Chapter 10:

I've been standing still for 30 seconds. Why is nothing happening?

Usually, when a Star Spirit appears things will become crazy. Has she not arrive yet?

While waiting in the same spot, my skirt was suddenly grasped and I heard sniffing. I looked down and saw a little girl holding back her tears.

"Ehh Wahh *Sniff Sniff*... Waaah!"

I was taken aback by the sudden crying. Some people were looking at me, why are they looking at me? I didn't make this little girl cry!

I squatted down and stroke her head. Her eyes were red and his chubby cheeks were wet by her tears.

This cute poor child.

"Why are you crying, are you lost? Where are your parents?" I asked her still stroking her hair.

I don't know where the information counter is. Should I ask for help?

She looked at me for a second then cried again.

"Don't cry, ah what do I do?" I looked around wishing to see some parents looking for their child that's missing. In dismay, the place was peaceful and the people were just walking side by side, and others passing each other.

"Little girl, please don't cry. I- I can help you." I smiled to comfort her. I caress her face as she was pouting.

"Oh um... I'm Navier, I'm-ah, I'm a fairy... I'm a wish fairy. You can wish for anything if you say it to me," What the heck am I saying? 

Ah screw it at least she's starting to calm down, that's more important.

"Yes, that's right. Now calm down okay? I'll keep you safe," I smiled at her and patted her back.

She stops crying but she still was sniffing. I reached to my pocket and got her my handkerchief but she didn't budge, she was just looking straight at my face.

She didn't even look at the handkerchief so I took the initiative to gently wipe her face. The two of us were quietly observing each other.

"Fairy, your eyes are looking at me warmly. Your face is blooming too. Is it because you're a fairy? Or are you just happy?" Her soft and little voice asked

"Yes, indeed I am happy. Who wouldn't when a cute little baby like you is in front of them," I teased and pinch her little nose. Her cute highly giggle made me smile even more.

"Then  beautiful fairy!" Oh my gosh, she called me beautiful.


"Fairy. I have a wish," she pouted while I'm still wiping off her tears.

"Okay but first let me know your name," I slightly pinched her bubbly cheeks after cleaning her face.

"My name is Zeil, I'm 3 years old now!" She now happily said showing her three fingers. I chuckled at her cuteness.

"That is a lovely name Zeil, then what is your wish. Do you wanna find mommy?"

Her smiling face turned upside down. Oh... What did I do?

"Wha-Why are you sad again? I'm gonna make your wish come true so what is it Zeil?" I asked trying to cheer her up.

"Fairy... I wish for my mom to stop crying at night, I wish she and daddy could make up now. I wish for my parent's happiness... They sometimes say things that I couldn't understand by word but their actions and the look in their eyes scares me."

I was in disbelief at what I'm hearing. Do her parents fight in front of her?

I noticed her look down and water was forming in her eyes again so I quickly touched both of her cheeks and raised her head up.

She then touched my hands with her cute tiny fingers.

"Daddy is also becoming worried but every time daddy asks mommy, she always says it's nothing and that everything's fine."

Immediately my thoughts froze. 

"Please fairy. Promise me, someday my wish will come true."

Her pitiful eyes met mine.

I bit my lips as I hesitated. I don't want to lie to this kid anymore. I don't know even know why I said I'm a wish fairy. I guess you should really be careful with your words.

After all, kids aren't stupid. Their mind is just on the other side taking their time to knock on the door of maturity.

A kid's immaturity doesn't mean stupidity, it means they're taking their time growing up.

Kids understand... That's why sometimes they say what they see and say the things on their mind. It's others who misunderstood thinking that when you're young, you know so little.

They also have brains, eyes, mouths, and other senses. As generations pass children will become sensitive and much more down to earth, because that is the environment they're growing up with, the environment the generation today are making and doing.

I was lost in thoughts, looking at her with gentle eyes as she was looking at me with hopeful teary eyes.

"Zeil! Zeil, on my gosh!!" A voice from a distance can be heard.

We looked in the direction of the shout and a tall woman is running to us. Zeil looked straight up at the newly appeared person.

