Chapter 14:

"Why? It said here in the brochure that they have the best scenarios! You can also witness the falling and rising of the sun, like how glamorous is that mom?!"

"For the fifth time Navi, dear, you can't. I won't allow you, you still have school tomorrow. Now go and buy me these ingredients for dinner and if you can buy groceries so that our refrigerator won't rot empty," Naveline, Navier's mom firmly said.

She is currently cleaning the kitchen while Navier sulked and pouted hoping to change her mom's mind. 

She was gripping on a rainbow notebook that she personally designed, where different sorts of brochures were also pasted and numerous creative pictures with beautiful sceneries and activities.

"No, now go," she wrapped the money into her daughter's left hand before closing them and nudging her outside the house.

"Remember to always follow your guts, if you feel like something's wrong instantly get out of that place or look around. Be careful honey, come home right away. Don't go around for too long or else it's going to get dark."

After the long reminder, she closed the door leaving the sulking Navier outside. Navier sighed in disappointment. She started to walk with a sullen bitter face.

She arrived at the grocery store and checked all the brought ingredients. She also made sure that the change was also correct before leaving the store. With three bags in her left arm, she started walking with her still grimacing face.

Contrary to her sullen face, the afternoon sky was peaceful as the sun was slowly setting. It is now sometime between late afternoon and early evening. 

She walked about halfway back to her house when she stumbled upon a park across the street. There she saw the kids of her neighbor who she used to play with every Saturday but they moved.

"Oh AAAH! Navi!" The little kids cheered. Navier couldn't help but smile, she became excited completely forgetting that she was feeling sad. I guess it is true that smiles can be contagious as well.

"Mary! Pauline! I'm going there!"

She was excessively excited that she forgot she was on the other side of the road. As she was about to run, multiple horns were heard that caught her off guard.

She took a step back and yelled sorry to the passing cars, she was really embarrassed. She waited until the light change but when it did change she was distracted by a passing butterfly with rainbow color wings. She snapped back when she heard the two little girls yelling her name.

"Ah shoot! I missed it."

"Tch, what an airhead."

"Huh who said that?" She stiffened as she heard the deep whisper-like voice. However, a reply didn't come. She waited not moving at all but a nothing came, not even a single word, that is how she concluded...

"Oh lost soul, please don't hunt me down. I promise I never did anything wrong. Did I trouble you somehow or..." She stopped before gasping loudly and deep.

"Are you the butterfly that just passed by, is that it? Oh, I'm so sorry, you are just too beautiful not to stare at, please forgive me, lost soul," she pleaded but a scoff replied.

"Eeek! I'm so sorry!" 

"It's time to cross, let's go," A deep gentle voice came from behind her making her jump. She was about to confront him but he already walked past her, crossed the street entering the park, and passing by the two kids.

"HEY! THAT WAS RUDE YOU KNOW!" She shouted as she ran across the street, she was about to follow him but the two girls ran to hug her making her lose sight of the gentleman.

"Navi! Navi!" The two kids clung to her.

"Wait I still have to follow that-"

"Navi we really miss you!"

"Yes, Navi we wish we could play with you like how we used to. It has become a bit quiet without you."

Mary and Pauline's eyes were shining when they made eye contact, they really do miss her. Navier being Navier, lost all her worries and anger because of their smile. She focused on them and chuckled. She carried Mary in her arms while offering Pauline her back.

"Let's play then since I missed you guys too!" She said as she stood up, even though they were heavy she tried her best not to let her legs give up.

"Here goes the airplane! Let's go!" She ran as the two little girls giggled with excitement. When a bench was caught in sight she immediately approached it and settled the bags there. She also put the two girls down because her legs were about to give up.

"Ah Navier, it's nice to see you again. My two girls really missed playing with you they kept mentioning your name."

"Mrs. Hyuna, I'm glad I crossed paths with you guys too," she greeted the two girls' mother. While she was at it, she played with the two girls until their mother finished her business. After a whole while of playing, Mrs. Hyuna came back, the two girls complained but had no other way but to obey their mother.

"Mary, Pauline. Were going to Pyeono Mountain tomorrow. We have to get packing," she scolded. At that moment, Navier froze.

"Wait... You're going to Pyeono Mountain?"

"Hmm? Ah yes. There's this cave that my husband wants to go to. They say the heavenly lights can be seen in the morning inside the cave, as well as sparkling crystal engraved inside. Not only that the cave also has an inside waterfall."

Navier looked at Mrs. Hyuna with envy and disbelief. Mrs. Hyuna smiled with satisfaction and excitement as she continued to speak.

"Yeah! Waterfall!" The six years old girls interupted. Their mother smiled at them and held them close to her.

"But they said only a limited of people can go once a day."


Of course, Navier didn't beg, although she cried inside she still has shame. "That seems fun Mrs. Hyuna!"

