heads of Star Skyland."

A gasp escape from me. He used magic on me to get me to school.

"Don't show that guilty expression. He was the one who did it willingly even though he knew what was coming for him." He said not looking at me and whirling the can in his hand.

Unknowingly his can- wait no my can also and the cans on the floor that now has a stand was clean as if it was never been touched by anyone. I also just notice that he was wearing black gloves.

What a germophobe... Wait I'm focusing on the wrong stuff here.

"Is he okay?"

"Yeah, he'll wake up soon. Aniel already treated him."

Someway my heart calmed down a bit. I bit my lip and asked.

"What happens if you break the rules?"

"It depends on the rule, depends on how you break it, how much damage you made. But for Wade, he used speed and invisibility outside of Star Skyland where his powers are limited so he must have used almost the maximum of his skill to let you share his magic and since you seemed unharmed after being in his magic he must have worked his skills to the bone."


"Yeah, you have a body of a human. Human bodies are weak, if you were to even possess even a tiny bit of Wade's magic your body won't be able to control it that your body might even explode in a second." I was slightly terrified. 

"Wade is strong but the stronger you are the stronger your limitations will be."

That's right... I'm just a mere human and they're on a different level. How could I forget that? There's no way they can do whatever they want in this world full of humans, I would even say that we're just ants for them that can easily be crushed if they want to.

"I'm sorry..."

"It's not your fault, it's what Wade wants." Aniel walks towards us and sat beside me. Oh, they're done fighting. He was sweating a bit.

"Eugh! Here, wash that later." Zheon frowned as he snapped his finger and a towel appeared in front of Aniel. He nodded.

Aniel pointed to the Colli beside me and Zheon, I gave it to him as he continued on.

"Wade is now at Star Skyland where he's strong so he must be up by now. Time flows differently in our world so."

"Yeah, don't worry Navi. Arien promises that Wade's fine now. Hottie here is taking care of him and brother is healing him with every chance he gets." Arien smiled and sat beside Zhoen. The two boys nodded and I was thankful. 

They made me reassured. I took a sip from my Colli when a sudden realization hit me.

I shockingly spit out my drink and looked at Arien.

"Huh?" She asked as I was looking at her like I heard some absurd thing.

"Hottie?" Flabergast, a smirk-shock-like appeared on my face. That's one word I didn't expect from Arien's mouth to say.

"Hmm yeah..." She tilted her head as if nothing was wrong.

"I mean he is hot." I nodded.

"Isn't he?!" She happily agreed.

"Ackk," Aniel almost choke on his Colli.

"You should be jealous that someone's calling me a hottie," Zhoen frowned.

"Eh? Arien should?"

"AHAHA!" I laughed. She's too cute and clueless!

"Hey! Don't teach unnecessary things to my sister," Aniel retorted as he stood up and then sat in between them.

"HEY!" They both shouted as I laugh on the side.

"Ugh, you two go back and take care of Wade! As I said I'll handle the introduction." He said annoyed. The two lovers then looked at each other, shrugged, and stood up.

"Alright! Navi, Arien will see you soon!" She waved her hand at me. Zhoen just nodded at me and then yellow lights surrounded Arien while Zhoen glitched and in a second both of them are gone.

I focused on Aniel.

"Introduction?" I asked and looked at Aniel beside me.

"Yeah, the last Star Spirit you're gonna encounter. You'll meet her after school. I'll guide you to her since Wade's in bed."

"Her? She's a girl?"

"Yeah, she's been wanting to see you."

"Really what's she like?" I curiously asked. He looked at me straight in the eye. His eyes didn't change much it still has walls preventing others to see his real emotions.

He sighs as he gives out his honest opinion.

"To be honest when I met her for the first time, I thought she just had a bad personality since she was giving attitude to some people but in reality, she was just... Stupidly beautiful"

He took a sip and continued.

"She said she's a girl who wants to be weak against the weak and will try everything she could for the good. She said she wanted to be that kind of person. She also likes paintings and arts. She may be stupid sometimes but she's cute."

Aniel had a very genuine expression on his face. His eyes were slowly losing their wall.

"Do you..."

He looked at me asking what I was going to say.

"Do you have a  crush on this girl?"

"Wha- No, no I don't. Shut up! Don't read my eyes, dammit!" He looked at me shocked with a hint of 'I-knew-you'll-notice-it' expression.