"Mommy!" The baby girl happily jumped. Oh, it's her mother.

Once the woman reached us he immediately hugs her daughter. Tears were flowing from her eyes.

"Zeil. Why did you let go of my hand? You made me so worried?! Don't ever let go of my hand ever again!"

She tightened her hug on Zeil. Zeil keeps saying sorry to her mother while her mother was hugging her tightly as if she will never let go of her ever again.

Once her heart calmed down after a minute she looked at me and stood up while holding her child's shoulder.

She bowed a little and with a sincere voice said.

"Thank you very much. Thank you."

I was taken aback, this wasn't the mother I was expecting at all. Her voice was full of worry, I thought the kid was growing up in a bad household at such an early stage.

The girl with braided long hair and brown eyes then hugged her child once again.

"Mommy! This beautiful fairy wants to talk to you!"

I was surprised as her mother looked at me and smiled. She mouthed.


Her mother stood up at me and approached me.

"Ah, yes?" She said slightly wiping her tears. She said as Zeil happily shouted.

"Okay then! Mommy, I'll go to nanny! Fairy good luck!"

A maid suddenly walks towards us and holds Zeil's hands, we then watch the two of them as they walk away.

"Thank you again, It was very careless of me to lose sight of my child. What is it that you want to talk about?" She asks as I flinched.

"U-Uhmmm..." I'm getting nervous.

"Do you perhaps... I mean..." My hands were getting sweaty. I'm really gonna confront a lady? Right here? Right now?

"Please don't be nervous. Whatever it is I will listen. Did Zeil somehow wrong you? Or did something to you?" She asked worriedly. I promptly shook my head.

"Of course no, Zeil was a wonderful child."

"Oh thank god. And she told you her name?"

"Ah yes, I'm the one who asked. I know it's wrong to give your name to strangers but don't worry I'm just a high school girl." I rubbed my right cheek embarrassed.

"Of course, It's just that the fact she told her name to you in that span of short time means she somehow trusted you," she said that made me speechless.

"You see, Zeil is an intelligent girl. She knows what is wrong and what she shouldn't do," she smiled proudly.

"She is a bright child," I said with my voice slowly whispering.

"Hmm," she nodded as she smiled at me. I looked at her with a troubled face. She seems kind, but I don't know her so I don't know if she's going through something.

I gather up all my courage and looked at her eyes to eyes.

"That is why ma'am you should be careful on showing and saying things with Zeil on sight." I bravely said. She was surprised by what I said.

"E-Excuse me?"

"As you said Zeil is a smart child. Her mind is amazing and the way she thinks is incredible. She told me... She said she knows how much you're crying at night and that you and your husband are fighting." I straight up said.

"That's..." Her eyes widen and her expression turned into a frown, troubled.

"I know I'm not in a position to say this but please think about Zeil. She is your child. I know I don't have the right to say this to you because we're complete strangers and I don't know what happens in your life but please get along with your husband because it's also affecting Zeil."

I took a deep breath and continued. I bit my lips and looked at her sincerely.

"She told me that you lie to your husband and keep saying you're fine even if you're not."

"Don't lie to them. They're your family. If you love them tell them what's bothering you. Don't tell them 'I'm fine' when you're really not. Give them the chance to listen, give them the chance to understand. They're asking because they care and they're worrying, but from what I heard exactly from a three-year-old girl, you're pushing them away when all they want is to help you."

"They don't want to see you suffering in pain and sadness. Zeil asked me, she wished for your happiness and to end your tears. She sees you... I don't know your situation or what's happening but please think, please fix it because the more you keep it all to yourself the more you're going to lose everything, the more it's going to last. Please end it. Please talk." I begged her.

"Please fix everything before it's too late."

I don't know why but tears were also forming in my eyes. She was already crying her heart out.

A trembling, tender laugh escaped her, tears flowing. She nods as she sobs. I really hate seeing people crying it also makes me cry.

"I'm sorry for causing you inconvenience but please at least think about my words."

"I'll be on my way now. Sorry again." I bowed and turned my back from her.