"Yes, I am quite excited as well. Well then, Navier thank you for looking out for my kids. I hope you are all and well. We will be going now."

"Bye, bye Navi!"

"Hmm. Goodbye, I hope you enjoy..."

When the three were now out of sight Navier shouted in frustration.

"NOO! Why? Why? WHY?!"

"Pyeono my love! I'm so sorry I can't go to you. If I can I will!"

"Why? Why do we even need the permission of others to go to places we want? I'm 16 already I don't need permission! Hmph!"

She stomped all the way to the bench where the groceries were rested. She continued to complain and let her anger out. She sat with a strong force making the bench fall backward, luckily she stood up before it hit the ground.

"Oh my... I'm so sorry bench," she carefully lifted the bench and quietly sat. There, she sat quietly.

"Now where was I?" She lifted her hand to her chin and nodded.


Frustrated she grabbed her notebook and slipped out the pen in between the pages. On the front page where the brochure about Pyeono Mountain is glued, she started to write about her refusal to accept she cannot go.

She was writing for a while when a pair of feet appeared in front of her and a yell rang through her ear.


Her ears perked up and her eyes panicked. It was like thunder appeared suddenly in the background. Her heart started to race from the nervousness and her hands also started to sweat, the thing she was holding was slowly falling out of her grip.

Anger was visible on Naveline's face. She darted Navier a glare which Navier whimpered at. Although she hasn't lifted her head up to meet her mother's gaze yet she knew she was in big trouble.

"Oh no," she mumbled between her breath. Naveline with no hesitation grabbed Navier's arm and pulled her harshly but with caution.

"AH, Mom!" She was pulled up.

"Mom, what are you doing here?" Navier tried to smile but fear was visible in her eyes as if her mind stopped functioning.

"Navier Evangeline, you know what you did! I have been waiting, do you know how worried I got?! I tried to call you but your phone was in your bedroom. I clearly told you to get home right after you buy groceries. I was really worried! What are you doing here? It's already dark!"

Naveline continued with her lecture while Navier secretly looked up at the sky to see the dark night and sparkling stars. She was too focus on writing her envy out that she didn't realize her surrounding. Her mind was too focused on writing her feeling out that she didn't grasp the time.

"You're gonna get it when we get home, young lady," Naveline with her eyes sharp and with a surprisingly scary cold voice said that made Navier shiver. She took a deep breath before pleading.


"Navier Evangeline!" She stared at her with a dissatisfied look. She then shook her head and got the plastic bags and threw them at Navi before pulling her out of the park.

"WAAH! Mom, please stop glaring at me, you really look like a witch that is ready to cook me," Navier pouted.

"I will cook you alright. With a belt!" She firmly said with a serious voice while still pulling her daughter. Navier gasped and tears almost left her eyes.

"Not the belt, please!" Navier struggled to free her hands but to no avail, she couldn't because of her mother's strong grip.

"Do you understand your mistake?" He strictly asked still walking slowly loosening her grip on her arm.

"Yes, yes! I'm sorry for making you worried, it was my fault for not listening to you. I promise I won't bother asking you about going to Pyeono Mountain again," she sniffed.

"That's right, wait what? Pyeono Mountain? How does that connect to this situation," Naveline stopped in her tracks and looked back at her daughter confused. Navier started to sniff more.

"Mom... I'm sorry! I got angry at you because I was swollen with envy. Mrs. Hyuna and her kids told me that they were going to Pyeono Mountain with her husband and I got upset because I couldn't but how come they could. I started thinking too much about it that I started doubting and hating you, I'm really sorry."

Navier sincerely said as her tears fall down her cheeks continuously. Naveline saw the pitiful Navier's face crying.

"I'm so sorry for hating you. That was so immature of me. Waah! I feel so worse! How could I do that to you after all the things you did for me!" She started to hit herself which Naveline immediately stopped.

"Aigoo... Shhh, calm down my dear. I forgive you. At least you know what you did is wrong. I love you, honey, always remember that no matter what happens. I'm sorry too for suddenly showing up with rage, I'm sorry," Naveline hugged her daughter in her arms making Navier cry harder.

"No it's understandable, you should be angry because I worried you, I even made you come here," Navier hicked.

"Of course I would come, I love you so much that just the thought of you being hurts pains me," Naveline's anger fade at that moment. She lifted her daughter's face and showed her that a soft smile plastered on her face to assure her that she is not mad but just worried.

"I won't be able to stand it if my baby is ostracised or in pain alone."

Navier looked at her mom with a sorry face. There she started to cry like a baby who was left by her mother.

"Aigooo... It's okay let it out. We're going to cook together, we'll cook your and your father's favorite dish. Adobo!"

"So try to calm yourself now, okay?" Naveline kissed her daughter's forehead before walking side by side with her on the way home.


You did great today! <3