"Oh my gosh, your ears are red!" I teased even more.

"No, they're not." He covered his ears with his hands.

"Tsk!" He clicked his tongue as he bit his lips as if he doesn't know what to do.

"Oh my... Hmmm... You're my diary? Well, dear diary. It seems like you have been crushing on someone, heeeeh," I made fun of him even more.

"Shut up!"

"So? What's her name? What does she look like?" I continuously teased. Well half-tease since I also need to know her name and appearance.

He gave up on glaring at me and sighed.

"Her name's Xyleen." He said his voice slowly murmuring.


"Her name's Xyleen." He repeated. His face was now back to the innocent poker face look as if he was never flustered in the first place.

"You'll see her soon enough," he added. His face was now tired so I also got a hold of myself.

"Weak against the weak, and strong against the strong huh?" I asked while looking at the sky.

"That's my ideal girl. Those types of people are the kind of people I idolize. They repay kindness with kindness and wrongdoings with punishments. I admire those people."

"Idolize ha!" I looked at him as he started laughing. What's wrong with him?

"I guess, people with kind hearts idolize each other," he whispered but still can be heard.

"What?" I asked. Why is he whispering? I was about to ask for some more and specific information but my phone rang and buzzed.

"Your next class is in five minutes, go back. I'll meet you later." He stood up first and also supported me up. Oh, what a gentleman, this action reminded me that he is Arien, my cute little angel's twin.

He then stared at me and then my colli.

"What do you want mine?"

"No. It's nothing," he smiled.

"Alright, see ya." He said with an expressionless face as he waved and gold lights appeared from his feet to his head as he fades slowly. I waved back at him until he's finally gone.

Before going back to the classroom, I took a minute to appreciate nature and the fresh air here on the rooftop. I went back after that and class went smoothly. Though Sanz not attending made me a little worried, I hope he'll be fine soon.

My last class is finally over, I waited until everyone was out of the classroom. When it's just me in the room gold light appeared and as always I squinted my eyes before I could see Aniel.

"Let's go," He said as he let me up again like the gentleman he is and we walk side by side out of school.

"How's Wade?" I kept thinking of him, I'm worried even though they said not to.

"He's good now, we just finished eating," He informed.

 "That's good. Now, where are we going?" I asked as I throw my worries away.



"Woah! This is one big mall."

I looked around at Sanforte Mall, just a glance at the exterior design of this mall, you'll know that this mall is made for rich people.

"Are you sure this is the right mall?" I asked Aniel as he leisurely entered. I followed him and as I entered the smell of air conditioner and expensive cologne alarmed me.

"What the-" I almost choke on my own saliva when I saw the interior. Where am I? Why am I here? Am I dreaming? How can I be in a place like this?

"Is this a modern palace or something?"

The inside was so big and white, there's glass everywhere. The place was also clean.

"Let's go to the third floor. She's there." He again walked away as I followed behind him.

This was just the first floor and it's already this fancy and big? The first floor was full of franchises and markets, beauty products, and other things you can buy. 

"What's on the second and third floor?" 

"The second floor is all about food, restaurants, stalls, anything. Half of the third floor is an arcade, specifically Exclusive WOF, we're going to the third floor," He explained while we got on the elevator.

I nodded and shifted my gaze to where the buttons should be.

"What's this? Why is there only one button?"

"Long press that button and say 'To the third floor'"

I nodded and so what he said.

"To the third floor."

"Destination Third floor. Now going to the third floor." A machine voice said as the elevator made a sound like it's leaving the ground before it moves up.

"Woah! This mall stands so advance!" I was genuinely surprised. Am I in the future?

I felt a tingling sensation in my tummy as we go up.

"Arriving on the third floor." It said.

I felt the elevator stop and the door opened

We step out, colorful lights and arcade machines came into view.

"Well, you're on your own now. Have fun!" He looked at me and smiled. Woah, he can smile?

I was fascinated by his smile that I almost didn't notice him fading away.

"Ah wait! Where- and he's gone..."

What am I supposed to do here? I don't have any money...

I don't even know what she looks like. How can I look for her?

The surrounding was very lively. There are various people on this floor having fun. Kids playing around and adults on their card games. It's like a casino mix with arcades.

I gave an earth-shattering sigh. I then looked around hoping for some miracle to happen.