I kept walking with a worried mind. I don't know if that was the right thing to do. Maybe I made the situation even worse. But why did she nod? Did she agrees or did I made her even madder?

"Don't think too much about it, it's just gonna make you more anxious."

"AH!" I almost jump when a shrill rough whisper whispered from behind.

Surprised, I stumbled and was ready to fall when she swiftly float behind me and catch me.

"Why are you so light? Is it because I'm strong or you're just thin?" She frowned as she not-so-gently supported me to stand again.

A floating tall girl about 170cm of a slender yet curvaceous figure observed me, floating around me. She is tanned-skinned, she has long black hair that is tied into a ponytail with a strand hanging on the right side of her face. Her eyes are thin and sharp, dark in color the same as her hair with a hint of brown. She has pink natural lips and she seems to like dark green colors.

I was just appreciating her beauty when I felt hands on my melons.

"At least your boobs got bigger!" She happily said that caught me off guard. My nape was burning from the embarrassment.

"HEY!" I pushed her hands away. She was about to laugh when black waves of light punched her across the room that made me gasp. The pain was visible on her face.

She covered her mouth with both hands as she coughs with her body staggering forward. However, her body didn't fall to the ground.

The black lights then surround me like it's comforting me.

Wait, this scent is familiar, it's not strong but not cheap either.

"Hey! Wade, go away. I thought you're already out of magic and besides, it's my time to be with Navi! Shoo!"

The girl who I believe is Xyleen aggressively shooed the black light. The lights formed words before leaving, 'Don't touch her like that, I will really kill you this time!'.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm sorry Navi. I guess it's just my instinct. Sorry," she said with her fingers formed into a peace sign.

I was speechless for a moment before nodding. She stared at my body for the last time.

"Oh well, I'll cook you a lot of food once we get home. Now, enough of that, don't think too much. Let's have fun!"

She pinched my cheeks before landing on the ground and walked towards the entrance of 'World of Fun' as if nothing happened. 

Did she hear our conversation?

"Hey... Umm... Do you think I did the right thing?" I hesitantly ask. I can't reassure myself, I felt like I'm doing something bad. I was dying of shame.

She stops in her tracks, looks back at me, and raises a brow at me.


"I mean, even if I wanted to help, it's not right to meddle in their business. It's just wrong of me. I don't even know them yet-"

"Well... You're right, it's wrong to intervene without even knowing the whole story." She said straightforwardly.

Ahh, I knew it. It was wrong of me, now I feel worse. I'm so sorry Zeil.

I felt a hand on my chin, she slowly raised my head and looks at me in the eyes.

"It's true that it doesn't necessarily mean that meddling in their business will help them nor it was right, but people aren't the type to always do the right thing."

She smiled warmly that caught me off guard. She then stood up straight and turned her back at me.

She peaks at me before she starts walking and then with a slight delay I also started walking.

I thought...

That's right. She's right, not everything we do must be right. We're just humans, after all, it's wrong alright, but I'm a human too. I still feel a little bad but I'm okay now.

I catch up to her and we are now walking side by side.

I saw her smiled at me so I smiled back.

She then leaned closer to me and whispered. I thought she was going to introduce herself but what she said made me speechless.

"I have a hedgehog in my pocket! His name is Loki!" She excitedly shared with me. As she shared that, the head of the hedgehog came out of her pocket.

I gasped and smiled.

"Oh my gosh! Can I?"

"Oh my gosh alright. Here! He is also now a Star Spirit Pet. Isn't he cute?" I was surprised when she suddenly grabs him without even thinking of being gentle. She is indeed rough. 

She laid him on my hands.

"Ohh he's so tiny, ohh hewo!" I said with a baby voice. Its little tail wagged making it much cuter.

While I was being absorb into petting Loki, she started to introduce herself.

"My name's Xyleen. I may have a hard and wild personality but please remember that that's just how I act and I do not mean it. I'm sorry in advance if in any way I'll hurt your feelings. If I did or do then please tell me. I will sincerely apologize for my mistakes and make it up for you."

The hedgehog stood up and jump high to reach her shoulders. She was smiling brightly.

"Sure, my name is Navier but feel free to call me Navi. It's nice to meet you."

I was already warned about her personality by Aniel. She may have a rough personality but the least I could do is understand her.

We should never judge nor make assumptions of someone very easily, we should also know the side of their story and what they've been through making them the person they are today.

"Now... Here!" 

She tosses me a card. I looked at it for a while.

"Holy heck! You're rich!" I said in awe. Oh my!

I can't believe I'm holding a black card in my hand. I never even dreamed of seeing it.

"It's not mine. It's Zheon's."

I looked at her confused and amazed at the same time.

"Don't worry he's everyone's sugar daddy. He said we can use it whenever or for whatever we want." She smiled cheekily.

"Well if he says so," I also smirked. I am indeed a human, I don't always do the right thing.

"Now shall we spend a lot?" She asked with a scary greedy smile.

"We shall," I responded back with my evil smirk. Well, free money ya'll.

We entered WOF and a lot of games and bright lights appeared in our sights.

I approach the counter and paid for tokens. 

"WOOOH!" She held my hand and ran towards the HammerHead Ticket Game.

"Let's destroy this first!" She excitedly said, is it just me or her eyes are noticeably shining?

"Well okay!" I cheered.


I started greatly, giving it my all. It was now her time and the game started with her hitting it like a psycho...

"Look their heads are almost breaking HAHAHA!"

What the?! Did the machine do something to her by any chance?

"Don't laugh as you say it! Hey, it's gonna break!"

"I'm sorry, I suddenly got excited..." She said slowing down her pace and pouting aggressively.

"Don't worry, it's not a problem at all. Being compassionate may also be your strong suit." I comforted her since her energy was fading little by little.

Once she saw me smile her energy burst out once again but this time it has carefulness, though the aggressiveness is there, at least I think the machine won't break now.

We won a lot of tickets after we were satisfied we went to the basketball area.

She was focused on the game when I saw the food counter. I look back at her and said.

"Hey, can I borrow the card? I'm gonna buy us food," I said but I guess she didn't hear so I was about to slip my hand into her pocket when she slapped my hand away.

"Shut up! I'm focusing... Not in a rude way..." Her face frowned as it shows signs of guiltiness.

"Shut up like in a gentle way... Shut up, darling. Yeah, that's better," she explained with a satisfied expression.

I let out a chuckle and she nodded. I waited for her. Few more shots she surpasses her own record.

"WOOOH!" I cheered, she then looks at me and smiled proudly.

"Ha, I'm cool right?" She asked me excitedly, I nodded as to agree.

"See that? Aniel you bastard, I don't pretend to be cool. I am cool," she shouted while pointing upwards.

"Now, let's eat before playing again," she smiled and walk with me to the food court.

"Yeah, but you can't get too excited and break a machine okay?"

"Okay, I promise! Though even if we broke something we could pay it with Zheon's card," she smirked.

After eating we played and played till our heart's content. It was fun, I had fun, she was at my level of craziness, maybe a little aggressive than me, but it was fun. We both were energetic and competitive.

"That was fun! Though I think we spend too much," I laughed as we walk outside the mall.

While walking I noticed Xyleen looking straight into my eyes as she says my name.



"Thank You," she said as she hugged the plushies we won together. Her eyes were full of sincerity as if she's talking by heart.

"No problem!" I smiled back at her. It's good she's having fun and appreciating the plushies.

"Hey, Navi wanna know the best feeling?" She asked.

We are now outside the mall staring at the pink-blue sky. The afternoon sun bathed the buildings in its warm light.


"It's being with you and meeting you... finally, after a long time of effort," she said that made me smile, though she surprisingly mumbled something. 

No one's ever said that to me before, I felt special somehow.

"Me too, it's finally meeting and having fun with you," I said back with the same amount of sincerity.

She looked at me with big eyes, the sun behind her reflecting and making her face bloom even more. She was looking at me sincerely like I'm a gem that she needed to protect.

'What? I thought your best feeling was loving me?' 

Blue particles started to form in front of us.

"AUGH!" Xyleen then aggressively punched and kicks the particles away with her green particles trying to overpower them.

"Don't ruin our moment you stupid fucking love boy!" She shouted loud as ever that made me laugh again.

We or should I say I took a taxi home. We couldn't really talk with each other since the driver might find me weird or out of my mind.

It was a short 12 minutes ride.

"Thank you," I thanked the driver before getting off. Xyleen is still floating beside me.

"Shall we go inside?" I beamed at her and she nodded landing softly on the ground. We were smiling at each other when a satisfying deep voice intervenes.

"Where's my card?"

"Navi! Xyleen! Arien has been waiting for your return."

Both of them stood up from the chairs in the garden. Arien ran and jumped towards us while Zheon just cooly let out his hand asking for his credit card.

While still in Arien's embrace I reached out for his credit card in my pocket and gave it to him. He grabbed it and gathered blue lights in his hands. In a flash a hologram screen-like popped, it was amusing to see. I guess the future is really coming.

"Huh? I guess you didn't spend that much?" He looks at us weirdly.

"What?" I dumbfoundedly asked. We were playing non-stop though, we literally played every game at least 5 times, also the cost of our food is a lot too. Is he THAT rich?

"Yeah, we didn't go shopping, we only went in WOF. Maybe next time," Xyleen casually said as Arien finally let go of us.

"Yeah, next time we will go together!" Arien cutely cheered. I even noticed the slight smile in Zheon's smile for only a second.

"Huh?" I stood there feeling poor.

"Let's go inside, Wade and Aniel are inside," Arien said as she held both of our hands and pull us gently.

Her touch is soft, cute and with care... Unlike Xyleen who... has rough hands and I don't even think gentleness is in her dictionary. She's too outgoing and has roughness but it's amusing how two girls have this different attitude and charisma.

Arien's the soft girl, Xyleen's the hyper and rough attitude, Zheon's the bad boy type who's soft for Arien, Aniel's the poker face one, and Wade's the dreamy boyfriend type.

Then there's me... Just a normal girl, with a normal life... 

Well, I guess I don't have a normal life anymore with this...

"What are you guys again?"

"We're Star Spirits"

"Star Spirits?"

"Yeah, how can you forget? We've been telling you every day. Is this the side effect of the amnesia or something?" He dissed.

"Zheon stop being so salty, geez!" Xyleen barked back.

"You stupid greedy pirate girl!"

"Pirate girl?" I asked confused. Did he just call Xyleen pirate?

"Yeah! Xyleen used to like treasure hunting, that is why you two get along so well. Navi likes adventure, Xyleen likes the treasure in it. She said that memories are also treasures." Arien explained as we walked towards the entrance of our house.

"She's your buddy, Navi. She's going to make sure Navi's well protected! Arien is Navi's best friend slash guardian angel who will be with you and guard you, Wade is Navi's boyfriend who you can lean on and he will do anything for Navi, My twin is Navi's diary-like friend who keeps all her secrets and emotions, Zheon is Navi's buddy too." She made it clear as much as possible.

"Tsk!" Zheon and Xyleen both clicked their tongue as Arien used a barrier to keep them in their place as they were just about to attack each other.

"Let me go Arien!"

"Arien, babe."

"If Zheon and Xyleen promise that they won't fight with each other nor will attack each other for the night," Arien smiled, suddenly I felt chills down my spine.



As they agreed Arien's light moved towards their chest and inside their heart.

"Good, now you need to fulfill that promise or else my skill will attack you from the heart," she smiled cheekily yet gently making it scarier.

"Yes, Ma'am." Both of them said as they touch their chest feeling something in their heart.

"Now let's go inside!" We went inside and surprisingly everything was clean as if no dust ever touched them.

"I hate dirty places," Zheon frowned as he saw my amused face.

"I know germaphobe," I accidentally spotted out my thoughts. I shut my mouth and was about to say sorry when they just shrugged like they have heard it every day.

I mean maybe they call him a germaphobe too since he is.

"Wade bro? Aniel?" He called out. At that exact time, a clanging sound came from the kitchen.

We looked at each other and slowly walked towards the kitchen door. Xyleen was the one who opened the door.

"What the fuck?!"


I love you <3